In Oracle Sql Developer, how can I view package_b scope (static) variables while debuging package_a? - oracle-sqldeveloper

I'm trying the debug function in Oracle Sql Developer 18.4, it looks fine until I ran into some complicate cases, one of them is, it seems I cannot view package_b.some_variable while I'm inside package_a.
See above screen, I'm currently break in package_a, which populate data into package_b (pk_DatVerify.g_model_boc and pk_DatVerify.g_model_boc_count), but the "Watches" window is not able to display any of them.
Is there any way I can see the variable value in pk_DatVerify.g_model_boc at that moment? Even if I have to manually type "dbms_output.put_line" somewhere (like in a command window), it will be much helpful!


AnyLogic: Variables from Simulation will not be displayed anymore

I have added some variables in my simulation start page. Now I want to access them from the main class. However, with ((Simulation)getExperiment()).[...] the variables are no longer displayed. When I press option+space only one of about 150 variables is displayed. This one variable is not different from the other variables in the properties.
All variables are on public and I was able to access all of them a few weeks ago. Now not anymore, although I didn't change much in the model. I have already tried restarting. Did I accidentally remove some package or something? Can someone help me here please? I have only noticed the problem now as my model has runtime errors, presumably as the now unrecognized variables are not being initiated.
You should not access variables from experiments on Main. If you need access, you should pass them on as parameters into Main.
If you have hundreds of variables in the experiment, turn them into fields in a single Java class. Pass 1 instance of that Java class into Main as a parameter.
This way, you always have access, it is easy to add more variables, it is easy to change them and you do not need the awkward (and bad) type-casting you currently do

ILE RPG Bind by reference using CRTSQLRPGI

I've been trying a solution for this, but. I cannot find it.
What I'm trying to do, is work with the "bind by reference" ability, but working with ILE RPG written with embedded sql.
I can use the BNDDIR ctl opt in my source. And everything works correctly.
But that means a "bind by copy" method. Checked deleting the SRVPGM and even the BINDDIR. And the caller program still works.
So, is there any way to use "bind by reference" in an ILERPGSQL program?
After my question, an example:
Program SNILOG is a module, that conains several procedures. Part of them, exported.
In QSRVSRC I set the exported procedures, with a source with the same name: SNILOG. Something like this:
/************************************************** ******************/
/* *MODULE SNILOG INIGREDI 04/10/21 15:25:30 */
/************************************************** ******************/
As part of the procedures are programmed with embedded sql, the compilation must be done with CRTSQLRPGI, using the parameter OBJTYPE(*SRVPGM).
So, I finally get a SRVPGM called SNILOG, with those 4 procedures exported.
Once I've got the SRVPGM, I add it to a BNDDIR called SNI_BNDDIR.
Ok, let's go to the caller program: SNI600V.
Defined with
, of course!.
And compiled with CRTSQLRPGI and parameter OBJTYPE(*PGM).
Here, if I use the control spec
, it works fine.
But not fine enough, as this is a "bind by copy" method (I can delete the SRVPGM or the BNDDIR, and it is still working fine).
When I'm not working with SQL, I can use the CRTPGM command, and I can set the BNDSRVPGM parameter, to set the SRVPGM the program is going to be called. Well, just their procedures...
But I cannot find any similar option in CRTSQLRPGI command.
Nor in opt codes in ctl-opt sentence (We have BNDDIR, but not BNDSRVPGM option).
Any idea?
I'm running V7R3M0 with TR level: 6
Thanks in advance!
the use of
Is the way to bind by reference OR bind by copy.
The key is what does your BNDDIR look like?
If you want to bind by reference, then it should include *SRVPGM objects.
If you want to bind by copy, then it should include *MODULE objects.
Generally, you want a *BNDDIR for every *SRVPGM that includes the modules (and maybe a utility *SRVPGM or two) needed for building a specific *SRVPGM.
Then one or more *BNDDIR that includes just *SRVPGM objects that are used to build the programs that use those *SRVPGMs.

DB2 external stored procedure fails with CPF9810 when called from client

In a green screen session, caling a program MYLIB/TESTPRG works when my library list is set to QGPL, QTEMP, VENDRLIB1, VENDRLIB2, VENDRLIB3. I can execute call MYLIB/TESTPRG on a green screen command line.
I want to be able to run this command from my Windows client. I created an external stored procedure MYLIB/TESTPROC with external name MYLIB/TESTPRG as I have seen in various articles. My original question stated that I could execute this procedure successfully in STRSQL in a green screen session with my library list as above, but that is false. It does not work. It simply says 'Trigger program or external routine detected an error.' Sorry for the wrong information.
When MYLIB/TESTPROC is called from the client (CALL MYLIB/TESTPROC), it fails with CPF9810 (Library &1 not found). I connected to the database via i Navigator -> Run SQL Scripts. In Connection -> JDBC Settings I had Default SQL schema = 'Use library list of server job' and set Schema list=QGPL,QTEMP,VENDRLIB1,VENDRLIB2,VENDRLIB3. I then executed CALL MYLIB/TESTPROC and got the message as stated above.
What works is when I run the program, i.e. CALL MYLIB/TESTPRG on a green screen command line.
TESTPRG is a C program that takes no arguments. The stored procedure was defined like this:
CPF9810 - Library &1 not found means that something is trying to access Library &1 (whatever that is, you didn't tell us) and the library as typed is not on the system anywhere. &1 is not the name of the library, it is a substitution variable which will display the library name in the job log. Look at the real library spelling in the job log. Check your spelling. Check the connection to make sure all the libraries are specified correctly. The message will tell you exactly which library is causing the problem.
If indeed the program works in green screen when the library list is set properly, then I would expect the problem to be in your connection where it is trying to set a library list. You cannot add a non-existent library to the library list. That is why it works in green screen, your library is necessarily typed correctly there, or it wouldn't be in the library list. You would get a similar error (same text, different error code) if you tried to add library with a spelling error to the library list in green screen.
Figure out the full text of the message (look in the job log), and you will see just what is throwing the error, and what the library is. Hint, it is not likely SQL throwing the error as those errors all look like SQL#### or SQ#####. More likely a CL command or it's processing program being called by an IBM server that is sending a CPF message.
As you have discovered, you can directly call simple programs without defining an external SQL procedure based on this documentation from IBM:
I believe the recommendation to create your own external procedure definition for simple programs is primarily to reduce ambiguity. If you have programs and procedures that happen to have matching names, you need to know the rules list to figure out which one is being called for instance.
Also, the rules for external functions are different than external stored procedures and those get confused as well.
Per my comment, I usually make my procedure calls with the library within the call command.
In a terminal session using CALL PGM(MYLIB/TESTPROC). Or in a SQL session using CALL MYLIB.TESTPROC.
This can prevent someone from inadvertently putting your procedure in a personal library or the like. I usually do not specify a session library list on my SQL clients, accepting the system library list.
I had promised to accept Douglas Korinke's comment as an answer. However, I was experimenting a lot and I am no longer sure of what I knew and when I knew it. My problem had something to do with parameter passing to the C program. If I can reproduce it with a simple case I will ask another question.
In a Java program it is possible to set the libraries by using the following method :
ds.setLibraries("list of libraries");
Example :

How can I save specific window parameters in emacs

I use (current-window-configuration) to save the size, layout etc of windows, and (set-window-configuration ...) to restore them, so that I can toggle between several window setups. However (current-window-configuration) also saves the current point in buffers, and I would like to only save the window sizes and which buffers they hold. I have tried two different ways to make this happen:
According to the function help of current-window-configuration, the variable window-persistent-parameters controls whats get saved. So now I only need a list of the available window-parameters. But when I look at this variable it's value is ((clone-of . t)), and I can't find a list of the available window parameters online.
I also tried looking at the object returned by current-window-configuration. It is a window configuration object, and gets printed as #<window-configuration>. Is there a way to get into this object, see whats inside and change stuff?
The parameters for window-persistent-parameters may be found in this manual page, though it does not seem to help with your question. A different set of parameters may be found by running (window-state-get nil).
The functions that deal with objects returned by (current-window-configuration) are listed here, but it also mentions:
Other primitives to look inside of window configurations would make sense, but are not implemented because we did not need them. See the file winner.el for some more operations on windows configurations.
At any rate, all these look like really low level stuff, so you might be better off just using winner.el rather than a custom made solution.

Why does the Function Module name of a Smartform change (sometimes)?

Not really critical question, but i'm curious
I am working on a form and sometimes the generated function name is /1BCDWB/SF00000473, and sometimes /1BCDWB/SF00000472. This goes back and forth.
Does anyone know what's the idea behind this? Cuz i'm quite sure it's not a bug (or i might be wrong on that).
It is not a bug. You always have to use SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME to determine the actual function module name and call it dynamically using CALL FUNCTION l_function_module.
Smartform FMs are tracked by internal numbering and thats saved in the table STXFADMI. You would always notice the different number in Development System if you have deleted any existing Form. Similarly, you would also notice the different number in your Quality system based on the sequence the forms are imported in QAS and the forms as well (as test forms are not migrated to QAS.
Similar behavior is also true for Adobe Form generated FMs.
You need to understand that every smartform has a different interface and hence the automatically generated function module needs to have different import parameters.
Due to this reason the 'SSF*' FMs generate a FM specific for your smartform. The name of the 'generated' FM changes when you migrate from one system to another. And that's the reason why you should use a variable while calling the 'generated' fm and not hardcode it.
The same goes with Adobe form as someone has rightly said in this thread.