I want to define a type for a function that does something and then returns another function of the same type [can be itself]. The obvious idea didn't work ("Illegal cyclic type reference" error):
type Behavior[S] = S => Behavior[S]
Is there something obvious that I am missing here? Also I do not understand how to express an idea of "function returning itself".
Short answer
case class Behavior[S](step: S => Behavior[S])
Long answer (short version)
Terminal F-Coalgebras are pretty cool.
Long answer
Warning: lots of barbed wire & co-bananas, or something...
Ok, so, suppose that you have the concept of a functor F that captures what it means that your behavior "does something". In most libraries is something like this:
trait Functor[F[_]]:
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
An F-coalgebra A is essentially just a function from A to F[A]:
trait FCoalg[F[_]: Functor, A]:
def apply(a: A): F[A]
Now, a terminal F-coalgebra T is an F-coalgebra which additionally has a property that from every other F-coalgebra A there is a mediating morphism A => T (such that everything commutes, blah blah):
trait TerminalFCoalg[F[_]: Functor, T] extends FCoalg[F, T]:
def mediate[A](coalg: FCoalg[F, A]): A => T
Can we implement it for arbitrary F? It turns out we can:
case class TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F[_]: Functor](
step: () => F[TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F]]
given tfcImpl[F[_]: Functor]: TerminalFCoalg[F, TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F]] with
def apply(a: TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F]): F[TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F]] = a.step()
def mediate[A](coalg: FCoalg[F, A]): A => TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F] = a =>
TerminalFCoalgCarrier(() => summon[Functor[F]].map(coalg(a))(mediate(coalg)))
For the sake of a concrete example, let's see what that contraption does for the simplest imaginable functor Option:
given Functor[Option] with
def map[A, B](fa: Option[A])(f: A => B): Option[B] =
type ConaturalNumber = TerminalFCoalgCarrier[Option]
It turns out that the terminal F-coalgebra for Option are the so-called conatural numbers. These are basically the natural numbers, plus countable infinity. These things are nicely suitable for representing lengths of potentially infinite "clicking" processes.
Let's try it on a finite behavior:
enum WelshCounting:
case Eeny
case Meeny
case Miny
case Moe
object WelshCountingOptionCoalg extends FCoalg[Option, WelshCounting]:
def apply(w: WelshCounting): Option[WelshCounting] =
import WelshCounting._
w match
case Eeny => None
case Meeny => Some(Eeny)
case Miny => Some(Meeny)
case Moe => Some(Miny)
val welshMediatingMorphism =
summon[TerminalFCoalg[Option, TerminalFCoalgCarrier[Option]]]
Now, the above machinery automatically gives us a universal way to translate those counting words into conatural numbers. Let's add a helper method for describing conatural numbers (approximately):
def describe(c: ConaturalNumber): String =
var counter = 0
var curr = c
while true do
curr.step() match
case None => return s"${counter}"
case Some(next) =>
if counter > 42 then
return "probably infinite"
else {
counter += 1
curr = next
throw new Error("We have counted to infinity, yay! :D")
What does it show for the Welsh counting words?
#main def demo(): Unit =
for w <- WelshCounting.values do
val conat = welshMediatingMorphism(w)
println(s"${w} -> ${describe(conat)}")
// Eeny -> 0
// Meeny -> 1
// Miny -> 2
// Moe -> 3
Ok, that's neat. Let's try an infinitely clicking process with just one state that is successor of itself:
object LoopForever extends FCoalg[Option, Unit]:
def apply(u: Unit) = Some(())
val loopForeverMediatingMorphism =
summon[TerminalFCoalg[Option, TerminalFCoalgCarrier[Option]]]
How would it now describe the single state ()?
println(s"${()} -> ${describe(loopForeverMediatingMorphism(()))}")
// () -> probably infinite
Seems to work.
Full code:
trait Functor[F[_]]:
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
trait FCoalg[F[_]: Functor, A]:
def apply(a: A): F[A]
trait TerminalFCoalg[F[_]: Functor, T] extends FCoalg[F, T]:
def mediate[A](coalg: FCoalg[F, A]): A => T
case class TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F[_]: Functor](
step: () => F[TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F]]
given tfcImpl[F[_]: Functor]: TerminalFCoalg[F, TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F]] with
def apply(a: TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F]): F[TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F]] = a.step()
def mediate[A](coalg: FCoalg[F, A]): A => TerminalFCoalgCarrier[F] = a =>
TerminalFCoalgCarrier(() => summon[Functor[F]].map(coalg(a))(mediate(coalg)))
given Functor[Option] with
def map[A, B](fa: Option[A])(f: A => B): Option[B] =
type ConaturalNumber = TerminalFCoalgCarrier[Option]
def describe(c: ConaturalNumber): String =
var counter = 0
var curr = c
while true do
curr.step() match
case None => return s"${counter}"
case Some(next) =>
if counter > 42 then
return "probably infinite"
else {
counter += 1
curr = next
throw new Error("We cannot count to infinity :(")
enum WelshCounting:
case Eeny
case Meeny
case Miny
case Moe
object WelshCountingOptionCoalg extends FCoalg[Option, WelshCounting]:
def apply(w: WelshCounting): Option[WelshCounting] =
import WelshCounting._
w match
case Eeny => None
case Meeny => Some(Eeny)
case Miny => Some(Meeny)
case Moe => Some(Miny)
val welshMediatingMorphism =
summon[TerminalFCoalg[Option, TerminalFCoalgCarrier[Option]]]
object LoopForever extends FCoalg[Option, Unit]:
def apply(u: Unit) = Some(())
val loopForeverMediatingMorphism =
summon[TerminalFCoalg[Option, TerminalFCoalgCarrier[Option]]]
#main def demo(): Unit =
for w <- WelshCounting.values do
val conat = welshMediatingMorphism(w)
println(s"${w} -> ${describe(conat)}")
println(s"${()} -> ${describe(loopForeverMediatingMorphism(()))}")
I often find myself needing to chain collects where I want to do multiple collects in a single traversal. I also would like to return a "remainder" for things that don't match any of the collects.
For example:
sealed trait Animal
case class Cat(name: String) extends Animal
case class Dog(name: String, age: Int) extends Animal
val animals: List[Animal] =
List(Cat("Bob"), Dog("Spot", 3), Cat("Sally"), Dog("Jim", 11))
// Normal way
val cats: List[Cat] = animals.collect { case c: Cat => c }
val dogAges: List[Int] = animals.collect { case Dog(_, age) => age }
val rem: List[Animal] = Nil // No easy way to create this without repeated code
This really isn't great, it requires multiple iterations and there is no reasonable way to calculate the remainder. I could write a very complicated fold to pull this off, but it would be really nasty.
Instead, I usually opt for mutation which is fairly similar to the logic you would have in a fold:
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
// Ugly, hide the mutation away
val (cats2, dogsAges2, rem2) = {
// Lose some benefits of type inference
val cs = ListBuffer[Cat]()
val da = ListBuffer[Int]()
val rem = ListBuffer[Animal]()
// Bad separation of concerns, I have to merge all of my functions
animals.foreach {
case c: Cat => cs += c
case Dog(_, age) => da += age
case other => rem += other
(cs.toList, da.toList, rem.toList)
I don't like this one bit, it has worse type inference and separation of concerns since I have to merge all of the various partial functions. It also requires lots of lines of code.
What I want, are some useful patterns, like a collect that returns the remainder (I grant that partitionMap new in 2.13 does this, but uglier). I also could use some form of pipe or map for operating on parts of tuples. Here are some made up utilities:
implicit class ListSyntax[A](xs: List[A]) {
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
// Collect and return remainder
// A specialized form of new 2.13 partitionMap
def collectR[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): (List[B], List[A]) = {
val rem = new ListBuffer[A]()
val res = new ListBuffer[B]()
val f = pf.lift
for (elt <- xs) {
f(elt) match {
case Some(r) => res += r
case None => rem += elt
(res.toList, rem.toList)
implicit class Tuple2Syntax[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]){
def chainR[C](f: B => C): Tuple2[A, C] = x.copy(_2 = f(x._2))
Now, I can write this in a way that could be done in a single traversal (with a lazy datastructure) and yet follows functional, immutable practice:
// Relatively pretty, can imagine lazy forms using a single iteration
val (cats3, (dogAges3, rem3)) =
animals.collectR { case c: Cat => c }
.chainR(_.collectR { case Dog(_, age) => age })
My question is, are there patterns like this? It smells like the type of thing that would be in a library like Cats, FS2, or ZIO, but I am not sure what it might be called.
Scastie link of code examples:
I wanted to see just how "nasty" a fold() would be.
val (cats
,rem) = animals.foldRight((List.empty[Cat]
,List.empty[Animal])) {
case (c:Cat, (cs,ds,rs)) => (c::cs, ds, rs)
case (Dog(_,d),(cs,ds,rs)) => (cs, d::ds, rs)
case (r, (cs,ds,rs)) => (cs, ds, r::rs)
Eye of the beholder I suppose.
How about defining a couple utility classes to help you with this?
case class ListCollect[A](list: List[A]) {
def partialCollect[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): ChainCollect[List[B], A] = {
val (cs, rem) = list.partition(f.isDefinedAt)
new ChainCollect((, rem))
case class ChainCollect[A, B](tuple: (A, List[B])) {
def partialCollect[C](f: PartialFunction[B, C]): ChainCollect[(A, List[C]), B] = {
val (cs, rem) = tuple._2.partition(f.isDefinedAt)
ChainCollect(((tuple._1,, rem))
ListCollect is just meant to start the chain, and ChainCollect takes the previous remainder (the second element of the tuple) and tries to apply a PartialFunction to it, creating a new ChainCollect object. I'm not particularly fond of the nested tuples this produces, but you may be able to make it look a bit better if you use Shapeless's HLists.
val ((cats, dogs), rem) = ListCollect(animals)
.partialCollect { case c: Cat => c }
.partialCollect { case Dog(_, age) => age }
Dotty's *: type makes this a bit easier:
opaque type ChainResult[Prev <: Tuple, Rem] = (Prev, List[Rem])
extension [P <: Tuple, R, N](chainRes: ChainResult[P, R]) {
def partialCollect(f: PartialFunction[R, N]): ChainResult[List[N] *: P, R] = {
val (cs, rem) = chainRes._2.partition(f.isDefinedAt)
( *: chainRes._1, rem)
This does end up in the output being reversed, but it doesn't have that ugly nesting from my previous approach:
val ((owls, dogs, cats), rem) = (EmptyTuple, animals)
.partialCollect { case c: Cat => c }
.partialCollect { case Dog(_, age) => age }
.partialCollect { case Owl(wisdom) => wisdom }
/* more animals */
case class Owl(wisdom: Double) extends Animal
case class Fly(isAnimal: Boolean) extends Animal
val animals: List[Animal] =
List(Cat("Bob"), Dog("Spot", 3), Cat("Sally"), Dog("Jim", 11), Owl(200), Fly(false))
And if you still don't like that, you can always define a few more helper methods to reverse the tuple, add the extension on a List without requiring an EmptyTuple to begin with, etc.
//Add this to the ChainResult extension
def end: Reverse[List[R] *: P] = {
def revHelp[A <: Tuple, R <: Tuple](acc: A, rest: R): RevHelp[A, R] =
rest match {
case EmptyTuple => acc.asInstanceOf[RevHelp[A, R]]
case h *: t => revHelp(h *: acc, t).asInstanceOf[RevHelp[A, R]]
revHelp(EmptyTuple, chainRes._2 *: chainRes._1)
//Helpful types for safety
type Reverse[T <: Tuple] = RevHelp[EmptyTuple, T]
type RevHelp[A <: Tuple, R <: Tuple] <: Tuple = R match {
case EmptyTuple => A
case h *: t => RevHelp[h *: A, t]
And now you can do this:
val (cats, dogs, owls, rem) = (EmptyTuple, animals)
.partialCollect { case c: Cat => c }
.partialCollect { case Dog(_, age) => age }
.partialCollect { case Owl(wisdom) => wisdom }
Since you mentioned cats, I would also add solution using foldMap:
sealed trait Animal
case class Cat(name: String) extends Animal
case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal
case class Snake(name: String) extends Animal
val animals: List[Animal] = List(Cat("Bob"), Dog("Spot"), Cat("Sally"), Dog("Jim"), Snake("Billy"))
val map = animals.foldMap{ //Map(other -> List(Snake(Billy)), cats -> List(Cat(Bob), Cat(Sally)), dogs -> List(Dog(Spot), Dog(Jim)))
case d: Dog => Map("dogs" -> List(d))
case c: Cat => Map("cats" -> List(c))
case o => Map("other" -> List(o))
val tuples = animals.foldMap{ //(List(Dog(Spot), Dog(Jim)),List(Cat(Bob), Cat(Sally)),List(Snake(Billy)))
case d: Dog => (List(d), Nil, Nil)
case c: Cat => (Nil, List(c), Nil)
case o => (Nil, Nil, List(o))
Arguably it's more succinct than fold version, but it has to combine partial results using monoids, so it won't be as performant.
This code is dividing a list into three sets, so the natural way to do this is to use partition twice:
val (cats, notCat) = animals.partitionMap{
case c: Cat => Left(c)
case x => Right(x)
val (dogAges, rem) = notCat.partitionMap {
case Dog(_, age) => Left(age)
case x => Right(x)
A helper method can simplify this
def partitionCollect[T, U](list: List[T])(pf: PartialFunction[T, U]): (List[U], List[T]) =
list.partitionMap {
case t if pf.isDefinedAt(t) => Left(pf(t))
case x => Right(x)
val (cats, notCat) = partitionCollect(animals) { case c: Cat => c }
val (dogAges, rem) = partitionCollect(notCat) { case Dog(_, age) => age }
This is clearly extensible to more categories, with the slight irritation of having to invent temporary variable names (which could be overcome by explicit n-way partition methods)
I have a sequence of instances where each instance can be implicitly converted to the same type.
What is the best way to convert such sequence?
class A
class B
trait Resolver {
def resolve: String
implicit class AResolver(a: A) extends Resolver {
def resolve: String = "a"
implicit class BResolver(b: B) extends Resolver {
def resolve: String = "b"
def resolveThem(a: Option[A], b: Option[B]): Iterable[String] = {
val resolvers: Seq[Resolver] = a ++ b // type error
val resolvers: Seq[Resolver] = List(a, b).collect{case Some(x: Resolver) => x} // empty
val resolvers: Seq[Resolver] = List(a, b).collect{case Some(x: A) => x} // unexpectedly for me but it is also type error when there is an x:A
val resolvers: Seq[Resolver] = List(a, b).collect{case Some(x: A) => x:Resolver} // works but returns only A as resolver
val resolvers: Seq[Resolver] = List(a, b).collect{case Some(x /*something that can be implicitly converted to Resolver*/) => x:Resolver} // Is it possible?
val resolvers: Seq[Resolver] = List(a.get, b.get) // this bad approach works // this is what I want as result ++ // there is another way but if I have more arguments it becomes too long
You can only use implicits when exact type is available to compiler. As soon as you put your objects into a simple List their individual types disappear. (You could use HList though.)
For two arguments you just use your working approach.
For more arguments you might want to have a builder with one argument.
trait Builder {
def add[A: Resolver](a: A): Builder = {
If there are only a few classes, you could use runtime match:
def getResolver(any: Any): Resolver = any match {
case a: A => a: Resolver
case b: B => b: Resolver
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$any is not supported"
However, this approach is very very bad. It is not extensible.
You could also use type classes instead of implicit conversions.
trait Resolvable[T] {
def resolve(a: T): String
implicit class AResolvable extends Resolvable[A] {
def resolve(a: A): String = "a"
This is the preferred way, I guess.
Method collect accepts PartialFunction[A, B], which means that function is defined only on a subset of the possible input arguments A and implicit conversions would not be applied.
Conversion should be done either explicitly or beforehand. One way of doing this for your case is a method taking varargs or a sequence:
def resolveThem (resolvers: Option[Resolver]*): Iterable[String] = {
resolveThem(Option(new A), Option(new B))
I am currently reading Hutton's and Meijer's paper on parsing combinators in Haskell For the sake of it I am trying to implement them in scala. I would like to construct something easy to code, extend and also simple and elegant. I have come up with two solutions for the following haskell code
/* Haskell Code */
type Parser a = String -> [(a,String)]
result :: a -> Parser a
result v = \inp -> [(v,inp)]
zero :: Parser a
zero = \inp -> []
item :: Parser Char
item = \inp -> case inp of
[] -> []
(x:xs) -> [(x,xs)]
/* Scala Code */
object Hutton1 {
type Parser[A] = String => List[(A, String)]
def Result[A](v: A): Parser[A] = str => List((v, str))
def Zero[A]: Parser[A] = str => List()
def Character: Parser[Char] = str => if (str.isEmpty) List() else List((str.head, str.tail))
object Hutton2 {
trait Parser[A] extends (String => List[(A, String)])
case class Result[A](v: A) extends Parser[A] {
def apply(str: String) = List((v, str))
case object Zero extends Parser[T forSome {type T}] {
def apply(str: String) = List()
case object Character extends Parser[Char] {
def apply(str: String) = if (str.isEmpty) List() else List((str.head, str.tail))
object Hutton extends App {
object T1 {
import Hutton1._
def run = {
val r: List[(Int, String)] = Zero("test") ++ Result(5)("test")
println( => x._1 + 1) == List(6))
println(Character("abc") == List(('a', "bc")))
object T2 {
import Hutton2._
def run = {
val r: List[(Int, String)] = Zero("test") ++ Result(5)("test")
println( => x._1 + 1) == List(6))
println(Character("abc") == List(('a', "bc")))
Question 1
In Haskell, zero is a function value that can be used as it is, expessing all failed parsers whether they are of type Parser[Int] or Parser[String]. In scala we achieve the same by calling the function Zero (1st approach) but in this way I believe that I just generate a different function everytime Zero is called. Is this statement true? Is there a way to mitigate this?
Question 2
In the second approach, the Zero case object is extending Parser with the usage of existential types Parser[T forSome {type T}] . If I replace the type with Parser[_] I get the compile error
Error:(19, 28) class type required but Hutton2.Parser[_] found
case object Zero extends Parser[_] {
I thought these two expressions where equivalent. Is this the case?
Question 3
Which approach out of the two do you think that will yield better results in expressing the combinators in terms of elegance and simplicity?
I use scala 2.11.8
Note: I didn't compile it, but I know the problem and can propose two solutions.
The more Haskellish way would be to not use subtyping, but to define zero as a polymorphic value. In that style, I would propose to define parsers not as objects deriving from a function type, but as values of one case class:
final case class Parser[T](run: String => List[(T, String)])
def zero[T]: Parser[T] = Parser(...)
As shown by #Alec, yes, this will produce a new value every time, since a def is compiled to a method.
If you want to use subtyping, you need to make Parser covariant. Then you can give zero a bottom result type:
trait Parser[+A] extends (String => List[(A, String)])
case object Zero extends Parser[Nothing] {...}
These are in some way quite related; in system F_<:, which is the base of what Scala uses, the types _|_ (aka Nothing) and \/T <: Any. T behave the same (this hinted at in Types and Programming Languages, chapter 28). The two possibilities given here are a consequence of this fact.
With existentials I'm not so familiar with, but I think that while unbounded T forSome {type T} will behave like Nothing, Scala does not allow inhertance from an existential type.
Question 1
I think that you are right, and here is why: Zero1 below prints hello every time you use it. The solution, Zero2, involves using a val instead.
def Zero1[A]: Parser[A] = { println("hi"); str => List() }
val Zero2: Parser[Nothing] = str => List()
Question 2
No idea. I'm still just starting out with Scala. Hope someone answers this.
Question 3
The trait one will play better with Scala's for (since you can define custom flatMap and map), which turns out to be (somewhat) like Haskell's do. The following is all you need.
trait Parser[A] extends (String => List[(A, String)]) {
def flatMap[B](f: A => Parser[B]): Parser[B] = {
val p1 = this
new Parser[B] {
def apply(s1: String) = for {
(a,s2) <- p1(s1)
p2 = f(a)
(b,s3) <- p2(s2)
} yield (b,s3)
def map[B](f: A => B): Parser[B] = {
val p = this
new Parser[B] {
def apply(s1: String) = for ((a,s2) <- p(s1)) yield (f(a),s2)
Of course, to do anything interesting you need more parsers. I'll propose to you one simple parser combinator: Choice(p1: Parser[A], p2: Parser[A]): Parser[A] which tries both parsers. (And rewrite your existing parsers more to my style).
def choice[A](p1: Parser[A], p2: Parser[A]): Parser[A] = new Parser[A] {
def apply(s: String): List[(A,String)] = { p1(s) ++ p2(s) }
def unit[A](x: A): Parser[A] = new Parser[A] {
def apply(s: String): List[(A,String)] = List((x,s))
val character: Parser[Char] = new Parser[Char] {
def apply(s: String): List[(Char,String)] = List((s.head,s.tail))
Then, you can write something like the following:
val parser: Parser[(Char,Char)] = for {
x <- choice(unit('x'),char)
y <- char
} yield (x,y)
And calling parser("xyz") gives you List((('x','x'),"yz"), (('x','y'),"z")).
Suppose I have a list of functions as so:
val funcList = List(func1: A => T, func2: B => T, func2: C => T)
(where func1, et al. are defined elsewhere)
I want to write a method that will take a value and match it to the right function based on exact type (match a: A with func1: A => T) or throw an exception if there is no matching function.
Is there a simple way to do this?
This is similar to what a PartialFunction does, but I am not able to change the list of functions in funcList to PartialFunctions. I am thinking I have to do some kind of implicit conversion of the functions to a special class that knows the types it can handle and is able to pattern match against it (basically promoting those functions to a specialized PartialFunction). However, I can't figure out how to identify the "domain" of each function.
Thank you.
You cannot identify the domain of each function, because they are erased at runtime. Look up erasure if you want more information, but the short of it is that the information you want does not exist.
There are ways around type erasure, and you'll find plenty discussions on Stack Overflow itself. Some of them come down to storing the type information somewhere as a value, so that you can match on that.
Another possible solution is to simply forsake the use of parameterized types (generics in Java parlance) for your own customized types. That is, doing something like:
abstract class F1 extends (A => T)
object F1 {
def apply(f: A => T): F1 = new F1 {
def apply(n: A): T = f(n)
And so on. Since F1 doesn't have type parameters, you can match on it, and you can create functions of this type easily. Say both A and T are Int, then you could do this, for example:
F1(_ * 2)
The usual answer to work around type erasure is to use the help of manifests. In your case, you can do the following:
abstract class TypedFunc[-A:Manifest,+R:Manifest] extends (A => R) {
val retType: Manifest[_] = manifest[R]
val argType: Manifest[_] = manifest[A]
object TypedFunc {
implicit def apply[A:Manifest, R:Manifest]( f: A => R ): TypedFunc[A, R] = {
f match {
case tf: TypedFunc[A, R] => tf
case _ => new TypedFunc[A, R] { final def apply( arg: A ): R = f( arg ) }
def applyFunc[A, R, T >: A : Manifest]( funcs: Traversable[TypedFunc[A,R]] )( arg: T ): R = {
funcs.find{ f => f.argType <:< manifest[T] } match {
case Some( f ) => f( arg.asInstanceOf[A] )
case _ => sys.error("Could not find function with argument matching type " + manifest[T])
val func1 = { s: String => s.length }
val func2 = { l: Long => l.toInt }
val func3 = { s: Symbol => }
val funcList = List(func1: TypedFunc[String,Int], func2: TypedFunc[Long, Int], func3: TypedFunc[Symbol, Int])
Testing in the REPL:
scala> applyFunc( funcList )( 'hello )
res22: Int = 5
scala> applyFunc( funcList )( "azerty" )
res23: Int = 6
scala> applyFunc( funcList )( 123L )
res24: Int = 123
scala> applyFunc( funcList )( 123 )
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find function with argument matching type Int
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at .applyFunc(<console>:27)
at .<init>(<console>:14)
I think you're misunderstanding how a List is typed. List takes a single type parameter, which is the type of all the elements of the list. When you write
val funcList = List(func1: A => T, func2: B => T, func2: C => T)
the compiler will infer a type like funcList : List[A with B with C => T].
This means that each function in funcList takes a parameter that is a member of all of A, B, and C.
Apart from this, you can't (directly) match on function types due to type erasure.
What you could instead do is match on a itself, and call the appropriate function for the type:
a match {
case x : A => func1(x)
case x : B => func2(x)
case x : C => func3(x)
case _ => throw new Exception
(Of course, A, B, and C must remain distinct after type-erasure.)
If you need it to be dynamic, you're basically using reflection. Unfortunately Scala's reflection facilities are in flux, with version 2.10 released a few weeks ago, so there's less documentation for the current way of doing it; see How do the new Scala TypeTags improve the (deprecated) Manifests?.