GeoFire observeReady gets executed prematurely in Swift - swift

In the following function I am am performing an initial geofire search query and wish to process all keys found, append them to an array and send the entire array back.
The issue is that the observeReady block of code is being executed too prematurely and therefore sending an empty array (nothing displays at first load even though there are keys found within the range).
I understand that the observeSingleEvent call is asynchronous and may be causing this behaviour, so my question is, how can I manage this and ensure that the keys are processed prior to executing the handler call within the observeReady block?
func fetchInitialNearbyVenues(deviceLocation: CLLocation, radius: Double, handler: #escaping ([Venue]) -> ()) {
var savedByUsers = [String : String]()
let query = self.GEOFIRE_VENUES_LOC.query(at: deviceLocation, withRadius: radius)
query.observe(.keyEntered) { (key: String!, venueLocation: CLLocation!) in
self.REF_VENUES.child(key).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
//process snapshot create and append Venue object to array
self.venuesArray.append(venue) //append Venue to array
})//end observeSingleEvent
}//end geofire query observe
query.observeReady {
handler(self.venuesArray) //PROBLEM: This gets executed prematurely thus sending an empty array via handler
}//end func

What you're seeing is expected behavior. The observeReady is guaranteed to fire after all the corresponding observe(.keyEntered) have been called. You can verify this with some simple logging statements:
query.observe(.keyEntered) { (key: String!, venueLocation: CLLocation!) in
query.observeReady {
When you run this it will print:
That is in line with how the API is supposed to work. But in the .keyEntered you are loading additional data from Firebase, which happens asynchronously. And those calls may indeed complete after the .observeReady has fired.
So you will need to implement the necessary synchronization yourself. A simple way to detect if you have loaded all the additional data, is to keep a count of all the keys for which you still need to load data. So you +1 that every time you add a key, and -1 every time you've loaded the venue data:
let venuesToLoadCount = 0
query.observe(.keyEntered) { (key: String!, venueLocation: CLLocation!) in
venuesToLoadCount = venuesToLoadCount + 1
self.REF_VENUES.child(key).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
venuesToLoadCount = venuesToLoadCount - 1
if venuesToLoadCount == 0 {
print("All done")
query.observeReady {
if venuesToLoadCount == 0 {
print("All done")


Firebase removeObserver is not working in Swift 5

I am using Firebase's Realtime database in my app. I am fetching data from the database and do some change and after that I am removing the observer which is not working fine.
I have some data in Realtime Database like this:
I am using firebase's observe(.value) function to get this value and after that I am updating an entry and then I am removing the observer. This is my code:
func updatePoints() {
let firebaseId = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "firebaseId") as? String ?? ""
let reference = self.database.child("Points").child(firebaseId)
var handler : UInt = 0
handler = reference.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
guard let userPoints = snapshot.value as? [String : Any] else {
print("no points data found")
let pointsLeft = userPoints["points_left"] as? Int ?? 0
reference.child("points_left").setValue(pointsLeft - 1)
reference.removeObserver(withHandle: handler)
The problem now is, this observer runs twice. For example, if "points_left" : 10, then after this function the points left will have 8 value but it should have 9 instead. It is running twice and I am not understanding why is it doing so as I am using removeObserver. Can someone help me with this?
The reason to the above unexpected behaviour is the setValue function you called to update the points is triggering another .value event in the database. Then it triggers the observer again. Therefore, by the time you remove the observer, it has already triggered twice. This leads to decrease of points by 2 instead of 1.
So if u interchange the last two lines, by the time you call the setValue function observer is removed. So it will not get triggered for the second time.

Why is My Code running this way and is There a better way to solve this issue

// In the code below I am trying to return an array from data in firestore, the array always returned empty when I put the handler outside the for loop so I had to use an if statement inside the for loop to get the array containing the data. after using the print statement you see in the code i found out that the compiler is going over the entire function before entering the for loop, (print("5") & (print("6") are the first to run and when I put the handler outside the for it will also be triggered and return an empty array
func getMyGames(joinedGamesIDs: [String], handler: #escaping(_ games: [GameViewModal]) -> ()) {
var games = [GameViewModal]()
if !joinedGamesIDs.isEmpty{
for id in joinedGamesIDs {
db.collection("games").document(id).getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists {
if let game = self.getGameViewModal(document: document){
if games.count == (joinedGamesIDs.count){
I've embedded my explanations in the code commentary for easier reading. But the problem you have is that you aren't coordinating these async tasks (the getting of each document). You must coordinate them so when the last one finishes, you can "return" the array from the function. This function doesn't technically "return" anything (except Void) but the completion handler, in a way, "returns" the array which is why I put it in quotes. These semantic details matter and it helps to understand everything better.
func getMyGames(joinedGamesIDs: [String], handler: #escaping (_ games: [GameViewModel]) -> ()) {
guard !joinedGamesIDs.isEmpty else {
// If there is nothing to do, always consider
// calling the handler anyway, with an empty
// array, so the caller isn't left hanging.
return handler([])
// Set up a Dispatch Group to coordinate the multiple
// async tasks. Instatiate outside of the loop.
let group = DispatchGroup()
var games: [GameViewModel] = []
for id in joinedGamesIDs {
// Enter the group on each iteration of async work
// to be performed.
db.collection("games").document(id).getDocument { (document, error) in
if let doc = document,
let game = self.getGameViewModal(document: doc) {
} else if let error = error {
// Always print errors when in development.
// No matter what happens inside the iteration,
// whether there was a success in getting the
// document or a failure, always leave the group.
// Once all of the calls to enter the group are equalled
// by the calls to leave the group, this block is called,
// which is the group's own completion handler. Here is
// where you ultimately call the function's handler and
// return the array.
group.notify(queue: .main) {

addDocument completion handler is never called

I have a function adding documents to a collection in firebase. It is done using a for loop. I have a DispatchGroup and I am calling enter() at the start of each iteration of the loop. After each document has been added I want to call the completion handler of the addDocument method. In the completion handler I want to call leave() on my DispatchGroup, so that I eventually can perform a segue when all documents have been added. My problem is that the completion handler never seems to get called as the messages never get printed. I can see that the documents get added to my collection in firebase every time I run the code. Have I misunderstood something or is there something wrong with my approach? Any help would be very appreciated. A simplified example of my code looks something like this:
func uploadDocumentToFirebase(names: String[])
for name in names
collection.addDocument(data: ["name": name], completion: {error in
print("Document: \(name) was uploaded to firebase")
The actual documents I'm adding have 6 fields instead of the 1 shown in my example, if that makes any difference.
There are many ways to do this - here's two. First is using a dispatch group and the second is using and index technique.
I have an array of words and want to write them to Firestore, notifying as each one is written and then when they are all written.
let arrayOfWords = ["boundless", "delicious", "use", "two", "describe", "hilarious"]
Here's the dispatch group code. We enter the group, write the data and in the completion handler, when done, leave. When all have been left group.notify is called.
func writeWordUsingDispatchGroup() {
let group = DispatchGroup()
let wordCollection = self.db.collection("word_collection")
for word in self.arrayOfWords {
let dataToWrite = ["word": word]
wordCollection.addDocument(data: dataToWrite, completion: { error in
print("\(word) written")
group.notify(queue: .main) {
print("all words written")
And then the index code. All this does is calculates the index of the last object in the array and then iterates over the array enumerated (so we get the index). Then when the index of the current loop matches the last index, we know we're done.
func writeWordsUsingIndex() {
let wordCollection = self.db.collection("word_collection")
let lastIndex = self.arrayOfWords.count - 1
for (index, word) in self.arrayOfWords.enumerated() {
let dataToWrite = ["word": word]
wordCollection.addDocument(data: dataToWrite, completion: { error in
print("\(word) written")
if index == lastIndex {
print("all words written")
Maybe you can run a completion handler so that your exits are in the same place as your group? I generally write completion handlers in situations like this this and call them where you have self.dispatchGroup.leave(). You can put self.dispatchGroup.leave() in the completion block which might help? It seems like your group has an uneven number of entry points and exit points. Organizing with a completion block might help find it?
completion: (#escaping (Bool) -> ()) = { (arg) in })
Would you mind using this setData code instead of addDcoument to see if it helps? You can add your dispatch to this code and see if it all works. If not I will keep thinking it through...
Also maybe check to make sure the input array isn't empty (just print it to console in the method).
let db = Firestore.firestore()
db.collection("your path").document("\(your document name)").setData([
"aName": "\(name)",
"anEmail": "\(email)",
]) { err in
if let _ = err {
print("Error writing document:")
} else {
print("Document successfully written!")
My problem is that the completion handler never seems to get called as
the messages never get printed.
It seems you're not calling completion inside your addDocument method, at least for the case, when a document is successfully added.

Closures for waiting data from CloudKit

I have a CloudKit database with some data. By pressing a button my app should check for existence of some data in the Database. The problem is that all processes end before my app get the results of its search. I found this useful Answer, where it is said to use Closures.
I tried to follow the same structure but Swift asks me for parameters and I get lost very quick here.
Does someone can please help me? Thanks for any help
func reloadTable() {
func getDataFromCloud(completionHandler: #escaping (_ records: [CKRecord]) -> Void) {
print("I begin asking process")
var listOfDates: [CKRecord] = []
let predicate = NSPredicate(value: true)
let query = CKQuery(recordType: "Riservazioni", predicate: predicate)
let queryOperation = CKQueryOperation(query: query)
queryOperation.resultsLimit = 20
queryOperation.recordFetchedBlock = { record in
queryOperation.queryCompletionBlock = { cursor, error in
if error != nil {
} else {
print("NO error")
self.Array = listOfDates
var Array = [CKRecord]()
func generateHourArray() {
print("generate array")
for hour in disponibleHours {
let instance = CKRecord(recordType: orderNumber+hour)
if Array.contains(instance) {
disponibleHours.remove(at: disponibleHours.index(of: hour)!)
func loadData() {
timePickerView.isHidden = false
#IBAction func checkDisponibility(_ sender: Any) {
if self.timePickerView.isHidden == true {
getDataFromCloud{ (records) in
Im struggling to understand your code and where the CloudKit elements fit in to it, so Im going to try and give a generic answer which will hopefully still help you.
Lets start with the function we are going to call to get our CloudKit data, lets say we are fetching a list of people.
func getPeople() {
This is simple enough so far, so now lets add the CloudKit code.
func getPeople() {
var listOfPeople: [CKRecord] = [] // A place to store the items as we get them
let query = CKQuery(recordType: "Person", predicate: NSPredicate(value: true))
let queryOperation = CKQueryOperation(query: query)
queryOperation.resultsLimit = 20
// As we get each record, lets store them in the array
queryOperation.recordFetchedBlock = { record in
// Have another closure for when the download is complete
queryOperation.queryCompletionBlock = { cursor, error in
if error != nil {
} else {
// We are done, we will come back to this
Now we have our list of people, but we want to return this once CloudKit is done. As you rightly said, we want to use a closure for this. Lets add one to the function definition.
func getPeople(completionHandler: #escaping (_ records: [CKRecord]) -> Void) {
This above adds a completion hander closure. The parameters that we are going to pass to the caller are the records, so we add that into the definition. We dont expect anyone to respond to our completion handler, so we expect a return value of Void. You may want a boolean value here as a success message, but this is entirely project dependent.
Now lets tie the whole thing together. On the line I said we would come back to, you can now replace the comment with:
This will then send the list of people to the caller as soon as CloudKit is finished. Ive shown an example below of someone calling this function.
getPeople { (records) in
// This code wont run until cloudkit is finished fetching the data!
Something to bare in mind, is which thread the CloudKit API runs on. If it runs on a background thread, then the callback will also be on the background thread - so make sure you don't do any UI changes in the completion handler (or move it to the main thread).
There are lots of improvements you could make to this code, and adapt it to your own project, but it should give you a start. Right off the bat, Id image you will want to change the completion handler parameters to a Bool to show whether the data is present or not.
Let me know if you notice any mistakes, or need a little more help.

Swift DispatchQueue with Firebase synchronously

I'm trying to fetch some data from firebase inside a for loop but it doesn't work.
I know I'm supposed to use DispatchQueue, but I can't understand how I'm supposed to use it with Firebase.
I got a loop:
for i in 0..<Exercice.workout.count{
exercice = (Exercice.workout[i] as! [[Any]])[0][0] as! String
print("Exercice: \(exercice)")
self.endDeleteLastSerie(key: key, exercice: exercice, callback: {(status, endTime) in
if status == "success"{
print("do stuff here")
let index = self.getIndexOfExercice(exerciceName: exercice)
print("Index: \(index)")
print("ExerciceName: \(exercice)")
Inside my function endDeleteLastSerie I'm calling 2 firebase functions
func endDeleteLastSerie(key:String, exercice: String, callback: #escaping(_ status:String, _ endTime: Int)->Void){
FirebaseWorkout.deleteSerie(key: key, exercice: exercice) { (status) in
if status == "success" {
//we set the end time to firebase
FirebaseWorkout.updateEndExercice(exercice: exercice, callback: { (status, endTime) in
if status == "success" {
callback("success", endTime)
callback("error", endTime)
**** Example of one of my firebase function ****
static func deleteSerie(key: String, exercice: String, callback: #escaping (_ status: String)->Void){
let uid = FirebaseUsers.User.uid
Database.database().reference().child("users/"+uid+"/workout/"+self.workoutKey+"/exercice/"+exercice+"/series/"+key).removeValue { (error, DatabaseReference) in
if error == nil {
print("removed from firebase")
But what I'm getting is:
Exercice: Bench Press
Exercice: Pectoral Fly
removed from firebase
removed from firebase
do stuff here
Index: 1
ExerciceName: Pectoral Fly
do stuff here
Index: 1
ExerciceName: Pectoral Fly
I tried to add my for loop inside:
DispatchQueue.main.sync { }
or { })
var _dispatchQueue:DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "first", qos: .userInteractive)
then add my for loop inside
self._dispatchQueue.sync { }
But nothing work
How can I solve this ? and get
Exercice: Bench Press
removed from firebase
do stuff here
Index: 0
ExerciceName: Bench Press
Exercice: Pectoral Fly
removed from firebase
do stuff here
Index: 1
ExerciceName: Pectoral Fly
We don't have enough code here to understand portions of the application. However, it doesn't appear to be related to your Firebase code. How is the Exercise.workout array being managed?
In your first code snippet:
for i in 0..<Exercice.workout.count{
exercice = (Exercice.workout[i] as! [[Any]])[0][0] as! String
print("Exercice: \(exercice)")
self.endDeleteLastSerie(key: key, exercice: exercice, callback: {(status, endTime) in
if status == "success"{
print("do stuff here")
let index = self.getIndexOfExercice(exerciceName: exercice)
print("Index: \(index)")
print("ExerciceName: \(exercice)")
The for-loop is running through the Exercise.workout array and the functions you reference don't appear to be removing items from the array. Of course, that could be elsewhere in the code. Also, we don't know how the getIndexOfExercice function works.
Further, you are dealing with enclosures on different threads so the print statements can happen in various orders. If you want these to happen synchronously, you'll need to add code to do that.
There are many ways of synchronizing threads and there are plenty of examples on StackOverflow or general google searches.
However I don't think this is the crux of your question so if this doesn't help you find the problem, you will need to supply more code around the array being used (and getindex function).