Polymorphic constant in a dependent type signature? - constants

Say I'd like to define a type of a proof that some vector has a certain sum. I'd also like that proof to work for any Monoid type t. My first attempt was this:
data HasSum : Monoid t => t -> Vect n t -> Type where
EndNeutral : Monoid t => HasSum Prelude.Algebra.neutral []
Component : Monoid t => (x : t) -> HasSum sum xs -> HasSum (x <+> sum) (x :: xs)
Unfortunately, the compiler argues it Can't find implementation for Monoid t. So I tried with an implicit argument so that I can specify its type:
EndNeutral : Monoid t => {Prelude.Algebra.neutral : t} -> HasSum Prelude.Algebra.neutral []
This compiles, but this does not:
x : HasSum 0 []
x = EndNeutral
strangely claiming that it Can't find implementation for Monoid Integer.
My final attempt was to define a helper constant with capital letter name so that Idris doesn't confuse it for a bound variable:
ZERO : Monoid t => t
ZERO = neutral
data HasSum : Monoid t => t -> Vect n t -> Type where
EndNeutral : Monoid t => HasSum ZERO []
Component : Monoid t => {rem : t} -> (x : t) -> HasSum rem xs -> HasSum (x <+> rem) (x :: xs)
but now it can't guess the type of ZERO in the definition of EndNeutral (Can't find implementation for Monoid t). So I tried again with an implicit binding:
EndNeutral : Monoid t => {ZERO : t} -> HasSum ZERO []
but now ZERO becomes a bound variable and although it compiles, it does not work as expected, because it allows to construct a proof of empty vectory having an arbitrary sum.
At this point I ran out of ideas. Does anyone know how to express a polymorphic constant in an Idris type?

It seems I found an answer finally. It might not be the best one, but it's the only one I'm aware of right now. So it is required to explicitly specify the type of neutral without adding an implicit argument (which would turn neutral into a bound variable). Of course, the function the can serve that purpose:
data HasSum : Monoid t => t -> Vect n t -> Type where
EndNeutral : Monoid t => HasSum (the t Prelude.Algebra.neutral) []
Component : Monoid t => {rem : t} -> (x : t) -> HasSum rem xs -> HasSum (x <+> rem) (x :: xs)
A look at the type of neutral suggests yet another solution:
> :doc neutral
Prelude.Algebra.neutral : Monoid ty => ty
It appears the concrete type of neutral is in fact an implicit argument to it. Therefore:
EndNeutral : Monoid t => HasSum (Prelude.Algebra.neutral {ty = t}) []
also works.


Check cnat. and got Type return

I am trying to understand the Church numerals, mentioned in the SF-LF book, chp4.
Definition cnat := forall X : Type, (X -> X) -> X -> X.
Definition one : cnat :=
fun (X : Type) (f : X -> X) (x : X) => f x.
Check cnat.
Check one.
And I get
: Type
: cnat
It seems cnat is some kind of type, and function at the same time. How can it be both type and function? Anyone can help explain a little more about this?
The "forall (X : Type)," syntax is a way to form a type, from a type parameterized by X. forall (X : Type), (X -> X) -> X -> X is a type of functions, which given a type X produce a value of type (X -> X) -> X -> X (which is itself a function).
The "fun (X : Type) =>" syntax is a way to form a function, from a term parameterized by X. fun (X : Type) (f : X -> X) (x : X) => f x is a function, which given a type X produce the function fun (f : X -> X) (x : X) => f x (which is itself a function).
What fun and forall have in common is that they involve binders, like (X : Type) (also like (f : X -> X), (x : X)). fun is a construct that involves binders to form functions, but not all constructs that involve binders form functions: forall is a construct that involves binders to form types.

How can I create a polymorphic "map xs f" function?

The statement of the problem.
Consider this definition of map:
Fixpoint map (xs: list nat): (nat -> nat) -> list nat := match xs with
| nil => fun _ => nil
| x::xs' => fun f => (f x) :: (map xs' f)
It works like this:
Coq < Eval simpl in map (1::2::3::List.nil) (fun x => x + 1).
= 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: nil
: list nat
How can I extend it to work on any types?
For example, in Haskell I can simply write as follows:
map :: forall a b. [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
map xs = case xs of
[ ] -> \_ -> [ ]
(x:xs') -> \f -> f x: map xs' f
But in Coq, I do not understand where I could place this forall quantifier.
My efforts.
The syntax reference explains the syntax of Fixpoint thusly:
Fixpoint ident binders {struct ident}? : type? := term
— So evidently there is no place in the syntax for a quantifier that binds a type variable over both binders and type. I tried placing forall here and there by guesswork but I could not make it work.
I can see how the type section could be made polymorphic in the result type of the function parameter without touching the binders section:
Fixpoint map (xs: list nat): forall B, (nat -> B) -> list B := match xs with
| nil => fun _ => nil
| x::xs' => fun f => f x :: (map xs' f)
— But unfortunately this also gives an error, and cryptic enough for me at that:
In environment
map : list nat -> forall B : Type, (nat -> B) -> list B
xs : list nat
T : Type
The term "nil" has type "list ?A" while it is expected to have type
"(nat -> T) -> list T".
So, even for this simpler case I have no solution.
So, what can be done?
In Coq, the Fixpoint command is just a wrapper around the fix term constructor, which allows us to define anonymous recursive functions. A direct definition of map could be given as follows:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Definition map_anon : forall A B, (A -> B) -> list A -> list B :=
fix map A B (f : A -> B) (l : list A) : list B :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l => f x :: map A B f l
This is morally equivalent to the following definition:
Fixpoint map A B (f : A -> B) (l : list A) : list B :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l => f x :: map A B f l
Notice that A and B are bound as regular variables: in Coq, there is no distinction between types and terms, and these declarations causes Coq to infer their types as being Type. No forall quantifier is needed for the definition.
You can list all your arguments, including type arguments, after the name of the function. You'll put any arguments that depend on other arguments after the argument they depend on.
Fixpoint map (A B: Type) (xs: list A) (f: A -> B): list B :=
If you prefer foralls, you simply need to move everything (except the recursive argument and any arguments it depends on) to after the :.
Fixpoint map (A B: Type) (xs: list A): forall (f: A -> B), list B :=
Two things to note here. Since nothing after f depends on f, you could use the -> notation. This is purely notation and doesn't have any semantic difference.
Fixpoint map (A B: Type) (xs: list A): (A -> B) -> list B :=
The other thing to note is that when the arguments are after the : like this, we have to define a function, not just something in list B.
Fixpoint map (A B: Type) (xs: list A): (A -> B) -> list B :=
fun f => [...]
This is why you got the error The term "nil" has type "list ?A" while it is expected to have type "(nat -> T) -> list T".. We needed a function, not just something of type list B, which is what nil is.

Why does coq's typechecker reject my map definition?

I try to experiment with list's definition.
For example let's see this definition:
Inductive list1 : Type -> Type := nil1 : forall (A : Type), list1 A
| cons1 : forall (A : Type), A -> list1 A -> list1 A.
You might think that the definition above is equivalent to this:
Inductive list0 (A : Type) : Type := nil0 : list0 A
| cons0 : A -> list0 A -> list0 A.
Why this map:
Fixpoint map0 {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : A -> B) (xs : list0 A) : list0 B :=
match xs with
nil0 _ => nil0 B
| cons0 _ v ys => cons0 B (f v) (map0 f ys)
accepted, but this one is not:
Fail Fixpoint map1 {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : A -> B) (xs : list1 A) :=
match xs with
nil1 _ => nil1 B
| cons1 _ v ys => cons1 B (f v) (map1 f ys)
This is indeed a confusing aspect of datatype definitions. The problem is that list1 is not equivalent to list0, because of how indices and parameters are treated in these definitions. In Coq jargon, an "index" means an argument declared to the right of the colon, as in list1. A "parameter", by contrast, is an argument declared to the left of the colon, as A in list0.
When you use an index, the return type of match expressions must be generic with respect to the index. This can be seen in the type of list1_rec, a combinator for writing recursive definitions on lists:
Check list1_rec.
: forall P : forall T : Type, list1 T -> Set,
(forall A : Type, P A (nil1 A)) ->
(forall (A : Type) (a : A) (l : list1 A), P A l -> P A (cons1 A a l)) ->
forall (T : Type) (l : list1 T), P T l
This type says that given a generic type P indexed by lists and an element l : list1 A, you can produce a result of type P A l by telling Coq what to return on nil1 and cons1. However, the type of the cons1 branch (the third argument of list1) says that the branch must work not only for the A that appears in the type of l, but also for all other types A'. Compare this to the type of list0_rec:
Check list0_rec.
: forall (A : Type) (P : list0 A -> Set),
P (nil0 A) ->
(forall (a : A) (l : list0 A), P l -> P (cons0 A a l)) ->
forall l : list0 A, P l
The branch of cons0 does not have the forall A bit, which means that the branch only has to work for the type A in l : list0 A.
This makes a difference when writing a function such as map. In map0, we are allowed to apply f : A -> B because we know that the argument of cons0 has type A. In map1, the argument of cons1 has a different generic type A', leading to this error message:
Fail Fixpoint map1 {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : A -> B) (xs : list1 A) :=
match xs with
nil1 A' => nil1 B
| cons1 A' v ys => cons1 B (f v) (map1 f ys)
(* The term "v" has type "A'" while it is expected to have type "A". *)
To be complete, you can define function map over list1 :
Fixpoint map1 {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : A -> B) (xs : list1 A) :=
match xs with
| nil1 A' => fun _ => nil1 B
| cons1 A' v ys => fun f => cons1 B (f v) (map1 f ys)
end f.
This is an example of the so-called convoy pattern. Usually, one needs to add a return clause to the match construct so that it typechecks, but here Coq is smart enough to infer it.
However, I certainly discourage using this definition of lists as it will be cumbersome to use in similar cases.

"Non strictly positive occurrence of ..."

I try to define the following type
Inductive t : Type -> Type :=
| I : t nat
| F : forall A, (t nat -> t A) -> t A.
and I get the following error:
Non strictly positive occurrence of "t" in "forall A : Type, (t nat -> t A) -> t A".
What does this error mean?
Is there a way to "fix" the definition to make it valid?
Where can I learn more about this?
You can look up common error messages in the Coq reference manual: https://coq.inria.fr/distrib/current/refman/language/gallina-specification-language.html?highlight=positive#coq:exn.non-strictly-positive-occurrence-of-ident-in-type
Essentially, if a constructor contains functions (such as t nat -> t A), they cannot mention the inductive type being defined as part of an argument (t nat).
vvvvvvvvvvvvvv argument
F : ... (t nat -> t A) -> t A
^ OK ("positive occurence")
^ Not OK ("negative occurence")
This section in Certified Programming with Dependent Types (CPDT) explains the problem with a simplified example: http://adam.chlipala.net/cpdt/html/Cpdt.InductiveTypes.html#lab30
If you could define the type
Inductive term : Set :=
| App : term -> term -> term
| Abs : (term -> term) -> term.
then you could define the function
Definition uhoh (t : term) : term :=
match t with
| Abs f => f t
| _ => t
and uhoh (Abs uhoh) would diverge.

Would it be inconsistent to relax Coq's strict positivity checker to not look at type indices of the inductive type being defined?

Inductive Foo : Type -> Type :=
| foo : Foo Bar
Bar := .
Error: Non strictly positive occurrence of "Bar" in "Foo Bar".
I know the standard example of why strict positivity is necessary; if I have
Inductive Fix :=
| fFix : (Fix -> Fix) -> Fix.
with an eliminator
Fix_rect : forall (P : Fix -> Type) (v : forall f, (forall x, P (f x)) -> P (fFix f)) (f : Fix), P f
then I can prove absurdity with
Fix_rect (fun _ => False) (fun f H => H (fFix id)) (fFix id) : False
(Aside: Does anything go wrong if instead the eliminator is
Fix_rect : forall (P : Fix -> Type) (v : forall f, (forall x, P x -> P (f x)) -> P (fFix f)) (f : Fix), P f
However, I don't see a way to make use of occurrences that appear only in indices. Is there a way to derive a similar contradiction if non-strictly-positive occurrences are permitted in type indices?
This doesn't seem to be a positivity issue, contrary to the error message. Rather, since you have mutual indexing, this is an inductive-inductive type (a weird "large" one at that), which Coq doesn't support.
You could try defining non-indexed types, and separate recursively defined "well-formedness" relations which encode correct indexing. E. g.
Inductive PreFoo : Type :=
| foo : PreFoo.
Inductive Bar : Type :=.
Fixpoint FooWf (f : PreFoo) (t : Type) : Prop :=
match f with
| foo => (t = Bar)
Definition Foo (t : Type) := sig (fun f => FooWf f t).
This is analogous to how you might have indexed intrinsic syntaxes for type theories or extrinsic presyntaxes with separate typing relations.