Scaling vertex coordinates of marching cubes algorithm output in skimage - coordinates

I am trying to use skimage.measure.marching_cubes_lewiner to resolve some isosurface f(x,y,z)=0. In my case f is strongly nonlinear, and is best mapped when coordinates are given with logarithmic spacing. Because the marching cubes wants a regular grid, to build the voxels, I am working on a meshgrid of coordinates X,Y,Z which correspond to the log10 of my original coordinates, so that my isosurface is equivalently given by f(10**X,10**Y,10**Z)=0. Everything would be fine, if it were not for the fact that, say I am working with X,Y,Z in [-1.5,2]^3 (equivalent to x,y,z in [0.03,100.]^3), the vertex coordinates of the solution given by skimage.measure.marching_cubes_lewiner, are not in this cube.
Following the answer to another related question on SO, I thought it could be due to the fact that, probably the algorithm works thinking of a unitary volume, so that I need to set the right spacing input argument in my call of skimage.measure.marching_cubes_lewiner. In this fashion, say I am mapping my function f on a grid of N points per coordinate, so that I am increasing exponents by numpy.diff([-1.5,2])/N per coordinate, I accordingly call:
import numpy as np
from skimage import measure as msr
def f(x,y,z):
val = ... # some lengthy code to define my implicit function
return val
# Define ranges of my coordinates
xRange = [0.03,100.]
yRange = [0.03,100.]
zRange = [0.03,100.]
XRange = np.log10(xRange)
YRange = np.log10(yRange)
ZRange = np.log10(zRange)
# Create regular grid
N = 50 # number of points per coordinate
X,Y,Z = np.mesh[XRange[0]:XRange[1]:N*1j,
F = f(10**X,10**Y,10**Z)
sol,_,_,_ = skimage.measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(F,0.0,spacing(np.diff(XRange)/N,np.diff(YRange)/N,np.diff(ZRange)/N))
yet, unexpectedly, the coordinates of the solution points generally seem in [0,Vx]*[0,Vy]*[0,Vz] with Vx>XRange[-1], Vy>YRange[-1] and Vz>ZRange[-1]. I have no clue of why this happens and how I could properly rescale the coordinates of my isosurface solution, to the real units of my problem.


How to create a smoother heatmap

I'd like to create a heat map to analyze the porosity of some specimens that I have 3D-printed. the X-Y coordinates are fixed since they are the positions in which the specimens are printed on the platform.
Tbl = readtable('Data/heatmap/above.csv');
X = Tbl(:,1);
Y = Tbl(:,2);
porosity = Tbl(:,3);
hmap_above = heatmap(Tbl, 'X', 'Y', 'ColorVariable', 'porosity');
The first question is: how can I sort the Y-axis of the plot? since it goes from the lower value (top) to the higher value (bottom) and I need it the other way around.
The second question is: I only have around 22 data points and most of the chart is without color, so I'd like to get a smoother heatmap without the black parts.
The data set is quite simple and is shown below:
If you want to assign color to the "black parts" you will have to interpolate the porosity over a finer grid than you currently have.
The best tool for 2D interpolation over a uniformly sampled grid is griddata
First you have to define the X-Y grid you want to interpolate over, and choose a suitable mesh density.
% this will be the number of points over each side of the grid
gridres = 100 ;
% create a uniform vector on X, from min to max value, made of "gridres" points
xs = linspace(min(X),max(X),gridres) ;
% create a uniform vector on Y, from min to max value, made of "gridres" points
ys = linspace(min(Y),max(Y),gridres) ;
% generate 2D grid coordinates from xs and ys
[xq,yq]=meshgrid(xs,ys) ;
% now interpolate the pososity over the new grid
InterpolatedPorosity = griddata(X,Y,porosity,xq,yq) ;
% Reverse the Y axis (flip the `yq` matrix upside down)
yq = flipud(yq) ;
Now my version of matlab does not have the heatmap function, so I'll just use pcolor for display.
% now display
hmap_above = pcolor(xq,yq,InterpolatedPorosity);
hmap_above.EdgeColor = [.5 .5 .5] ; % cosmetic adjustment
colormap jet
title(['Gridres = ' num2str(gridres)])
And here are the results with different grid resolutions (the value of the gridres variable at the beginning):
Now you could also ask MATLAB to further graphically smooth the domain by calling:
shading interp
Which in the 2 cases above would yield:
Notes: As you can see on the gridres=100, you original data are so scattered that at some point interpolating on a denser grid is not going to produce any meaningful improvment. No need to go overkill on your mesh density if you do not have enough data to start with.
Also, the pcolor function uses the matrix input in the opposite way than heatmap. If you use heatmap, you have to flip the Y matrix upside down as shown in the code. But if you end up using pcolor, then you don't need to flip the Y matrix.
The fact that I did it in the code (to show you how to do) made the result display in the wrong orientation for a display with pcolor. Simply comment the yq = flipud(yq) ; statement if you stick with pcolor.
Additionally, if you want to be able to follow the isolevels generated by the interpolation, you can use contour to add a layer of information:
Right after the code above, the lines:
hold on
will yield:

3D Oceanic Temperature Interpolations in MATLAB

I am running autonomous underwater vehicle missions which give me lat, long, depth, and temperature data that I am trying to create 3D interpolations with. I am able to create the 3D model of the environment but I am trying to have the color fill be the interpolated temperature at each associated position.
The image below is the 3d depth chart I get that I want to have the fill color be the temperatures at those locations:
I have tried using colormap where surf(X, Y, Z, C) and C is the temperature data but that does not work.
This is what I have for code where VPSA is my data set and X = longitude, y = latitude, Z = depth, and C = temperature
%Making Variables:
X = VPSA {:,1};
Y = VPSA {:,2};
Z = VPSA {:,3};
C = VPSA {:,4};
%Three axis plot
%Plotting Variable with coordinates
xi = linspace(min(X),max(X),1000);
yi = linspace(min(Y),max(Y),1000);
[Xi,Yi] = meshgrid(xi,yi);
Zi = griddata(X,Y,Z, Xi,Yi);
mesh (Xi,Yi,-Zi)
UPDATE: I added the following lines of code
Ci = griddata(X,Y,C,Xi,Yi);
to get the following figure, but it is so hard to tell what is going on, I wonder if there is a way to smooth the interpolation out into a box so it isn't as jagged.
Thank you!!
I am assuming that the original X,Y,Z,C data points are matched, and you can use the command mesh(X,Y,Z,C) to get a usable plot. Now you are looking to do the same, but with an interpolated dataset.
In this case, you only need to give the mesh command a the color data C.
C also needs to be interpolated, so maybe something like:
Ci = griddata(X,Y,C,Xi,Yi); % Interpolate C the same way you did for Z
Edit: Apologies for the previous incorrect answer.
It's hard to know exactly what you mean by "does not work" or what the nature of your temperature matrix C is, but the specification for C is as follows:
same size as Z (more specifically, each element in Z corresponds to each element of C in the same position)
each element in C is an integer, corresponding to a position in the current colormap. (which means if you update your colormap, your surface plot will update accordingly)
The integers can be inspected / changed after plotting, via the cdata property of your surface plot.
You may have to change whether your plot treats your colormap as scaled or direct (i.e. the cdatamapping). Have a look at your object's properties to find out.

Plotting contour for irregular xy data with holes

I am stuck with this problem for the last two days and haven't found a solution so far. I have a data in the following format:
x1, y1, val1
.. .. ..
.. .. ..
xn, yn, valn
The values val1, ..., valn are the field quantities I obtain after simulation on a geometry as below.
Only the grey region is the domain of interest whereas the one in blue/dark blue is not (including the inverted L shaped blue region in the interior). Thus the x and y coordinates of the data are scattered/irregular and with large gaps due to the hole in my original geometry. Is there a way to get a filled contour plot for this data? Trying the following in Matlab gives me triangulation with triangles outside the original polygon. Also, it fills the holes which is not what I want.
x = data(:,1);
y = data(:,2);
z = data(:,3);
dt = delaunayTriangulation(x,y) ;
tri = dt.ConnectivityList ;
xi = dt.Points(:,1) ;
yi = dt.Points(:,2) ;
F = scatteredInterpolant(x,y,z);
zI = F(xi,yi) ;
Another possibility was to import the data in ParaView and do filtering as Table-to-Points--> Delaunay Triangulation 2D. But this has the same problems as Matlab. The holes are not analytical to mask the unwanted interpolated regions with NaNs by using some mathematical expression.
Paraview seems to have the solution for this. Although I did not use finite elements to solve the pde, I could generate a finite element mesh inside GMsh for my geometry with holes. I then import both my CSV data file and the GMsh mesh file (in .vtk format) in ParaView. Resampling my field data with Dataset filter with the results of the Delaunay2D as the input gives me the contour only on the original geometry.

Integrating Velocity Over a Complex 2-D Surface

I'm using matlab to calculate the the average velocity in the cross section of a pipe by integrating discrete velocity points over a surface. The points are scattered in a random pattern that form a circle (almost).
I used scatteredinterpolant to create a function relating x and y to v (velocity) in order to create a grid of interpolated values.
F = scatteredInterpolant(x, y, v,'linear');
vq = F(xq,yq); % where xq and yq are a set of query points
The problem I am now having is trying to calculate the the surface area of this function, but only in this circular portion that contains all the scatter points.
The first way I went about this was using the quad2d function.
int = quad2d(#(x,y) F(x,y), min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y), 'MaxFunEvals', 100000);
However this gives is incorrect as it takes the area over a rectangle and a circle.
Now I can probably define the surface area with a circle but in the future I will have to work with more complex shapes so I want to use points that define the boundary of the scatter points.
I'm doing this through triangulation, using the following command.
DT = delaunayTriangulation(x,y);
However I have no idea how I can incorporate these points into a quad2d function. I was hoping someone might have a suggestion or possibly another method I could use in calculating the area over these complex surfaces.
You could assume your function to be piecewise linear on your integration area and then integrate it using a midpoint quadrature rule:
For every triangle you compute the midpoint value as the mean of the nodal values and multiply by the triangle's area. You sum it all up to get your integral.
function int = integrate(T, values)
meanOnTriangle = mean(values(T.ConnectivityList),2);
int = sum(getElementAreas(T).*meanOnTriangle);
function areas = getElementAreas(T)
X = #(d) T.Points(T.ConnectivityList(:,d),:);
d21 = X(2)-X(1);
d31 = X(3)-X(1);
areas = abs(1/2*(d21(:,1).*d31(:,2)-d21(:,2).*d31(:,1)));
As your goal is the average velocity, you want to compute the following quantity:
averageVelocity = integrate(DT,v)/sum(getElementAreas(DT));

Retrieving data on coordinates which or not on the data grid through interpolation

I'm using Matlab to read a large (NetCDF) data set with information about a magnetic field. The data set is a three-dimensional array of 318x562x554 and I can retrieve have three one-dimensional array (318x1, 562x1 and 554x1) with each axis values of the coordinates. I would like to know the magnetic field values on points that do not fit on the data set grid. These points are in this case trajectory coordinates of a spacecraft placed in a two-dimensional array (3xn,n depends on how many coordinates you have).
x = ncread(file,'X_axis');
y = ncread(file,'Y_axis');
z = ncread(file,'Z_axis');
Bx = ncread(file,'Bx');
[x2,y2,z2] = meshgrid(y,x,z);
length = numel(interval_ET_5000);
Bx_intp = zeros(1,length);
for i = 1:length
[xi,yi,zi] = meshgrid(position_MEX_Mars_5000(1,i),...
F = interp3(x2,y2,z2,Bx,xi,yi,zi);
Bx_intp(i) = F;
I have tried many things that didn't even work. This 'works' but not correct because the values in Bx_intp are way to high. Also because of the doing coordinates one at the time in a for loop makes it very slow, a normal run is about 3500 coordinates.
So basicly what I am looking for is a reverse scatteredInterpolant. This function accepts random data points and you interpolate the values on a meshgrid. But now I have a regular grid and I want interpolation on random points.
Thanks for the tip Ashish Uthama! I got it working with the code below. For other people with the same problem. You need ndgrid instead of meshgrid for griddedInterpolant and the coordinates need to be monotonic increasing.
x = ncread(file,'X_axis');
y = ncread(file,'Y_axis');
z = ncread(file,'Z_axis');
Bx = ncread(file,'Bx');
[x2,y2,z2] = ndgrid(x,y,z);
F = griddedInterpolant(x2,y2,z2,Bx,'linear','none');
Bx_intp = F(position_MEX_Mars_5000(1,i),...