Two-sided references in a list - perl

I'm just starting to learn Perl and I have to do an exercise containing references.
I have to create a program, that constructs a list with two sided references, that are are received as command line arguments. At the beginning of the program, there is only one element in the list - 0. To go through the list, reference is being used, that references to the only element of the list at the moment - 0. The arguments of the command line are being read one by one and added right behind the element, that is being referenced to. When one argument is added, the reference slides one element to the right(it references to the newly added element). There are also two special elements - + and -. + allows the reference to move one element to the right, and - one element to the left. Also, it is important that the reference would not go beyond the list limit.
The output is all the arguments in the correct order of the list.
Additional requirements are that the list must be created by using hashes, that contain links to neighbouring elements. Also, I cannot use arrays to store the whole list.
There are a few examples to make it easier to grasp the concept, this is the most useful one:
./ A D - B C + E
0 A B C D E
All I've got now is just the start of the program, it is nowhere near done and doesn't compile, but I can't figure out where to go from there. I've tried looking for some information about two-sided references(I'm not sure if I'm translating it correctly), but I can't seem to find anything. Any information about two-sided references or any tips how to start writing this program properly would be very appreciated.
My code:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $A= {
my $B= {
my $C= {
for my $smbl(0..#$ARGV) {
$A-> {value} = $ARGV[$smbl];
$Α-> {next} = $ARGV[$smbl+1];

First of all, what you are building is called a doubly linked list.
Let me tell you the biggest trick for working with linked lists: Create a dummy "head" node and a dummy "tail" node. You won't print their values, but having them will greatly reduce the number of special cases in your code, making it so much simpler!
At the core, you will have three "pointers" (references).
$head points to the first node of the list.
$tail points to the last node of the list.
$cursor initially points to the node in $tail. New nodes will be inserted before this node.
When processing +, two different situations you need to handle:
$cursor == $tail: Error! Cursor moved beyond end of list.
$cursor != $tail: Point $cursor to the node following the one it references.
When processing -, there are two different situations you need to handle:
$cursor->{prev} == $head: Error! Cursor moved beyond start of list.
$cursor->{prev} != $head: Point $cursor to the node preceding the one it references.
When processing inserting nodes, no checks need to be performed because of the dummy nodes!


talend thmap get value of outer loop element

I'm just starting out with thMap.
So far I have successfully mapped an X12 835 message to output structures. That works no problem.
I have also successfully acquired the LoopIndex of the current loop using the LoopIndex() function.
My challenge:
I need to get the value of an element from the enclosing loop.
In the attached image, everything in green is working.
I'm trying to get the value down the red line.
My goal is to do this assignment
gsRecord.parent_id = enclosing loop
The documentation explains some things but I don't see examples putting it together.
Does anyone have any good examples, videos or suggestions?
Update from 12/9/22
Here is something I have tried. Providing this example in hopes someone recognizes a specific issue to help move me forward. Any input would be appreciated.
Per this screenshot
I am attempting to output in gsRecord.parent_id the loopIndex of the parent loop (isaRecord).
This gives me the following error
"An reference in an LoopIndex/Variable was made to an either an input
map element or an output map element that is not in the context of the
reference. Use an enclosing looping output map element here.(msg #1202)"
Given the reference to 'enclosing looping output map element here' it feels like the gsRecord is not properly defined as a child of the isaRecord.
However the definition of the gsRecord is in reference to the isaRecord as in this screenshot.
It feels like there is some combination of LoopIndex and EnclosedContext that I could use to accomplish this but I'm unable to find any in-depth documentation on the functions.
Any help would be appreciated.

Traversing DOM nodes in CKEditor-4

We have a bug at this CKEditor plugin, and a generic solution is like to this, applying a generic string-filter only to terminal text nodes of the DOM.
QUESTION: how (need code example) to traverse a selection node (editor.getSelection()) by CKEditor-4 tools, like CKEDITOR.dom.range?
First step will be to get ranges from current selection. To do this just call:
var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges();
This gives you an array of ranges, because theoretically (and this theory is proved only by Firefox) one selection can contain many ranges. But in 99% of real world cases you can just handle the first one and ignore other. So you've got range.
Now, the easiest way to iterate over each node in this range is to use CKEDITOR.dom.walker. Use it for example this way:
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
while ( ( node = ) ) {
// Log values of every text node in range.
console.log( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && node.getText() );
However, there's a problem with text nodes at the range's boundaries. Consider following range:
This will log: foo, bar, and bom. Yes - entire bom, because it is a single node and walker does not modify DOM (there's a bug in documentation).
Therefore you should check every node you want to transform if it equals range's startContainer or endContainer and if yes - transform only that part of it which is inside range.
Note: I don't know walker's internals and I'm not sure whether you can modify DOM while iterating over it. I'd recommend first caching nodes and then making changes.

Meaning of NEXT in Linked List creation in perl

So I am trying to learn Linked Lists using Perl. I am reading Mastering Algorithms with Perl by Jon Orwant. In the book he explains how to create a linked list.
I understand most of it, but I just simply fail to understand the command/index/key NEXT in the second last line of the code snippet.
foreach (1..5){
my $node = [undef, $_ * $_];
$$tail = $node;
$tail = \${$node->[NEXT]}; # The NEXT on this line?
What is he trying to do there?
Is $node a scalar, which stores the address of the unnamed array? Also even if we are dereferencing $node, should we not refer to the individual elements by an index number, such as (0,1). If we do use NEXT as a key, is $node a reference to a hash?
I am very confused.
Something in plain English will be highly appreciated.
NEXT is a constant, declared earlier in the script. It contains an integer value representing the index of the current node's member element that refers to the next node.
Under this scheme, each node is a small anonymous array. One element of this anonymous array contains the payload, and the other contains a reference pointing to the next node.
If you look at some of the earlier examples in that chapter you will see the following declarations:
use constant NEXT => 0;
use constant VAL => 1;
So $node->[NEXT] is synonymous to $node->[0], which contains a reference to the next node in the linked list chain, while $node->[VAL] is synonymous with $node->[1]; the value (or payload) stored in the current node.
I'll comment on the code snippet you provided:
foreach (1..5){
my $node = [undef, $_ * $_]; # Create a new node as an anon array.
# Set the previous node's "next node reference" to point to this new node.
$$tail = $node;
# Remember a reference to the new node's "next node reference" element.
# So that it can be updated when another new element is added on next iteraton.
$tail = \${$node->[NEXT]}; # The NEXT on this line?
Excellent book, by the way. I've got several algorithms books, and that one continues to be among my favorites after all these years.
Update: I do agree that the book isn't a model of current idiomatic Perl, or current "best practices" Perl, but do feel it is a nice resource for gaining an understanding of the application of classic algorithms with Perl. I still refer back to it from time to time.
NEXT is a constant, declared on an earlier page, that contains a number. Its being used instead of just the regular number to access the array ref $node so the reader knows that slot is where the next element in the linked list is stored.
It's a technique to use array references to store things other than lists. The technique was intended to save memory and CPU time compared to using a hash reference. In reality it doesn't make much performance difference and its awkward to work with. The book is quite a bit out of date in its ideas about how to write Perl code. Use a hash reference instead.
my $list;
my $tail = \$list;
foreach my $num (1..5) {
my $node = { data => $num };
$$tail = $node;
$tail = \$node->{next};

Asp.Net MVC 2: How exactly does a view model bind back to the model upon post back?

Sorry for the length, but a picture is worth 1000 words:
In ASP.NET MVC 2, the input form field "name" attribute must contain exactly the syntax below that you would use to reference the object in C# in order to bind it back to the object upon post back. That said, if you have an object like the following where it contains multiple Orders having multiple OrderLines, the names would look and work well like this (case sensitive):
This works:
Order[0].OrderLine[0].itemID // first order line
Order[0].OrderLine[1].itemID // second order line, same names
However we want to add order lines and remove order lines at the client browser. Apparently, the indexes must start at zero and contain every consecutive index number to N.
The black belt ninja Phil Haack's blog entry here explains how to remove the [0] index, have duplicate names, and let MVC auto-enumerate duplicate names with the [0] notation. However, I have failed to get this to bind back using a nested object:
This fails: // Duplicate names should enumerate at 0 .. N
Order.OrderLine.itemID // And likewise for nested properties?
I haven't found any advice out there yet that describes how this works for binding back nested ViewModels on post. Any links to existing code examples or strict examples on the exact names necessary to do nested binding with ILists?
Steve Sanderson has code that does this sort of thing here, but we cannot seem to get this to bind back to nested objects. Anything not having the [0]..[n] AND being consecutive in numbering simply drops off of the return object.
Any ideas?
We found a work around, by using the following:
Html.EditorFor(m => m, "ViewNameToUse", "FieldPrefix")
Where FieldPrefix is the "object[0]". This is hardly ideal, but it certainly works pretty well. It's simple and elegant.

Why do all of these methods of accessing an array work?

It seems to me that some of these should fail, but they all output what they are supposed to:
$, = "\n";
%test = (
"one" => ["one_0", "one_1"],
"two" => ["two_0", "two_1"]
print #{$test{"one"}}[0],
Why is this?
Your first example is different than the others. It is an array slice -- but in disguise since you are only asking for one item.
#{$test{"one"}}[1, 0]; # Another slice example.
Your other examples are alternative ways of de-referencing items within a multi-level data structure. However, the use of an array for de-referencing is deprecated (see perldiag).
#{$test{"one"}}->[0]; # Deprecated. Turn on 'use warnings'.
$test{"two"}->[0]; # Valid.
$test{"one"}[1]; # Valid but easier to type.
Regarding the last example, two subscripts sitting next to each other have an implied -> between them. See, for example, the discussion of the Arrow Rule in perlreftut.