How to insert multiple values to database - postgresql

In my Go application I have such route:
router.HandleFunc("/api/users_groups_relationship/{user_id:[0-9]+}", controllers.CreateUsersGroupsRelationship).Methods("POST")
I make POST request. In body of that request I send such JSON which looks like this:
"groups": [1, 2, 3]
As you can see groups key has array of ids as value. User can be in several groups. I am trying to insert multiple values to PostgreSQL database.
How to get the value of a specific key in request body?
Is there any other best way to insert multiple values in database by Go?
My code:
var CreateUsersGroupsRelationship = func(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(request)
userID := vars["user_id"]
var groups []int
groups = request.Body("groups") // ???
for i := 1; i < len(groups); i++ {
_, _ := database.DBSQL.Exec("INSERT INTO users_groups (user_id, group_id) VALUES ($1, $2);", userID, groups[i])
utils.ResponseWithSuccess(responseWriter, http.StatusOK, "All new records successfully created.")

You can define a struct for Request object and then unmarshal JSON into it.
package main
import (
//Request is our request body.
type Request struct {
Groups []int `json:"groups"`
//JsonTest1 is the http handler.
func JsonTest1(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
req := new(Request)
//decode request to struct.
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&req); err != nil{
w.WriteHeader(400) //bad request
b, _ := json.Marshal(req)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
func main(){
fmt.Printf("starting backend server\n")
root := mux.NewRouter()
root.HandleFunc("/foo", JsonTest1)
webServer := &http.Server{Addr: ":4000", Handler: root}
In case your body is quite generic, you can also unmarshal to map[string]interface{}.
Try with
curl -XPOST -d '{"groups": [1]}' http://localhost:4000/foo


req.FormValue not mapping req.body values

I'm trying to pick out a value in the request.body but I keep getting an empty string.
The Form map is also coming up as empty.
What am I doing wrong?
package user
import (
func PostTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
x := r.FormValue("name")
The body of the post request:
The reason is because the request body is not valid form data, but a blob of JSON data. You will need to parse it before being able to extract the name, e.g.:
type data struct {
Name string
Age int
func PostTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var d data
json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&d) // Error handling omitted.
Here's a Playground demonstrating this. I have omitted error handling for brevity.

Golang test of REST API dumps entire database

I wrote a small web service to learn unit testing. There is one endpoint to get data with a three-letter string. My code runs fine. The right query is http://localhost:8000/iata/thu, with the last bit thu being the three-letter string. I can get the correct data with it. I can also successfully get 404 with wrong ones. Then I wrote the test. It fails and dumps the entire database.
The SQLite3 database, main.go, and main_test.go are in the same directory.
Here's main_test.go:
package main
import (
func TestIata(t *testing.T) {
// "thu" is the three-letter code.
// I also tried "http://localhost:8000/iata/thu"
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/iata/thu", nil)
if err != nil {
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler := http.HandlerFunc(iata)
handler.ServeHTTP(rr, req)
if status := rr.Code; status != http.StatusOK {
t.Errorf("handler returned wrong status code: got %v want %v",
status, http.StatusOK)
expected := `[{"airport_id":"10","name":"Thule Air Base","city":"Thule","country":"Greenland","iata":"THU","icao":"BGTL","latitude":"76.5311965942","longitude":"-68.7032012939","altitude":"251","timezone":"-4","dst":"E","tz_db":"America/Thule","type":"airport","source":"OurAirports"}]`
if rr.Body.String() != expected {
t.Errorf("handler returned unexpected body: got %v want %v",
rr.Body.String(), expected)
Here's main.go:
package main
import (
_ ""
type datum struct {
AirportID string `json:"airport_id,omitempty"`
func check(err error) {
// Accesses the database and gets relevant rows.
func getRows(column string, searchTerm string) *sql.Rows {
db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", "airports.db")
stmt := `SELECT * FROM airports WHERE ` + column + ` LIKE ? COLLATE NOCASE;`
rows, err := db.Query(stmt, `%`+searchTerm+`%`)
return rows
// Processes the data into a slice so it can be sent out as JSON.
func processData(rows *sql.Rows) []datum {
data := []datum{}
// For each row, insert data into a datum instance and then append to data slice.
for rows.Next() {
datum := datum{}
data = append(data, datum)
return data
// Uses the above code to get data from the database, process it, and send it.
func getAndSendData(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, searchType string) {
params := mux.Vars(r)
searchTerm := params[searchType]
datum := getRows(searchType, searchTerm)
processed := processData(datum)
if len(processed) == 0 {
http.Error(w, "Data not found.", 404)
func main() {
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/iata/{iata}", iata).Methods("GET")
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", router))
func iata(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
searchType := "iata"
getAndSendData(w, r, searchType)
Running the test gets the entire database dumped in the result:
=== RUN TestIata
--- FAIL: TestIata (0.21s)
main_test.go:46: handler returned unexpected body: got [ENTIRE DATABASE DUMPED HERE] want [CORRECT DATA HERE]
exit status 1
I've looked through a lot of tutorials, such as this one, which I feel is pretty clear. As far as I can tell, my test code is correct. I've also tried running main.go before doing the test. But that shouldn't matter, right?
What am I missing?

How do I place the AVG of a row into a new column?

Hey everyone I am using golang to build a super simple API. I have this json data being passed from a POST request and being stored in my DB. I would like to take the tts data which is an integer array and average that array and place it in the ttc column and return that number on the json response. I am having a hard time doing that any help would be greatly appreciated. My source code is below as well as my DB Model. I know I would have to use the AVG() function somehow in postgres but I am brand new to postgres so I am super confused.
package main
import (
_ ""
type Resource struct {
Name string
TTS pq.Int64Array `gorm:"type:integer[]"`
TTC int
var db *gorm.DB
var err error
func main() {
router := mux.NewRouter()
db, err = gorm.Open(
"host=localhost"+" user=postgres"+
" dbname=Shoes"+" sslmode=disable password=root")
if err != nil {
panic("failed to connect database")
defer db.Close()
router.HandleFunc("/resources", GetResources).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc("/resources/{id}", GetResource).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc("/resources", CreateResource).Methods("POST")
router.HandleFunc("/resources/{id}", DeleteResource).Methods("DELETE")
handler := cors.Default().Handler(router)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", handler))
func GetResources(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var resources []Resource
func GetResource(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
params := mux.Vars(r)
var resource Resource
db.First(&resource, params["id"])
func CreateResource(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var resource Resource
func DeleteResource(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
params := mux.Vars(r)
var resource Resource
db.First(&resource, params["id"])
var resources []Resource
I am thinking I could do something like
I am just not sure how to put that result in the column ttc
Since the json of the post request already contains the tts_data, you can get the average before setting it in the database
sum := 0
for _, i := range tts_data {
sum += i
avg := sum / len(tts_data)
// save the data in your db
rs := Ressource{Name: "name", TTS: tts_data, ttc: avg}
b := db.Create(&rs)
if b {
// send all the resource
// or send only the avg
json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(struct{avg: int}{avg: avg})
} else {
// handle error

http.Request r.FormValue returns nothing/map[]

I have the following Go code:
package main
import (
type rLog struct {
Method string
URI string
FormParam string
func commonMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
formBs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to decode postFormByteSlice: %v", err)
rl := rLog{Method: r.Method, URI: r.RequestURI, FormParam: string(formBs)}
log.Printf("%+v", rl)
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func main() {
port := ":3000"
var router = mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/m/{msg}", handleMessage).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc("/n/", handleNumber).Methods("POST")
headersOk := handlers.AllowedHeaders([]string{"Authorization"})
originsOk := handlers.AllowedOrigins([]string{"*"})
methodsOk := handlers.AllowedMethods([]string{"GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"})
fmt.Printf("Server is running at http://localhost%s\n", port)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(port, handlers.CORS(originsOk, headersOk, methodsOk)(router)))
func handleMessage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
message := vars["msg"]
response := map[string]string{"message": message}
func handleNumber(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Println(r.FormValue("name")) // this returns nothing
response := map[string]string{"name": "1"} // dummy response
What I try to do here is very simple.
I want to log all POST form data (it's done inside the commonMiddleware)
Access the form data inside the handleNumber i.e. name (and many more later) and do some logic with it.
The problem that I have right now is, the log.Println(r.FormValue("name")) returns nothing and I really wonder why that happened.
I've tried adding r.ParseForm() before log.Println(r.FormValue("name")). But it didn't work.
And, when I add log.Println(r.Form) line, it returns map[].
What did I missed here?
You truing to read r.Body twice, first in commonMiddleware with ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) and then in handleNumber with r.ParseForm(). You can't. It's io.Reader, you can't read it two times. You can instead, for example, r.ParseForm() in middlewear and then use parsed form data. In middlewear r.PosrForm.Encode() to log, and in handler r.FormValue() or r.Form.Get() to extract. I think something like this should do
func commonMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
err:=r.ParseForm() //parse in middleware, data will be contained in r.PostForm
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to decode postFormByteSlice: %v", err)
rl := rLog{Method: r.Method, URI: r.RequestURI, FormParam: r.PostForm.Encode()} //url.Values.Encode() stringifys form data
log.Printf("%+v", rl)
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func main() {
port := ":3000"
var router = mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/m/{msg}", handleMessage).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc("/n/", handleNumber).Methods("POST")
func handleNumber(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Println(r.PostForm.Get("name")) // or just r.Form.Get("name") or r.FormValue("name")
response := map[string]string{"name": "1"} // dummy response

Generic REST API Golang

Searching SO for Generic REST API Golang gives 0 results. Searching Google gives 2 results. So this question is maybe not correctly formulated or it is impossible to achieve in Golang.
My goal is to avoid repeating similar code over and over again. So I am trying to make the code in Golang as generic as possible. Write once, use many.
This is my first attempt to create a generic REST API for select in Golang. The code below gives almost what I want:
But the result is presented in the Terminal. I have no idea how to redirect the result to the browser.
package main
import (
_ ""
var db *sql.DB
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", Query)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
func Connect() {
const (
host = ""
port = 5432
user = "test"
password = "test"
dbname = "Test")
login := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s "+"password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=require", host, port, user, password, dbname)
var err error
db, err = sql.Open("postgres", login)
if err != nil {
err = db.Ping()
if err != nil {
func Query(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var query string
switch r.URL.String() {
case "/getuser":
query = "select * from getuser()"
case "/getco":
query = "select * from getco()"
case "/etc"
query = "select * from etc"
query = ""
var err error
var rows *sql.Rows
rows, err = db.Query(query)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(500), 500)
defer rows.Close()
cols, err := rows.Columns()
vals := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
for i := 0; i < len(cols); i++ {
vals[i] = new(interface{})
if i != 0 {
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(vals...)
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < len(vals); i++ {
if i != 0 {
func printValue(pval *interface{}) {
switch v := (*pval).(type) {
case nil:
case bool:
if v {
} else {
case []byte:
case time.Time:
Every attempt to write to the browser gives various type of errors:
fmt.Printf("%s\n", vals...)
My questions are
How do I redirect the result to the browser?
Is there any better way to achieve this? (reuse generic code)
My recommendation would be to look at using existing packages like "mux" for calling REST APIs in browser. As a quick demo how you would do it as as follows:
your restapi.go cound have APIs as follows:
func SampleAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { //Assuming this is a POST request
var example SomeSruct
_ = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&example) //Decode the POST body
result := someLogicFunction(example) //call your generic function
json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(result) //encode the result to pass it back to browser
Now say you write a main.go and you are using mux package here is an example of how you would call this
func main() {
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/testFunc",restapi.SampleAPI).Methods("POST") //This creates the route for your http request
handler := cros.Default().Handler(router) //You will need this if you plan to deploy it in a server and call it externally for testing locally you don't need this
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", handler)) //Port that the router is listening to
Now note that you will have to import the "" and the "" packages to use these but this way you can create REST APIs whic can be accessed by te browser. Similarly you could create a GET method and use parameters which you can grab in your function and perform any logical step.
If you build and install the above code you can POST to localhost:8080/testFunc over http using any web app and get results i your browser. If you had a GET request you could directly type the Url in the browser and see the result.
write response with appropriahe HTTP hearers && status code
import "net/http"
func writeResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, contents []byte) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
w.Header().Set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
fmt.Fprintln(w, contents)
sounds a little unclear, sorry