Keycloak ID token doesnt contain "group" information - keycloak

I am using a javax filter which gets a HttpRequest from keycloak server if the user has successfully authenticated.
From the request I was able to get the Id token and on decoding this group name is missing from the id token.
How to map the group name information in id token ?

Fixed. Had to add a new group mapper for my client under mapper tab


Enable sid claim in the Keyclaok id token

I'm currently working on configuring Keycloak as a federated identity provider to test the OIDC back-channel logout flow.
In both id token and the logout token, they don't include the sid claim by default since it is an optional claim. But in the client's configuration, there's a config to enable the session identifier in the back-channel logout token. Config to enable 'sid' claim. If this is enabled, the logout token will have an sid claim, but the id token won't.
OIDC Specification section 2.1,
OPTIONAL. Boolean value specifying whether the OP can pass a sid (session ID) Claim in the Logout Token to identify the RP session with the OP. If supported, the sid Claim is also included in ID Tokens issued by the OP. If omitted, the default value is false.
According to this, if the sid claim is included in the logout token, id token should also have the sid claim
Is there a way to include sid claim in the id token as well ?.
If not, what's the purpose of having an sid claim only in the logout token and not in the id token ?
I'm not familiar with the back-channel flows, but in general you want to use KeyCloak's concept of "Mappers" to add claims into tokens. Both Identity Providers and Clients can have Mappers, depending on where you need to add data.
Clients and IdP configs will have different 'Mapper Types' available. The 'Mapper Type' field is the most important field when configuring the Mapper - it determines where the data is coming from (some session value, some user attribute, etc). We often have to write small custom implementations for new mapper types to pull some data out of the Java layer so we can put it into a token.

Keycloak - Add Group IDs to Token

I have a Keycloak Client where i am receiving my Access Tokens. I have created a few mappers to gain some additional informations out of the Access Token.
With the Group Membership Mapper type i can also receive the Group names as an array, where the user is a member of. But i want to have the IDs of the Groups.
Is it possible to add those to the Token instead of making an additional API call to Keycloak?

How to get impersonated UserGuid Id in docusign

I am trying to get the impersonated userguid from the docusign api. Per the documentation I need to call /restapi/v2/accounts/account_id/users?email=email, which is not working for me. I assume the full url would be"" .
I am getting a 404 when entering my email in the above format.
Looks like you have the incorrect domain. API Calls generally don't get made against You'll want to make that call against the Application Server your account is on.
In the Sandbox environment that will be In prod you'd need to make a UserInfo call to determine which server your account is on. It could be something like or, but there are several possible domains.
In order to get Impersonate GUID ,
Login to admin account
Under setting options Click API and keys
Value under the user id text box is Impersonate GUID
During configuration & setup:
1. You have an account admin enter information such as account, their userId ("API User Name" in web app). Save both items.
2. You follow the "consent flow", get their consent, generate a JWT and
exchange for a token.
3. Use the /user_info call against the account
server to get the list of their accounts. If more than one account
in the array, find the one that matches what they entered in the
configuration. Get and save the associated "base_uri". You will
use that for all subsequent API calls.
Your application now has stored the account ID, the admin's "userId", and the base URI to built API URLs.
During business application operations:
Admin is "Bob". Sender is "Jill"
You need to get an access token for Jill.
1. Create JWT for Bob, exchange for access token, make GET /users?email={Jill's email). This gives you Jill's "userId".
2. Create JWT for Jill, exchange for access token.
3. Make API call as Jill, using her access token.

How does Keycloak encode group membership in id tokens

I have configured a user my_user who belongs to my_group in Keycloak 4.8.3. I have then obtained an id token for it with grant type Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC). When I inspect the issued id token with a tool such as I can see that the user's id and name are included as JWT clains sub and preferred_username respectively.
But where does group membership show up inside the JWT?
You need to create mapper. In Keycloak Admin Console go to Clients, choose your client, tab "Mappers", click Create in the header of the grid. In Mapper type combo choose Group Membership and fill other data (Name, Token Claim Name).

How can I add claims to the context for GetProfileDataAsync & IsActiveAsync for a custom user service?

I am implementing a user service that is storing user info in Azure Table storage. I would like to use a value for tenant ID as part of my partition key, but, the claims available in GetProfileDataAsync and IsActiveAsync are just 5 built in claims (sub, name, amr, idp, auth_time).
I get tenant ID from my identity provider and it's included as a claim in both my access token & identity token. How can I make it available to those methods?
When the AuthenticateLocal is invoke, you return an AuthenticateResult to indicate the authentication outcome. If it's successful you use the ctor overload that accepts the subject and name values. There's also an optional claims collection. If you pass values for claims then you are adding your own custom claims to the authentication cookie at IdentityServer. Those claims are then part of the Subject for the GetProfile API (assuming the requests into those APIs are being done via the browser such as from the authorization request). You can then inspect those claims and use them in any way you want.
If the request is not via the browser, then the only claim you have on the Subject is the user's unique id (which is the sub claims).