When Create in CRUD show other column then Foreign Key - entity-framework

Pretty sure you guys will know that i'm
fairly new in this by looking at my problem.
So when i create From CRUD i get foreign key id values which is understandable here my foreign key is Grade id but i want to show user not id but grade which can be A,B,C which is stored in another Column while still saving foreign key ID when user click on create
enter image description here
Sorry for bad English.

If you want the display of the dropdownlist is the Grade value rather than Grade id , you could try Using ViewBag to transfer the list of items
public IActionResult Create()
//using viewbag
ViewBag.Country = new SelectList(_context.Country, "Id", "CountryName");
return View();
And in the view
<select asp-for="CountryId" class="form-control" asp-items="ViewBag.Country"></select>
More methods of Select Tag Helper binding value, you could refer to here


Geting user details using foreign key from res.users in Odoo

I have a model Employee and have included a foreign key to store the user object from the res.users table using the following code in my model:
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='user id', default=lambda self: self.env.user)
In my form, I am already capturing the user object.
Now, I want to display the user object's details (id, name, email) using the foreign key (that is the user object) in my form view.
The <field name="user_id"/> in my form view would display the user name of the stored object. I want to display different fields for id, email.
you can create a related field for user_id,
x = fields.Char(related='user_id.email')
like this you can access the all field values of related record.

How to map a navigational property to a table where it isn't a key column?

I have an Entity like:
public virtual List<String> CountryNames { get;set; }
And it has a property for CountryNames as seen above, and this is linked to another table but it isn't linked on a key column.
The CountryNames property should get all UserCountry rows that have the Username.
How can I configure the User model to do this?
I realize this is bad design, I'm not looking for schema design advise at this point as it is out of my hands.
I'm using EF6.

History in database using entity framework

I want to store history in my table.
I have table Employee.
[closedDate](default '23:59:59 9999-12-31'),
[DepartmentId] References Department(id)
When Employee is changed, I retrieve original values by Id and do isActive=False, closedDate=DateTime.Now and then I save modified value as new Employee with modified original values.
void UpdateEmployee(Employee employee)
ContextDB db=new ContextDB();
var employeeToUpdate=db.Employees.Find(it=>it.Id==employee.Id);
var newEmployee=new Employee
// How I can do this with EF
How can I do this? And another question, what I need do if I have reference to another table Department and also want store history in this table. How should I do if changes Department in Employee object.
P.S. I use Self-Tracking Entities.
It should simply work without calling any Modify. You loaded entity from the database and you modified its fields while it is attached to the context so the context should know about changes and persist them to the database.
What I find totally bad about your architecture is that each change to your employee will result in active record with another Id. So if you are using and relation with employee table, foreign keys will not point to active record any more. If you want to do it this way you should not create a new record for active record but you should instead create a new record for deactivated record.

Entity Framework Code First - Table Per Type Inheritance - Insertion Issue?

I'm having an issue inserting an instance of a subclass that inherits from a base class.
Consider the following code snippets from these POCOs:
public abstract class EntityBase<T>
private T _id;
public T ID
// get and set details ommitted.
public abstract class PersonBase<T> : EntityBase<T>
// Details ommited.
public class Applicant : PersonBase<int>
// Details ommitted for brevity.
public class Employee : Applicant {}
Pretty standard inheritance right now. In our system, when an applicant finally becomes an employee, we collect extra data. If not hired, they remain an applicant with a limited set of information.
Now consider the fluent API that sets up the table-per-type inheritance model:
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// Set up table per type object mapping for the Visitor Hierarchy.
So far, so good...
If I look at the database this creates, I have a table named Applicants with an Id column of type int, auto-incrementing ID and I have an Employees table with an ID field as the primary key (non auto incrementing).
Basically, the ID field in the Employees table is a foreign key to the Applicants table.
This is what I want. I don't want a record into the Employees table corresponding to the Applicants table until they actually become an Employee.
The problem comes when I try to insert an Employee which comes down to this code:
public void PersistCreationOf(T entity)
The problem: It inserts a brand new applicant and Employee. I hooked it up to the Sql Profiler and looked at both insert queries that come down.
I want to just insert the Employee record with the ID it already has (the foreign key from the Visitors table).
I understand by default it needs to this: Obviously if you create a subclass and insert it, it needs to insert into both tables.
My question is is possible to tell the Framework - the base table already has information - just insert into the child table?
Thanks in advance!
Aside from sending raw SQL commands to insert the Employee minus Applicant properties fragment into the Employees table I believe it's impossible. You can either update or insert an entity. What you want is basically to update the base part of the Employee (or do nothing if nothing changed) and insert the derived part which is not possible.
Imagine what an ORM does: It maps key identities in the database to object identities in memory. Even in memory you couldn't achieve what you want: If you have an object in memory which is a Applicant, it is always an applicant. You cannot magically "upgrade" it to an Employee. You would have to create a new object of type Employee, copy the properties of the Applicant into the base properties of your new Employee and then delete the Applicant. The result is a new object with a new object identity.
I think you have to follow the same procedure in EF. Your Employee will be a new entity with new rows in both Applicant and Employee table and you need to delete the old Applicant. If you have autogenerated keys it will be a new identity with a new ID. (If you hadn't autogenerated keys you could supply the old ID again after deleting the old Applicant, thus "faking" an unchanged identity.) This will of course create big potential trouble if you have references to the old applicant with FK constraints.
Perhaps inheritance is not optimal for this scenario to "upgrade" an applicant into an employee. An optional navigation property (1-to-0...1 relationship) inside of the Applicant which refers to another entity containing the additional properties which make the applicant an employee would solve the problem. This navigation property could be set or not, letting you distinguish between an applicant and applicant which is also an employee. And you would not need to delete and change the ID of the applicant when you make it an employee.
(As said, "I believe". Maybe there is a hidden way, I didn't see.)

EF programmatically insert many to many

I have table with this structure ID PK and two columns with FK for example ActivityID and ContactID.
I try programmatically insert some value in this two FK columns.
How can I do this, any help is appriciated.Tnx
If you want to use your structure - you have to get instances of Activity and of Contact and just set corresponding properties on new entity.
var newActivityContact = new ActivityContact();// m_Entities.CreateActivityContact(0);
newActivityContact.Activity = activityRepository.GetById(activityId);
newActivityContact.Contact = contactRepository.GetById(contactId);
I think the best solution would be to get rid of primary key, set up combination of ActivityID and ContactID as PK and then recreate whole model in visual designer. Every Activity object will have Contacts navigation property and every Contact will have Activities. You will be able to add contacts to activity by calling:
If you really need additional ID, it will be more complicated.