How to disable a Dynamic Menu Contribution parent in Eclipse 4 RCP Application - eclipse

This question stems from
How to disable or enable a MMenu (not MMenuItem) in an Eclipse E4 application
I have been attempting to grey-out/disable an entire Dynamic Menu Contribution in Eclipse 4 when a condition is met in the application. The Dynamic Menu Contribution is itself in the File Menu Model Element. My workaround has been to remove all options so the menu does not show anything, but is still active (not-grey) when the condition is met with the code below for clearing the menu.
if (checkMenuEnabled()) {
This code below doesn't seem to disable the dynamic menu contribution like I want it to.
MenuImpl menu = (MenuImpl) modelService.find("menuID", application.getChildren().get(0).getMainMenu());
Here is an image of the model xmi UI items. The File->Submenu is what I am trying to grey out. Not the individual Dynamic Menu Contribution Items.
Model XMI

So in your e4xmi file, you have a "Menu" with a "Dynamic Menu Contribution" and you want to gray out some items in the menu on some application condition, right?
The "Dynamic Menu Contribution" is attached to some "class", right?
In this class, when you generate a disabled "menu":
public class <the class referenced in e4xml> {
#Inject private EModelService modelService;
public void aboutToShow(List<MMenuElement> items, {...}) {
MDirectMenuItem dynamicItem = modelService.createModelElement(MDirectMenuItem.class);
dynamicItem.setLabel(<some label>);
dynamicItem.setIconURI(<some icon URI>);
dynamicItem.setContributorURI("platform:/plugin/platform:/plugin/<nom plugin>");
dynamicItem.setContributionURI(<menu item handler> "bundleclass://<plugin name>/<menu item handler class>");
--> dynamicItem.setEnabled(true/false); to enable/grey out the menu
--> dynamicItem.setvisible(true/false); to show/hide the menu
// add one or many MDirectMenuItems ...
In the menu item handler ("setContributionURI" class) where you implement the logic of the menu item, you can also show/hide/enable/disable the menu item:
public class <menu item handler class> {
public void execute({...}) {
<code linked to the menu item selection here>
public boolean canExecute(#Optional MMenuItem menuItem, {...}) {
// implement the logic to show/hide, enable/disable the menu item
menuItem.setVisible(true/false); // show/hide the menu item
return true/false; // enable/grey out the menu item


How to capture the value of a cell of a TableViewer where a contextual menu has been activated in eclipse e4?

In one of my eclipse e4 application JMSToolBox, some data is displayed in aTableViewer
A contextual menu is defined in the e4 model file (e4xmi) and linked to theTableViewer like this
menuService.registerContextMenu(tableViwere.getTable(), <name of the e4 part menu>);
Attached to the contextual menu in the e4 model, a "menu item" is linked to a"Dynamic Menu Contribution" class that dynamically add the menu items to the menu:
public class VisualizerShowPayloadAsMenu {
#Inject private EModelService modelService;
public void aboutToShow(EModelService modelService, List<MMenuElement> items) {
// Not the real code..., illustrate adding a dynamic menu item to the contextual menu
MDirectMenuItem dynamicItem = modelService.createModelElement(MDirectMenuItem.class);
dynamicItem.setContributorURI(Constants.BASE_CORE_PLUGIN);// "platform:/plugin/org.titou10.jtb.core");
dynamicItem.setContributionURI(Constants.VISUALIZER_MENU_URI);// "bundleclass://org.titou10.jtb.core/org.titou10.jtb.visualizer.ui.VisualizerShowPayloadAsHandler");
Now, what I want to do is to capture the data in the underlying cell where the contextual menu has been activated, and get that value back in the method annotated by"#AboutToShow" in order
to addMDirectMenuItementries to the contextual menu with a label containing that value
Q: how to do that with eclipse rcp e4?
In the attached picture, the right click happened in the cell with content="ID:414d5120514d41414544202020202020ee4bb25612666920". I would like to get this value back in the #AboutToShowmethod and add menu items to the"Open Payload as..."menu based on that value
I found a way to do it!
I'm not sure it is the best way, but at least it works and it is quite simple
The following code is here to illustrate the idea, it is not valid Java.
In the part that manage theTableViewer:
TableViewer tableViewer = new TableViewer(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.MULTI);
new TableViewerFocusCellManager(tableViewer, new JTBFocusCellHighlighter(tableViewer, windowContext));
public class JTBFocusCellHighlighter extends FocusCellHighlighter {
private IEclipseContext windowContext;
private Table table;
public JTBFocusCellHighlighter(ColumnViewer viewer, IEclipseContext windowContext) {
this.windowContext = windowContext;
this.table = ((TableViewer) viewer).getTable();
protected void focusCellChanged(ViewerCell newCell, ViewerCell oldCell) {
super.focusCellChanged(newCell, oldCell);
// Capture the content of the cell (or other info..) and store it in Eclipse Context
windowContext.set("key", newCell.getText());
TableColumn tableColumn = table.getColumn(newCell.getColumnIndex());
Real code implementation: JTBSessionContentViewPart , JTBFocusCellHighlighter and FilterMenu

How to create drop down menu's in eclipse rcp according to alphabets dynamically

I want to create dropdown menu in eclipse rcp by alphabetical order, those dropdown menu's needs to be arranged according to alphabets.
Such that under main menu I want show alphabets. if there is any contribution related to alphabet then I have to create a dropdown menu under that alphabet.
// Use case
A -> Action,
B -> Bind,
C -> Click
Please have a look into the attached use case diagram
If you are in e4, in the Application.e4xmi model, add to a "Menu" a "Dynamic Menu Contribution"
Link this dynamic menu to a class that will build the menu like this:
public class DynamicMenuContributor {
private EModelService modelService;
public void aboutToShow(List<MMenuElement> items) {
for (String s : <your collection of letters>) {
MDirectMenuItem dynamicItem = modelService.createModelElement(MDirectMenuItem.class);
dynamicItem.setContributorURI(<contributor uri>);
dynamicItem.setContributionURI(<point the class that will handle the menu event>);
// dynamicItem.setType(ItemType.RADIO);
// dynamicItem.setSelected(selected);
// dynamicItem.setIconURI(<url to icon>);
// dynamicItem.getTransientData().put(<param1 name>, <param1 value>);
// dynamicItem.getTransientData().put(<param2 name>, <param2value>);
With a class to handle the event like this:
public class DynamicMenuSelectiontHandler {
public void execute(MMenuItem menuItem) {
<param1> = menuItem.getTransientData().get(<param 1 name>);
<param2> = menuItem.getTransientData().get(<param 2 name>);
<put your logic here>

Adding new menu item to a menu bar defined in plugin.xml programmatically in RCP application

I have an eclipse rcp application, with menu extension.
There is one menu item "File"
Now I want to add a new menu item from one of the views (I know this is a wrong design, just want to test it)
in the method createPartControl of my class that extends ViewPar, I have:
Menu menuBar = parent.getShell().getMenuBar(); //I get the Menu that contains File
MenuItem editMenuItem = new MenuItem(menuBar, SWT.CASCADE);
Menu editMenu = new Menu(parent.getShell(), SWT.DROP_DOWN);
When in Debug I watch the parent.getShell().getMenuBar()
I get:
Menu {File, Edit}
But in application window I see only File menu.
To do this programatically rather than via an extension point it looks like you have to use IMenuService and add a contribution factory:
IMenuService menuService = (IMenuService)PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(IMenuService.class);
factory is a class derived from AbstractContributionFactory which provides the menu items.
This example is from
AbstractContributionFactory searchContribution = new AbstractContributionFactory(
"") {
public void createContributionItems(IMenuService menuService,
List additions) {
MenuManager search = new MenuManager("Se&arch",
search.add(new GroupMarker("internalDialogGroup"));
search.add(new GroupMarker("dialogGroup"));
search.add(new Separator("fileSearchContextMenuActionsGroup"));
search.add(new Separator("contextMenuActionsGroup"));
search.add(new Separator("occurencesActionsGroup"));
search.add(new Separator("extraSearchGroup"));
public void releaseContributionItems(IMenuService menuService,
List items) {
// nothing to do here

Dynamic treegrid context menus

Is there a way using the treegrid in gwt-ext to have different context menus for different rows?
For example I would like my leaf rows to have different menu options then my non-leaf rows, or at least be able to disable menu options when they aren't revelent to the row that was right clicked.
I created a solution for this problem:
When you create the leafs, you should set the property "type" to "leaf", and the others to "non-leaf".
BaseTreeModel base = new BaseTreeModel();
base.set("type", "leaf");
So, in the selectionChanged event of your tree, you put the verification, and create the menu only for your leafs.
*treePanel.getSelectionModel().addListener(Events.SelectionChange, new SelectionChangedListener<ModelData>() {
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent<ModelData> data) {
BaseTreeModel selected = (BaseTreeModel) data.getSelectedItem();
if ("leaf".equals(selected .get("type").toString())) {
// create the Menu and set it to contextMenu of your tree
} else {

How can I add submenus for pop up menu programatically?

In my plugin, I have a pop up menu with menu item 'X' and I want to add submenu to this menu item
and the number and labels of menu items in the submenu and their action will change.
I think I can';t do this from plugin.xml, so how to do this programatically?
In your plugin.xml, under org.eclipse.ui.menus, add a menuContribution that refers to the id of your "root" menu, i.e. the menu that you want to have your submenus attached to (in this case, menu:myDynamicMenuRoot):
Note that allPopups="true" ensures that your submenus will be added to any menu with the id myDynamicMenuRoot that you add anywhere in your application.
Finally, create a class extending ExtensionContributionFactory, whose job it will be to create your dynamic submenu items. Here I add items based on commands I have defined in my plugin.xml:
public class MyDynamicMenuContributions extends ExtensionContributionFactory {
private static final ImageDescriptor GREEN_STAR = Plugin.getImageDescriptor("icons/green_star.png");
public void createContributionItems(IServiceLocator serviceLocator, IContributionRoot additions) {
// build a couple of command-based contribution parameters
CommandContributionItemParameter pAA = new CommandContributionItemParameter(
pAA.icon = GREEN_STAR;
pAA.label = "Command AA";
CommandContributionItemParameter pBB = new CommandContributionItemParameter(
pBB.icon = GREEN_STAR;
pBB.label = "Command BB";
// create actual contribution items and add them to the given additions reference
CommandContributionItem itemAA = new CommandContributionItem(pAA);
additions.addContributionItem(itemAA, null);
CommandContributionItem itemBB = new CommandContributionItem(pBB);
additions.addContributionItem(itemBB, null);
