How to call google map api using swift 4? - swift

My issue is a, I need only restaurant, bar using google API.
If you need code i'm send you.
this is my base url:- ""
nearbyURLFragment :- let nearbyURLFragment = "nearbysearch/json?key=%#&location=%f,%f&rankby=distance&type=restaurant,bar"
a single type of proper working.
but here is I'm not getting a proper result.

Quoting the Google API Docs,
Restricts the results to places matching the specified type. Only one
type may be specified (if more than one type is provided, all types
following the first entry are ignored).
The only workaround of this would be to define one in the keyword attribute however this will return very inconsistent results.
The best way to do this is to do two separate API calls with differing types.


More advanced filtering system (LHS brackets | RHS colon) in FastAPI

Is it possible to create a filtering system in FastAPI like:
And how to make OpenAPI documentation for it?
Imagine if there are many such endpoints and even more fields? I do not want to describe a set of fields with the same type of Depends classes with a certain logic parse (I don't know how to dynamically pass type annotating for it).
It is also not possible to subclass fastapi.Query and add extra logic to it.
Also there was an idea in the implementation of the f key as a query parameter:
?f=<field_name>:<operator>:<value>&f=<field_name N>:<operator>:<value>
But in this case, the documentation is not complete and you have to fill it in description (it will also be the same for all endpoints). As a result, it will not be clear which fields can be filtered and which operators are used for them.

Creating two different rest api with optional values

I am just new to rest api and need to create two api. both of them use post.
1) First one takes 2 parameters inside of the body
url is : /myapp/resources
2) Second one is doing the same function as the first one does but it needs 2 optional parameter. I thought using path or request param but as the parameters are optional it will be confusing when there is no paramaters. So there will be conflict with the first api.
/myapp/resources?param1=xx&param2=xx ==> what if there is no parameter
/myapp/resources/param1/{xxx}/param2/{yyy} ==> so still what if there is no param:
So what is the best way to define second api without causing a conflict with the first api when optional parameters are not passed.
I would suggest going with the first approach (query params) so:
The reason being - in this case you can define or extend the logic of just one endpoint, the /myapp/resources, that is going to verify if parameters exist and react accordingly.
With the second approach (path params), you would have to most likely define two (or more) separate endpoints (like /myapp/resources/, /myapp/resources/param1/{param1} and /myapp/resources/param1/{param1}/param2/{param2}

Does mediaResponse really support array of mediaObject?

As the document says, MediaResponse contains mediaObjects property, and mediaObjects is array of mediaObject, but when I tried to put multiple mediaObjects, I got this error:
MalformedResponse at
Only 1 media_object is allowed. First media_object will be used while
rest will be filtered.
Then what is the point of having an array of mediaObject?
There are several places in the protocol that contain an array where only one object is permitted in the array. One assumes that the designers wanted to make it expandable in the future without having to add special casing.
In this case, it sorta makes sense - right now we can only send one media object as part of the reply. It might be reasonable that, in the future, we could send one or more without having to come back to our webhook.

API.AI Intent won't save when adding Required Action

I'm trying to create a chat bot that will help users search up motorcycles.
I'm new to API.AI and have set up my entities and their synonyms, my intent and user expressions, as well as references to the entities (#engineSize, #make, #bikeType).
My problem is when I try to add a required action and prompt, and then try to save the intent, I get the following message:
"The following entities reference each other and form an infinite loop: [engineSize]."
Initially I thought I was using the references wrong in the user expressions. I deleted every reference except for one expression which uses all three entities.
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! Pix below for further details.
EDIT: I fixed one of the issues of trying to pass a template expression as an example. However, I still get the same error message. I will replace and update my image links to include the edits.
Annotated User expressions
Required Actions
Interestingly enough, the answer to this post would have been difficult to find because the problem was in defining my entities.
In the entity definitions, I included an #ref to the entity itself. ie the bikeType entity contained #bikeType as one of its definitions.
This is not to be mistaken with the User Expressions. As long as the user expression is marked as a Template (the entire line is denoted with an '#' on the far left, as opposed to a large " ), there should be no issues.
Edited for clarity to get at root problem
In the provided user input examples you give the intent, you are supposed to provide general examples and then highlight any text belonging to an entity to map where entities appear in user's inquiries.
In your case, you have input the actual entity reference '#engineSize' as an example belonging to the engineSize entity, creating a self reference.
A proper provided user example would look like:
Also note though that if you are just using entities to store generic information like numbers, addresses, times, etc. it generally makes far more sense to use prebuilt system entities for those categories than create a custom entity, for example #sys.number-integer might be exactly what you need
It looks like you need to get a firmer understanding of entities, for which I would recommend the documentation:

What is a 2-dimensional key-value format that Api Blueprint can understand?

I'm developing api documentation for a RESTful search API using Api Blueprint. I would like to be able to pass filters to the API so I can assemble:
Per this question, I'm using percent encoded square brackets, but unlike this question, it's not possible for us to describe every possible key name:
How to format hash-based parameters in the URL when creating Blueprint API doc?
I want the key name to be variable, since it could be any field in the source data. Does this work?
## Key-Value-Test [/api/v1/keyvaluetest?term={term}&filter%5B{field_name}%5D={field_value}]
+ term
+ filter_field
+ filter_value
Is there a recommended format for a two-dimensional array like this? It doesn't seem like this would work in Dredd because + filter_field doesn't really match filter[filter_field]
I am afraid that API Blueprint and Apiary does not yet allow these kind of dynamic URL definitions.
API Blueprint and Apiary only allows URI Templates as defined in RFC 6570
The following URI Template is not valid according to that RFC
GET /resource?year={year}&month={month}
You can change the URL to define something like the following:
## Key-Value-Test [/api/v1/keyvaluetest{?term,field_name,field_value}]
+ Parameters
+ term: a
+ field_name: b
+ field_value: c
There are two caveats with this method:
You can only give one field name and field value for the parameters. If you want more field parameters, you have to extend the URL.
You have to change the API url which I don't think you would want to.
Please start a feature request at if you have any.
API Blueprint uses URI Templates standard. There are ways to express and expand arrays (see section 3.2.1), however, it expects "standard URI approach", meaning the URI would be expanded as follows:
which is a "standard" way of doing arrays, except the most popular web language popularised your way back in 2000s.
The templates are designed for expansion: give it a bunch of variables and a string, and you'll get a properly-formatted string. As far as I am aware, there is no "wild match" (inserting pattern-match variables at a certain position in string).
The only solution I can think of within the realm of URL templates would be taking advantage of explosion modifier (see composite values):
which, given associative array of values [(filter%5Bfiltername1%5D, filtervalue1), (filter%5Bfiltername2%5D, filtervalue2) ] should expand properly.
However, I am not sure how to specify those in MSON as I don't think there is a support for "dynamic keys" and I think most of the tooling wouldn't handle it (yet).
Might be worth asking.