Bulk IP configuration using CSV input - powershell

I have a CSV file with the following values for each machine I want to remotely reconfigure using static IP
I was hoping to be able to reconfigure the IPs for each listed but if I have more than one machine listed the script gets stuck. This is because at the end of the first loop iteration, unless I manually do an ipconfig /flushdns on the server the script is running from, I will lose connection to the server being configured and the script just hangs leaving the rest of the servers. What I have so far is this:
$csv = import-csv "c:\scripts\builds\machines.csv"
foreach ($Row in $csv) {
$machine = $Row.name
$Nic = $row.Nic
$address = $row.IP
$mask =$row.mask
$defaultgw = $row.gw
invoke-command -computername $machine -scriptblock { Get-NetIpAddress - InterfaceAlias $using:nic | New-NetIPAddress -ipaddress $using:address -PrefixLength $using:mask -DefaultGateway $using:defaultgw | Register-DnsClient}}
Can this be done using workflows or just simple start-job?

I suspect you're losing the connection to the remote machine once you change the IP address, while the local machine hangs trying to keep the connection.
Try making the call, and dropping off a payload, then running it after you disconnect.
That is, upload the code, then spawn it, then disconnect before it has a chance to run (add a sleep to the remote code maybe?). This way, you can launch your payload and disconnect before it affects you.
For example, you could copy a file to that machine with the values it needs, then schedule a task to run in 5 seconds in the future, then disconnect before it runs. The task will then run, and since you're already disconnected, you won't be affected by it.
You might also consider DHCP with static reservations. It's far easier to manage than what you're trying to do here.


Powershell Script cycles through machines but hangs if one loses network temporarily

I have a powershell script that parses a txt file which is full of machine names, then one by one, it creates a session to the system, runs a few commands, and moves to the next system. The script usually take about 10-30 seconds to run on each system depending on the case encountered in the script.
Once in a while the system that is currently being checked will lose the network connection for some various reason. When this happens the console starts writing yellow warning messages about attempting to reconnect for 4 minutes and then disconnects the session when it cannot reconnect.
Even if it establishes the connection again within the 4 minutes, it doesn't do anything after that, it's like the script just freezes. It won't move on to the next system and it doesn't stop the script, I have to manually stop it, or if i manually run the script, i can hit control+c to break out of the current loop, and it then moves on to the next machine in the list.
Is there any way to break out of the current loop if a warning is encountered so it can move on to the next machine? That would be my ideal solution. thanks!
Script is simple..
foreach($server in Get-Content .\machines.txt) {
if($server -match $regex){
invoke-command $server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ScriptBlock{
this is what happens
PS C:\temp> .\script.ps1
WARNING: The network connection to machine5 has been interrupted. Attempting to reconnect for up to 4 minutes...
WARNING: Attempting to reconnect to machine5 ...
WARNING: Attempting to reconnect to machine5 ...
WARNING: Attempting to reconnect to machine5 ...
WARNING: The network connection to machine5 has been restored.
But it never goes on to machine6
When i work remotely with multiple machines i usually start the processes on the machines in parallel. So i have less impact when single machines are timing out. I use powershell 7 ForEach-Object -Parallel Feature for this https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/powershell-foreach-object-parallel-
Try something like this:
#all Necessary parameters must be in the Object i give to ForEach Object
$myHosts = #(
#Hosts i want to connect to with values i want to use in the loop
$myHosts | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
#Variables outside of this "Parallel" Loop are not available. Because this is startet as separate SubProcess
#All Values come from the Object i piped in the ForEach-Object
#This is written to your local Shell
Write-Host ("Computer: "+ $env:Computername)
Write-Host $myHost.param1
Write-Host $myHost.param2
Write-Host $myHost.cred.UserName
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $myHost.Name -Credential $myHost.cred -ArgumentList #($myHost.param1,$myHost.param2) -ScriptBlock {
#Variables outside of of this Invoke Command Script Block are not available because this is a new Remote-Shell on the remote Host
#Parameters in Ordner of -Argument List
#Do your things on the Remote-Host here
#This is not Visbible -> it is only written on the "remote Shell"
Write-Host $env:Computername
#Here you get Back Values from the remote Shell
} -ThrottleLimit 5
Hmm his is indeed a Problem.
You could experiment with:
Get-Job (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/get-job?view=powershell-7.1)
Receive-Job (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/receive-job?view=powershell-7.1)
So you have more control what the processes do.
You start Background Jobs with Start-Job. Start-Job deliveres Job Objects Back -> save them in a array or variables
With Get-Job you see all Jobs currently Running
with Receive-Job you get back the output from a Job so far. You can use receive-Job to get back all PSObjects a Background Job has written.
Cannot explain in Detail, but this woul be another try i would do for this job.

PowerShell to stop and disable a service. Reading the servers from a TXT file

I see some questions about this topic, but I cannot get it working
Get-Service -Name Spooler -ComputerName (Get-Content c:\tmp\scripts\Servers\iservers.txt) |
Stop-Service -PassThru | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled -whatif
The code executes for each server on the txt file, and stops de service, but not disable the service.
Any help to get it work and/or Troubleshooting???
How to approach this kind of problem
In automation, we work up to complexity, meaning you should start simply and then add on more features until you see where it breaks.
Right now, you're trying to do a bunch of operations in one single line:
Load a list of computers and
Reach out to the computers and Stop a service and
Also while doing this, set the service to not automatically start.
There are a lot of problems you can run into, like "what happens if these PCs aren't enabled for remoting", or "what if you need a different account to handle stopping or disabling a service".
When you're trying to figure it all out in one-line, you're in for a bad and frustrating time.
How to fix it
Start simply. Start with one computer that's nearby and definitely turned on.
Begin with reading a service. Can you even get this operation to run?
Get-Service -ComputerName SomePC123 Spooler
Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Running spooler Print Spooler
If you run into an error, then first figure out how to be able to remote into that one PC and see if the Print Spooler is running. Then, you will know what steps to deploy to all of your machines to prepare them for remoting.
Then, once you can check if a service is running, you can add on the next step, try to stop the service.
So your code would start to look like this:
$computers = get-content .\someTextFile.txt
forEach($computer in $computers){
$service = Get-Service -ComputerName $computer Spooler
"status of spooler on $computer is $($service.Status), with start type of $($service.StartType)"
#todo, set start type to Disabled...
Eventually, you will have migrated each step out of the one-liner and you'll know where and why any given command is failing. This is the way.

using powershell to check active IP's or MAC's connected to router

I want to run a Powershell script that talks to the router/AP and figures out what IP (I have Reserved IPS) or MAC address is currently connected to the Router/AP. The script would output what is connected so that I could see "who's home".
At first I used IE though powershell logging into the router and trying to capture data of the wifi client page but I don't think that is the way to go. Is there another way to do this? A way to scan the network without worrying about logging into the router?
If you have DNS resolution on the names of your PCs, you can try this out.
$Computer = "value or foreach loop of values"
$IPAddress = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($Computer).AddressList[0]).IpAddressToString
$IPMAC = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -ComputerName $Computer
$MACAddress = ($IPMAC | where { $_.IpAddress -eq $IPAddress}).MACAddress
I have tested this with a couple individual names and a foreach loop getting the names from a txt or csv file, and I tested using
write-host $IPAddress $MACAddress
at the end for a sanity check.
If you want to verify an up/down state of the computer before querying, try using the 'test-connection' powershell command (basically a ping that grabs the results)

Powershell DHCP scope options extraction failure using Invoke-Command

I'm trying to extract dhcp scope option info from a list of servers, the list obtained by querying AD for authorized dhcp servers in the domain. I'm using powershell's invoke-command to pass netsh dhcp server \\$servername scope $IP show optionvalue to a remote server. The $IP variable isn't passing the way the command wants to see it. It throws the The command needs a valid Scope IP Address. error.
I'm getting the scope ip address by first running netsh dhcp server \\$servername show scope and extracting the scope ip from that output, storing it in $IP.
I can type the IP in manually into the script and it returns the scope options but passing in the variable always returns the error. I've tested the command itself in a powershell console, both by manually typing in the IP and by creating a variable with the IP (as a string) and using it in the command, which works as well. There are no special characters, that i can tell, or white spaces when i store the IP in the script. I trim those out. I've also tried converting the string to an IP address using [IPAddress], to no avail.
Here is the code that gathers the scope info and then attempts to get the scope options:
foreach ($n in $name) {
$showScopes = Invoke-command -computername $n -ScriptBlock {netsh dhcp server \\$n show scope}
$formatScopeInfo = $showScopes | ? {$_.Trim() -ne "" -and ($_.Contains("Disabled") -or $_.Contains("Active"))}
foreach ($en in $formatScopeInfo) {
$scopeIps = $en.Split("-")
$IP = [IPAddress]$scopeIps[0].Trim()
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $n -ScriptBlock {netsh dhcp server \\$n scope $IP.IPAddressToString show optionvalue}
The first foreach works and removes the lines that don't contain scope info. The second foreach partially works, it does strip out the IP. Initially i just stored it as a string, $IP = $scopeIps[0].Trim() but that wasn't working. I tried a number of things. I tried converting the octets to integers and joining them with ".", I tried to store the whole command as as a string and pass that into the Invoke-Command. Like so:
$command = "netsh dhcp server \\$n scope $IP show optionvalue"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $n -ScriptBlock {$command}
The ultimate goal is to be able to extract any configured scope options, wherever they may be configured (server, reservation...etc). I fear I've gotten to that point where I'm so hyper-focused on what I think is the problem, that I may be missing something simple and/or crucial elsewhere. My opinion is that the command wants to see an actual IP address but my attempts to pass the variable that way have failed (and it works in the powershell console when saved as a string).
Fair disclosure, I'm still very much a novice and I was reluctant to post my code. I see so many on here with incredibly elegant solutions to things and, by comparison, my stuff seems extremely clunky. I've never had to post before as most times I can find/figure out where i've gone wrong. But I endeavor to learn and I have spent the better part of this weekend googling with no results. I have seen the script out there that works for pre 2012 servers but I really enjoy writing my own. I'm not looking to have anyone "do it for me", if you can point me down the appropriate rabbit hole; I'm happy to venture down it. Any suggestions on the code itself (appearance, better way of doing something...etc) are appreciated as well.
Apologies for the verbosity. I'm stuck and appreciate any help.
In your invoke-command you are not passing parameter,it should be like this:
$showScopes = Invoke-command -computername $n -ScriptBlock {
netsh dhcp server \\$n show scope
} -argumentlist $n
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $n -ScriptBlock {
netsh dhcp server \\$n scope $IP.IPAddressToString show optionvalue
} -argumentlist $n,$IP

Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort WMI query is empty

When I query WMI (by any method so far) for printers:
select * from Win32_Printer
I get normal results. When I try to query for ports:
select * from Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort
the query "succeeds" but I get no results. There are over 100 ports on this server, but neither prnport.vbs, wbemtest, powershell, or my own code are getting any results.
Operating system in 2003R2 and the user has admin privs.
Turns out that local ports (and consequently redirected locals like ghostscript etc) are NOT listed by this WMI query. They are stored directly in the registry. This means that normal scripting to migrate these printer parameters will get the printers but not the port information.
They are stored in:
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Redirected Port\Ports
Live and learn.
I have a couple print servers with many queues on them and they are running on MS Windows 2003. I required the port configuration as well. Namely queue and protocol. I nested the following commands in my foreach loop and I was able to get the data I needed:
$PrintQueue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports\$Queue" -Name Queue).Queue
$Protocol = (Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports\$Queue" -Name Protocol).Protocol
$Queue variable in the path string above is the print queue variable in my foreach loop. Change it to the Print Queue name as needed or set the variable earlier in the code.
I also ran into print queues that did not have a Queue value set so I added a if statement to set one, which I required in order to feed this data to another script that installs the print queue on a 2012R2 server.
if($PrintQueue = $null){
$PrintQueue = 'Print'
Hope this helps.