I have a class with #property called prop. If a make an instance bar of the class and write bar.prop. in IPython and hit Tab then code completion doesn't work.
On the other hand when I put variable var in the class and write bar.var. and hit Tab then code completion works.
Can I make code completion work with #property (I would like IPython to evaluate my property, get result and use it for suggestions)?
Here's the code:
class Foo:
def foo(self):
class Bar:
var = Foo()
def prop(self):
return Foo()
bar = Bar()
And bar.var. with Tab works, bar.prop. doesn't work with Tab
Swift has this awesome error that shows up when you try to do something of the form x = x:
class Foo {
var foo = 1
var a = Foo()
a.foo = a.foo // error
This helped me avoid typos where the class had two similarly named properties, and I want to assign one to the other, but mistakenly typed the same one twice.
However, in this particular case:
struct Foo {
var foo = 1 {
didSet {
print("Did set")
mutating func f() {
foo = foo
var a = Foo()
a.foo = a.foo
It successfully compiles! There isn't even an error on the foo = foo line! If I change Foo to a class, or if I remove the didSet, then the expected error appears. It's just this struct + didSet combination that makes the compiler think "yeah, a.foo = a.foo makes a lot of sense! Let me allow that!"
I found this related post, which is about how to stop getting this error, rather than how to get it.
I also looked on bugs.swift.org, but there were only 3 results, and none of them are related.
I'm using Swift 5.3.2 and Xcode 12.4.
Is there any reason why assigning a struct property to itself is more "OK" than assigning a class property to itself?
Partial Solution Update at the end!
Attached is code that produces odd behavior. I copied it out of a swift playground so it should run in one fine.
I created a subclass in my project and passed it to my generic class as the concrete type. However, I quickly noticed that only the base class methods are called. This is shown with myBase and mySub below. Despite the generic class being instantiated as <mySub>, only the base methods are called. The print lines for the subclass are never shown.
Well, I found a simple way around that and that is to not inherit from NSObject. When I used swift native classes, the subclass methods are in fact called. These are secondBase and secondSub.
How do I pass a subclass into a generic class and get the actual subclass to receive calls when inheriting from NSObject?
And why would behavior be different?
import Foundation
// The Protocol
protocol P {
init ()
func doWork() -> String
// Generic Class
class G<T: P> {
func doThing() -> String {
let thing = T()
return thing.doWork()
// NSObject Base Class with Protocol
class A1: NSObject, P {
override required init() {
func doWork() -> String {
return "A1"
// NSObject Sub Class
class B1: A1 {
required init() {
override func doWork() -> String {
return "B1"
// Swift Base Class
class A2: P {
required init() {
func doWork() -> String {
return "A2"
// Swift Sub Class
class B2: A2 {
required init() {
override func doWork() -> String {
return "B2"
print ("Sub class failure with NSObject")
print ("Recieved: " + G<B1>().doThing() + " Expected: B1 - NSObject Sub Class Generic (FAILS)")
print ("\nSub class success with Swift Native")
print ("Recieved: " + G<B2>().doThing() + " Expected: B2 - Swift Sub Class Generic (SUCCEEDS)")
#if swift(>=5.0)
print("Hello, Swift 5.0")
#elseif swift(>=4.1)
print("Hello, Swift 4.1")
#elseif swift(>=4.0)
print("Hello, Swift 4.0")
#elseif swift(>=3.0)
print("Hello, Swift 3.x")
print("Hello, Swift 2.2")
Sub class failure with NSObject
Recieved: A1 Expected: B1 - NSObject Sub Class Generic (FAILS)
Sub class success with Swift Native
Recieved: B2 Expected: B2 - Swift Sub Class Generic (SUCCEEDS)
Hello, Swift 5.0
Partial solution update:
Moving the protocol conformance from the base class to the sub class allows the sub class to behave correctly. Definitions become:
class A1: NSObject
class B1: A1, P
The problem is the base class can no longer be used directly at all when no functionality beyond it is needed. This is mostly an issue if the protocol being conformed to has an associated type. When this is true, you must have a concrete class that conforms to the protocol for use in generics.
One use case here is expecting a base class in the generics (with a protocol involving an associated type) which allows something to function without caring what actual sub class was passed in. This actually ends up being a poor man's form of type erasure in some cases. And you can still use the same generic with the subclass.
This was derived from a similar question here: Generic Class does not forward delegate calls to concrete subclass
Partial options are:
remove NSObject and use swift native classes only
when NSObject is required, try to separate protocol conformance from inheritance of NSObject
I am going to test if providing an additional layer changes the behavior. Basically have 3 layers, Base class inheriting from NSObject, base Protocol class adding the protocol but inheriting from base and then specific classes. If it can distinguish between the base protocol class and the specific subclass in that case, that would be a functional workaround in all use cases. (and may explain why Apple's NSManagedObject works fine)
Still seems like a bug though.
I was able to confirm your results and submitted it as a bug, https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-10617. Turns out this is a known issue! I was informed (by good old Hamish) that I was duplicating https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-10285.
In my bug submission, I created a clean compact reduction of your example, suitable for sending to Apple:
protocol P {
func doThing()
class Wrapper<T:P> {
func go() {
class A : NSObject, P {
required override init() {}
func doThing() {
class B : A {
required override init() {}
override func doThing() {
On Xcode 9.2, we get "B". On Xcode 10.2, we get "A". That alone is enough to warrant a bug report.
In my report I listed three ways to work around the issue, all of which confirm that this is a bug (because none of them should make any difference):
make the generic parameterized type's constraint be A instead of P
or, mark the protocol P as #objc
or, don't have A inherit from NSObject
UPDATE: And it turns out (from Apple's own release notes) there's yet another way:
mark A's init as #nonobjc
This is not an answer so much as a way to avoid the problem.
In most of my code, I did not have to conform to NSObjectProtocol only Equatable and/or Hashable. I have implemented those protocols on the objects that needed it.
I then went through my code, removed all NSObject inheritance except on those classes which inherit from an Apple protocol or object that requires it (Like UITableViewDataSource).
The classes that are required to inherit from NSObject are Generic but they are not typically handed into other Generic classes. Therefore the inheritance works fine. In my MVVM pattern these tend to be the intermediate classes that work with view controllers to make logic like table views reusable. I have a tableController class that conforms to the UITableView protocols and accepts 3 generic viewModel types allowing it to provide the table logic for 95% of my views with no modifications. And when it needs it, subclasses easily provide alternate logic.
This is a better strategy as I am no longer randomly using NSObject for no reason.
This is a second way to avoid the problem.
#matt originally suggested this but then deleted his answer. It is a good way to avoid the problem. His answer was simple. Mark the protocol with objc like this:
// The Protocol
#objc protocol P {
init ()
func doWork() -> String
This solves the above sample code and you now get the expected results. But doing this has side effects for swift. At least one of those is here:
How to use #objc protocol with optional and extensions at the same time?
For me, it began a chain of having to make all my protocols objc compatible. That made the change not worth it for my code base. I was also using extensions.
I decided to stay with my original answer at least until Apple fixes this bug or there is a less invasive solution.
I thought this one should be documented in case it helps someone else facing this problem.
When defining a class in Swift, you can have var properties which are like normal fields in other OOP languages, but also let properties which are both read-only and immutable (like T const * const in C++).
However is there a Swift equivalent of C++'s T * const? (That is, the field itself is immutable, but the object it points to is mutable)?
Here's a representation of my scenario:
class Foo {
let bar: Bar
init(bar: Bar) {
self.bar = bar
protocol Bar {
var fleem: Int? { get set }
class ConcreteBar : Bar {
var fleem: Int? = nil
var foo: Foo = Foo( bar: ConcreteBar() )
foo.bar.fleem = 123
(Playground link: https://iswift.org/playground?3jKAiu&v=2 )
Presently this gives me this compiler error:
Swift:: Error: cannot assign to property: 'bar' is a 'let' constant`
foo.bar.fleem = 123
Note that I am not actually setting bar, I'm only setting bar.fleem. I don't know why the compiler is complaining about assigning to bar.
If I change Foo to use this:
class Foo {
var bar: Bar
// ...
...then it compiles okay, but then I lose the guarantee that Foo.bar always has the same instance.
I know I could also change it to private(set):
class Foo {
public private(set) var bar: Bar
// ...
...but Foo itself is still free to overwrite the bar object-reference, and the use of var means that the compiler cannot assume the reference is immutable either, so some optimizations may be skipped.
I'm looking for something like a hypothetical let mutable or var readonly keyword or modifier.
By default, protocol typed objects have value value semantics. As a consequence, they're not mutable if the variable is a let constant.
To introduce reference semantics (and by extension, the mutability of objects referred to be a let constant), you need to make your protocol into a class protocol:
protocol Bar: class {
var fleem: Int? { get set }
You need to add the class attribute to the protocol to make it reference type compliant:
protocol Bar : class { ...
I want to call a method (foo) in Coffee-script from a subclass. I know I can do this with #foo if I didn't overwrite foo in the subclass, or with super if I did overwrite it and I'm calling from the subclass' foo method.
However, I would like to call superclass' foo method from subclass bar method. How can this be done?
Not sure why you need this but ...
class A
foo: ->
console.log 'A'
class B extends A
foo: ->
console.log 'B'
bar: ->
A::foo.call #
new B().bar()
I have this very simple setup for my PFObject subclasses in Swift.
Foo : PFObject
Bar1 : Foo
Bar2 : Foo
Here is what they look like in code:
import Foundation
class Foo : PFObject, PFSubclassing
class func parseClassName() -> String!
return "Foo"
import Foundation
class Bar1 : Foo {}
import Foundation
class Bar2 : Foo {}
AppDelegate didFinishLaunching
Parse.setApplicationId("APP_ID", clientKey: "CLIENT_KEY")
I then get this error at runtime:
Tried to register both _TtC9CardForge4Bar1 and _TtC9CardForge4Bar2 as the native
PFObject subclass of Foo. Cannot determine the right class to use because neither
inherits from the other.
It appears that I can't have multiple subclasses of one PFObject subclass, but I see nothing for that in the documentation. What is going on here? What is a native subclass?
I don't think you can do this. I don't understand where do you want to go by doing this.
I think the best approach for subclassing in parse is : one subclass for one table. The most important goal of subclassing for Parse is managing your properties. So copy ALL your custom properties to your custom class. And just register this subclass. After that you can create other subclass (not registered to parse) for methods or protecting your properties.
As of Parse iOS SDK 1.6.2, I can confirm that you can have subclasses of subclasses of PFObject and they work just fine.
i.e. it's possible to have class Foo : Bar and class Bar : PFObject and you can save objects of type Foo and query for them as well. It just works.