DOMINO REST API get Collection sort column - rest

Hi I'm trying to get a sorted Collection from the Domino Rest Api. My database name is "Test/JSON_Views.nsf" and my views name "List".
The endpoint I use is
But the JSON-Response entries aren't sorting by title in ascending order.
Should I make any settings to the column properties in the designer? If I set descending there for the title-column it works. But I want to change the sorting in my external java-application.
Is my endpoint correct? I use this Domino API Docu as Reference.

Add an additional sorting to your title column:
This gives the API the possibility to sort by title in both directions. You can do this with other columns too so you are very flexible in sorting this way.

The doc says that if the column isn't sorted in design then the sortcolumn parameter has no effect, so the answer is "Yes" you should change the design of the desired column. If doing that is unworkable in whatever context you use it, then create a second view and use that instead.


Filtering a datasource using multi select wild character

Does anyone know if there is a wildcard character in AppMaker that can be used for all possible values for a field in a query?
I currently have a datasource that is being filtered based on the status using a multi-select widget. What I would like to accomplish is when all values have been de-selected I want to load all the records of that datasource without clearing the entire query in case other filters have been applied. I have it working in-a-sense that I have to explicitly construct my query as such:
widget.datasource.query.filters.Status._in = ['Status Value 1','Status Value 2','Status Value 3']
My current solution is loading the correct data when a value is selected and it correctly shows the union of the query as the values are modified. However, it selects all of the values in my multi-select; which I know is how it is supposed to work.
I tried using widget.datasource.query.filters.Status._contains = ''; and changing the assignment value to no avail. I even tried the opposite approach using _notContains
The intended outcome is to have a filtering dashboard appear much like any website where when no filtering is selected all records are displayed. I was hoping to find a wildcard character that would load all of the records. Just trying to find a way to mimic other website filters with all records when none are selected.
Thanks for the time!
So the easiest solution here is to set up your Multiselect as follows:
Options binding:
or if you don't have the possible Status values in your model then set your options binding to:
['Status Value 1','Status Value 2','Status Value 3']
Values binding:
Now anytime you select any choices in the multiselect, the query will only include records that include the selected choices. And if you deselect all choices the query will ignore that filter or treat it as an empty array of values, therefore returning all records unless you applied other filters.

Table with sort using column Headers in UI5. Table sorter

I would like to provide table sorter i.e possibility to sort the table by clicking on a Column. For Example: Product Name column shows the possibility to sort.
I want to do a similar thing in sap.m.table as I see sap.ui.table is not valid for phones according to
Can I achieve this in some way? Or any insights on any alternative approach I can take?

Sorting on a calculated field

Is it possible to use a sorter over a calculated field? If so, how would it look like on an XML view?
I couldn't find anything on the docs or in the openui5 github repo.
Short version: No, it's not possible in a XMLView!
Long Version:
You can create a separate field on your model with the calculated value in advance and sort on that newly created field.
You can easily create and apply the sorter from the corresponding controller. A Sorter can implement it's own compare function like this: Sorting and Filtering in JSON Models

SAPUI5 Filter Search

I'm Developing Fiori App with Master-Master-Detail template,
First I'm filtering by date but I want to use the search box that it's generated by default.
I need to use both condition filters: Date and the element specified in serach box.
Somebody knows how to add search filter without remove previous filter?
The filters are applied to the ListBinding and there is no official API to access to current filter objects. You could store the filters somewhere in your controller, but eventually, you'll need to call the filter method again with all the filters that you want to apply.

ColumnSorting with AsyncDataProvider - how to find out which column the user wants to sort by?

I am implementing a GWT CellTable with paging and sorting by multiple columns dynamically.
The basics can be found in the CellTable Developer's Guide.
However, the dynamic example does not tell how to find out by which column the user wants to sort (it simply sorts by the 'name' column). That's not enough in my case, as I want to allow the user to sort by different columns.
The only solution I could think of, which is not very elegant, is to keep track of which column is sorted in ascending order or not (using table.getColumnSortList(indexOfColumn).isAscending()) and then figuring out which one has been clicked by comparing the values for each column (the one that changed is probably what the user clicked).
This involves keeping information in my classes that should be available somewhere in the CellTable! But I can't find that information!
Thanks for any help.
I found the answer. As explained in the javadocs for
An ordered list containing the sort history of Columns in a table. The 0th item is the ColumnSortInfo of the most recently sorted column.
So, to know which column was last sorted by, you simply do:
ColumnSortInfo info = table.getColumnSortList().get(0);
Column<Type> sortByColumn = info.getColumn();