SharePoint online create upload session with special character file name - rest

Now refer
I use the REST API
But if fileName include some special charactes, One drive will return error.
Is there some way to encode fileName, that I can create Upload session for some special charactger filename.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Runtime Error</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
body {font-family:"Verdana";font-weight:normal;font-size: .7em;color:black;}
p {font-family:"Verdana";font-weight:normal;color:black;margin-top: -5px}
b {font-family:"Verdana";font-weight:bold;color:black;margin-top: -5px}
H1 { font-family:"Verdana";font-weight:normal;font-size:18pt;color:red }
H2 { font-family:"Verdana";font-weight:normal;font-size:14pt;color:maroon }
pre {font-family:"Consolas","Lucida Console",Monospace;font-size:11pt;margin:0;padding:0.5em;line-height:14pt}
.marker {font-weight: bold; color: black;text-decoration: none;}
.version {color: gray;}
.error {margin-bottom: 10px;}
.expandable { text-decoration:underline; font-weight:bold; color:navy; cursor:hand; }
#media screen and (max-width: 639px) {
pre { width: 440px; overflow: auto; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; }
#media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
pre { width: 280px; }
<body bgcolor="white">
<span><H1>Server Error in '/' Application.<hr width=100% size=1 color=silver></H1>
<h2> <i>Runtime Error</i> </h2></span>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif ">
<b> Description: </b>An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.
<b>Details:</b> To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".<br><br>
<table width=100% bgcolor="#ffffcc">
<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->
<customErrors mode="Off"/>
<b>Notes:</b> The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.<br><br>
<table width=100% bgcolor="#ffffcc">
<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>


html email notification not working properly

I am implementing Nodemailer to send emails from Node.Js. However, HTML page is not responding properly.
My index.js:
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const fs = require('fs');
const handlebars = require('handlebars');
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: "",
port: 2525,
auth: {
user: "xxxx",
pass: "xxxx"
const readHTMLFile = (path, callback) => {
fs.readFile(path, {encoding: 'utf-8'}, (err, html) => {
readHTMLFile('index.html', (err, html) => {
const template = handlebars.compile(html);
const replacements = {
username: 'Bob'
const htmlToSend = template(replacements);
const message = {
from: '',
to: '',
subject: 'No reply',
html: htmlToSend
transporter.sendMail(message, (error, info) => {
console.log(`error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response);
My index.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>Email Notification</title>
<h3>Hey! {{username}}!!</h3>
<form action="">
<input type="submit" value="Go to Google" />
<h4>Go to Stackoverflow</h4>
Now, user gets email and user is able to click on Go to Stackoverflow link and gets redirected to stackoverflow website. However, when user clicks on button Go to Google, nothing happens. I want user to click on a button and get redirected to the website. Please help me to solve this issue.
The problem is that you are using a form. Some email clients do not accept forms. For a detailed explanation see
Instead, if you want a link, use an <a> like your other example.
If you want it looking like a button, for the best results (i.e. for best rendering across all different email clients), you'll need to use a table approach:
<table width="100%" style="border-collapse:collapse;mso-table-lspace:0pt;mso-table-rspace:0pt;border-spacing:0;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;color:#333333;">
<td style="padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;padding-right:0;padding-left:0;border-collapse:collapse;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin:0 auto;">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#D90432" width="200" style="-moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-top: 15px; border: none; line-height:20px;color:#ffffff;">
Read more

"html/main.html: not found" error in kdb web application

I'm developing a web application using websocket by taking reference from
The application resides at path:
Directory structure:
--> main.html
--> main.js
--> main.q
"/Users/repos/chatu" //- and main.html(index) is at path /Users/repos/chatu/html/main.html
When the pwd is "/Users/repos/chatu" then the webpage is opening properly on browser using url - http://localhost:5001/main.html
But when the pwd is changed to any other directory such as
Then hitting same url as above throws below error :
html/main.html: not found
What I can understand from the error is that web server is expecting the html/main.html at the current working directory and it is not able to find that.
How/Where can I set absolute path for index.html that from any current working directory the web browser can find the main.html page?(Cannot find/understand any answer which solves same problem).
Code snippet -
function connect(){
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:5001/");
/* ws.onopen=function(e){output.innerHTML="connected"}; */
when a message is received,
prepend the message to the display area
along with the input command
} else alert("WebSockets not supported on your browser.");
<!doctype html>
/* define some CSS styling on page elements */
textarea#txtInput {width: 97.5%; height: 60px; float:left; padding: 10px; margin-top: 10px;}
width: 97.5%; height: 300px; font-family: "Courier New"; padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid gray; margin-top: 2px; overflow:auto;
<div id="wrap">
<fieldset id='heads' style="border:1; border-radius:10px">
<legend align="center" style="color:blue">Chatu</legend>
<div id="txtOutput"></div>
<textarea id="txtInput" autofocus></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
main.q{neg[.z.w].j.j #[;x;{`$ "'",x}];};
I believe the way you can set an absolute path for index html as you have described in your kdb web application is assigning this path using .h.HOME.
The variable .h.HOME is a string which contains the location of the webserver root.
If you would like a more detailed explanation on .h.HOME refer to
.h.HOME is the variable you are interested in

Use curl to post data to a form?

I have a form like this:
<form method="post" enctype="multipart-form-data" name="my_form" action="" >
<input class="field text small" type="text" maxlength="20" name="Phonenumbers" />
<br />
<textarea rows="5" cols="20" onKeyPress=check_length(this.form); onKeyDown=check_length(this.form); name=Text ></textarea>
<br />
<input id="saveForm" class="btTxt" type="submit" value="KIRIM" name="TOMBOL" />
Let's say that form is located at How do I post to that form and then click the submit button? and what my file should look like? should it look like this or not:
I already tried this but didn't work:
curl --data "Phonenumbers=0811111&text=testing&TOMBOL=KIRIM"
I tried #sputnick suggestion but got the following error:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html style="height:100%">
<head><title> 301 Moved Permanently
<body style="color: #444; margin:0;font: normal 14px/20px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; height:100%; background-color: #fff;">
<div style="height:auto; min-height:100%; "> <div style="text-align: center; width:800px; margin-left: -400px; position:absolute; top: 30%; left:50%;">
<h1 style="margin:0; font-size:150px; line-height:150px; font-weight:bold;">301</h1>
<h2 style="margin-top:20px;font-size: 30px;">Moved Permanently
<p>The document has been permanently moved.</p>
</div></div><div style="color:#f0f0f0; font-size:12px;margin:auto;padding:0px 30px 0px 30px;position:relative;clear:both;height:100px;margin-top:-101px;background-color:#474747;border-top: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.15);box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;">
<br>Proudly powered by <a style="color:#fff;" href="">LiteSpeed Web Server</a><p>Please be advised that LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. is not a web hosting company and, as such, has no control over content found on this site.</p></div></body></html>
You have a typo in the Text field (need to capitalize) so :
curl -d "Phonenumbers=0811111&Text=testing&TOMBOL=KIRIM"
# ^
and to do such things, use cookies and a fake user-agent. Check
man curl
Use the -F flag to POST multipart-form-data as in:
curl -F "Phonenumbers=0811111&Text=testing&TOMBOL=KIRIM"
You can use
curl--data "dob=2018&press=OK"

Ajax rating control not working on mouse over

Ajax rating control is not working on mouse over.
I have mentioned classes for waiting, filled, empty states.
But its not changing the css class on mouse over.
I dont know what is missing.
This is css.
font-size: 0pt;
width: 15px;
height: 18px;
display: block;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;
And Here is the body,
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
<ajaxToolkit:Rating ID="ThaiRating" runat="server" BehaviorID="RatingBehavior1"
style="float: left;" />
And I have registered the assembly on top as,
<%# Register
TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>
Please anyone help me
replace :
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
with this Ajax Control:
<asp:ToolkitScriptManager runat="Server" ID="ScriptManager1" />
and it will work fine ;)

reformat a simple html page on an iphone

I have a html called today.html and I use it on my iphone and I have to zoom in to see my tasks how can I have it formated correctly so that I it warps around the screen on the iphone and the text is the right size
here is my code
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Tasks for today</title>
<meta name="generator" content="TextMate">
<meta name="author" content="sebastian stephenson">
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
body {
border: medium dashed #7979ff;
background-color: #fff;
margin: 0 auto;
body p{
font: 2em "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;
padding-left: 10px;
.todos {
font: 1em"Lucida Grande", Lucida, Verdana, sans-serif;
color: #7D1518;
padding-left: 20px;
.todos p{
font: 1em Arial;
<!-- Date: 2008-08-24 -->
<p>a greeting</p>
<div class="todos">
<li>a task</li>
<li>a task with detail</li>
<li>a task with muilple acitons</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
Have you tried setting the viewport to fit the iphone screen size?
<meta name="viewport" content="width=320" />
see more details at: constrain-your-viewport-for-iphone-web-development
Also see for other factors regarding iPhone web development (such as Adjust Text Size for Readability)
Have a look here
If you are a CSS expert, your first thought will be to use the "handheld" media type in your CSS code. For instance, if a browser considers itself a handheld device, this code will hide all elements that belong to the navigation CSS class. That's handy if you know that these elements are convenient but redundant and take up more space than a handheld user wants to give up:
#media handheld {
.navigation {
display: none;
Unfortunately this won't work on the iPhone. Why? Because Apple knows that the iPhone can display a page much better than most handhelds. And they didn't want the iPhone to display all web pages in a "dumbed-down" way. So the iPhone looks at the "screen" media type, just like your desktop browser does.
Is there an alternative? Yes! You can specify that a set of CSS rules apply only when the screen is smaller than a certain resolution:
#media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
.navigation {
display: none;
Try setting font-size: 100%; on the body, that way the browser will definitely be starting from it's default size before applying your em sizes. In addition to that try adding -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; to your page.
This article goes into a lot of depth on the specifics of developing for mobile safari:
Ive cleaned up your HTML a little, by putting the LI inside UL and getting rid of the redundant div.
You can set a max-width on any block level element, so combining that with #epatel's media declarations get's you the following.
Play around with the width's and so on. Ive just set them randomly.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Tasks for today</title>
<meta name="generator" content="TextMate">
<meta name="author" content="sebastian stephenson">
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
body {
border: medium dashed #7979ff;
background-color: #fff;
margin: 0 auto;
body p{
font: 2em "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;
padding-left: 5px;
.todos {
font: 1em"Lucida Grande", Lucida, Verdana, sans-serif;
color: #7D1518;
padding-left: 20px;
.todos p{
font: 1em Arial;
ul {
#media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
ul {
#media only screen and (max-device-width: 240px) {
ul {
<!-- Date: 2008-08-24 -->
<p>a greeting</p>
<ul class="todos">
<li>a task</li>
<li>a task with detail
<li>a task with muilple acitons
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
<li>an action</li>
The selected answer is for iphone but for dynamic width of ranging devices you may add this piece of code in your "head" tag.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;">