Reading messages for specific timestamp in kafka - apache-kafka

I want to read all the messages starting from a specific time in kafka.
Say I want to read all messages between 0600 to 0800
Request messages between two timestamps from Kafka
suggests the solution as the usage of offsetsForTimes.
Problem with that solution is :
If say my consumer is switched on everyday at 1300. The consumer would not have read any messages that day, which effectively means no offset was committed at/after 0600, which means offsetsForTimes(< partitionname > , <0600 for that day in millis>) will return null.
Is there any way I can read a message which was published to kafka queue at a certain time, irrespective of offsets?

offsetsForTimes() returns offsets of messages that were produced for the requested time. It works regardless if offsets were committed or not because the offsets are directly fetched from the partition logs.
So yes you should be using this method to find the first offset produced after 0600, seek to that position and consume messages until you reach 0800.


Use case: To construct a message that disppears after sometime in kafka

I have scenario where i want to send message to a alert service that would process the message and would send it to hipchat.
But I want the message to be active only for a minute. If hipchat is down (hypothetical) then the message should not be sent to hipchat.
I am using kafka so one of the service sends the message to kafka then the message is consumed by alert service(it polls the service) which processes the message (kafka consumer) while processing it checks that the time now and the time of the message is not greater than one minute. If not, it sends the message to hipchat aynchronously.
I want a way to construct a self destruction message so that i automatically disappears after one minute. Is there a way to do it with kafka ? OR is there a better alternate than kafka (flink/sqs). If yes, how?
You can make use of the Kafka topic configurations and as described in the Topic Level Configs.
The should be set to 1 minute (60000 ms) and the should be set to 0 in your case. That way, the messages will stay in the Kafka Topic for one minute before they get deleted. However, that also means that you might loose messages if your consumer takes more then one minute to consume all messages (especially when reading a topic from beginning).
Details on those configurations are: The amount of time to retain delete tombstone markers for log compacted topics. This setting also gives a bound on the time in which a consumer must complete a read if they begin from offset 0 to ensure that they get a valid snapshot of the final stage (otherwise delete tombstones may be collected before they complete their scan). This configuration controls the maximum time we will retain a log before we will discard old log segments to free up space if we are using the "delete" retention policy. This represents an SLA on how soon consumers must read their data. If set to -1, no time limit is applied.

Kafka to Kafka -> reading source kafka topic multiple times

I new to Kafka and i have a configuration where i have a source Kafka topic which has messages with a default retention for 7 days. I have 3 brokers with 1 partition and 1 replication.
When i try to consume messages from source Kafka topic and to my target Kafka topic i was able to consume messages in the same order. Now my question is if i am trying to reprocess all the messages from my source Kafka and consume in ,y Target Kafka i see that my Target Kafka is not consuming any messages. I know that duplication should be avoided but lets say i have a scenario where i have 100 messages in my source Kafka and i am expecting 200 messages in my target Kafka after running it twice. But i am just getting 100 messages in my first run and my second run returns nothing.
Can some one please explain why this is happening and what is the functionality behind it ?
Kafka consumer reads data from a partition of a topic. One consumer can read from one partition at one time only.
Once a message has been read by the consumer, it can't be re-read again. Let me first explain the current offset. When we call a poll method, Kafka sends some messages to us. Let us assume we have 100 records in the partition. The initial position of the current offset is 0. We made our first call and received 100 messages. Now Kafka will move the current offset to 100.
The current offset is a pointer to the last record that Kafka has already sent to a consumer in the most recent poll and that has been committed. So, the consumer doesn't get the same record twice because of the current offset. Please go through the following diagram and URL for complete understanding.

How to make Kafka consumer read from last committed offset but not from last consumed offset?

My requirement is simple yet not able to implement using plain consumer, I would like to consume records from Last committed offset position, every time I poll. I mean once after I polled set of records, if I am not manually committed the offset for those records, then I would expect the same set of records to be returned to me on the next poll. Is it possible to use plain Kafka consumers..? FYI I already configured my consumer, not to auto-commit.
The current workaround I employed is that I am manually seeking offset to last committed offset before every poll, but it is adding needless roundtrip and adding latency to message processing? is there an out of the box configuration available in Kafka consumer to achieve what I am expecting?

KafkaConsumer resume partition cannot continue to receive uncommitted messages

I'm using one topic, one partition, one consumer, Kafka client version is 0.10.
I got two different results:
If I paused partition first, then to produce a message and to invoke resume method. KafkaConsumer can poll the uncommitted message successfully.
But If I produced message first and didn't commit its offset, then to pause the partition, after several seconds, to invoke the resume method. KafkaConsumer would not receive the uncommitted message. I checked it on Kafka server using, it shows LOG-END-OFFSET minus CURRENT-OFFSET = LAG = 1.
I have been trying to figure out it for two days, I repeated such tests a lot of times, the results are always like so. I need some suggestion or someone can tell me its Kafka's original mechanism.
For your observation#2, if you restart the application, it will supply you all records from the un-committed offset, i.e. the missing record and if your consumer again does not commit, it will be sent again when application registers consumer with Kafka upon restart. It is expected.
Assuming you are using consumer.poll() which creates a hybrid-streaming interface i.e. if accumulates data coming into Kafka for the duration mentioned and provides it to the consumer for processing once the duration is finished. This continuous accumulation happens in the backend and is not dependent on whether you have committed offset or not.
The position of the consumer gives the offset of the next record that
will be given out. It will be one larger than the highest offset the
consumer has seen in that partition. It automatically advances every
time the consumer receives messages in a call to poll(long).

stop spark Streaming context kafkaDirectStream

I want to end the stream processing after receiving and processing is complete from kafka topic. The stop should no be time specific like ( awaitTerminationOrTimeout ). Is there a way to stop the sparkstreamingcontext after the topic exhausts. is there a way for the Dstream[T] to be compared with T values to dictate the control flow?
I'm about 80% cetain that isEmpty should return true and headOption should be None on KafkaMessageStream if the stream is empty.
The best way is, before you start reading the stream, get the latest offsets for all of the partitions in the topic and then check when the received offsets have gotten there. If you want to find out how to get the offsets of a topic, see my previous answer on this.
The flow ends up being:
Get the partitions and brokers for the topic
For each broker, create a SimpleConsumer
For each partition, do an OffsetRequest where you return the
earliest and latest offsets (see previous answer)
Then as you read messages, check the offset of the received message
relative to the know last offset for the partition
Once all the offsets received for each partition are the same as the
latest receieved in your OffsetRequest you are done