postgresql – No crypt function on Debian stretch - postgresql

I have PostgreSQL 9.6 installation on my Debian Stretch (9). When I want to use crypt() or gen_salt() functions, it says:
ERROR: function gen_salt(unknown, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select gen_salt('bf', 8)
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
How can I get these functions working?
Installed postgresql packages

You have to enable it using SQL:
You have to do it on each database that uses pgcrypto functions.


PostgresSQL FuzzySearch

I am trying fuzzy search on PostgresSQL and have PostgreSQL 12.5 version installed.
After enabling extension:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm with schema dev;
I am trying to execute below SQL
select * from dev.hello_world a where 'Hello' % ANY(STRING_TO_ARRAY(, ' '))
SQL Error [42883]: ERROR: operator does not exist: unknown % text
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
I have tried this before and used to work. Not able to get reference from document for change.

PostGIS: function ST_AsRaster does not exist. Even using examples from the docs

I'm trying to convert geometries to images, and the functions to do so don't seem to exist.
The following example is from the ST_AsRaster Docs WHich specify the requirements are Availability: 2.0.0 - requires GDAL >= 1.6.0.
SELECT ST_AsPNG(ST_AsRaster(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,5),10),150, 150));
This results in:
ERROR: function st_asraster(geometry, integer, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT ST_AsPNG(ST_AsRaster(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,5),10),150,...
I found some info that points towards needing GDAL drivers, however, when I try:
SELECT short_name, long_name FROM ST_GdalDrivers();
I get:
ERROR: function st_gdaldrivers() does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT short_name, long_name FROM ST_GdalDrivers();
I have no idea where to even go to try solving this, why don't the functions exist, was there some config I needed to add, some doc I didn't read?
Even the seems to suggest that it should "just work"?
This is installed from the package manager on Ubuntu 20.0.4.
Version Info SELECT PostGIS_Full_Version();:
POSTGIS="3.0.0 r17983" [EXTENSION]
GEOS="3.8.0-CAPI-1.13.1 "
WAGYU="0.4.3 (Internal)"
You must have forgotten to install the postgis_raster extension:
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster;
This extension is new in PostGIS 3.0; before that, its objects were part of the postgis extension.
The documentation mentions that:
Once postgis is installed, it needs to be enabled in each individual database you want to use it in.
psql -d yourdatabase -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
-- if you built with raster support and want to install it --
psql -d yourdatabase -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster;"

Can't execute uuid_generate_v5

After installing extension uuid-ossp successfully I cannot execute the uuid_generate_v5 function. Always barks about not existing or bad argument types.
select uuid_generate_v5(uuid('40f209ac-33f7-11ea-978f-2e728ce88125'), cast('1234' as text));
uuid_generate_v5(uuid, text)
ERROR: function uuid_generate_v5(uuid, text) does not exist
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select * from pg_proc where proname= 'uuid_generate_v5'; show that the function does exist, I must be using it wrong somehow but the arg types are correct per the documented function and the source code...
PostgreSQL 11.1 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28), 64-bit
The extension (and hence the function) is installed in a schema that is not on your search_path.
\dx "uuid-ossp"
This will show you the schema where the extension is installed.
Either include the schema qualification in the function name:
SELECT extschema.uuid_generate_v5('40f209ac-33f7-11ea-978f-2e728ce88125', '1234');
or add the extension schema to the search_path.

PostgreSQL pgp_sym_encrypt() broken in version 9.1

The following works in PostgreSQL 8.4:
insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt('password', 'longpassword'));
When I try it in version 9.1 I get this:
ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt(unknown, unknown) does not exist LINE
1: insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt('pass...
^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add
explicit type casts.
*** Error ***
ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt(unknown, unknown) does not exist SQL
state: 42883 Hint: No function matches the given name and argument
types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Character: 40
If I try some explicit casts like this
insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt(cast('password' as text), cast('longpassword' as text)))
I get a slightly different error message:
ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt(text, text) does not exist
I have pgcrypto installed. Does anyone have pgp_sym_encrypt() working in PostgreSQL 9.1?
On explanation could be that the module was installed into a schema that is not in your search path - or to the wrong database.
Diagnose your problem with this query and report back the output:
SELECT n.nspname, p.proname, pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid) as params
FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
WHERE p.proname ~~* '%pgp_sym_encrypt%'
AND pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid);
Finds functions in all schemas in your database. Similar to the psql meta-command
\df *pgp_sym_encrypt*
Make sure you install the extension on the desired schema.
sudo -i -u postgres
psql $database
OK, problem solved.
I was creating the pgcrypto extension as the first operation in the script. Then I dropped and added the VGDB database. That's why pgcrypto was there immediately after creating it, but didn't exist when running the sql later in the script or when I opened pgadmin.
This script is meant for setting up new databases and if I had tried it on a new database the create extension would have failed right away.
My bad. Thanks for the help, Erwin.
Just mention de schema where is installed pgcrypto like this:
#ColumnTransformer(forColumn = "TEST",
read = "public.pgp_sym_decrypt(TEST, 'password')",
write = "public.pgp_sym_encrypt(?, 'password')")
#Column(name = "TEST", columnDefinition = "bytea", nullable = false)
private String test;
I ran my (python) script again and the CREATE EXTENSION ran without error. The script also executes this command
psql -d VGDB -U postgres -c "select * from pg_available_extensions order by name"
which includes the following in the result set:
pgcrypto | 1.0 | 1.0 | cryptographic functions
So psql believes that it has installed pgcrypto.
Later in the same script when I execute
psql -d VGDB -U postgres -f sql/Create.Credentials.table.sql
where sql/Create.Credentials.table.sql includes this
insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt('password', 'longpassword'));
I get this
psql:sql/Create.Credentials.table.sql:31: ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt(unknown, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt('pass...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
When I open pgadmin it does not show pgcrypto in either the VGDB or postgres databases even though the query above called by psql shows that pgcrypto is installed.
Could there be an issue with needing to commit after using psql to execute the "create extension ..." command? None of my other DDL or SQL statements require a commit when they get executed with psql.
It's starting to look like psql is just flakey. Is there another way to call "create extension pgcrypto" - e.g. with Python's database support classes - or does that have to be run through psql?

How to generate uuid with PostgreSQL 8.4.4 on Ubuntu 10.04?

I am running PostgreSQL 8.4.4 with Ubuntu 10.04.
I am trying to generate uuid but can't find a way to do it.
I do have the uuid-ossp.sql in /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/uuid-ossp.sql
When I try this is what I get :
postgres=# SELECT uuid_generate_v1();
ERROR: function uuid_generate_v1() does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT uuid_generate_v1();
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
Any idea ?
The stuff in contrib aren't run automatically. You have to run it yourself to install the functions. I don't know about the 8.4 version, but in the 8.3 version it appears to only install it per-database, so open up the database you're using in psql and issue the command \i /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/uuid-ossp.sql
I saw this in my PostgreSQL travels. It requires the pgcrypto contrib module.