The following attributes are returning false for me, but I am not able to understand why.
I am testing it on a iPhone Xs with iOS 12.1.1, with the code built with Xcode 10.1.
Note that ARConfiguration.isSupported does return true.
Any ideas why this might be happening?
Only one ARTracking class is supported per a given time.
You should write your code this way:
import UIKit
import ARKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, ARSCNViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!
var configuration: ARConfiguration?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.isSupported {
configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() // 6-DoF
} else {
configuration = AROrientationTrackingConfiguration() // 3-DoF
Also, read carefully about these 3 types of tracking configuration:
ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() (rotation and translation x-y-z) 6-DoF
AROrientationTrackingConfiguration() (only rotation x-y-z) 3-DoF
ARImageTrackingConfiguration() 6-DoF but image-only tracking lets you anchor virtual content to known images only when those images are in view of the camera.
Because 3-DoF tracking creates limited AR experiences, you should generally not use the AROrientationTrackingConfiguration() class directly. Instead, use the subclass ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() for tracking with six degrees of freedom (6-DoF), plane detection, and hit-testing. Use 3-DoF tracking only as a fallback in situations where 6-DoF tracking is temporarily unavailable.
Hope this helps.
I am trying to create an app where I can use the depth functionalities of RealityKit but the AR drawing capabilities from SceneKit. What I would like to do, is recognize an object and place a 3d model over it (which works already).
When that is completed I would like the user to be able to draw on top of that 3d model (which works fine with SceneKit, but makes the 3d model jitter). I found SCNLine to do the drawing, but since it uses SceneKit I can not use it in the ARView of RealityKit.
I have seen this already, but it does not cover fully what I would like.
Is it possible to use both?
SceneKit and RealityKit are incompatible due to a complete dissimilarity – difference in scenes' hierarchy, difference in renderer and physics engines, difference in component content. What's stopping you from using SceneKit + ARKit (ARSCNView class)?
ARKit 6.0 has a built-in Depth API (the same API is available in RealityKit) that uses a LiDAR scanner to more accurately determine distances in a surrounding environment, allowing us to use plane detection, raycasting and object occlusion more efficiently.
For that, use sceneReconstruction instance property and ARMeshAnchors.
import ARKit
import SceneKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
sceneView.scene = SCNScene()
sceneView.delegate = self
let config = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
config.sceneReconstruction = .mesh
config.planeDetection = .horizontal
Delegate's method:
extension ViewController: ARSCNViewDelegate {
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didAdd node: SCNNode,
for anchor: ARAnchor) {
guard let meshAnchor = anchor as? ARMeshAnchor else { return }
let meshGeo = meshAnchor.geometry
// logic ...
P. S.
This post will be helpful for you.
I'm using QLPreviewController to show AR content. With the newer iPhones with LIDAR it seems that object occlusion is enabled by default.
Is there any way to disable object occlusion in the QLVideoController without having to build a custom ARKit view controller? Since my models are quite large (life-size buildings), they seem to disappear or get cut off at the end.
ARQuickLook is a library built for quick and high-quality AR visualization. It adopts RealityKit engine, so all supported here features, like occlusion, anchors, raytraced shadows, physics, DoF, motion blur, HDR, etc, look the same way as they look in RealityKit.
However, you can't turn on/off these features in QuickLook's API. They are on by default, if supported on your iPhone. In case you want to turn on/off People Occlusion you have to use ARKit/RealityKit frameworks, not QuickLook.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var arView: ARView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let box = try! Experience.loadBox()
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
fileprivate func switchOcclusion() {
guard let config = arView.session.configuration as?
else { return }
guard ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.supportsFrameSemantics(
else { return }
switch config.frameSemantics {
case [.personSegmentationWithDepth]:
Pay particular attention that People Occlusion is supported on A12 and later chipsets. And it works if you're running iOS 12 and higher.
The only QuickLook's customisable object is an object from class ARQuickLookPreviewItem.
Use ARQuickLookPreviewItem class when you want to control the background, designate which content the share sheet shares, or disable scaling in case it's not appropriate to allow the user to scale a particular model.
I have added content to the face anchor in Reality Composer, later on, after loading the Experience that i created on Reality Composer, i create a face tracking session like this:
guard ARFaceTrackingConfiguration.isSupported else { return }
let configuration = ARFaceTrackingConfiguration()
configuration.maximumNumberOfTrackedFaces = ARFaceTrackingConfiguration.supportedNumberOfTrackedFaces
configuration.isLightEstimationEnabled = true
arView.session.delegate = self, options: [.resetTracking, .removeExistingAnchors])
It is not adding the content to all the faces that is detecting, and i know it is detecting more than one face because the other faces occlude the content that is stick to the other face, is this a limitation on RealityKit or i am missing something in the composer? actually is pretty hard to miss somehting since it is so basic and simple.
You can't succeed in multi-face tracking in RealityKit in case you use models with embedded Face Anchor, i.e. the models that came from Reality Composer' Face Tracking preset (you can use just one model with .face anchor, not three). Or you MAY USE such models but you need to delete these embedded AnchorEntity(.face) anchors. Although there's a better approach – simply load models in .usdz format.
Let's see what Apple documentation says about embedded anchors:
You can manually load and anchor Reality Composer scenes using code, like you do with other ARKit content. When you anchor a scene in code, RealityKit ignores the scene's anchoring information.
Reality Composer supports 5 anchor types: Horizontal, Vertical, Image, Face & Object. It displays a different set of guides for each anchor type to help you place your content. You can change the anchor type later if you choose the wrong option or change your mind about how to anchor your scene.
There are two options:
In new Reality Composer project, deselect the Create with default content checkbox at the bottom left of the action sheet you see at startup.
In RealityKit code, delete existing Face Anchor and assign a new one. The latter option is not great because you need to recreate objects positions from scratch:
Nevertheless, I've achieved a multi-face tracking using AnchorEntity() with ARAnchor intializer inside session(:didUpdate:) instance method (just like SceneKit's renderer() instance method).
Here's my code:
import ARKit
import RealityKit
extension ViewController: ARSessionDelegate {
func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
guard let faceAnchor = anchors.first as? ARFaceAnchor
else { return }
let anchor1 = AnchorEntity(anchor: faceAnchor)
let anchor2 = AnchorEntity(anchor: faceAnchor)
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var arView: ARView!
let model01 = try! Entity.load(named: "angryFace") // USDZ file
let model02 = try! FacialExpression.loadSmilingFace() // RC scene
override func viewDidLoad() {
arView.session.delegate = self
guard ARFaceTrackingConfiguration.isSupported else {
fatalError("Alas, Face Tracking isn't supported")
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
let config = ARFaceTrackingConfiguration()
config.maximumNumberOfTrackedFaces = 2
Vertical place detection in ARKit is not very good so I am using proximity sensor to place found vertical plane. The UX is as follows:
Ask user to place front of the device on the wall
When the proximity sensor is triggered make a vertical plane using AR Camera transform
The issue that I am currently facing is that when front sensor is triggered, everything comes to a halt. All the CoreMotion sensors and render methods for ARSCNViewDelegate calls stop. This causes the world origin to move from its origin point and make the placed item also move with it.
Is there a way to get proximity sensor data without shutting down everything? Is there a better way to place vertical items?
Asynchronous functions let you perform two or more tasks almost simultaneously, without waiting until the dispatched block is executed.
So, you have to use an approach like this:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
func proximitySensorActivation() {
let device = UIDevice.current
device.isProximityMonitoringEnabled = true
if device.isProximityMonitoringEnabled {
selector: #selector(proximityChanged),
name: UIDevice.proximityStateDidChangeNotification,
object: device)
#objc func proximityChanged(notification: NSNotification) {
if let device = notification.object as? UIDevice {
I want to make a mix of virtual reality and augmented reality.
The goal is I have a stereo camera (for each eyes).
I tried to put two ARSCNView in a viewCotnroller but it seems ARKit enable only one ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration at the same time. How can I do that?
I researched to copy the graphic representation of a view to past this to an other view but impossible to find. Please help me to find the solution.
I found this link, maybe can it illumine us:
ARKit with multiple users
Here's a sample of my issue:
PS: before unlike my post, comment why!
The following code is basically what Hal said. I previously wrote a few lines on github that might be able to help you get started. (Simple code, no barrel distortion, no adjustment for the narrow FOV - yet).
Essentially, we connect the same scene to the second ARSCNView (so both ARSCNViews are seeing the same scene). No need to get ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration working with 2 ARSCNViews. Then, we offset its pointOfView so it's positioned as the 2nd eye.
The ARSession documentation says that ARSession is a shared object.
Every AR experience built with ARKit requires a single ARSession object. If you use an
object to easily build the visual part of your AR experience, the view object includes an ARSession instance. If you build your own renderer for AR content, you'll need to instantiate and maintain an ARSession object yourself.
So there's a clue in that last sentence. Instead of two ARSCNView instances, use SCNView and share the single ARSession between them.
I expect this is a common use case, so it's worth filing a Radar to request stereo support.
How to do it right now?
The (singleton) session has only one delegate. You need two different delegate instances, one for each view. You could solve that with an object that sends the delegate messages to each view; solvable but a bit of extra work.
There's also the problem of needing two slightly different camera locations, one for each eye, for stereo vision. ARKit uses one camera, placed at the iOS device's location, so you'll have to fuzz that.
Then you have to deal with the different barrel distortions for each eye.
This, for me, adds up to writing my own custom object to intercept ARKit delegate messages, convert the coordinates to what I'd see from two different cameras, and manage the two distinct SCNViews (not ARSCNViews). Or perhaps use one ARSCNView (one eye), intercept its frame updates, and pass those frames on to a SCNView (the other eye).
File the Radar, post the number, and I'll dupe it.
To accomplish this, please use the following code:
import UIKit
import SceneKit
import ARKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, ARSCNViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var sceneView: ARSCNView!
#IBOutlet weak var sceneView2: ARSCNView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
sceneView.delegate = self
sceneView.showsStatistics = true
let scene = SCNScene(named: "art.scnassets/ship.scn")!
sceneView.scene = scene
sceneView.isPlaying = true
// SceneView2 Setup
sceneView2.scene = scene
sceneView2.showsStatistics = sceneView.showsStatistics
// Now sceneView2 starts receiving updates
sceneView2.isPlaying = true
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
And don't forget to activate .isPlaying instance properties for both ARSCNViews.
Objective-C version of Han's github code, sceneViews created programatically, with y + z positions not updated - all credit Han:
leftSceneView = [ARSCNView new];
leftSceneView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, w, h/2);
leftSceneView.delegate = self;
leftSceneView.autoenablesDefaultLighting = true;
[self.view addSubview:leftSceneView];
rightSceneView = [ARSCNView new];
rightSceneView.frame = CGRectMake(0, h/2, w, h/2);
rightSceneView.playing = true;
rightSceneView.autoenablesDefaultLighting = true;
[self.view addSubview:rightSceneView];
SCNScene * scene = [SCNScene new];
leftSceneView.scene = scene;
rightSceneView.scene = scene;
ARWorldTrackingConfiguration * configuration = [ARWorldTrackingConfiguration new];
configuration.planeDetection = ARPlaneDetectionHorizontal;
[leftSceneView.session runWithConfiguration:configuration];
-(void)renderer:(id<SCNSceneRenderer>)renderer updateAtTime:(NSTimeInterval)time {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//update right eye
SCNNode * pov = self->leftSceneView.pointOfView.clone;
SCNQuaternion orientation = pov.orientation;
GLKQuaternion orientationQuaternion = GLKQuaternionMake(orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, orientation.w);
GLKVector3 eyePosition = GLKVector3Make(1, 0, 0);
GLKVector3 rotatedEyePosition = GLKQuaternionRotateVector3(orientationQuaternion, eyePosition);
SCNVector3 rotatedEyePositionSCNV = SCNVector3Make(rotatedEyePosition.x, rotatedEyePosition.y, rotatedEyePosition.z);
float mag = 0.066f;
float rotatedX = pov.position.x + rotatedEyePositionSCNV.x * mag;
float rotatedY = pov.position.y;// + rotatedEyePositionSCNV.y * mag;
float rotatedZ = pov.position.z;// + rotatedEyePositionSCNV.z * mag;
[pov setPosition:SCNVector3Make(rotatedX, rotatedY, rotatedZ)];
self->rightSceneView.pointOfView = pov;