Naming Convention for Methods and Properties in Swift. Can I use "get", "set" and "is" Keywords? - swift

When I create a function in Swift, can I use "get" and "set" words? For instance can I declare a function as func getAuthorizedUsers() instead of func authorizedUsers()? In ObjectiveC get and set keywords are not suggested to use when declaring functions. How about in Swift?
Also, when declaring properties can I use "is" keyword? For instance:
public var isAuthorized: Bool {
get {
return true
I have read Swift naming convention documents but I couldn't find the answer of my question. Thank you.

The rules are all outlined here.
For get, that clearly violates the "Omit needless words" rule. If a method returns something, the call site will know that it is used to get some value. You don't need to repeat that idea. You can consider turning this into a computed property if no parameters are required.
For set, it might be appropriate sometimes. If your method only need one parameter and there is a corresponding getter,
func getFoo() -> Int {
func setFoo(_ foo: Int) {
That's a pretty good sign that this can be turned into a computed property:
var foo: Int {
get { ... }
set { ... }
A good example where it is appropriate to have set is the UIButton.setTitle method. It takes in two parameters, so a computed property wouldn't work.
For is, that clearly conforms to the rule "Uses of Boolean methods and properties should read as assertions about the receiver". So yes, you should use it for boolean members.


What is the more accurate difference between function overriding and function mutating? In swift particularly

Essentially both are used to modify behaviour of a function to our custom needs. But why the necessity arise to have two ways to do the same thing when both are used for same purpose.
I'm assuming, if a function has HEAD which takes parameters and a BODY which has a certain functionality with those parameters
Mutating function is used when we have to modify at the HEAD.
Mutating -> HEAD -> parameters and
Overriding function is used when we have to modify at the BODY
Overriding -> BODY -> functionality
I've searched over the internet..but found no satisfactory explanation anywhere. Please help me understand them better. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Swift structs are immutable objects meaning that you cannot change its properties within its functions. You need to explicitly mention that you agree to make changes to its properties by adding the mutating keyword in the function definition. However this mutating jargon is required only for value types in Swift - structs and enums.
struct MutatingExample {
var number: Int = 0
// Add 'mutating' to resolve the error
func changeNumber(changedNumber: Int) {
self.number = changedNumber // Error: Cannot assign to property: 'self' is immutable
Here is an useful post that might provide you more insights - What does the Swift 'mutating' keyword mean?
Reference types such as class do just fine and allow you to change the properties within their functions.
Override is a concept used in inheritance. By that we can infer that override is applicable to reference types such as class and value type(struct/enums) are out of question.
As the name implies, we use the keyword to override an existing functionality, typically that of a super class. For example,
class Parent {
func getName() {
class Child: Parent {
// Add override to resolve error
func getName() {
print("Child") // Error: Overriding declaration requires an 'override' keyword
Useful link:

Is there an equivalent to NS_REQUIRES_SUPER in Swift? [duplicate]

Is there a Swift equivalent to
which gives a warning if a method doesn't call it's super method?
Basically, I want to warn (or even better, throw a compiler error) if an overridden method doesn't call its super method.
No, there is no Swift equivalent to __attribute((objc_requires_super)).
The equivalent feature, Swift Attributes, contains no such attribute.
The section of the Swift inheritance documentation where such a feature would be mentioned says only:
When you provide a method, property, or subscript override for a subclass, it is sometimes useful to use the existing superclass implementation as part of your override.
Note that you can prevent overriding functions using final, so you could effectively accomplish what you want by providing empty overridable methods that are called by non-overridable methods:
class AbstractStarship {
var tractorBeamOn = false
final func enableTractorBeam() {
tractorBeamOn = true
println("tractor beam successfully enabled")
func tractorBeamDidEnable() {
// Empty default implementation
class FancyStarship : AbstractStarship {
var enableDiscoBall = false
override func tractorBeamDidEnable() {
super.tractorBeamDidEnable() // this line is irrelevant
enableDiscoBall = true
Subclasses would then override the overridable methods, and it wouldn't matter whether they called super or not since the superclass's implementation is empty.
As Bryan Chen notes in the comments, this breaks down if the subclass is subclassed.
I make no claims to whether this approach is stylistically good, but it is certainly possible.

Does Swift have short-circuiting higher-order functions like Any or All?

I'm aware of Swift's higher-order functions like Map, Filter, Reduce and FlatMap, but I'm not aware of any like 'All' or 'Any' which return a boolean that short-circuit on a positive test while enumerating the results.
For instance, consider you having a collection of 10,000 objects, each with a property called isFulfilled and you want to see if any in that collection have isFulfilled set to false. In C#, you could use myObjects.Any(obj -> !obj.isFulfilled) and when that condition was hit, it would short-circuit the rest of the enumeration and immediately return true.
Is there any such thing in Swift?
Sequence (and in particular Collection and Array) has a (short-circuiting) contains(where:) method taking a boolean predicate as argument. For example,
if array.contains(where: { $0 % 2 == 0 })
checks if the array contains any even number.
There is no "all" method, but you can use contains() as well
by negating both the predicate and the result. For example,
if !array.contains(where: { $0 % 2 != 0 })
checks if all numbers in the array are even. Of course you can define a custom extension method:
extension Sequence {
func allSatisfy(_ predicate: (Iterator.Element) -> Bool) -> Bool {
return !contains(where: { !predicate($0) } )
If you want to allow "throwing" predicates in the same way as the
contains method then it would be defined as
extension Sequence {
func allSatisfy(_ predicate: (Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool {
return try !contains(where: { try !predicate($0) } )
Update: As James Shapiro correctly noticed, an allSatisfy method has been added to the Sequence type in Swift 4.2 (currently in beta), see
SE-0027 Add an allSatisfy algorithm to Sequence
(Requires a recent 4.2 developer snapshot.)
One other thing that you can do in Swift that is similar to "short circuiting" in this case is to use the lazy property of a collection, which would change your implementation to something like this:
myObjects.lazy.filter({ !$0.isFulfilled }).first != nil
It's not exactly the same thing you're asking for, but might help provide another option when dealing with these higher-order functions. You can read more about lazy in Apple's docs. As of this edit the docs contain the following:
var lazy: LazyCollection> A view onto this collection
that provides lazy implementations of normally eager operations, such
as map and filter.
var lazy: LazySequence> A sequence containing the same
elements as this sequence, but on which some operations, such as map
and filter, are implemented lazily.
If you had all the objects in that array, they should conform to some protocol, which implements the variable isFulfilled... as you can see, you could make these objects confrom to (let's call it fulFilled protocol)... Now you can cast that array into type [FulfilledItem]... Now you can continue as usually
I am pasting code here for your better understanding:
You see, you cannot extend Any or AnyObject, because AnyObject is protocol and cannot be extended (intended by Apple I guess), but you can ,,sublass" the protocol or as you like to call it professionally - Make protocol inheriting from AnyObject...
protocol FulfilledItem: AnyObject{
var isFulfilled: Bool {get set}
class itemWithTrueValue: FulfilledItem{
var isFulfilled: Bool = true
class itemWithFalseValue: FulfilledItem{
var isFulfilled: Bool = false
var arrayOfFulFilled: [FulfilledItem] = [itemWithFalseValue(),itemWithFalseValue(),itemWithFalseValue(),itemWithFalseValue(),itemWithFalseValue(),itemWithFalseValue()]
let boolValue = arrayOfFulFilled.contains(where: {
$0.isFulfilled == false
Now we've got ourselves a pretty nice looking custom protocol inheriting all Any properties + our beautiful isFulfilled property, which we will handle now as usually...
According to apple docs:
AnyObject is only for reference types (classes), Any is for both value and reference types, so I guess it is prefered to inherit AnyObject...
Now you cast instead AnyObject into Array the protocol Item FulfilledItem and you will have beautiful solution (don't forget every item to conform to that protocol and set the value...)
Wish happy coding :)

Why do we use the keyword "get" in Swift variables declaration?

This might sound dumb, but I can't figure out why programmers declare variables in Swift as follows:
class Person: NSObject {
var name: String { get }
Why is the keyword "get" used? Why is "set" missed? I thought we used them like this:
class Person: NSObject {
var name: String {
get {
// getter
set {
// setter
This might be a spam question, but I am interested in the theoretical definition of { get }
Sentences such as var name: String { get } are normally used in protocols not in classes. In a protocol it means that the implementation must have a variable of type String which should be at least read only (hence the get). Had the curly brackets bit been { get set } the variable would have been read write.
Actually as per Earl Grey answer, var name: String { get } will not compile inside a class.
The first code example strictly speaking doesn't make sense. You do not declare variables like this in a class.. (You do it in a protocol like this.)
The second is an example of computed property,though the getter and setter implementation is missing. (it seems to be implied at least so I won't object about validity of the code example.)

Swift: How to access value of "_" parameter?

I noticed that this is a valid function in Swift:
func test(_:String) {
print("How do I access '_'?")
How do I access the parameter?
Additional question, is there a valid/good use-case for this?
How do I access the param?
You don't. Using that syntax you are explicitly saying you don't want to access the param.
Use case
Lets say you have access to a very powerful async API like the following.
func theAnswerToLife(success:(answer: String) -> (), failure:(error: NSError) -> ())
yes, of course I am keeping the implementation secret
Now if the function theAnswerToLife does find the answer it calls the success closure, otherwise failure is invoked.
You are forced to pass both closure/functions but you are really interested only in the answer, if something goes wrong you don't mind about the actual error.
So you could define
func tellEveryone(answer: String) {
print("The answer to life is " + answer)
func badNews(_:NSError) {
print("Something went wrong, we will try again tomorrow")
badNews can be passed as second param to theAnswerToLife and who in future will look at the code will immediately understand that badNews does not care about the received param.
theAnswerToLife(tellEveryone, failure: badNews)
This is so called wildcard matching pattern, and it is introduced just for the sake of not being able to use a parameter, because you just do not care about it.
From documentation:
A wildcard pattern matches and ignores any value and consists of an underscore (_). Use a wildcard pattern when you don’t care about the values being matched against.
You have to use a proper identifier if you need to access the argument value.
Regarding updated part of your question. I do not know why would you want to do this (just a wild idea), but if you want to completely hide argument names of a method of a public class but still be able to use them in private sub-class, you can do something like:
public class Foo {
func test(_: String, _: Int) {
private class Bar: Foo {
override func test(stringArgument: String, _ intArgument: Int) {
print("\(stringArgument) \(intArgument)")
Anyone external, using your library, would use abstract Foo without knowing parameter names of test method.
The point of using _ is that you are not interested in using the parameter. An example usage is this
if let _ = someVariable as? String {
//Do stuff here if someVariable is a string
//But I'm not interested in accessing the unwrapped value, so I set the unwrapped variable name to _