Is it possible to display a view inside a tile's content? - sapui5

I have a home page where there are tiles which will redirect to a new splitapp page. Inside one of those generic tiles I have to show the entire splitapp view with some modifications. I know we can add multiple content inside a Tile content using vbox, but is it possible to add the entire splitapp? I tried it, but it displays nothing other than just increasing the height of the tile.
What i have tried is -
<SplitApp id="idAppControl"></SplitApp>
This just increases the height of the tile but displays nothing.


Bootstrap 5 Modal does not work properly on scroll, after adding some content dynamically - which cause Modal's height exceeds than earlier

Bootstrap 5 Modal does not work properly on scroll, after adding some content dynamically - which cause Modal's height exceeds than earlier.
Let me explain!
I opened a Bootstrap Modal by clicking on the 'Add Make' button.
Modal just appeared properly, and it have a form having up to 5 inputs.
See attached image
Note: Still modal is working properly on scroll.
Now I just entered values in these inputs. And there are 2 inputs of type 'file', which I am using to upload a Image (One for 'icon' and Other one is for 'thumbnail'). And I am also showing these images underneath each of this input of type file. Which is a kind of preview box for me to show that Image which is going to be uploaded.
As that preview box is hidden by default. And when we select a file then that preview box appears with the selected image.
See attached image
Note: Now, modal height has been exceeded than before. And has gone
out of windows height. And now our modal should scroll along with our
windows scroll-bar on scrolling. (This is the common behavior of
But, in my case, Modal is not getting scrolled properly. I just scroll down, and it scroll back automatically.
In short, I am facing a scrolling issue with my modal after adding dynamic content to my Bootstrap modal which change modal's dynamic height.
I have tried many solution but still failed to resolve this issue.
I have tried the following:
Adding overflow-y = auto
adding overflow-y = scroll
Note: Even already, I have overflow-y to auto.
I have added following
<div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-scrollable">
But, still failed !
Finally, I'm here to post my issue!
Please remember to include your code when asking question Bilal. For now you could try adding .modal-dialog-scrollable alongside .modal-dialog in your HTML. Ths will add a scroll bar to the modal.
class=" modal-dialogue modal-dialog-scrollable"

How to Stretch sap.m.ScrollContainer Over The Remaining Page Space in SAPUI5?

have a page with disabled scrolling. page contains in it's content two sap.m.Table. one table for the sake of a fixed header. it contains just columns. other table inside a sap.m.ScrollContainer's content. it contains the items. use case is that the items do not fit the screen's height. without a scroll container the items would fall over the screen's bottom. page scrolling is still disabled. now i'd like that the scroll container jumps in. and it should exactly fill out the remaining page space between the first table in the page and the end of the page. until the bottom of the page. the end of the browser window. is there any work around to achieve that the sap.m.ScrollContainer goes automatically over the remaining space? without a scroll container's set to a specific height.
work around: wrap the site's content with a sap.ui.layout.FixFlex: set a pixel value to the sap.ui.layout.FixFlex property minFlexSize. the sap.m.ScrollContainer with the sap.m.Table goes into the sap.ui.layout.FixFlex aggregation flexContent. now the parent of the sap.m.ScrollContainer has a fixed height. therefore the sap.m.ScrollContainer can resize itself based on this.

Dynamic Width Slides?

I'm using a JSSOR slider that scrolls content horizontally. My issue is that the slide content is dynamic. An admin has the ability to add and remove images & text from the slider, however not all the divs are the same width. This creates gaps and/or overlapping.
I can create a code to get the width of each slide prior to the initialization of jssor, however I'm wondering if there's a way to apply $SlideWidth to individual slides by index?

GWT Horizontal panel with horizontal scrolling

Is there a way to get horizontal scrolling implemented in a horizontal panel ?
or any other panel can be used to achieve the functionality mentioned below -
The requirement is that i am creating a search bar where search items are being added as and when user inputs them (something similar to this -
Well i got the functionality working and even the looks are similar but struggling on the horizontal panel. I am using a horizontal panel as a search bar and it has a suggest box embedded in it. so when user inputs data the search items are added to the horizontal panel. but as and when search items are added the horizontal panel grows in size and moves out of the screen and browser's horizontal scroll bar appears. But i wanted a scroll bar on the horizontal panel itself.
Can this be achieved ?
want some ideas ... any help is appreciated.
You may want to use the css overflow-x attribute. If you want it to scroll set the value to scroll or auto. If you need to constraint the size of the div in specific ways you may need to control it progamatically.
I don't see any other solution than place your HorizontalPanel inside a scroll panel.
Then I would add a CSS property to prevent the vertical scrollbar from showing.
Here's an ui.xml excerpt:
overflow-y: hidden !important;
/* !important used to force override the style "overflow:scroll"
of the ScrollPanel */
<g:ScrollPanel addStyleNames="scrollHorizontal">
<g:HorizontalPanel ui:field="resultsPanel" />
You may need to check the client height of your scroll panel so as to adjust the height of the items inside the horizontal panel, depending on your layout.

make the page scroll to show the full contents of a div element?

I'm using a simple javascript toggle function to expand a div to show its contents. If the div is near the bottom of the screen, it expands and some of the div disappears off the screen.
How can I get the page to automatically scroll down to make sure the div is in view?
Each element on your page, including your DIV, will have a set of offset values relative to the document. You can get these via the $.offset() method. This will give you the x and y coordinates to the element on the page.
There are many plugins that exist in the wild (such as $.scrollTo() by Ariel Flesler) which will animate scrolling of your page for you, and even do so via a set of provided coordinates. You would join these two items together to automate a scrolling to the offset coordinates of your DIV.
Just make sure your DIV isn't taller than your viewport, or else you'll need to scroll even more to see all of it.