Subtract 5 hours from sysdate in Redshift - amazon-redshift

I need to subtract 5 hours from sysdate in Redshift. Is there a quick function for that? I tried to do:
select date((sysdate - cast('5 hour' as interval)))
This is returning only the date part. I need to be in this format:
if sysdate is 2019-03-01 16:17:57.543081, my output should be
2019-03-01 11:17:57.543081

You can also do that using following command.
select now() - interval '5 hour';

You just need to simplify like this
select current_timestamp - interval '5 hour';


Finding the last date of the previous quarter from current date in PostgreSQL

For example: If my current date is 2022-07-21, my query should give me 2022-06-30.
I could easily do it in IBM DB2 but struggling in postgresql.
You can truncate the current date to its quarter, then remove 1 day from that (and potentially cast back to date):
-- You really only need the last column, the other two just show the different steps in the process
, DATE_TRUNC('quarter', CURRENT_DATE) - '1 day'::INTERVAL
, (DATE_TRUNC('quarter', CURRENT_DATE) - '1 day'::INTERVAL)::DATE
|date_trunc |?column? |date |
|2022-07-01 00:00:00.000000 +00:00|2022-06-30 00:00:00.000000 +00:00|2022-06-30|

Can't extract date from milliseconds epoch postgresql

I'm querying the database (RedShift) and I have a piece of information stored in epoch MS format. Envision a table along the lines of:
Purchase, date
1, 1620140227019
2, 1620140227045
3, 1620140226573
I need to convert the timestamp to a readable date but I can't make it work with to_timestamp() or extract(). The problem is first with the size of the value (13 digits are not supported).
The closest solution I have is
select to_timestamp(1620140226573/1000, 'SS')
But the result is 0051-05-04 14:57:06. In other words month, date and seconds are correct but the year is wrong.
You can run this query
select to_timestamp(round(1620140227254/1000))
The solution was in the documentation:
SELECT timestamp with time zone 'epoch' + 1620140227019/1000 * interval '1 second' AS converted_timestamp
select '1970-01-01'::date + 1620140227019/1000 * interval '1 second'

How to subtract a number of days in one column from CURRENT_DATE in PostgreSQL

I have a column called number_of_days_since_event and I want to change it to data_of_last_event, the way I can do that is subtracting today's date from the number of days in the number_of_days_since_event column. But I do not know how to subtract days in a column.
This question answers the problem when you know the number of days in advance, i.e., if I would like to subtract 10 days from today it would be:
However, I would like to do something like:
SELECT CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL "myTable.number_of_days_since_event" 'days'
FROM myTable;
But this does not work leading to the error message: syntax error at or near "'day'"
The following using concat solves my problem:
SELECT CURRENT_DATE - concat(myTable.number_of_days_since_event::text,' day')::interval
FROM myTable;
If you are happy with a date result, you could use
SELECT current_date - number_of_days_since_event::integer
FROM mytable;

PostgreSQL: Syntax error at or near "14" when trying to run a delete query

First question here!
So I have a table with a row like this:
I would like to run a query that delete all the data in my table older than 14 days.
This is my query:
DELETE FROM customers WHERE timestamp < NOW() - INTERVAL 14 DAY;
This is the error: syntax error at or near "14"
Anyone knows why this is not working and/or how could I achieve my goal??
Many thanks!!
The interval value must be quoted:
DELETE FROM customers WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '14 DAYS';
See the doc
DELETE FROM customers WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '14 DAY';
Another variation on the existing answers (possibly easier to remember):
DELETE FROM customers WHERE timestamp < NOW() - '14 days'::interval;

How to query for a range of previous week (i.e. 14 days ago to 7 days ago)

I have the following query, but I'm trying to pull this data for the week before this. Is there a way to set a range between to points without referring to today or a set datestamp?
Count( AS order_count
orders.requested_delivery_date between CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7 days' and now()
select count( as order_count
from orders
date_trunc('week', requested_delivery_date) =
date_trunc('week', current_date - interval '7 days')