This is a subquestion from a post I made earlier today.
I am working with HList and Generic hoping to perform some implicit conversion between case classes.
case class A(a: Int, b: Double, c: Boolean)
case class B(b: Double, c: Boolean)
I can convert between the two types very simply:
Generic[B].from(Generic[A].to(A(1, 2.0, true)).tail) // B(2.0, true)
I want to be able to pimp a method onto Product so I can do the following:
A(1, 2.0, true).to[B]
My attempt is as follows:
object ShapelessTest extends App {
implicit class convert[From <: Product, FromHListT <: HList]
(x: From)(implicit genFrom: Generic.Aux[From, FromHlistT]){
def to[To <: Product, ToHlistT <: HList]
(implicit genTo: Generic.Aux[To, ToHilstT]): To = {
val fromHList =
val toHList = ??? // Manipulate toHList to correspond with type ToHListT
println(C(1, 2.0, true).to[D, Double :: Boolean :: HNil])
Now my code is less than ideal for two reasons.
I have to explicitly supply the Type of the To HList.
I need to manipulate the FromHListT instance (perhaps selecting values by index) and then ensure it is of Type ToHListT.
Does anyone have any advice how I can obtain Generic.Aux[T, ToHListT] without having to specify a second type parameter?
Can anyone advise how I can manipulate (remove items from, reorder FromHListT) and convert to instance of ToHListT.
You should read chapter "6.3 Case study: case class migrations" of "The Type Astronaut’s Guide to Shapeless"
Basically when you would like to hide extra generics you introduce a type class.
Also instead of implicit g: Generic.Aux[A, B] you can try to use implicit g: Generic[A] and type g.Repr instead of B.
If I have a method such as:
def f[T: Generic, U: Generic](t: T): U
Generic[T].to(t) returns type Generic[T]#Repr which I assume is a type alias for some type of HList.
Is it possible to select members from the HList and build another HList which I can convince the compiler is of type Generic[U]#Repr which I can then use to create an instance of U using Generic[U].from(myNewHList)?
I have tried many approaches but seem to be going around in circles.
When doing stuff like this in Shapeless, the best place to look is in the shapeless.ops typeclasses. In this case, since you know your second class is a strict subset of your first, Intersection is sufficient to get what you want. You'll want to set this up as a type class, so that you can pass in your input and output types and let the compiler infer the intermediate stuff.
trait Converter[A,B] {
def convert(a: A): B
object Converter {
def apply[A,B](implicit converter: Converter[A,B]) = converter
implicit def genericConverter[A, B, ARepr <: HList, BRepr <: HList](
genA: Generic.Aux[A,ARepr],
genB: Generic.Aux[B,BRepr],
intersection: shapeless.ops.hlist.Intersection.Aux[ARepr,BRepr,BRepr]
): Converter[A,B] =
new Converter[A,B]{def convert(a: A): B = genB.from(intersection(}
This can be used as follows:
case class Foo(a: Int, b: Int, c: String)
case class Bar(a: Int, c: String)
val foo = Foo(1,2,"Three")
val bar: Bar = Converter[Foo, Bar].convert(foo)
I am still trying to get my head around Shapeless (and, to a lesser extent, Scala!) and I have been writing some simple code to generate random instance data for case classes - predominantly based on the guides here: (the example covers a JSON Writer implementation)
I have created a Generator[A] trait and created implicit implementations for simple types, and as per the example in the above link, I have also created implicit implementations to handle HList, HNil, Coproduct and CNil:
implicit def hnilGenerator = new Generator[HNil] {
override def generate(a: HNil) = HNil
implicit def hconsGenerator[H, T <: HList](implicit headGen: Generator[H], tailGen: Generator[T]) =
new Generator[H :: T] {
override def generate(a: H :: T) = headGen.generate(a.head) :: tailGen.generate(a.tail)
implicit def cnilGenerator: Generator[CNil] =
new Generator[CNil] {
override def generate(a: CNil): CNil = throw new RuntimeException("Invalid candidate configuration")
implicit def cconsGenerator[H, T <: Coproduct] =
new Generator[H :+: T] {
override def generate(a: H :+: T) = throw new RuntimeException("Invalid candidate configuration")
I can now use this code to generate a random instance based on a case class or a sealed trait:
it("should work with a case class to hlist") {
case class Test(x: IntGene, y: DoubleGene, z: BooleanGene)
val c = Generic[Test].to(Test(IntGene(), DoubleGene(), BooleanGene()))
it("what happens with sealed traits") {
sealed trait Shape
case class Square(width: Int, height: Int) extends Shape
case class Circle(radius: Int) extends Shape
val c = Generic[Shape].to(Circle(1))
Both of the above work no problem, however, if I try to make this a generic (as in parameter types) I get compilation errors not being able to find the necessary implicts:
it("should handle generics") {
case class GenericTest[A: Generic](x: A) {
def convert() = {
val c = Generic[A].to(x)
So from my understanding, because I have used the Generic context bound A, the compiler knows that is going to be available, so c must be some possible return from the call to(x) - Am I missing something in the implementation to handle that return type from the Generic shapeless call? Or have I wildly misunderstood something?
I am hoping this is possible and I have just missed something - is it that the compiler doesn't know what will be passed in (Im assuming not), or is there another possible type that needs to be handled implicitly from that to(x) call?
Compile error added below - I'm really just trying to understand: Is it that there is some return case from the to(x) shapeless call that I have not catered for, or is it because the compiler doesn't have any idea what will be passed in and there are some types not catered for (e.g. I haven't added a Date generator implicit - and a case class could potentially have any type included? I was hoping that was not the case, and as the compiler knows nothing is actually being passed to the class/method it knows there are no issues?)
GeneratorSpec.scala:44: could not find implicit value for parameter gen: io.github.robhinds.genotype.Generator[GenericTest.this.evidence$1.Repr]
And my generate method is just a simple helper method that gets given the implicit Generator :
def generate[A](a: A)(implicit gen: Generator[A]) = gen.generate(a)
Your problem comes from the fact that Generic only converts a case class to a HList and a sealed trait to a Coproduct (not recursively).
So if you have a generic Generic, you have no information on what HList or Coproduct you are given, so, you cannot use your product and coproduct rules to find the wanted implicit. In some explicit case, you might have the same problem, so I will give you this as an example:
Let's say you have a case class architecture
case class Bottom(value: String)
case class Top(bot: Bottom, count: Int)
The implicit Generic[Top] will have type MyHList = Bottom :: Int :: HNil as output type, so you'll be asking for an implicit Generator[MyHList]. But since you don't have an implicit Generator[Bottom] in scope, you won't be able to use hconsgenerator.
In the generic case, it's even worse. The compiler can only infer HList for the output type of Generic[A] (and that's assuming you forget about Coproduct), so you need an implicit Generator[HList], which you cannot provide.
The solution is to give an implicit for constructs that have a generic that can itself be generated:
implicit def generic2generate[T, L <: HList](implicit generic: Generic.Aux[T, L], lGen: Generator[L]): Generator[T] = new Generator[T] {
def generate(c: T) = generic.from(lGen.generate(
You can now follow the implicit resolution for our Top type:
We can have a Generator[Top] using last rule, if we have a Generic.Aux[Top, L] for some L, and a Generator[L].
The only Generic.Aux[Top, _] that exists implicitly is a Generic.Aux[Top, Bottom :: Int :: HNil], so we are reduced to finding a Generator[Top, Bottom :: Int :: HNil]
using the hcons rule three times, we are reduced to finding a Generator[Bottom], a Generator[Int] and a Generator[HNil].
Generator[Int] is given (I assume) and Generator[HNil] is the first rule, so we are reduced to finding a Generator[Bottom]
the only rule that can provide one, is once again the 3rd rule, so we must find a Generator[String :: HNil], since the only Generic available is a Generic.Aux[Bottom, String :: HNil].
using the hcons rule, we are down to finding a Generator[String], which can easily be provided.
This example shows different points:
first that it may take a long time when compiling to solve all these implicits (I only gave the main points of the proof, but the compiler has to try all possible branches)
second, that this resolution can only be done for a specific Generic, it cannot be inferred generically (although this might seem counter-intuitive); even if the human mind is able to tell that it will work for every Generic, the compiler cannot process it as such.
I think you are missing the Generator type bound.
it("should handle generics") {
case class GenericTest[A: Generic : Generator](x: A) {
def convert() = {
val c = Generic[A].to(x)
Given the following:
trait A[X] {
def foo(): X
class B[T <: A[_]] {
def getFoo(a:T) =
class C[T <: A[Z], Z] {
def getFoo(a:T):Z =
Is it possible to make B work like C? Specifically getting the result type of
scala> var b:B[A[Int]] = new B[A[Int]]()
scala> b.getFoo(AA(1))
res0: Any = 1
scala> var c:C[A[Int],Int] = new C[A[Int],Int]()
c: C[A[Int],Int] = C#4cc36c19
scala> c.getFoo(AA(1))
res1: Int = 1
b returns an Any, but c correctly returns an Int. This is obviously a contrived example, but it would greatly simplify by code if I could extract a subtype from a Generic type. Basically, knowing "Z" (as used in C) without having to pass it in explicitly - inferring from the type of A.
Obviously, C works as needed, but the issue is my framework is more akin to:
class D[T <: A[Z1], U <: B[Z2], Z1, Z2] extends E[T,U,Z1,Z2]
which then requires users of the framework to implement with 4 type parameters, when ideally it would only be 2
class D[T <: A[_], U <: B[_]] extends E[T,U]
Not a blocker, just an attempt at simplifying the exposed API.
You can do the following which is often used in certain typeclass based libraries:
trait Foo[H[_] <: Langh[_]]{
def thing[A](ha: H[A]): A = ha.ha()
This pushes the resolution of the type parameter to the invocation of the method thing. It uses higher-kinded types.
If fact, if you look at libs like ScalaZ, you'll see exactly this pattern:
trait Functor[F[_]]{
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
Reply to Comments
There is no way to have a type of U <: T[_] and then be able to extract out the type parameter of an actual T[A] because the very definition of it loses that information. If the above does not work for you, then I would suggest type classes:
trait Foo[U]{
def doStuff(u: U)(implicit ev: MyTypeClass[U]): ev.A = //...
wherein you only define your MyTypeClass implicits like the following:
trait Whatever[FA]{ /*...*/ }
object Whatever{
implicit def WhateverMTC[F[_] <: Bound[_], A0] = new MyTypeClass[F[A0]]{
type A = A0
Then you can place your type bound on the implicit, your implicit carries with it the constraint that your type must be higher-kinded and you can get a method that returns the inner "hidden" type at the call site declaration.
That said, this is a lot of machinery when the first suggestion is much more elegant and a cleaner approach to the problem IMHO.
I'm trying to understand how Generic works (and TypeClass too). The github wiki is very sparse on examples and documentation. Is there a canonical blog post / documentation page describing Generic and TypeClass in detail?
In concrete, what is the difference between these two methods?:
def find1[T](implicit gen: Generic[T]): Generic[T] = gen
def find2[T](implicit gen: Generic[T]): Generic[T] { type Repr = gen.Repr } = gen
object Generic {
type Aux[T, Repr0] = Generic[T] { type Repr = Repr0 }
def apply[T](implicit gen: Generic[T]): Aux[T, gen.Repr] = gen
implicit def materialize[T, R]: Aux[T, R] = macro GenericMacros.materialize[T, R]
The issues involved in how Generic and TypeClass are implemented and what they do are different enough that they probably deserve separate questions, so I'll stick to Generic here.
Generic provides a mapping from case classes (and potentially similar types) to heterogeneous lists. Any case class has a unique hlist representation, but any given hlist corresponds to a very, very large number of potential case classes. For example, if we have the following case classes:
case class Foo(i: Int, s: String)
case class Bar(x: Int, y: String)
The hlist representation provided by Generic for both Foo and Bar is Int :: String :: HNil, which is also the representation for (Int, String) and any other case classes we could define with these two types in this order.
(As a side note, LabelledGeneric allows us to distinguish between Foo and Bar, since it includes the member names in the representation as type-level strings.)
We generally want to be able to specify the case class and let Shapeless figure out the (unique) generic representation, and making Repr a type member (instead of a type parameter) allows us to do this pretty cleanly. If the hlist representation type were a type parameter, then your find methods would have to have a Repr type parameter as well, which means that you wouldn't be able to specify only the T and have the Repr inferred.
Making Repr a type member makes sense only because the Repr is uniquely determined by the first type parameter. Imagine a type class like Iso[A, B] that witnesses that A and B are isomorphic. This type class is very similar to Generic, but A doesn't uniquely dermine B—we can't just ask "what is the type that's isomorphic to A?"—so it wouldn't be useful to make B a type member (although we could if we really wanted to—Iso[A] just wouldn't really mean anything).
The problem with type members is that they're easy to forget, and once they're gone, they're gone forever. The fact that the return type of your find1 isn't refined (i.e. doesn't include the type member) means that the Generic instance it returns is pretty much useless. For example, the static type of res0 here might as well be Any:
scala> import shapeless._
import shapeless._
scala> def find1[T](implicit gen: Generic[T]): Generic[T] = gen
find1: [T](implicit gen: shapeless.Generic[T])shapeless.Generic[T]
scala> case class Foo(i: Int, s: String)
defined class Foo
scala> find1[Foo].to(Foo(1, "ABC"))
res0: shapeless.Generic[Foo]#Repr = 1 :: ABC :: HNil
scala> res0.head
<console>:15: error: value head is not a member of shapeless.Generic[Foo]#Repr
When Shapeless's Generic.materialize macro creates the Generic[Foo] instance we're asking for, it's statically typed as a Generic[Foo] { type Repr = Int :: String :: HNil }, so the gen argument that the compiler hands to find1 has all the static information we need. The problem is that we then explicitly up-cast that type to a plain old unrefined Generic[Foo], and from that point on the compiler doesn't know what the Repr is for that instance.
Scala's path-dependent types give us a way not to forget the refinement without adding another type parameter to our method. In your find2, the compiler statically knows the Repr for the incoming gen, so when you say that the return type is Generic[T] { type Repr = gen.Repr }, it will be able to keep track of that information:
scala> find2[Foo].to(Foo(1, "ABC"))
res2: shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[String,shapeless.HNil]] = 1 :: ABC :: HNil
scala> res2.head
res3: Int = 1
To sum up: Generic has a type parameter T that uniquely determines its type member Repr, Repr is a type member instead of a type parameter so that we don't have to include it in all of our type signatures, and path-dependent types make this possible, allowing us to keep track of Repr even though it's not in our type signatures.
I want to find out if a particular class member is present in a given case class or not.
Following does give me that answer, failing at compile time which is right. (credit to Travis Brown)
scala> def getIntId[A, R <: HList](a: A)(implicit
| gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
| sel: Selector.Aux[R, Witness.`'id`.T, Int]
| ): Int = sel(
case class Foo(id: String)
case class Bar(id: Int, name: String)
scala> getIntId(Bar(123, "bar"))
res3: Int = 123
scala> getIntId(Foo("12345"))
<console>:15: error: could not find implicit value for parameter sel: shapeless.ops.record.Selector.Aux[R,Symbol with shapeless.tag.Tagged[String("id")],Int]
Now if I don't have a concrete type but T to pass into getIntId method, is there a way to get this to work with generic type T ?
Say have a method called findIdFromType as described below which takes in type T (where T will always be a some case class). is it possible to make this work?
def findIdFromType[T](t:T) = {
getIntId(t) //as expected doesn't compile
getIntId requires two implicit parameters.
If you need to call it in the context of a local method, you need to prove that those parameters exist in such context.
In order to do so, you have to propagate the implicit evidence, like this
def findIdFromType[A, R <: HList](a: A)(implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
sel: Selector.Aux[R, Witness.`'id`.T, Int]): Int = getIntId(a)
This of course is a completely useless example, but in case you want to perform other operations inside the wrapping method, this is the way to go: propagate the implicit evidence.