Consider this code:
trait TypeOr[E, F] {
type T
implicit def noneq2[E, F](implicit ev: E =!= F): TypeOr[E, F] = new TypeOr[E, F] {
type T = (E, F)
sealed trait Error[+E, +A]
case class Err[E, A](e: Error[E, A]) {
def combine[B, F](f: A => Error[F, B])(implicit ev: TypeOr[E, F]): Error[ev.T, B] = ???
val result = Err(null.asInstanceOf[Error[Int, Int]]).combine(_ => null.asInstanceOf[Error[String, String]])
So far so good. From the definitions above, I concluded, that the expanded type of the result is following:
val itsType: Error[(Int, String), String] = result
But apparently it is not, since the compiler replies with:
found : returnerror.Comb.Error[returnerror.Comb.TypeOr[Int,String]#T,String]
required: returnerror.Comb.Error[(Int, String),String]
val itsType: Error[(Int, String), String] = result
Is it possible to find out the simplified - expanded type of the expression? I can't get this information from compiler, I tried to print the AST before the erasure phase, but the expanded type is still not there.
Firstly, when you write that implicit noneq2 has type TypeOr[E, F] you lost type refinement . Correct is
implicit def noneq2[E, F](implicit ev: E =:!= F) = new TypeOr[E, F] {
type T = (E, F)
or better with explicit type
implicit def noneq2[E, F](implicit ev: E =:!= F): TypeOr[E, F] { type T = (E, F) } = new TypeOr[E, F] {
type T = (E, F)
That's the reason why usually type Aux is introduced
object TypeOr {
type Aux[E, F, T0] = TypeOr[E, F] { type T = T0 }
implicit def noneq2[E, F](implicit ev: E =:!= F): Aux[E, F, (E, F)] = new TypeOr[E, F] {
type T = (E, F)
Secondly, automatically inferred type of result i.e.Error[TypeOr[Int, String]#T, String] (type projection TypeOr[Int,String]#T is a supertype of (y.T forSome { val y: TypeOr[Int, String] }) and moreover of x.T) is too rough
It's better to write path-dependent type for result.
val x = implicitly[TypeOr[Int, String]]
val result: Error[x.T, String] =
Err(null.asInstanceOf[Error[Int, Int]]).combine(_ => null.asInstanceOf[Error[String, String]])
doesn't compile.
The thing is that implicitly can damage type refinements
That's the reason why there exists macro shapeless.the.
val x = the[TypeOr[Int, String]]
val result: Error[x.T, String] = Err(null.asInstanceOf[Error[Int, Int]]).combine(_ => null.asInstanceOf[Error[String, String]])
val itsType: Error[(Int, String), String] = result
Alternatively, custom materializer can be defined
object TypeOr {
def apply[E, F](implicit typeOr: TypeOr[E, F]): Aux[E, F, typeOr.T] = typeOr
val x = TypeOr[Int, String]
val result: Error[x.T, String] =
Err(null.asInstanceOf[Error[Int, Int]]).combine(_ => null.asInstanceOf[Error[String, String]])
val itsType: Error[(Int, String), String] = result
I'm trying to see if there is a way to find a type W2 that is the super type of 2 types W and E.
In my solution E represents errors, and W represents Warnings.
What I'm trying to accomplish is a method or that if this fails runs that and moves the error to the warning type.
Here is a simplified example of what I'm doing.
sealed trait Validator[-I, +E, +W, +A] extends Product with Serializable
this type has several cases, which aren't really important here, so instead I'll go over an example usage:
case class MyObj(coords: GeoCoords)
case class GeoCoords(lat: String, long: String)
// Getters
val getLatitude: Validator[GeoCoords, Nothing, Nothing, String] = from[GeoCoords].map(
val getLongitude: Validator[GeoCoords, Nothing, Nothing, String] = from[GeoCoords].map(_.long)
val parseLatitude: Validator[GeoCoords, Exception, Nothing, Double] = getLatitude andThen nonEmptyString andThen convertToDouble
val parseLongitude: Validator[GeoCoords, Exception, Nothing, Double] = getLongitude andThen convertToDouble
Now this is a bad example, but what I'm looking to do is that because parseLatitude has an error type of Exception, perhaps I want to give a default instead, but still understand that it failed. I'd like to move the Exception from the E error param to the W warning param like this:
val defaultLatitude: Validator[GeoCoords, Nothing, Nothing, Double] = success(0)
val finalLatitude: Validator[GeoCoords, Nothing, Exception, Double] = parseLatitude or defaultLatitude
But as well, if instead of supplying default, the other action I take after the or may fail as well, therefore this should also be the case:
val otherAction: Validator[GeoCoords, Throwable, Nothing, Double] = ???
val finalLatitude: Validator[GeoCoords, Throwable, Exception, Double] = parseLatitude or otherAction
I've tried implementing or in several ways on the Validator type but everytime it gives me an issue, basically casting things all the way up to Any.
def or[I2 <: I, E2 >: E, W2 >: W, B >: A](that: Validator[I2, E2, W2, B]): Validator[I2, E2, W2, B] = Validator.conversion { (i: I2) =>
val aVal: Validator[Any, E, W, A] =
val bVal: Validator[Any, E2, W2, B] =
val a: Vector[W2] = aVal.warnings ++ bVal.warnings
val b: Vector[Any] = a ++ aVal.errors
aVal.warnings ++ aVal.errors ++ bVal.warnings,
I need to be able to say that W2 is both a supertype of W and of E so that I can concatenate the Vectors together and get type W2 at the end.
A super simplified self contained example is:
case class Example[+A, +B](a: List[A], b: List[B]) {
def or[A2 >: A, B2 >: B](that: Example[A2, B2]): Example[A2, Any] = {
Example(that.a, this.a ++ this.b ++ that.a)
object stackoverflow extends App {
val example1 = Example(List(1, 2), List(3, 4))
val example2 = Example(List(5, 6), List(7, 8))
val example3 = example1 or example2
Where I want the output type of or to be Example[A2, B2] instead of Example[A2, Any]
Actually you want the concatenation of a List[A] and a List[B] to produce a List[A | B], where A | B is union type.
How to define "type disjunction" (union types)?
In Scala 2 union types are absent but we can emulate them with type classes.
So regarding "super simplified example" try a type class LUB (least upper bound)
case class Example[A, B](a: List[A], b: List[B]) {
def or[A2 >: A, B2, AB](that: Example[A2, B2])(
lub: LUB.Aux[A, B, AB],
lub1: LUB[AB, A2]
): Example[A2, lub1.Out] = {
Example(that.a, ( ++ ++
val example1: Example[Int, Int] = Example(List(1, 2), List(3, 4))
val example2: Example[Int, Int] = Example(List(5, 6), List(7, 8))
val example3 = example1 or example2
// example3: Example[Int, Any] // doesn't compile
example3: Example[Int, Int] // compiles
trait LUB[A, B] {
type Out
def coerce1(a: A): Out
def coerce2(b: B): Out
trait LowPriorityLUB {
type Aux[A, B, Out0] = LUB[A, B] { type Out = Out0 }
def instance[A, B, Out0](f: (A => Out0, B => Out0)): Aux[A, B, Out0] = new LUB[A, B] {
override type Out = Out0
override def coerce1(a: A): Out0 = f._1(a)
override def coerce2(b: B): Out0 = f._2(b)
implicit def bSubtypeA[A, B <: A]: Aux[A, B, A] = instance(identity, identity)
object LUB extends LowPriorityLUB {
implicit def aSubtypeB[A <: B, B]: Aux[A, B, B] = instance(identity, identity)
implicit def default[A, B](implicit ev: A <:!< B, ev1: B <:!< A): Aux[A, B, Any] =
instance(identity, identity)
// Testing:
implicitly[LUB.Aux[Int, AnyVal, AnyVal]]
implicitly[LUB.Aux[AnyVal, Int, AnyVal]]
implicitly[LUB.Aux[Int, String, Any]]
implicitly[LUB.Aux[Int, Int, Int]]
// implicitly[LUB.Aux[Int, AnyVal, Any]] // doesn't compile
<:!< is from here:
Scala: Enforcing A is not a subtype of B
If you want Example to be covariant
case class Example[+A, +B]...
make LUB and LUB.Aux contravariant
trait LUB[-A, -B]...
type Aux[-A, -B, Out0] = LUB[A, B] { type Out = Out0 }
Function a can receive single argument or a tuple, these arguments need to be members of typeclass StringIdentifiable
How to extract and decompose tuple type into types that also have instances of the typeclass
#typeclass trait StringIdentifiable[M] {
def identify(id: M): String
def a[K: StringIdentifiable] (k:K){
k match{
case (k1) =>
case (k1,k2) =>
I get error in the second match:
Could not find an instance of StringIdentifiable for k1.type
k1.type, k2.type are singleton types. Try
#typeclass trait StringIdentifiable[M] {
def identify(id: M): String
object StringIdentifiable {
implicit def one[K]: StringIdentifiable[K] = ???
implicit def two[K1: StringIdentifiable, K2: StringIdentifiable]: StringIdentifiable[(K1, K2)] = {
new StringIdentifiable[(K1, K2)] {
override def identify(id: (K1, K2)): String = id match {
case (k1,k2) =>
def a[K: StringIdentifiable](k:K): String = implicitly[StringIdentifiable[K]].identify(k)
You can do this with shapeless. For instance:
import shapeless._, ops.hlist._
object MyPoly extends Poly2 {
implicit def foo[A] = at[A, StringIdentifiable[A]]( (a, f) => f.identify(a) )
def a[K: StringIdentifiable, L <: HList, O <: HList](k: K)(
gen: Generic.Aux[K, L], // decompose K into HList L
lift: LiftAll.Aux[StringIdentifiable, L, O], // find an instance of StringIdentifiable for every element of L
zip: ZipWith[L, O, MyPoly.type] // zip L with its typeclass instances and map the results with the polymorphic function MyPoly
): String :: zip.Out = {
val l =
val o = lift.instances
implicitly[StringIdentifiable[K]].identify(k) :: zip(l, o)
implicit def id1[A,B]: StringIdentifiable[(A, B)] = _ => "1"
implicit val id2: StringIdentifiable[String] = _ => "2"
implicit val id3: StringIdentifiable[Int] = _ => "3"
a(("foo", 42)) // 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: HNil
A full solution to your problem (IIUC) probably consists of using shapeless to automatically generate StringIdentifiable instances for all tuples.
trait StringIdentifiable[M] {
def identify(id: M): String
object StringIdentifiable {
object MyPoly extends Poly2 {
implicit def foo[A] = at[A, StringIdentifiable[A]]( (a, f) => f.identify(a) )
implicit def mkSI[K, L <: HList, O <: HList](
tup: IsTuple[K],
gen: Generic.Aux[K, L],
lift: LiftAll.Aux[StringIdentifiable, L, O],
zip: ZipWith[L, O, MyPoly.type]
): StringIdentifiable[K] = {
val o = lift.instances
k => {
val l =
zip(l, o).mkString("(", ", ", ")")
def isEven(x: Int) =
if (x % 2 == 0) x.successNel else "not even".failureNel
In the above code, the return type of isEven is inferred as scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[_ <: String],Int]
Whereas explicitly specifying the return type works,
def isEven(x: Int): ValidationNel[String, Int] =
if (x % 2 == 0) x.successNel else "not even".failureNel
Can someone explain what's going on behind the scenes here? Is this a limitation of Scala's type inference system?
I'm trying to use the above function in the following expression,
(isEven(4) |#| isEven(6) |#| isEven(8) |#| isEven(10)) {_ + _ + _ + _}
and only the second variant (with explicit return type) works.
scalaz.NonEmptyList[String] is a sub type of scalaz.NonEmptyList[_ <: String], meaning scalaz.ValidationNEL[String,Int] is a sub type of scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[_ <: String],Int]. The compiler just give you a more precise type in this case...
Edit: the raisin bread operator requires an Applicative instance. In this case I suppose that scalaz provide such instance for ValidationNel[String, ?], but not for the more precise type inferred for your isEven.
A simpler manifestation of that can be observed with Option:
val some = Some(1)
val none = None
(some |#| none)(_ + _) // Cannot find implicit Applicative[Some] :(
You can view that as an intersect limitation of local type inference. You could also say that FP doesn't always play well with OO. I would suggest following good practices and annotate all your public method and implicits with explicit types.
I will try to explain more details about :
why scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[_ <: String],Int] this can not work with |#|?
isEven(4) |#| isEven(6) ...
First of all isEven(4) is trying to implicitly convert it from Validation[+E, +A] type to ApplyOps[F0.M,F0.A]type with |#| operator. as the implicit method in ApplySyntax:
implicit def ToApplyOpsUnapply[FA](v: FA)(implicit F0: Unapply[Apply, FA]) =
new ApplyOps[F0.M,F0.A](F0(v))(F0.TC)
As the above code, for this implicit conversion, we also need an implicitly F0: Unapply[Apply, FA] variable. for UnApply implicits, it's in the UnApply:
implicit def unapplyMFA[TC[_[_]], M0[_[_], _], F0[_], A0](implicit TC0: TC[M0[F0, ?]]): Unapply[TC, M0[F0, A0]] {
type M[X] = M0[F0, X]
type A = A0
} =
new Unapply[TC, M0[F0, A0]] {
type M[X] = M0[F0, X]
type A = A0
def TC = TC0
def leibniz = refl
As the Validation type, it's using the unapplyMFA implicits variable. In there we also found it's looking for another implicits TC0: TC[M0[F0, ?]] variable. as the before ToApplyOpsUnapply, In there TC0 will be Apply type, that's also can be Applicative type. so it will try to look for the Validation to Applicative implicits, it's in the Validation.scala
implicit def ValidationApplicative[L: Semigroup]: Applicative[Validation[L, ?]] =
new Applicative[Validation[L, ?]] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Validation[L, A])(f: A => B) =
fa map f
def point[A](a: => A) =
def ap[A, B](fa: => Validation[L, A])(f: => Validation[L, A => B]) =
fa ap f
for the Semigroup definition:
trait Semigroup[F] { self => //F is invariant, unlike Option[+A]
So the problem is: F is type invariant, not like the Option[+A], compiler could not find an appropriate Applicative implicits for this type Validaiton.
There is a small demo for how to enable type variant for this:
def isEven(x: Int): Validation[NonEmptyList[_ <: String], Int] =
if (x % 2 == 0) x.successNel else "not even".failureNel
val res: String = foo(isEven(4))
def foo[FA](v: FA)(implicit F0: Unapply[Apply, FA]): String = "foo bar"
implicit def ValidationApplicative[L]: Applicative[Validation[L, ?]] =
new Applicative[Validation[L, ?]] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Validation[L, A])(f: A => B) =
fa map f
def point[A](a: => A) =
def ap[A, B](fa: => Validation[L, A])(f: => Validation[L, A => B]) =
//fa ap f
In there we just unbind L from Semigroup, so now this is type variant. just for fun;).
class P(name: String)
class E(_name: String, role: String) extends P(_name)
def testF[T <: P](x: List[T]): List[T] = x
val le = List(new E("Henry", "Boss"))
class Test[R <: E](l: List[R]) {
def r[O <: P] (): List[O] = testF(l)
I get:
Error:(8, 38) type mismatch;
found : List[R]
required: List[O]
def r[O <: P] (): List[O] = testF(l)
My intuition suggests that this should have worked because T has a tighter upper type bound than O.
**** EDIT ****
def findNN[A, B <: A, C <: A, T] (seq: Seq[B], n: Int, center: C, distance: (A, A) => T)
(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Seq[B] = {
import ord._
val ds = seq map ( (a: A) => distance(a, center))
val uds = ds.distinct
//#TODO: replace quickSelect with median-of algorithm if necessary
val kel = quickSelect(uds, n)
val z = seq zip ds
val (left, _) = z partition Function.tupled((_, d: T) => d <= kel)
left map {t => t._1}
OK, let's have a look at the example above.
The superclass A provides the method distance.
I would like to use the function findNN on a seq[B] having a center in a class C. distance should work because it works on A
Based on feedback provided, there's no way to simplify the type signatures above.
You made misprinting, you need >: rather then :<
class P(name: String)
class E(_name: String, role: String) extends P(_name)
def testF[T >: P](): List[T] = List(new P("Henry"))
You are trying to limit the type of the result using a type parameter R (with an upper bound type E), while you are not using the type R in your function.
An example of a correct use of a type parameter (with an upper bound):
def testF[T <: P](list: List[T]): List[T] = list
testF(List(new P("Tom")))
// List[P] = List(P#43bc21f0)
testF(List(new E("Jerry", "Mouse")))
// List[E] = List(E#341c1e65)
An incorrect use of a type parameter:
// does not compile, what is A ??
def foo[A]: List[A] = List("bar")
If I want to implicitly convert two objects from one to another, is there anyway to do this using something like an Iso macro?
For example, if I have this:
implicit def listToMap[A, B](l: List[(A, B)]): Map[A, B] = l.toMap
implicit def mapToList[A, B](m: Map[A, B]): List[(A, B)] = m.toList
I want to simply write:
implicit def[A, B] listMapIso = Iso[List[(A, B)], Map[A, B]] {_.toMap, _.toList}
Note: As noted below, I plan to use this in my web framework where I convert my database models to middleware/front-end models.
You seem to be confusing several different concepts. Iso, implicit conversions, and macros are all quite different from each other.
We can certainly define an equivalent of Iso for parameterized types, though the syntax becomes a little more cumbersome:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
case class BiIso[F[_, _], G[_, _]](left: F ~~> G,
right: G ~~> F)
type PairList[A, B] = List[(A, B)]
val listToMap = new (PairList ~~> Map) {
def apply[A, B](l: PairList[A, B]) = l.toMap
val mapToList = new (Map ~~> PairList) {
def apply[A, B](m: Map[A, B]) = m.toList
val listMapIso = BiIso(listToMap, mapToList)
We can of course make parts of this implicit, though this is an orthogonal concern. We can build the BiIso implicitly:
implicit val listToMap = new (PairList ~~> Map) {
def apply[A, B](l: PairList[A, B]) = l.toMap
implicit val mapToList = new (Map ~~> PairList) {
def apply[A, B](m: Map[A, B]) = m.toList
implicit def biIso[F[_, _], G[_, _]](implicit left: F ~~> G, right: G ~~> F) =
BiIso(left, right)
implicitly[BiIso[PairList, Map]]
And we can make any BiIso act as an implicit conversion, though I would recommend against it. The only tricky part is guiding the type inference correctly. This is most of the way there, but for some reason the GAB parameter isn't inferred (a correction would be very welcome):
sealed trait BiAny[F[_, _]] {}
object BiAny {
implicit def any[F[_, _]] = new BiAny[F] {}
sealed trait ApplyBiIso[FAB, GAB] {
type A1
type B1
type F[_, _]
type G[_, _]
type Required = BiIso[F, G]
val unapplyL: Unapply2[BiAny, FAB] {
type A = A1; type B = B1;
type M[C, D] = F[C, D]
val unapplyR: Unapply2[BiAny, GAB] {
type A = A1; type B = B1;
type M[C, D] = G[C, D]
def liftBI(bi: Required): Iso[FAB, GAB] =
Iso({ fab: FAB =>
val f: F[A1, B1] = Leibniz.witness(unapplyL.leibniz)(fab)
val g: G[A1, B1] = bi.left(f)
Leibniz.witness(Leibniz.symm[⊥, ⊤, GAB, G[A1, B1]](unapplyR.leibniz))(g): GAB
{ gab: GAB =>
val g: G[A1, B1] = Leibniz.witness(unapplyR.leibniz)(gab)
val f: F[A1, B1] = bi.right(g)
Leibniz.witness(Leibniz.symm[⊥, ⊤, FAB, F[A1, B1]](unapplyL.leibniz))(f): FAB
object ApplyBiIso {
implicit def forFG[FAB, A2, B2, GAB, A3, B3](
implicit u1: Unapply2[BiAny, FAB] { type A = A2; type B = B2 },
u2: Unapply2[BiAny, GAB] { type A = A3; type B = B3 }) = new ApplyBiIso[FAB, GAB] {
type A1 = A2
type B1 = B2
type F[C, D] = u1.M[C, D]
type G[C, D] = u2.M[C, D]
//Should do the conversion properly with Leibniz but I can't be bothered
val unapplyL = u1.asInstanceOf[Unapply2[BiAny, FAB] {
type A = A1; type B = B1;
type M[C, D] = F[C, D]
val unapplyR = u2.asInstanceOf[Unapply2[BiAny, GAB] {
type A = A1; type B = B1;
type M[C, D] = G[C, D]
type Aux[FAB, GAB, Required1] = ApplyBiIso[FAB, GAB] { type Required = Required1 }
def apply[FAB, GAB](implicit abi: ApplyBiIso[FAB, GAB]): Aux[FAB, GAB, abi.Required] = abi
sealed trait AppliedBiIso[FAB, GAB] {
val iso: Iso[FAB, GAB]
object AppliedBiIso {
implicit def applyAndIso[FAB, GAB, Required1](
implicit ap: ApplyBiIso.Aux[FAB, GAB, Required1],
iso1: Required1) = new AppliedBiIso[FAB, GAB] {
//Should do the conversion properly with Leibniz but I can't be bothered
val iso = ap.liftBI(iso1.asInstanceOf[BiIso[ap.F, ap.G]])
implicit def biIsoConvert[FAB, GAB](
f: FAB)(implicit ap: AppliedBiIso[FAB, GAB]): GAB =
val map: Map[String, Int] = Map("Hello" -> 4)
val list: PairList[String, Int] =
biIsoConvert[Map[String, Int], PairList[String, Int]](map)
I've no doubt it's possible to make this work correctly.
That still leaves macros, which are again a more or less orthogonal concern. One place I can see they might be relevant is that it's impossible to abstract over kind in scala without using macros. Do you want an equivalent of Iso that works for any "shape", not just F[_, _]? That would be a good use case for a macro - though having written this kind of macro before I don't envy anyone trying to implement it.