Github - remove repository from list on main page - github

On github's main page there is a list of repositories on the left. I got on this list repo "alanxz/rabbitmq-c". It is not forked. I'm not a contributor. It simply sits there. I suppose that it was added when I filled an issue there, but it was closed and I have no longer use for this repository.
When I go to Setting -> Your repositories, it isn't there. When I go to Personal settings -> Repositories, it isn't there. I have no way to remove it, I can't leave (as I'm not a contributor) and I can't remove it (as it isn't forked). The following questions are similar but do not apply or are identical but lack answers:
GitHub: Remove a repository from "Your Repositories"? (similiar, but that's not it)
how to remove 'Repositories you contribute to' in github mainpage (seems like exactly same problem, but no answers)
Remove external github repository from landing page (no answers)
How can I remove this entry?

First of all, that repository list sorts based on most recent activity. So, if you had recently contributed to that repo, it would be showing up there. That’s expected behavior.
The list does update automatically as you make new contributions to other repos. So, as long as you don’t make anymore contributions to the vuepress repo, you should see its name fall further down the “Respositories” list over time.
As for manually removing it, that isn’t currently possible. The dashboard view where you see that “Repositories” list is only viewable to you, and again, the list is sorted automatically based on recent activity. That all said, I can understand why you may like to remove a recently contributed to repository from that list.

Per #SinisterDeveloper there does not seem to be a way to remove something from the list.
However, you may find things at the very top of the list that you were once interested in but not anymore.
If you select that project and then look on the upper right, if it is marked as "Watch" or "Unwatch", then click it and select "Ignore". It seems like that might cause it to gradually drop down the list and ultimately disappear since it will no longer be seeing activity from others contributing to the repository.
At least I hope this works ...


GitHub - Create issues specific to a branch?

what I want to do is the exact opposite of what people normally do.
I want to create GitHub issues that apply only to a particular branch I'm currently working on. Ideally, they would not be visible when browsing other branches of the repo. Even more ideally, they would only be visible to the repo owner (me).
To give a little more context, I'm working on the next version of a rather large macOS app, and the new issues I want to create would only be relevant to this new version, not to the master branch (old app version). That is why I want these issues to only be associated with a specific branch, not with the repo as a whole.
I know that I can associate an issue with a "project" or "milestone" but I'm looking for something different.
Any ideas ? Thanks.
This is not possible. Issues are repository wide. You can add in the title or body of the issue that it is for a specific branch. Or you can use labels saying what branch it is for. You can also make a branch for the issue (if you have write access to the repository) differentiation it even more. And for when the PR is made you can link it.

How to view changes in GitHub after comments

Is there a way to view changes that were made after a code review by other developers?
Say, someone suggested a change and commented in GitHub on a specific file.
PR creator made changes to that specific file and checked in. - Is there a way to view that change?
Clicking view changes doesn't take me directly to the file that has comments. It takes me to all the files
This feature was very useful in BitBucket, as I could see all the changes of that specific file and comments in one place. Seems it's missing in GitHub.
This did not help:
The "Reviewing proposed changes in a pull request" you mention (as not helping) should still include a Jump to link:
That should allow you to narrow the list of files, and select the one you want to go to immediately.

Disable "hidden conversations" in GitHub pull requests?

When I go to a page of an open PR in GitHub, e.g., when the number of conversations exceeds some limit, GitHub automatically collapses some of them in the middle under a box that says "[n] hidden conversations"; you have to click "Load more" in order to see them.
Since the open conversations are the most important thing on a PR and the reason I open or refresh the page in the first place, is there a way to undo this and always show all the conversations? I haven't seen anything relevant in settings; does a browser extension exist to do this?
I've had the same issues. This isn't a solution, but it might be a workaround. I only just discovered it, so I'll have to see how it feels going forward.
In a GitHub PR, change the tab from "Conversation" to "Files changes"
There's a new dropdown called "Conversations", which seems to list all of them.
User ldog explains some limitations with this in the comments below:
Unfortunately this only works if the comments are in sync with the latest commit or the commits that you are currently looking at, if you wanted to see all comments across all commits, this doesn't work. For example, when clicking on a comment that no longer exists due to code changes in a commit this does nothing.
I would prefer to find the same solution the OP is seeking, but I wanted to share this for anyone else landing here with the same issue in case someone finds it helpful.
Also, I'm cross-posting this information in a related webapps.stackexchange question:

Create branch groups in Sourcetree

My company insists on using Sourcetree and I am struggling to find out how to create groups and contain the branches in those groups, as the ORIGIN is getting messy as you can see here, the list is more than 3 times the items that are displayed in this screenshot. I tried looking for an option in the s/w itself and did research but I cannot find an option to do that.
Create a branch with a slash in it, e.g. folder/branch. SourceTree will automatically format these as folders.

How to associate GitHub issues with a branch?

Nearly every issue I file on gh refers to code on a particular branch. Does github have any mechanism to link an issue to the branch?
I need to filter issues by branch, so I am not distracted by issues in other feature branches.
Is there a way to do this? I know milestones can be (ab)used to reach a similar effect, but things get really confusing when the branch becomes a pull request and it shows up as another issue.
Often times issues are dependent on other issues, or at least relate to them and you’d like to connect the two. You can reference issues by typing in a hashtag plus the issue number.
Hey #kneath, I think the problem started in #42
Issue in another repository? Just include the repository before the name like kneath/example-project#42.
One of the more interesting ways to use GitHub Issues is to reference issues directly from commits. Include the issue number inside of the commit message.
By prefacing your commits with “Fixes”, “Fixed”, “Fix”, “Closes”, “Closed”, or “Close” when the commit is merged into master, it will also automatically close the issue.
References make it possible to deeply connect the work being done with the bug being tracked, and are a great way to add visibility into the history of your project.
Since March 2022, you can:
Create a branch for an issue
You can now create a branch directly from an issue to begin development work that's correlated to that issue.
Branches connected to an issue are shown under the "Development" section, which has replaced "Linked pull requests", in the sidebar of an issue.
When you create a pull request for one of these branches, it is automatically linked to the issue.
For more information, see the documentation.
Here is an animated image showing how a branch is created for an issue.
After creation, the linked branch is shown in the Development section:
The OP asked:
I need to filter issues by branch, so I am not distracted by issues in other feature branches.
It is still in public beta, but the new Development section can help you list branches associated to issues:
So for any issue you need to work on, create a new branch:
Use labels to organize issues. They aren't inherently branch-specific, but you could make a tag for each branch if that is how you want them organized.
When you have admin access to the repository, there should be a button called 'manage labels' on the issue page. That will let you add, modify, or delete labels. You can apply labels to issues a few different ways. One way is to open the issue and click the labels button just to the right of the main body of text for the issue. Once you have created a label, it will appear on the left just above the manage labels button. You can click on each label to view all the issues that have been marked with that label.