How to Integrate ABBYY in Ionic 4? - ionic-framework

I want to integrate ABBYY Real-Time Recognition plugin in my Ionic 4 app.
Here is the link.
Their documentation is quite incomplete. Visited this cordova npmjs link also but go error while building android app.
Could not resolve all files for configuration
Could not find :abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0:.
Any help would be much appreciated thanks!

I get workout of it with doing below in project folder.
Download sdk from rtrsdk site and extract it.
You will find libs > abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0.aar file on it.
We have to put it under platforms > libs > android > abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0.aar
Now try to make build.
Please watch video tutorial for same.


can't load brother SDK to capacitor custom plug in

I have been searching all over and I have not found any good documentation in how can I create a custom ionic capacitor plug-in with an external SDK (Brother printer SDK). This SDK is located locally in my computer.
The Error I keep getting is the following.
No such module 'BRLMPrinterKit'
I'm building the plug in with
npm init #capacitor/plugin#latest
I follow the steps found in
How to embed third party framework on ionic capacitor custom plugin?
I was expecting to use the Brother printer SDK in the custom capacitor plug in. Any tip in how can I implement a custom plug in with any framework?
I don't know very well about ios plugins for ionic, but I recommend you to use this post to create the plugin step by step (I used it for android plugins):
I think you can use this other post to solve that specific issue: How to import framework into XCode project?
I know it's not the best answer, but I hope it helps.

How to download Highchart PDFs in Mobile Apps?

I am using the Ionic version - 5.4.16 and am required to download PDF/Images files from HighCharts Options. On the browser, while development, it's working.
But in Ionic Build, it isn't.
I tried to inspect the changes and received this message on clicking "Download options.
Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type image/png: ""
Please advise.
The problem arises because the export module on Android works only for images.

Does eclipse still work for android development.?

Basically I'm asking is if I was to download eclipse right now(8/3/17), would I still be able to get all the required plugins to effectively develop android applications.
if so can some one tell me where I could get them.? Everyone keeps sending me to the android studio page but I can't find a link to the stand alone sdk without downloading android studio
Any help will be appreciated
Here you can find the SDK tools package.

Integrating GPGS and AdMob or Vungle

Using Unity 5.2.3.
Using Android SDK Rev. 23.1.1
Using Google Play Game Services Package 0.9.31a (Services Version 8.4.0) for unity.
Using AdMob 3.0.1
Using Vungle (can't link, stackoverflow not allowing more than 2 links)
Note: I am using AdMob and Vungle separately with Play game services.
I have integrated Play game services with my app and that's work fine but whenever I try to include any other packages like AdMob or Vungle following happens.
AdMob: I have included the package, whenever Compile or Reopen the project play-services-basement-8.4.0 get deleted, Play Games Package has Resolve Client Jars and I am 100% sure that to blame.
Vungle: I configured Vungle Package as described in their documentation but again whenever I compile or reopen the Project several of Vungle files along with Vungle's main file Assets/Plugins/Android/libs/"android-support-v4.jar" get deleted. Again maybe Resolve Client Jars to blame.
In both cases above, I have manually copied the missing files and include them while Unity was closed but those were gone as soon as project opens.
I have issued a bug report with Unity but they said they can't help with 3rd party and they don't have issue on Unity's end.
Please Help and let me know any additional information, ill be happy to assist you.
Since PlayServicesResolver just find dependency by rules and copy "NEWEST" to project folder and Google Play Games already have dependency on support-library-v4 23.1.+. , we can not resolve this within Unity Plugin.
I would recommend:
As work around, you can navigate to Assets>Google Play Services>Settings>uncheck-"enable background resolution"
and manually copy support library from
Assets/Plugins/Android, and run Assets>Google Play Services>Resolve Client Jars and keep 21.0.3"
This will leave "older version" of "android-support-v4.jar", but Google Play Games might not work with this version of "android-support-v4.jar".
Can you please try this?

How to use sphero unity plugin?

I'm trying to use sphero unity plugin.
I'm download from GitHub. Evrything is OK but when I'm trying to lauch the sample app from Ipad2 it crashe.
I'm also try with the unity plugin in the asset store.
Did I forget anything ?
Thank you
We are seeing this crash on some projects because the "-all_load" linker flag isn't added in the xcodeproject. See this other stackoverflow project for a more detailed solution.
Sphero iOS Unity Plugin - Crash Following Sphero Connect