Error when trying to authorize Axios get request - rest

I am trying to access the Uber API with Axios and I am running into some trouble. I have plugged this data into Postman and I get a 200 response code with no problems. However, when I try to make an Axios call, I get response code 401 unauthorized. Can I get some help looking through my code to find out why my authorization is not working correctly with Axios?
Here is a link to the Uber API docs I am referencing. Uber API Reference
getRide_Uber = async (addressOrigin, addressDestination) => {
let origin = await geocodeAddress(addressOrigin);
let destination = await geocodeAddress(addressDestination);
const url = "";
const params = {
params: {
start_longitude: origin.lon,
end_longitude: destination.lon
const headers = {
headers: {
Authorization: `Token ${process.env.UBER_SERVER_TOKEN}`
const response = await axios
.get(url, params, headers)
.then(function(response) {
data =;
.catch(function(error) {
return data;
Please let me know if anything needs clarification. Thanks!

try below syntax,
const config = {
headers: {
Authorization: `Token ${process.env.UBER_SERVER_TOKEN}`
params: {
start_longitude: origin.lon,
end_longitude: destination.lon
const response = await axios
.get(url, config)
.then(function(response) {
data =;
.catch(function(error) {
return data;
There is one more aspect axios, async/await is not supported in Internet Explorer and older browsers. So also please check your browser versions as well.

Not sure how are you getting token from env but seems the server token is not getting pass correctly, may be few extra characters while reading from env. Try to run the program first with hard coded token in program itself and once you are sure its not code issue, you can move it into config/env and then debug env read issue.


Request works on Postman/Browser, but it doesn't work with axios

I make a GET request to this URL:, if I use Postman or just paste it on my browser, it works, but if I use axios like this, it fails:
try {
const { data } = await axios.get(
console.log('data', data);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Something went wrong:`, err);
You can test it on this link:
Can someone explain me why please?
Mexc open api required a apikey for use they api.
If you log data response in axios, you will see this in console.
You don't have permission to access "" on this server.<P>\n
Let get an api key then use them api

CORS error: Request header field authorization is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response

I'm trying to fetch an image resource that's part of a conversation message.
I've tried both FETCH as well as using AXIOS but I'm getting the same error message.
Here's an example of my FETCH request
const token = `${accountSid}:${authToken}`;
const encodedToken = Buffer.from(token).toString('base64');
let response = await fetch('<SERVICE_SID>/Media/<MEDIA_SID>',
headers: {
'Authorization': `Basic ${encodedToken}`,
let data = await response.json();
And here's what Axios looked like
let config = {
method: 'get',
crossdomain: true,
url: '<SERVICE_SID>/Media/<MEDIA_SID>',
headers: {
'Authorization': `Basic ${encodedToken}`,
try {
const media = await axios(config);
} catch(err) {
Both ways are NOT working.
After looking into it more, I found out that Chrome makes a pre-flight request and as part of that requests the allowed headers from the server.
The response that came back was this
as you can see, in the "Response Headers" I don't see the Access-Control-Allow-Headers which should have been set to Authorization
What am I missing here?
I have made sure that my id/password as well as the URL i'm using are fine. In fact, I've ran this request through POSTMAN on my local machine and that returned the results just fine. The issue is ONLY happening when I do it in my code and run it in the browser.
I figured it out.
I don't have to make an http call to get the URL. It can be retrieved by simply

Google Storage REST get with axios

I want to get a list of images in a bucket using REST and axios.
The documentation gives this curl request
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH2_TOKEN" \
reqConfig: this is a token I use in my REST firestore queries to authenticate the user. I'm using that same token for here. I'm guessing it's the problem but not sure how to fix it.
My result is consistently 404 for a bucket path that I know exists, using the URL from their docs. I should be getting a json list of the files in the bucket.
Error: Request failed with status code 404
Where am I going wrong?
export async function getCompanyStorage(context, apikey, companyId) {
const url = `${companyId}/o?key=${apikey}`;
const cookies = nookies.get(context);
const reqConfig = {
headers: new Headers({
Authorization: "Bearer " + cookies.token,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
const result = axios
.get(url, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${reqConfig}` } })
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
console.error("error using axios", error);
Edit: a path to a bucket in the firebase console looks like this
I suggest reviewing the documentation you linked to. In particular:
OAUTH2_TOKEN is the access token you generated in Step 1.
BUCKET_NAME is the name of the bucket whose objects you want to list. For example, my-bucket.
You can use a prefix=PREFIX query string parameter to limit results to
objects that have the specified prefix.
Your URL does not contain the name of the bucket as required by the URL pattern. Use the unique name of the bucket where you see "BUCKET_NAME". It looks like, given your example, that it would be "". BUCKET_NAME is not the path of the object within that bucket. If you want to list files under the "uploads" prefix, then you would use the prefix query string parameter to specify that, as documented in the last line of the quoted text.
You can use this function to create Get request with axios for Google Cloud Storage
export const UploadVideo = async (form_data, file, signedurl, asset_uuid) => {
let resultState = { state: '', data: {} };
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"PUT", signedurl);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', "application/octet-stream");
let config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
await axios.get(signedurl, file, config).then(function (response) {
resultState.state = 'success';
}).catch(function (error) {
resultState.state = 'error'; = error.message;
return resultState;

GraphQL query to GitHub failing with HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity

I am currently working on a simple GitHub GraphQL client in NodeJS.
Given that GitHub GraphQL API is accessible only with an access token, I set up an OAuth2 request to grab the access token and then tried to fire a simple GraphQL query.
OAuth2 flow gives me the token, but when I send the query, I get HTTP 422.
Here below simplified snippets from my own code:
Prepare the URL to display on UI side, to let user click it and perform login with GitHub
getGitHubAuthenticationURL(): string {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({
return `${searchParams}`;
My ExpressJs server listening to GitHub OAuth2 responses
httpServer.get("/from-github/oauth-callback", async (req, res) => {
const {
query: { code, state },
} = req;
const accessToken = await requestGitHubAccessToken(code as string);
Requesting access token
async requestToken(code: string): Promise<string> {
const { data } = await
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Accept: "application/json",
return data.access_token;
Firing simple graphql query
const data = await
{ query: "{ viewer { login } }"},
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Do you guys have any clue?
Perhaps I am doing something wrong with the OAuth2 flow? As in most of the examples I found on the web, a personal token is used for this purpose, generated on GitHub, but I would like to use OAuth2 instead.
Thanks in advance for any help, I really appreciate it!
I changed the query from { query: "query { viewer { login } }"} to { query: "{ viewer { login } }"}, nonetheless, the issue is still present.
I finally found the solution:
Change the URL from to, see here
Add the following HTTP headers
"Content-Type": "application/json"
Hope this will help others out there.

Content-type using axios

I'm working with React and axios. I'm trying to fetch the response using axios however, unable to understand why I'm getting wrong content-type even though I'm setting it in my backend code.
Code (backend):
router.get(url, async (req, res) => {
// return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (file exists) {
var fileContents = Buffer.from(document[0].data, "base64"); //document contains the data from the postgres database
var readStream = new stream.PassThrough();
"attachment; filename=" + document[0].fileName
res.setHeader("content-type", document[0].fileType);
} else {
status: 0,
message: "File not found",
// resolve({ document });
} catch (err) {
The above backend code works absolutely fine. I even printed the response to check whether the content-type is setting or not. I'm even providing the output snippet for that as well
However, in the frontend if I try to fetch the response this is what I'm receiving
I'm not sure what's wrong. Why I'm receiving wrong content-type. Even the content length is same for any sort of file which I try to download.
The axios call :
let response = await Axios.get(fileURL, {
responseType: "blob"/"arraybuffer",
Authorization: "Bearer " + token,
}); output :
Any help will be appreciated!