Parameters in Vue Bootstrap table are not passed to events - bootstrap-vue

I am using Vue-bootstrap, according to the documentation (event, index and item) get passed by default to events with row-clicked, it doesn't happen in my case.
Here I wrote the b-table code and the event handler. Live code
methods: {
row: function( event) {

By changing row() to row it works. Thanks to #latovic


Leaflet - How to add click event to button inside marker pop up in ionic app?

I am trying to add a click listener to a button in a leaftlet popup in my ionic app.
Here I am creating the map & displaying markers, also the method I want called when the header tag is clicked is also below:
makeCapitalMarkers(map: void {
let eventHandlerAssigned = false;
this.http.get(this.capitals).subscribe((res: any) => {
for (const c of res.features) {
const lat = c.geometry.coordinates[0];
const lon = c.geometry.coordinates[1];
let marker = L.marker([lon, lat]).bindPopup(`
<h4 class="link">Click me!</h4>
map.on('popupopen', function () {
console.log('Popup Open')
if (!eventHandlerAssigned && document.querySelector('.link')) {
console.log('Inside if')
const link = document.querySelector('.link')
link.addEventListener('click', this.buttonClicked())
eventHandlerAssigned = true
buttonClicked(event) {
When I click this header, Popup Open & Inside if are printed in the console, so I know I'm getting inside the If statement, but for some reason the buttonClicked() function isn't being executed.
Can someone please tell me why this is the current behaviour?
I just ran into this issue like 2 hours ago. I'm not familiar with ionic, but hopefully this will help.
Create a variable that keeps track of whether or not the content of your popup has an event handler attached to it already. Then you can add an event listener to the map to listen for a popup to open with map.on('popupopen', function(){}). When that happens, the DOM content in the popup is rendered and available to grab with a querySelector or getElementById. So you can target that, and add an event listener to it. You'll have to also create an event for map.on('popupclose', () => {}), and inside that, remove the event listener from the dom node that you had attached it to.
You'd need to do this for every unique popup you create whose content you want to add an event listener to. But perhaps you can build a function that will do that for you. Here's an example:
const someMarker = L.marker(map.getCenter()).bindPopup(`
<h4 class="norwayLink">To Norway!</h4>
function flyToNorway(){
],3,{animate: true, duration: 5})
let eventHandlerAssigned = false
map.on('popupopen', function(){
if (!eventHandlerAssigned && document.querySelector('.norwayLink')){
const link = document.querySelector('.norwayLink')
link.addEventListener('click', flyToNorway)
eventHandlerAssigned = true
map.on('popupclose', function(){
document.querySelector('.norwayLink').removeEventListener('click', flyToNorway)
eventHandlerAssigned = false
This is how I targeted the popup content and added a link to it in the demo for my plugin.
So yes you can't do (click) event binding by just adding static HTML. One way to achieve what you want can be by adding listeners after this new dom element is added, see pseudo-code below:
makeCapitalMarkers(map: void {
makeCapitalPopup(data: any): string {
return `` +
`<div>Name: John</div>` +
`<div>Address: 5 ....</div>` +
`<br/><button id="myButton" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" >Click me!</button>`
addListener() {
document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', onClickMethod
Ideally with Angular, we should not directly be working with DOM, so if this approach above works you can refactor adding event listener via Renderer.
Also I am not familiar with Leaflet library - but for the above approach to work you need to account for any async methods (if any), so that you were calling getElementById only after such DOM element was successfully added to the DOM.

how to respond to user expanding a node?

I guess the answer is expand - but the expand-event does not seem to fire.
But let me start at the beginning: I have a nice tree and I'd like to use jBox to display information about certain nodes. I noticed that this worked only for nodes that were visible when the tree was created, but it did not work for nodes under collapsed nodes. So I thought I could use expandand assign an event-handler that would call jBoxto create the tooltips. But it did not work. I added a console.log to the `expand-handler and noticed that it never logged.
Am I specifying it incorrectly?
Fiddle here. The "SD"-Node has some items in it which should have a tooltip attached to the (i)-icon.
It doesn't fire because you are passing in a string:
"expand": "function(event, data) {...}"
You need to remove the double quotes, so that it is a function:
"expand": function(event, data) {...}
See updated fiddle:
The same counts for the event "dblclick". Remove the double quotes there too.
Also, it is encouraged to use the .attach() method when attaching jBox. The attach method will check if this jBox was already attached to the element and only attaches it if it wasn't.
See the updated fiddle. I created a variable for the tooltip and reattach it in the expand event:
$(function() {
var treei = $("#tree").fancytree({
expand: function () {
myTooltip && myTooltip.attach(); // Reattaching Tooltip
// ...
var myTooltip = new jBox("Tooltip", { // get tooltips showing
attach: '[data-jbox-content]',
getTitle: "data-jbox-title",
getContent: "data-jbox-content"

Polymer 2 - Perform action every time element is shown via iron-pages/iron-selector

I'm attempting to create a logout page that will work even after that element has been attached once to the DOM. This occurs when you get a login, then logout, then login again, and attempt to log back out.
For instance, the shell has
<iron-selector selected="[[page]]" attr-for-selected="name">
<a name="logout" href="[[rootPath]]logout">
<paper-icon-button icon="my-icons:sign-out" title="Logout" hidden$="[[!loggedIn]]"></paper-icon-button>
<a name="login" href="[[rootPath]]login">
<paper-icon-button icon="my-icons:sign-in" title="Login" hidden$="[[loggedIn]]"></paper-icon-button>
<iron-pages selected="[[page]]" attr-for-selected="name" fallback-selection="view404" role="main">
<my-search name="search"></my-search>
<my-login name="login"></my-login>
<my-logout name="logout"></my-logout>
<my-view404 name="view404"></my-view404>
I also have an observer for page changes in the shell:
static get observers() {
return [
_routePageChanged(page) {
this.loggedIn = MyApp._computeLogin();
if (this.loggedIn) { = page || 'search';
} else {
window.history.pushState({}, 'Login', '/login');
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('location-changed'));
sessionStorage.clear(); = 'login';
This works well as when I click on the icon to logout, it attaches the my-logout element just fine and performs what in ready() or connectedCallback() just fine.
my-logout has
ready() {
The issue comes when, without refreshing the browser and causing a DOM refresh, you log back in and attempt to log out a second time. Since the DOM never cleared, my-logout is still attached, so neither ready() nor connectedCallback() fire.
I've figured out a way of working around this, but it feels very kludgy. Basically, I can add an event listener to the element that will perform this._performLogout(); when the icon is selected:
ready() {
document.addEventListener('iron-select', (event) => {
if (event.detail.item === this) {
Like I said, it works, but I dislike having a global event listener, plus I have to call the logout function the first time the element attaches and I have to listen as the listener isn't active till after the first time the element is attached.
There does not appear to be a "one size fits all" solution to this. The central question is, "Do you want the parent to tell the child, or for the child to listen on the parent?". The "answer" I came up with in the question works if you want to listen to the parent, but because I don't like the idea of a global event listener, the below is how to use <iron-pages> to tell a child element that it has been selected for viewing.
We add the selected-attribute property to <iron-pages>:
<iron-pages selected="[[page]]" attr-for-selected="name" selected-attribute="selected" fallback-selection="view404" role="main">
<my-search name="search"></my-search>
<my-login name="login"></my-login>
<my-logout name="logout"></my-logout>
<my-view404 name="view404"></my-view404>
Yes, this looks a little confusing considering the attr-for-selected property. attr-for-selected says, "What attribute should I match on these child elements with the value of my selected property?" So when I click on
<iron-selector selected="[[page]]" attr-for-selected="name">
<a name="logout" href="[[rootPath]]logout"><paper-icon-button icon="my-icons:sign-out" title="Logout" hidden$="[[!loggedIn]]"></paper-icon-button></a>
it will set the <my-logout> internally as the selected element and display it. What selected-attribute="selected" does is to set an attribute on the child element. If you look in the browser JS console, you will see that the element now looks like
<my-login name="login"></my-logout>
<my-logout name="login" class="iron-selected" selected></my-logout>
We can define an observer in that in the <my-logout> element that checks for changes
static get properties() {
return {
// Other properties
selected: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
observer: '_selectedChanged',
_selectedChanged(selected) {
if (selected) {
The if statement is so that we only fire the logic when we are displayed, not when we leave. One advantage of this is that we don't care if the element has already been attached to the DOM or not. When <iron-selector>/<iron-pages> selects the <my-logout> the first time, the attribute is set, the element attaches, the observer fires, the observer sees that selected is now true (as opposed to the defined false) and runs the logic.

can't remove specific event handlers when attached to document with .on()

Here's a simple fiddle to demo my situation...
What I'm doing is adding an event handler for current & future elements, using .on(). I want to be able to remove these event handlers for specific elements when something happens; in the case of the fiddle, when the radio button is selected, the event handler for the blue elements should be removed and clicking those elements should not do anything anymore.
It doesn't seem to be working :(
How do I remove the event handler attached to document that I created with .on() for those specific blue elements?
The signature for your .on() and .off() has to match.
These two do not match so the .off() call won't find matching event handlers to remove:
$(document).on('click', '.btn', function() {
$(document).off('click', '.blue');
Note, the selector passed to .on() and .off() is different.
When using the dynamic form of .on() (where you pass a selector as an argument to .on()), you can't remove just part of the items. That's because there's only one event handler installed on the root element and jQuery can only remove the entire thing or not at all. So, you can't just .off() some of the dynamic items.
Your options are to remove all the event handlers with:
$(document).off('click', '.btn');
and, then install a new event handler that excludes the items you don't want such as:
$(document).off('click', '.btn:not(.blue)');
Or, teach the event handler itself how to ignore .blue items:
$(document).on('click', '.btn', function() {
if (!$(this).hasClass('blue')) {
Be careful of how you attach your events; this works fine for me:
$('.btn').on('click', function() {
$('#disable').on('change', function() {
Only way seems to be:
$('#disable').on('change', function() {
.off('click', '.btn')
.on('click', '.btn:not(.blue)', update);

jquery selection with .not()

I have some troubles with jQuery.
I have a set of Divs with .square classes. Only one of them is supposed to have an .active class. This .active class may be activated/de-activated onClick.
Here is my code :
jQuery().ready(function() {
$(".square").not(".active").click(function() {
// some action here...
$('').click(function() {
My problem is that the first function si called, even if I click on an active .square, as if the selector was not working. In fact, this seems to be due to the addClass('active') line...
Would you have an idea how to fix this ?
Just to give something different from the other answers. Lonesomeday is correct in saying the function is bound to whatever they are at the start. This doesn't change.
The following code uses the live method of jQuery to keep on top of things. Live will always handle whatever the selector is referencing so it continually updates if you change your class. You can also dynamically add new divs with the square class and they will automatically have the handler too.
$(".square:not(.active)").live('click', function() {
$('').live('click', function() {
Example working:
Note: I'm not saying this is how I would do it (depends exactly on your requirement) but it is just another way to look at things.
This is because the function is bound to elements that don't have the active class when you create them. You should bind to all .square elements and take differing actions depending on whether the element has the class active:
var clicked = $(this);
if (clicked.hasClass('active')) {
} else {