There is a Rundeck server, which is Ansible managed.
What is the easiest way to add projects in Rundeck via Ansible, so we don't have to touch the web-GUI of Rundeck. I've heard that the API isn't really a way to go.
Rundeck API is a good option I think, you can do it anything with it:
And a good reference:
Another option, if you want, is use RD CLI for that:
I'm currently creating a Minikube cluster for the developers, they will each have their own Minikube cluster in their local machine for testing, assuming the developers don't know anything about Kubernetes, is creating a bash script to handle all the installations and the setup of the pod the recommended way? Is it possible to do it through Terraform instead?Or there's other way to do this easier? Thanks!
Depending on what your requirements are, choosing Minikube may or may not be the best way to go.
Just to give you some other options you might want to take a look at the following tools when it comes to local enviornments for developers (depending on their needs):
Since you do not seem to care about Windows or other users (at least they weren't mentioned), a bash script may be the simplest way to go. However, usually that's were tools like Ansible come into play. They help you with automating things in a clear fashion and allow for proper testing. Some tools (like Ansible) even have support for certain Windows features that may be useful.
A Bash script is not the recommended way as it has lots of pain points that come with it, however, it may be the fastest approach depending on your skillset.
If you want to do it properly use tools like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc.
I want to create/update the websites/cloud services in Azure in C#. My objective is to deploy the website/cloud service in Azure without any user intervention.
Can anyone please help me to resolve below queries?
Can we manage Azure websites/cloud services using C# code? If yes then how (any library/api/nuget package)?
If it is not possible in C#, then what are other options to achieve this? I read WebDeploy(MsDeploy), powershell can do this work but I am not sure which one is best in this scenario and how to use them.
This completely depends on your scenario. If you have got a system to run your powershell script from, this might be a good option ( You could also use the cross platform command line tools to script your deployment / web app creation. There are different other options, especially for continous deployment to a web app. You can for example connect your github repo to an existing web app and deploy from that repository.
The C# library you were looking for should be this one:
I need to run an application which processes hooks in background. The problem is that I have to start it automatically on systemstart as administrator. I've tried to use the windows task scheduler but on some systems it does not start the program as administrator which causes strange behaviours.
I've never written an windows service but would that be a solution to create windows service? And if yes: Does it start automatically as administrator on systemstart? How can i communicate with the service from an configuration program? And as last question: If I am right, I need to install a service through an installer like a msi-package. How would you create such a msi-package. Visual Studio 2012 does not support that anymore.
It would be very nice if someone could help me. Sorry for my bad English but I am giving my best. If you don't understand some parts of my question, just ask me.
1) Yes, this sounds a lot like you should write a service.
2) If you configure it so, by default they start with a special service account.
3) You can find a lot of good information about communicating with a service here: How to communicate with a windows service from an application that interacts with the desktop?
4) You don't have to. Do you use C# for example? You can then make use of a nice library called TopShelf to write your service.
I'm looking for something analogous to Capistrano for Rails -
I'd like to be able to run a single command from my workstation that will update the code on my server(s) from a GitHub project and handle all necessary process restarting for the application. I need to be able to control specifically when this happens, not use a hook in GitHub's checkin event.
Are Node.js developers also using Capistrano, or is there a tool that works better for Node.js?
You could use fabric, it's a python lib. Nodejs already uses python for some build operations for extensions, no reason you couldn't also use python to do what you're asking.
I don't know of a javascript lib that does this, not to say there isn't one though. Fabric sounds very much like what capistrano is, but maybe a tiny bit different in some aspects.
Capistrano seems to be the most popular choice.
How do you deploy your websites?
For example: I am developing a site with a php framework and have it under version controle with git with all my local configs. When I want to put it on a web server for testing or updating the live application i have to copy it onto the server, change the config files, delete my test stuff etc.
So how do you handle these tasks?
I thought about using ant and write a deployment script for this.
Does there already exists a common solution for this "problem"? Because I don't think im the only one who need something like this.
There are quite a bunch of stuff available, but you might like Phing (like ANT for java).
Questions related to PHP+Phing:
Do you use Phing?
How do you manage your build [using Phing] process?
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects
what can Phing do that Ant can't?
Also read this questions sounds very interesting How To Deploy Your PHP Applications Correctly?
There is a specific question (a possible duplicate of your questions) has been answered a while ago, take a look at it Deploy a project using Git push
It seems you are using php, you should be good to go with capistrano. It is very easy to use capistrano for deployment with rails but it can also be tricked a bit to use for php.
Basically what you do with capistrano is -
Tell it which is you application server
Tell you database server
Tell web server (in most cases web server, app server and db server are same)
Specify you git repository with branch you want to deploy from
Once configured, you can deploy with capistrano with single command. You can even rollback your deployments from some of backup releases created by capistrano.
Now form some the repetitive tasks like, copying configs files like database configs (which generally are ignored in git), you create some tasks, which just creates symlinks or copies the files at appropriate location. These tasks will be called with deploy_hookes e.g. after_symlink hook.
You can find more about capistrano here -
It comes with very good documentation, after getting overview, you may search for your framework specific approach to do this.