SQL using data field twice - tsql

I currently have the following:
SELECT TblSchoolManagementForms.txtForm, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtSchoolID, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtSurname, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtForename,
TblStaff.Fullname AS TutorFullName, TblStaff.SchoolEmailAddress, TblSchoolManagementYears.txtYearTutor, TblSchoolManagementYears.txtAsstYearTutor
FROM TblPupilManagementPupils INNER JOIN
TblSchoolManagementForms ON TblPupilManagementPupils.txtForm = TblSchoolManagementForms.txtForm INNER JOIN
TblStaff ON TblSchoolManagementForms.txtFormTutor = TblStaff.User_Code INNER JOIN
TblSchoolManagementYears ON TblPupilManagementPupils.intNCYear = TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear AND
TblSchoolManagementForms.intNCYear = TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear
WHERE TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear > 6
SELECT TblSchoolManagementForms.txtForm, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtSchoolID, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtSurname, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtForename,
TblStaff.Fullname AS TutorFullName, TblStaff.SchoolEmailAddress, TblSchoolManagementYears.txtYearTutor, TblSchoolManagementYears.txtAsstYearTutor
FROM TblPupilManagementPupils INNER JOIN
TblSchoolManagementForms ON TblPupilManagementPupils.txtForm = TblSchoolManagementForms.txtForm INNER JOIN
TblStaff ON TblSchoolManagementForms.txtAsstFormTutor = TblStaff.User_Code INNER JOIN
TblSchoolManagementYears ON TblPupilManagementPupils.intNCYear = TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear AND
TblSchoolManagementForms.intNCYear = TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear
WHERE TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear > 6
This is working beautifully, but I need to add in some additional columns that also link back to TblStaff.User_Code My design currently looks like this, the highlighted fields are the ones I need to link in my query:
What I need to do is add 2 additional columns, 1 for HoYEmail and one for AsstHoYEmail using txtYearTutor linked by User_Code as TblStaff.SchoolEmailAddress AS HoYEmail and the AsstYearTutor linked by User_Code as TblStaff.SchoolEmailAddress AS AsstHoYEmail all grouped by TblPupilManagementPupils.txtSchoolID
Producing something like this:
Any tips gratefully received.

After a bit of research, I ended up completely re-writing this query to get it to work using correlation names for the staff table.
SELECT TblSchoolManagementForms.txtForm, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtSchoolID, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtSurname, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtForename,
TblStaff.SchoolEmailAddress AS TutorEmail, TblStaff_1.SchoolEmailAddress AS HoYEmail, TblStaff_2.SchoolEmailAddress AS AsstHoYEmail
TblPupilManagementPupils INNER JOIN
TblSchoolManagementForms ON TblPupilManagementPupils.txtForm = TblSchoolManagementForms.txtForm ON
TblStaff.User_Code = TblSchoolManagementForms.txtFormTutor INNER JOIN
TblSchoolManagementYears ON TblPupilManagementPupils.intNCYear = TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear INNER JOIN
TblStaff AS TblStaff_1 ON TblSchoolManagementYears.txtYearTutor = TblStaff_1.User_Code INNER JOIN
TblStaff AS TblStaff_2 ON TblSchoolManagementYears.txtAsstYearTutor = TblStaff_2.User_Code
WHERE (TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear > 6) AND (TblPupilManagementPupils.intSystemStatus = 1)
SELECT TblSchoolManagementForms.txtForm, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtSchoolID, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtSurname, TblPupilManagementPupils.txtForename,
TblStaff.SchoolEmailAddress AS TutorEmail, TblStaff_1.SchoolEmailAddress AS HoYEmail, TblStaff_2.SchoolEmailAddress AS AsstHoYEmail
TblPupilManagementPupils INNER JOIN
TblSchoolManagementForms ON TblPupilManagementPupils.txtForm = TblSchoolManagementForms.txtForm ON
TblStaff.User_Code = TblSchoolManagementForms.txtAsstFormTutor INNER JOIN
TblSchoolManagementYears ON TblPupilManagementPupils.intNCYear = TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear INNER JOIN
TblStaff AS TblStaff_1 ON TblSchoolManagementYears.txtYearTutor = TblStaff_1.User_Code INNER JOIN
TblStaff AS TblStaff_2 ON TblSchoolManagementYears.txtAsstYearTutor = TblStaff_2.User_Code
WHERE (TblSchoolManagementYears.intNCYear > 6) AND (TblPupilManagementPupils.intSystemStatus = 1)


PostgreSQL Inner Join Where Get IDs of 3 Products

I have these 5 tables which is sale_order directly connected to sale_order_line that has the products of the order of course which is connected to product_product that is connected to product_template where a table called mrp_bom can connect to product template and a table connected to it which is bom_line. I am trying to Output the products that contain the word 836g
Here is what I have so far:
Select so.name,
From sale_order so
Inner Join sale_order_line sol
On so.id = sol.order_id
Inner Join product_template pt
On sol.product_id = pt.id
Inner Join mrp_bom bom
On pt.id = bom.product_tmpl_id
Inner Join mrp_bom_line boml
On bom.id = boml.bom_id
Where boml.product_id = (Select id From product_template Where name Like '%836g%'
Order By so.name
This code outputs an error because I have 3 items with 836g. I tried changing the = in the condition into IN so it will grab all the ids it will return. But still it's giving me an error. This is the best I have so far, I have tried so many times, but I can't figure it out.
I have the feeling that something along these lines is what you actually want:
SELECT so.name,
FROM sale_order so
INNER JOIN sale_order_line sol
ON so.id = sol.order_id
INNER JOIN product_template pt
ON sol.product_id = pt.id
INNER JOIN mrp_bom bom
ON pt.id = bom.product_tmpl_id
INNER JOIN mrp_bom_line boml
ON bom.id = boml.bom_id
WHERE pt.name LIKE '%836g%' -- just add a WHERE condition directly in your query
ORDER BY so.name
OMG! I just had the answer. I don't think this will help anyone but i'll post the answer i have
SELECT so.name,
pt.name PT,
sol.name SOL,
(Select pp1.name_template From product_product pp1 Where boml.product_id = pp1.id) BOML,
FROM sale_order so
INNER JOIN sale_order_line sol
ON so.id = sol.order_id
INNER JOIN product_template pt
ON sol.product_id = pt.id
INNER JOIN mrp_bom bom
ON pt.id = bom.product_tmpl_id
INNER JOIN mrp_bom_line boml
ON bom.id = boml.bom_id
WHERE (Select pp1.name_template From product_product pp1 Where boml.product_id = pp1.id) LIKE '%836g%'
ORDER BY so.name
Thank you all for the effort of helping me! Great community we got here! :D

Why does not adding distinct in this query produce duplicate rows?

This query was taken from a Rails application log...I'm trying to edit a massive postgresql statement I didn't write....If I don't add a distinct keyword after the SELECT, 2 duplicate rows appear for each braintree account. Why is this and is there another way to avoid having to use the distinct to avoid duplicates?
EDIT: I understand what distinct is supposed to do, the reason I'm asking is that it doesn't generate duplicates for other toy lines. By other toy lines, this query is building a "table" for a particular toy id (this specific example toys.id = 12). How do I figure out where the duplicate rows are being generated?
SELECT accounts.braintree_account_id as braintree_account_id,
accounts.braintree_account_id as braintree_account_id, format('%s %s', addresses.first_name,
addresses.last_name) as shipping_address_full_name,
users.email as email, addresses.line_1 as shipping_address_line_1,
addresses.line_2 as shipping_address_line_2, addresses.city as
shipping_address_city, addresses.state as shipping_address_state,
addresses.zip as shipping_address_zip_code, addresses.country
as shipping_address_country, CASE WHEN xy_shirt IS NULL THEN '' ELSE xy_shirt END, plans.name as plan_name, toys.sku as sku, to_char(accounts.created_at, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MM:SS') as
to_char(accounts.next_assessment_at, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MM:SS') as account_next_assessment_at,
accounts.account_status as account_status FROM \"accounts\" INNER JOIN \"addresses\" ON
\"addresses\".\"id\" = \"accounts\".\"shipping_address_id\" AND \"addresses\".\"type\" IN
('ShippingAddress') LEFT OUTER JOIN shipping_methods ON
shipping_methods.account_id = accounts.id LEFT OUTER JOIN plans ON
accounts.plan_id = plans.id
accounts.user_id = users.id LEFT OUTER JOIN toys ON plans.toy_id = toys.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN account_variations ON accounts.id =
account_variations.account_id LEFT OUTER JOIN variations ON
account_variations.variation_id = variations.id
choice_value_variations ON variations.id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN choice_values ON
choice_value_variations.choice_value_id = choice_values.id LEFT OUTER
JOIN choice_types ON choice_values.choice_type_id = choice_types.id
OUTER JOIN choice_type_toys ON choice_type_toys.toy_id = toys.id
AND choice_type_toys.choice_type_id = choice_types.id
(SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT accounts.id, choice_types.id,
choice_values.presentation FROM accounts\n
LEFT JOIN account_variations ON
LEFT JOIN variations ON account_variations.variation_id=variations.id\n
LEFT JOIN choice_value_variations ON
LEFT JOIN choice_values ON
LEFT JOIN choice_types ON choice_values.choice_type_id=choice_types.id
ORDER BY 1,2',\n 'select distinct choice_types.id
from choice_types JOIN choice_values ON choice_values.choice_type_id =
choice_types.id JOIN choice_value_variations ON
choice_value_variations.choice_value_id = choice_values.id JOIN
variations ON choice_value_variations.variation_id = variations.id JOIN choice_type_toys ON choice_type_toys.choice_type_id = choice_types.id JOIN toys ON toys.id = choice_type_toys.toy_id
where toys.id=12 ORDER
BY choice_types.id ASC')\n
AS (account_id int, xy_shirt
VARCHAR)) account_variation_view\n ON
accounts.id=account_variation_view.account_id WHERE
\"accounts\".\"account_status\" = 'active' AND
\"addresses\".\"flagged_invalid_at\" IS NULL AND \"toys\".\"id\" = 12
AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT \"account_skipped_months\".* FROM
\"account_skipped_months\" WHERE
\"account_skipped_months\".\"month_year\" = 'JUL2016' AND
(account_skipped_months.account_id = accounts.id)))"
The purpose of using DISTINCT in a SELECT statement is to eliminate duplicate rows.

sql, group a query with no aggregations and multiple tables

I need to group the query below by dda.LA and need to display all the columns listed in the select but almost none of them are aggregated. i don't know what the syntax to get around this is and i can not find a post that shows this syntax (most examples only have one table, two at tops).
Select dda.a,
coalesce(apn.apn,Pt.z) as abc,
coalesce(apn.v,Pt.y) as def,
'RFN' RowFocusIndicator ,
'SRI' SelectRowIndicator ,
'Y' Expanded ,
Convert(Int, Null) SortColumn
From dda (NoLock)
Inner Join dd (NoLock) On dda.d = dd.q and dda.e = dd.e
Left Outer Join apn (nolock) on dda.r = apn.r
Left Outer Join Pt (nolock) on dda.s = Pt.t
Where 1 = 1
And dda.u = (Select Min(c.w)
From c (NoLock)
Where c.x = dda.s)
Just add this to any column that you want to aggregate by:
AggregatedColumnName = Aggregation(fieldToAggregate) Over (Partition By dda.LA)
aCount = Count(dda.a) Over (Partition By dda.LA)

Check foreign keys

I want to extend my query for delete and update rule, but I just can not figure what column in what systable that is in.
My query so far:
select oct.name FKNeve,oft.name TAmit,ofc.name MAmit,ort.name TAmihez,orc.name MAmihez
from sysforeignkeys sfk
inner join sysobjects oct on sfk.constid = oct.id
inner join sysobjects oft on sfk.fkeyid = oft.id
inner join syscolumns ofc on sfk.fkey = ofc.colid and sfk.fkeyid = ofc.id
inner join sysobjects ort on sfk.rkeyid = ort.id
inner join syscolumns orc on sfk.rkey = orc.colid and sfk.rkeyid = orc.id
Oh and MSDE.
Use the OBJECTPROPERTY function (with 'CnstIsDeleteCascade'/'CnstIsUpdateCascade' as the second argument).

Eliminating NULL rows in TSQL query [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to eliminate NULL fields in TSQL
I am using SSMS 2008 R2 and am developing a TSQL query. I want just 1 record / profile_name. Because some of these values are NULL, I am currently doing LEFT JOINS on most of the tables. But the problem with the LEFT JOINs is that now I get > 1 record for some profile_names!
But if I change this to INNER JOINs then some profile_names are excluded entirely because they have NULL values for these columns. How do I limit the query result to just one record / profile_name regardless of NULL values? And if there are non-NULL values then I want it to choose the record with non-NULL values. Here is initial query:
select distinct
case when gp.is_accepting = 1 then 'Yes'
when gp.is_accepting = 0 then 'No '
end as is_accepting_placement,
mo.profile_name as managing_office,
regions.[region_description] as region,
pv.id as vendor_id,
at.description as applicant_type,
dbo.GetGroupAddress(gp.group_profile_id, null, 0) as [Office Address],
from group_profile gp With (NoLock)
inner join group_profile_type gpt With (NoLock) on gp.group_profile_type_id = gpt.group_profile_type_id and gpt.type_code = 'FOSTERHOME' and gp.agency_id = #agency_id and gp.is_deleted = 0
inner join group_profile mo With (NoLock) on gp.managing_office_id = mo.group_profile_id
left outer join payor_vendor pv With (NoLock) on gp.payor_vendor_id = pv.payor_vendor_id
left outer join applicant_type at With (NoLock) on gp.applicant_type_id = at.applicant_type_id and at.is_foster_home = 1
inner join group_status_view gsv With (NoLock) on gp.group_profile_id = gsv.group_profile_id and gsv.status_value = 'OPEN' and gsv.effective_date =
(Select max(b.effective_date) from group_status_view b With (NoLock)
where gp.group_profile_id = b.group_profile_id)
left outer join regions With (NoLock) on isnull(mo.regions_id, gp.regions_id) = regions.regions_id
left join enrollment en on en.group_profile_id = gp.group_profile_id
join event_log el on el.event_log_id = en.event_log_id
left join people client on client.people_id = el.people_id
As you can see, the results of the above query is 1 row / profile_name:
group_profile_id profile_name license_number is_accepting is_accepting_placement managing_office region vendor_name vendor_id applicant_type Office Address status_description Cert Date2
But now watch what happens when I add in 2 LEFT JOINs and 1 additional column:
select distinct
case when gp.is_accepting = 1 then 'Yes'
when gp.is_accepting = 0 then 'No '
end as is_accepting_placement,
mo.profile_name as managing_office,
regions.[region_description] as region,
pv.id as vendor_id,
at.description as applicant_type,
dbo.GetGroupAddress(gp.group_profile_id, null, 0) as [Office Address],
ri.[description] as race
from group_profile gp With (NoLock)
inner join group_profile_type gpt With (NoLock) on gp.group_profile_type_id = gpt.group_profile_type_id and gpt.type_code = 'FOSTERHOME' and gp.agency_id = #agency_id and gp.is_deleted = 0
inner join group_profile mo With (NoLock) on gp.managing_office_id = mo.group_profile_id
left outer join payor_vendor pv With (NoLock) on gp.payor_vendor_id = pv.payor_vendor_id
left outer join applicant_type at With (NoLock) on gp.applicant_type_id = at.applicant_type_id and at.is_foster_home = 1
inner join group_status_view gsv With (NoLock) on gp.group_profile_id = gsv.group_profile_id and gsv.status_value = 'OPEN' and gsv.effective_date =
(Select max(b.effective_date) from group_status_view b With (NoLock)
where gp.group_profile_id = b.group_profile_id)
left outer join regions With (NoLock) on isnull(mo.regions_id, gp.regions_id) = regions.regions_id
left join enrollment en on en.group_profile_id = gp.group_profile_id
join event_log el on el.event_log_id = en.event_log_id
left join people client on client.people_id = el.people_id
left join race With (NoLock) on el.people_id = race.people_id
left join race_info ri with (nolock) on ri.race_info_id = race.race_info_id
The above query results in all of the same profile_names, but some with NULL race values:
group_profile_id profile_name license_number is_accepting is_accepting_placement managing_office region vendor_name vendor_id applicant_type Office Address status_description Cert Date2 race
Unfortunately it complicates matters that I need to join in 2 additional tables for this one additional field value (race). If I simply change the last two LEFT JOINs above to INNER JOINs then I eliminate the NULL rows above. But I also eliminate some of the profile_names:
group_profile_id profile_name license_number is_accepting is_accepting_placement managing_office region vendor_name vendor_id applicant_type Office Address status_description Cert Date2 race
Hopefully I have provided all of the details that you need for this question.
Not the most elegant solution, but one that will work:
select [stuff]
from group_profile gp With (NoLock)
inner join group_profile_type gpt With (NoLock) on gp.group_profile_type_id = gpt.group_profile_type_id and gpt.type_code = 'FOSTERHOME' and gp.agency_id = #agency_id and gp.is_deleted = 0
inner join group_profile mo With (NoLock) on gp.managing_office_id = mo.group_profile_id
join payor_vendor pv on ISNULL(gp.payor_vendor_id, 'THISVALUEWILLNEVEROCCUR') = ISNULL(pv.payor_vendor_id, 'THISVALUEWILLNEVEROCCUR')
Biggest issue with what I posted is that you'll be doing a whole lot of table scans.