How to save complicated object in Firebase? - swift

I have 2 classes. A class User which contains array of objects of class Item. I want to save object of User in Firebase. What do I need to do for it?
class User: NSObject {
var name: String
var items: [Item]
init(dictionary: [String: Any]) { = dictionary["name"] as? String ?? ""
class Item{
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
var user = User(dictionary: [:]) = "Tom"
var item = Item(name: "item1")
let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid

Save them as firebase object.
class User: NSObject {
var name: String
var items: [Item]
init(dictionary: [String: Any]) { = dictionary["name"] as? String ?? ""
var json: [String: Any] {
return ["name": name, "items": { $0.json }]
class Item{
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
var json: [String: Any] {
return ["name": name]


Swift: Downcasting a Binding within a List while retaining link

I have the following view code (unworking):
import SwiftUI
struct SearchFilterView: View {
#Binding var filters: [any SourceFilter]
var body: some View {
List($filters, id: \.id) { filter in
switch filter.wrappedValue {
case var textFilter as SourceTextFilter:
text: Binding(get: { textFilter.value }, set: { textFilter.value = $0 })
case var toggleFilter as SourceToggleFilter:
isOn: Binding(get: { toggleFilter.value }, set: { toggleFilter.value = $0 })
case var segmentFilter as SourceSegmentFilter:
selection: Binding(get: { segmentFilter.value }, set: { segmentFilter.value = $0 })
) {
ForEach(segmentFilter.selections, id: \.self) { selection in
The code above compiles, but even though the values change for each filter, as soon as the view reloads, all of the changes are lost. The code for the SourceFilters are below.
protocol JSObjectEncodable {
var object: [String: Any] { get }
protocol JSObjectDecodable {
init?(from object: [String: Any])
protocol JSObjectCodable: JSObjectDecodable, JSObjectEncodable {}
protocol SourceFilter<ValueType>: JSObjectCodable, Sendable {
associatedtype ValueType
var id: String { get }
var value: ValueType { get set }
var name: String { get }
struct SourceTextFilter: SourceFilter {
init?(from object: [String: Any]) {
guard let id = object["id"] as? String,
let value = object["value"] as? String,
let name = object["name"] as? String else { return nil } = id
self.value = value = name
let id: String
var value: String
let name: String
var object: [String: Any] {
"id": id,
"value": value,
"name": name
struct SourceToggleFilter: SourceFilter {
init?(from object: [String: Any]) {
guard let id = object["id"] as? String,
let value = object["value"] as? Bool,
let name = object["name"] as? String else { return nil } = id
self.value = value = name
let id: String
var value: Bool
let name: String
var object: [String: Any] {
"id": id,
"value": value,
"name": name
struct SourceSegmentFilter: SourceFilter {
init?(from object: [String: Any]) {
guard let id = object["id"] as? String,
let value = object["value"] as? String,
let name = object["name"] as? String,
let selections = object["selections"] as? [String] else { return nil } = id
self.value = value = name
self.selections = selections
let id: String
var value: String
let name: String
let selections: [String]
var object: [String: Any] {
"id": id,
"value": value,
"name": name,
"selections": selections
How do I have it so that my changes to the filter values are saved, even after being downcast to their respective filter type? Thanks in advance.

How To Remove and Add Double Nested Elements in Firestore Array

I have a nested Codable Object In another object array in another object. I don't see how I can use FieldValue.arrayRemove[element]. Anyone know to do this? Thanks. I am trying to make it so that I can remove a cardField element in the LevelCard element in the job array.
Here is my code
struct Job: Identifiable, Codable {
var id: String? = UUID().uuidString
var uid: String = ""
var title: String = ""
var description: String = ""
var images: [ImagesForJob] = []
var levelCards: [LevelCard] = []
var tags: [Tag] = []}
struct LevelCard: Identifiable, Codable {
var id = UUID().uuidString
var name: String = ""
var color: String = "A7D0FF"
var fields: [CardField] = []}
struct CardField: Identifiable, Codable {
var id = UUID().uuidString
var name: String = ""
var value: String = ""
var type: FieldType = .Text}
func removeExistingCard(id: String, card: LevelCard) {
var data: [String: Any] = ["":""]
do {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let jsonData = try! encoder.encode(card)
data = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options: []) as! [String : Any]
} catch {
print("Error encoding account info\(error.localizedDescription)")
.updateData(["levelCards": FieldValue.arrayRemove([data])]) {err in
if let err = err {
withAnimation {
self.errMsg = "Failed to delete card: \(err.localizedDescription)"
self.showErrMsg = true
func removeExistingField(id: String, field: CardField) {
var data: [String: Any] = ["":""]
do {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let jsonData = try! encoder.encode(field)
data = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options: []) as! [String : Any]
} catch {
print("Error encoding account info\(error.localizedDescription)")
.updateData(["levelCards": FieldValue.arrayRemove([data])]) {err in
if let err = err {
withAnimation {
self.errMsg = "Failed to delete card: \(err.localizedDescription)"
self.showErrMsg = true
Also, Bonus, Does anyone know how to ignore the "id" variable when encoding all of my objects to Firestore? Thanks again.

How can I fetch data from a Firestore reference?

I have the chat collection that has the following fields: hasUnreadMessage as a Bool, isActive as a Bool, person as a reference to
person collection, messages as an array of references to message collection.
Here are some screenshots
I want to create a function to fetch all the messages but for example in the person reference when I print directly the call of the imgString or name it's correct, but when I add them to the ChatModel they are missing.
Here is the function that I created.
func fetchMessages() {
db.collection("chat").getDocuments { snapshot, err in
if let error = err {
debugPrint("Error fething documents: \(error)")
} else {
guard let snap = snapshot else { return }
for document in snap.documents {
let data =
var chatMessages: [Message] = []
var chat: ChatModel = ChatModel(person: Person(name: "", imgString: ""), messages: [], hasUnreadMessage: false, isActive: false)
let personRef = (document.get("person") as? DocumentReference ?? nil)?.getDocument(completion: { personSnapshot, personErr in
if let personError = personErr {
debugPrint("Error getting chat person: \(personError)")
} else {
guard let personSnap = personSnapshot else { return }
let personData =
chat.person.imgString = personData?["imgString"] as? String ?? "" = personData?["name"] as? String ?? ""
let messages = document.get("messages") as? [DocumentReference] ?? []
for message in messages {
message.getDocument { messageSnapshot, messageErr in
if let messageError = messageErr {
debugPrint("Error getting message: \(messageError)")
} else {
guard let messageSnap = messageSnapshot else { return }
let messageData =
let date = messageData?["date"] as? String ?? ""
let text = messageData?["text"] as? String ?? ""
let type = messageData?["type"] as? String ?? ""
chatMessages.append(Message(text, type: type, date: date))
chat.hasUnreadMessage = data["hasUnreadMessage"] as? Bool ?? false
chat.isActive = data["isActive"] as? Bool ?? false
chat.messages = chatMessages
Here are the outputs. I saw that I called the imgString print before the ChatModel print and they appeared in the opposite order
BT_Tech.ChatModel(_id: FirebaseFirestoreSwift.DocumentID<Swift.String>(value: Optional("D195D8D8-F401-4C71-B571-4877E6574B68")), person: BT_Tech.Person(_id: FirebaseFirestoreSwift.DocumentID<Swift.String>(value: Optional("46768262-EB88-42B3-A9FF-4F9FF3A7B7F1")), name: "", imgString: ""), messages: [], hasUnreadMessage: true, isActive: true)
"imgString: girl1"
Here is the ChatModel
struct ChatModel: Identifiable, Codable {
#DocumentID var id: String? = UUID().uuidString
var person: Person
var messages: [Message]
var hasUnreadMessage: Bool
var isActive: Bool
struct Person: Identifiable, Codable {
#DocumentID var id: String? = UUID().uuidString
var name: String
var imgString: String
struct Message: Identifiable, Codable {
#DocumentID var id: String? = UUID().uuidString
var date: String
var text: String
var type: String
init(_ text: String, type: String, date: String) {
self.text = text
self.type = type = date
init(_ text: String, type: String) {
self.init(text, type: type, date: "")

Unpacking Firestore array with objects to a model in swift

I have a project in swift with Firestore for the database. My firestore dataset of a user looks like this. User details with an array that contains objects.
I have a function that gets the specifick user with all firestore data:
func fetchUser(){
.getDocument { (snapshot, error ) in
do {
if let document = snapshot {
let id = document.documentID
let firstName = document.get("firstName") as? String ?? ""
let secondName = document.get("secondName") as? String ?? ""
let imageUrl = document.get("imageUrl") as? String ?? ""
let joinedDate = document.get("joinedDate") as? String ?? ""
let coins = document.get("coins") as? Int ?? 0
let challenges = document.get("activeChallenges") as? [Challenge] ?? []
let imageLink = URL(string: imageUrl)
let imageData = try? Data(contentsOf: imageLink!)
let image = UIImage(data: imageData!) as UIImage?
let arrayWithNoOptionals = document.get("activeChallenges").flatMap { $0 }
print("array without opt", arrayWithNoOptionals)
self.user = Account(id: id, firstName: firstName, secondName: secondName, email: "", password: "", profileImage: image ?? UIImage(), joinedDate: joinedDate, coins: coins, activeChallenges: challenges)
else {
print("Document does not exist")
catch {
This is what the user model looks like:
class Account {
var id: String?
var firstName: String?
var secondName: String?
var email: String?
var password: String?
var profileImage: UIImage?
var coins: Int?
var joinedDate: String?
var activeChallenges: [Challenge]?
init(id: String, firstName: String,secondName: String, email: String, password: String, profileImage: UIImage, joinedDate: String, coins: Int, activeChallenges: [Challenge]) { = id
self.firstName = firstName
self.secondName = secondName = email
self.password = password
self.profileImage = profileImage
self.joinedDate = joinedDate
self.coins = coins
self.activeChallenges = activeChallenges
init() {
The problem is I don't understand how to map the activeChallenges from firestore to the array of the model. When I try : let challenges = document.get("activeChallenges") as? [Challenge] ?? []
The print contains an empty array, but when i do: let arrayWithNoOptionals = document.get("activeChallenges").flatMap { $0 } print("array without opt", arrayWithNoOptionals)
This is the output of the flatmap:
it returns an optional array
System can not know that activeChallenges is array of Challenge object. So, you need to cast it to key-value type (Dictionary) first, then map it to Challenge object
let challengesDict = document.get("activeChallenges") as? [Dictionary<String: Any>] ?? [[:]]
let challenges = { challengeDict in
let challenge = Challenge()
challenge.challengeId = challengeDict["challengeId"] as? String
return challenge
This is the same way that you cast snapshot(document) to Account object

groupBy array by two values in swift

I'm using this extension of Array to groupBy:
func groupBy <U> (groupingFunction group: (Element) -> U) -> [U: Array] {
var result = [U: Array]()
for item in self {
let groupKey = group(item)
// If element has already been added to dictionary, append to it. If not, create one.
if result.has(groupKey) {
result[groupKey]! += [item]
} else {
result[groupKey] = [item]
return result
And trying to make a dictionary from teamId and rank (custom properties of my object from array).
self.items = myArray.groupBy {
team in
if team.rank == nil {
return team.teamId!
} else {
return team.rank!
My case looks something like this:
"team_id": "4",
"team_name": "T16",
"rank": "3"
"team_id": "4",
"team_name": "T16",
"rank": "2"
"team_id": "4",
"team_name": "T16",
"rank": "1"
"team_id": "5",
"team_name": "T16",
"rank": null
desired output:
let teams : [String: TeamItem] = [ "4" : TeamItem.rank3, "4-2" : TeamItem.rank2, "4-1" : TeamItem.rank1, "5" : TeamItem]
func requestTeamData(listener:([TeamItem]) -> ()) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
let baseURL: String = self._appSettings.getPathByName(EndPoint.BASE_URL.rawValue) as! String
let paths: NSDictionary = self._appSettings.getPathByName(EndPoint.PATH.NAME.rawValue) as! NSDictionary
let teamPaths: NSDictionary = paths.objectForKey(EndPoint.PATH.TEAM.KEY.rawValue) as! NSDictionary
let path = teamPaths.valueForKey(EndPoint.PATH.TEAM.PATH.rawValue) as! String
request(.GET, baseURL + path, parameters:[:])
.responseCollection { (_, _, team: [TeamItem]?, error) in
if let team = team {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
Calling the API, straightforward
DataProvider.getInstance().requestTeamData({(items:[TeamItem]) -> () in
//Getting the items from the API
#objc final class TeamItem: Equatable, ResponseObjectSerializable, ResponseDictionarySerializable {
let firstName: String?
let lastName: String?
let seasonId: String?
let seasonName: String?
let teamId: String?
let teamName: String?
let rank: String?
let positionId: String?
let positionName: String?
let number: String?
let birthDate: String?
let birthPlace: String?
let citizenship: String?
let height: String?
let weight: String?
let maritalStatus: String?
let model: String?
let hobby: String?
let food: String?
let book: String?
let movie: String?
let wish: String?
let message: String?
let biography: String?
let imageURL: String?
let teamImageURL: String?
required init?(response: NSHTTPURLResponse, representation: AnyObject) {
self.firstName = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.FirstName.rawValue) as? String
self.lastName = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.LastName.rawValue) as? String
self.seasonId = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.SeasonId.rawValue) as? String
self.seasonName = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.SeasonName.rawValue) as? String
self.teamId = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.TeamId.rawValue) as? String
self.teamName = (representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.TeamName.rawValue) as? String)!
self.rank = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Rank.rawValue) as? String
self.positionId = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.PositionId.rawValue) as? String
self.positionName = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.PositionName.rawValue) as? String
self.number = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Number.rawValue) as? String
self.birthDate = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.BirthDate.rawValue) as? String
self.birthPlace = (representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.BirthPlace.rawValue) as? String)!
self.citizenship = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Citizenship.rawValue) as? String
self.height = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Height.rawValue) as? String
self.weight = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Weight.rawValue) as? String
self.maritalStatus = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.MaritalStatus.rawValue) as? String
self.model = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Model.rawValue) as? String
self.hobby = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Hobby.rawValue) as? String = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Food.rawValue) as? String = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Book.rawValue) as? String = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Movie.rawValue) as? String
self.wish = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Wish.rawValue) as? String
self.message = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Message.rawValue) as? String
self.biography = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.Biography.rawValue) as? String
self.imageURL = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.ImageURL.rawValue) as? String
self.teamImageURL = representation.valueForKeyPath(EndPoint.Keys.Team.TeamImageURL.rawValue) as? String
#objc static func collection(#response: NSHTTPURLResponse, representation: AnyObject) -> [TeamItem] {
var teamItemArray: [TeamItem] = []
if let representation = representation as? [[String: AnyObject]] {
for teamItemRepresentation in representation {
if let teamItem = TeamItem(response: response, representation: teamItemRepresentation) {
return teamItemArray
func ==(lhs: TeamItem, rhs: TeamItem) -> Bool {
return lhs.lastName == rhs.lastName
TeamItem.rank1 means actually that the value of the rank is 1 (the same for others)
This is what've need, hope will help someone:
#objc static func dictionary(#response: NSHTTPURLResponse, representation: AnyObject) -> [String: Array<TeamItem>] {
var teamItemDictionary: [String: Array<TeamItem>] = [:]
if let representation = representation as? [[String: AnyObject]] {
for teamItemRepresentation in representation {
if let teamItem = TeamItem(response: response, representation: teamItemRepresentation) {
if teamItem.rank != nil {
let teamKey = teamItem.teamId! + "-" + teamItem.rank!
if teamItem.teamId != EndPoint.Keys.Team.Type.rawValue {
if let team = teamItemDictionary[teamKey] as [TeamItem]? {
} else {
teamItemDictionary[teamKey] = []
} else {
if teamItem.teamId != EndPoint.Keys.Team.Type.rawValue {
if let team = teamItemDictionary[teamItem.teamId!] as [TeamItem]? {
} else {
teamItemDictionary[teamItem.teamId!] = []
return teamItemDictionary