java-6 installation problem on my mac book - macos-sierra

I have installed java 6 on my mac OS high sierra version 10.13.6 from the apple support:
When I try to locate my cacerts file in that java 6 installation, I find it under:
The cacerts file is linked to /System/Library/Java/Support/CoreDeploy.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/security/cacerts
I find that the folder /System/Library/Java/Support/CoreDeploy.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/security does not exist at all.
As a result, I can't import any certificates to my java 6 keystore.
Has anyone encountered this issue? Is there any suggestion on how this can be solved?


How to run xcode project in xcode 3.1 developed in xcode 4.3?

I have installed Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.2 on Windows 7 PC with the help of Virtual box. On that I have installed Xcode 3.1 as it was the compatible version of Xcode on Mac OS X 10.6.2.
While running Xcode project in Xcode 3.1 developed in Xcode 4.3 I get lots of errors.
Is there any way where I can make the codes compatible on xcode 3.1 or at least upgrade xcode 3.1 to xcode 4.3 (nearby) which will be supported by Mac OS X 10.6.2
If you sign in with your developer account at, you'll see that there's a link to "Xcode 4.2 for Snow Leopard". That's what you want. Xcode 3.1 is WAY out of date, and does not include any of the current SDKs.
Its been a while since you posted this so I hope you or others finds this useful. I had the same issue with Mac OS X Snow Leopard running on VirtualBox and not being able to run a later version of Xcode than 3.1. My understanding is that running Mac OS as a VM does not not allow you to run the standard built-in upgrade utility to upgrade the OS.
The resolution that worked for me was documented here How to install Snow Leopard Hackintosh in Virtualbox.
The following method is hacky and has not been thoroughly tested in any way. Use these instructions at your OWN RISK.
First you will upgrade Mac OS Snow Leopard then you will install Xcode 4.2 The steps you'll need are the following:
Take a snapshot of your Mac OS VM in case something goes arigh
Search google for "10.6.7 combo update" (replacing version number with the one you need)
Download the combo update from apple's official site and run
Complete the install (DO NOT REBOOT)
Google "10.6.7 legacy kernel" and download replacing version number with same version number as the combo update (the author of the article recommends finding kernel by nawcom)
Install legacy kernel
Reboot Mac OS and your upgrade should be complete
(Note: when I rebooted the spinning wheel that appears during bootup stopped after a min or two. I had to force restart the VM with VirtualBox and it appeared to have updated properly)
Once in Snow Leopard click on the time/date in upper right hand corner and click "Date & Time Preferences"
Uncheck "Set date and time automatically"
Change the date to 01/01/2012 (this is because of an expired cert check that is checked during the install)
Google "xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_s­now_leopard.dmg", download, and install it
Once installed you should now have a working copy of Xcode 4.2.

Failed to install: xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard on OSX 10.6.8

I need to compile some apps with the iOS 5 SDK so I discovered I need to upgrade from xcode 3 to xcode 4.
My mac is on OSX 10.6.8, and I downloaded xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg from my iOS developer account. The image opens fine, does a check to confirm it can be installed, etc. but when I try the install, I get
"the installation failed. an unknown installation error occurred"
How can I fix this problem? Is there a log file to check?
Although this sounds ridiculous, set your computer clock to 1/1/2012 and it will install.
I had exactly the same issue. There is some date / time issue with Xcode's installer.
Found a proper solution at :
Install this: Apple Software Installer Update 1.0.
About Apple Software Installer Update 1.0: "This update addresses an issue that may prevent certain Apple software from installing. This update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X 10.6.8."
I'm not sure that you can instal xcode 4 on OSX 10.6 :/
i have face this before and they said you have to upgrade to OSX 10.7 to install xcode 4

XCode 4.3.1 Installation

I've recently installed XCode 4.3.1 which I downloaded from site. Previously, I uninstalled an older version (XCode 4.1) by command line from /Developer/Applications... directory.
Now, I can't find any XCode directory at this point, neither I can't found in /Applications folder.
Somebody knows where I can find XCode launcher, uninstaller or directory where I can run the app?
My OS: Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion)
Any help will be appreciated!
If your running Lion you probably should be downloading xCode from the app store instead of

compiling and signing xcode project on Windows

I am using an application that produce me the xcode project that I have implemented on windows. So in order to test it on iphone i have to use a mac. I am wondering is there any way to compile and sign the xcode project so I can get *.ipa or *.app.
I suggest that you install VirtualBox which enables you to run Mac OS X. Buying a Mac OS X license is rather cheap and VirtualBox is free. If you register at Apple Developer you could download Xcode for free. I have successfully used VirtualBox to setup similar environments, where I used Ubuntu as the host operating system.
The following might be of interest: Develop iPhone applications on Windows (with Virtualbox etc).
No, it is illegal and is only allowed on licensed Mac OS X software.

xcode cannot be opened because of a problem

When i want to opened Xcode then i m getting error message. Like "Xcode cannot be opened because of a problem Check with the developer to make sure Xcode works with this version of Mac OS X. You may need to re-install the application. Be sure to install any available updates for application and Mac OS X... Click report to see more detailed information and send a report to Apple".
and when i m searching .dmg file in mac i m not getting any file related to xcode so please help me out of this problem.
Thanks & Regards,
Do you have Lion or Snow Leopard? Which version of Xcode do you have?
If you just installed Lion, try downloading Xcode 4.
Or else just try to reinstall your Xcode:
try to reinstall XCode use this command to remove XCode completely
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all