Scala Type mismatch by division - scala

I have a noobie question about Scala, but I cannot seem to find a solution. I want to calculate n-th row of Pascal Triangle and write it to an array. Parameter n comes from constructor.
My problem is that I get type mismatch error; Expected String, actual Int in (k+1) part.
I'd be glad for explanation on what actually happens here.
var rowElements = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
def calculate(n: Int, k: Int = 0) : Unit = {
var element: Int = 1
for(k <- n){
element = (element * (n-k).toFloat / (k+1).toFloat).toInt


TapeEquilibrium ScalaCheck

I have been trying to code some scalacheck property to verify the Codility TapeEquilibrium problem. For those who do not know the problem, see the following link:
I coded the following yet incomplete code.
test("Lesson 3 property"){
val left = Gen.choose(-1000, 1000).sample.get
val right = Gen.choose(-1000, 1000).sample.get
val expectedSum = Math.abs(left - right)
val leftArray = Gen.listOfN(???, left) retryUntil (_.sum == left)
val rightArray = Gen.listOfN(???, right) retryUntil (_.sum == right)
val property = forAll(leftArray, rightArray){ (r: List[Int], l: List[Int]) =>
val array = (r ++ l).toArray
Lesson3.solution3(array) == expectedSum
The idea is as follows. I choose two random numbers (values left and right) and calculate its absolute difference. Then, my idea is to generate two arrays. Each array will be random numbers whose sum will be either "left" or "right". Then by concatenating these array, I should be able to verify this property.
My issue is then generating the leftArray and rightArray. This itself is a complex problem and I would have to code a solution for this. Therefore, writing this property seems over-complicated.
Is there any way to code this? Is coding this property an overkill?
My issue is then generating the leftArray and rightArray
One way to generate these arrays or (lists), is to provide a generator of nonEmptyList whose elements sum is equal to a given number, in other word, something defined by method like this:
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Properties}
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
def listOfSumGen(expectedSum: Int): Gen[List[Int]] = ???
That verifies the property:
forAll(Gen.choose(-1000, 1000)){ sum: Int =>
forAll(listOfSumGen(sum)){ listOfSum: List[Int] =>
(listOfSum.sum == sum) && listOfSum.nonEmpty
To build such a list only poses a constraint on one element of the list, so basically here is a way to generate:
Generate list
The extra constrained element, will be given by the expectedSum - the sum of list
Insert the constrained element into a random index of the list (because obviously any permutation of the list would work)
So we get:
def listOfSumGen(expectedSum: Int): Gen[List[Int]] =
for {
list <- Gen.listOf(Gen.choose(-1000,1000))
constrainedElement = expectedSum - list.sum
index <- Gen.oneOf(0 to list.length)
} yield list.patch(index, List(constrainedElement), 0)
Now we the above generator, leftArray and rightArray could be define as follows:
val leftArray = listOfSumGen(left)
val rightArray = listOfSumGen(right)
However, I think that the overall approach of the property described is incorrect, as it builds an array where a specific partition of the array equals the expectedSum but this doesn't ensure that another partition of the array would produce a smaller sum.
Here is a counter-example run-through:
val left = Gen.choose(-1000, 1000).sample.get // --> 4
val right = Gen.choose(-1000, 1000).sample.get // --> 9
val expectedSum = Math.abs(left - right) // --> |4 - 9| = 5
val leftArray = listOfSumGen(left) // Let's assume one of its sample would provide List(3,1) (whose sum equals 4)
val rightArray = listOfSumGen(right)// Let's assume one of its sample would provide List(2,4,3) (whose sum equals 9)
val property = forAll(leftArray, rightArray){ (l: List[Int], r: List[Int]) =>
// l = List(3,1)
// r = List(2,4,3)
val array = (l ++ r).toArray // --> Array(3,1,2,4,3) which is the array from the given example in the exercise
Lesson3.solution3(array) == expectedSum
// According to the example Lesson3.solution3(array) equals 1 which is different from 5
Here is an example of a correct property that essentially applies the definition:
def tapeDifference(index: Int, array: Array[Int]): Int = {
val (left, right) = array.splitAt(index)
Math.abs(left.sum - right.sum)
forAll(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(Gen.choose(-1000,1000))) { list: List[Int] =>
val array = list.toArray
forAll(Gen.oneOf(array.indices)) { index =>
Lesson3.solution3(array) <= tapeDifference(index, array)
This property definition might collides with the way the actual solution has been implemented (which is one of the potential pitfall of scalacheck), however, that would be a slow / inefficient solution hence this would be more a way to check an optimized and fast implementation against slow and correct implementation (see this presentation)
Try this with c# :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
private static int TapeEquilibrium(int[] A)
var sumA = A.Sum();
var size = A.Length;
var take = 0;
var res = new List<int>();
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
take = take + A[i-1];
var resp = Math.Abs((sumA - take) - take);
if (resp == 0) return resp;
return res.Min();

Using the kronecker product on complex matrices with scalaNLP breeze

I had a piece of code:
def this(vectors: List[DenseVector[Double]]) {
var resultVector = vectors.head
for (vector <- vectors) {
resultVector = kron(resultVector.toDenseMatrix, vector.toDenseMatrix).toDenseVector
_vector = resultVector
It worked just the way I wanted it to work. The problem is that I needed complex values in stead of doubles. After importing breeze.math.Complex, I changed the code to:
def this(vectors: List[DenseVector[Complex]]) {
var resultVector = vectors.head
for (vector <- vectors) {
resultVector = kron(resultVector.toDenseMatrix, vector.toDenseMatrix).toDenseVector
_vector = resultVector
This however results into the errors:
Error:(42, 26) could not find implicit value for parameter impl: breeze.linalg.kron.Impl2[breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[breeze.math.Complex],breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[breeze.math.Complex],VR]
resultVector = kron(resultVector.toDenseMatrix, vector.toDenseMatrix).toDenseVector
Error:(42, 26) not enough arguments for method apply: (implicit impl: breeze.linalg.kron.Impl2[breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[breeze.math.Complex],breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[breeze.math.Complex],VR])VR in trait UFunc.
Unspecified value parameter impl.
resultVector = kron(resultVector.toDenseMatrix, vector.toDenseMatrix).toDenseVector
Is this a bug or am I forgetting to do something?
I found the problem in the following way:
I first rewrote the function to use less matrix conversions
As there was a problem with the implicit impl variable of kron, I also rewrote the function call to explicitly state which variable to use to use
def this(vectors: List[DenseVector[Complex]]) {
var resultMatrix = vectors.head.toDenseMatrix
for (i <- 1 until vectors.length) {
resultMatrix = kron(resultMatrix, vectors(i).toDenseMatrix)(kron.kronDM_M[Complex, Complex, DenseMatrix[Complex], Complex])
_vector = resultMatrix.toDenseVector
This showed me that there was no ScalarMulOp for V2, M, DenseMatrix[RV] where M is a Matrix[V1], V1 and V2 are the input types and RV is the output type of the ScalarMulOp
Digging through the source code of breeze I found in DenseMatrixOps that there only was an implicit ScalarMulOp for the above types if V1, V2 and RV are of type Int, Long, Float and Double. By copying the function and making it specific for Complex numbers, I was able to get the kronecker product to work. Now I could also remove the explicit use of (kron.kronDM_M[Complex, Complex, DenseMatrix[Complex], Complex]). The ScalarMulOp function in question is:
implicit def s_dm_op_Complex_OpMulScalar(implicit op: OpMulScalar.Impl2[Complex, Complex, Complex]):
OpMulScalar.Impl2[Complex, DenseMatrix[Complex], DenseMatrix[Complex]] =
new OpMulScalar.Impl2[Complex, DenseMatrix[Complex], DenseMatrix[Complex]] {
def apply(b: Complex, a: DenseMatrix[Complex]): DenseMatrix[Complex] = {
val res: DenseMatrix[Complex] = DenseMatrix.zeros[Complex](a.rows, a.cols)
val resd: Array[Complex] =
val ad: Array[Complex] =
var c = 0
var off = 0
while (c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while (r < a.rows) {
resd(off) = op(b, ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)))
r += 1
off += 1
c += 1
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Complex, Matrix[Complex], OpMulScalar.type, Matrix[Complex]]].register(this)

Why is my function returning a Unit instead of Int?

I am new to Scala and working on a project. I am writing a function that is suppose to return the smallest Int in an array. However when I run it I get a type error that it is returning unit instead of int.
Here is my code:
def minWhile(r: Array[Int]): Int = {
var pos = 1
var minInt = r(0)
while (pos < r.length) {
if (r(pos) < minInt)
minInt = r(pos)
pos += 1
Thank you very much!
Your code is compiled correctly, because it always returns correct type Int. But it may cause some runtime exceptions, if we passed empty array into your function: minWhile(Array()).
def minWhile(r: Array[Int]): Int =
var pos = 1
var minInt = r(0) /* potential runtime exception */
while( pos < r.length){
if(r(pos) < minInt)
minInt = r(pos)
You have to check arrays bounds working with it.
Or you can use a shorter way:
def minWhile(r: Array[Int]): Option[Int] = if (r.nonEmpty) Some(r.min) else None
Your code should be compiled correctly but it may rise an exception when passed empty container. You are using variables which is discouraged.
I would do it using some recursion calls or scala collections API like so:
array.reduceLeft(a: Somehitng, b: Something => Something)
Check thia link:
Consider this more functional style of conveying the semantics of minWhile, as follows,
def minWhile(r: Array[Int]): Int = {
(r zip r.drop(1)).takeWhile(t => t._1 > t._2).last._2
where we zip consecutive items and take those monotonically decreasing. The desired result is found in the second part of the last duple.

What is wrong about this code in Scala? (Long required)

I'm newbie in using Scala, and most of the time I don't know how to deal with error messages. Can someone help me with this code? What do I need to change to make this code work? Btw, I'm writing Euklid's Greatest Common Divisor in Scala.
def userInput() {
var x: String = Console.readLine("Please enter the first number you want to calculate. ")
var y: String = Console.readLine("Please enter the second number you want to calculate. ")
def ggt(firstNumber: Long, secondNumber: Long): Long = {
var x = firstNumber
var y = secondNumber
if (y == 0) {
return x
And the error I get is "type mismatch; found : Unit required: Long" in this line:
if (y == 0) {
What should I change? Thanks in advance for your guys help!
Your ggt function needs to return a Long and it's not always doing so. First, you can remove the return keyword because scala functions will always return whatever is on the last line. Then, you need a return value when y != 0 to make this function definition valid. Right now, it's returning Unit which is like void because there is no else block there. Change to something like this and you should be all set:
def ggt(firstNumber: Long, secondNumber: Long): Long = {
var x = firstNumber
var y = secondNumber
if (y == 0) x
else y
First, if you want to read numbers from the command line, then your userInput is incorrect, it should be something like this:
def readNumbers(): (Long, Long) = {
println("Print the first number")
val first = Console.readLong()
println("Println the seconds number")
val second = Console.readLong()
(first, second)
Then read numbers:
val (a, b) = readNumbers()
GCD method:
def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)
and call it on the numbers:
gcd(a, b)
Scala is a functional on the one hand, so every expression results in some value, and in Scala if is an expression, not a statement.

How is this type miss match?

HI I am new at Scala Trying to run this code:
class Number(x : Int){
var number = x
def inc(): Int = {
number => number + 1
But I get the following error: solution.scala:12: error: missing parameter type
number => number + 1
I dont know how to fix this.
Essentially, you can expicitly say what type you're expect:
def inc(): Int = {
number: Int => number + 1
BUT this won't compile, cause what you've defined is function, so:
def inc(): (Int) => Int = {
// some function that takes Int, calls it `number` and increment
number: Int => number + 1
would be closer,
it doesn't make sense and notice, that number you've defined has nothing in common with number variable inside class
-- that's why Scala compiler cannot infer type for you.
I think you have wanted to write something like:
def inc(): Int = {number += 1; number;}
// will take effect on number field
def inc(num: Int): Int = num + 1
or simply:
def inc = (x: Int) => x + 1
since Int return type is inferred, no need to specify it
As for dealing with mutability in the question, inc(1), inc(5), etc. are themselves transformed representations of the number passed to the class instance (i.e. they equate to "var number", but immutably so). No real need for mutability based on what we see here...