How to calculate Product of Sum (Array fields) in mongodb? - mongodb

//Sample collection
db.grades.insertMany([{ _id: 1, quizzes: [ 1, 2, 3 ] },
{ _id: 2, quizzes: [ ] },
{ _id: 3, quizzes: [ 3, 8, 9 ] }])
Below is the query i am using and getting results.
//Product of Sum
{ $project:
{ sumof:
input: "$quizzes",
as: "grade",
in: { $sum :[ "$$grade", "$$grade" ] }
{ $project :
{ "productOfSum":
{ $reduce :
{ input : '$sumof',
initialValue: 1,
in : {$multiply :["$$value","$$this"]}
The output of the query is as below.
Can any one advice how and why for "_id:2", value is coming as 1 even though array is null?

Try this:
[{$eq: [{$size: "$quizzes"}, 0]} , [0], "$quizzes"] }
{ $project:
{ sumof:
input: "$quizzes",
as: "grade",
in: { $sum :[ "$$grade", "$$grade" ] }
{ $project :
{ "productOfSum":
{ $reduce :
{ input : '$sumof',
initialValue: 1,
in : {$multiply :["$$value","$$this"]}


Concat int array field inside an array of object into one string field in mongodb aggregate

I would like to concat int array field values inside an array of objects into one string field after dividing them (by 10).
Heres the existing document format:
"no" : "2020921008981",
"date" : ISODate("2020-04-01T05:19:02.263+0000"),
"sale" : {
"soldItems" : [
"itemRefId" : "5b55ac7f0550de00210a3b24",
"soldPrice" : NumberInt(800),
"itemRefId" : "5b55ac7f0550de00210a3b25",
"soldPrice" : NumberInt(1000),
Expected result :
"no" : "2020921008981",
"date" : ISODate("2020-04-01T05:19:02.263+0000"),
"priceList" : "8.0 \n 10.0"
The attempt with $reduce :
priceList: {
$reduce: {
input: "$sale.soldItems.soldPrice",
initialValue: "",
in: {
$cond: [ { "$eq": [ { $toString: { $divide: [ "$$value", 10 ] } }, "" ] }, "$$this", { $concat: [ { $toString: { $divide: [ "$$value", 10 ] } }, "\n", "$$this" ] } ]
But end up getting "errmsg" : "$divide only supports numeric types, not string and double" error. Any idea would be appreciated.[
$set: {
priceList: {
$reduce: {
input: {
$map: {
input: "$sale.soldItems.soldPrice",
in: { $toString: { $divide: ["$$this", 10] } }
initialValue: "",
in: { $concat: ["$$value", "$$this", " \n "] }
$project: {
_id: 0,
no: 1,
date: 1,
priceList: 1
Try the following aggregation query, where the idea is to:
First divide the field soldPrice by 10 or required divisor using $divide
Convert it into string and concat using $toString and $concat
the appender \n gets appended after each reduce op,remove that from the end using $rtrim
create the new field using $addFields
$addFields: {
"itemPriceList": {
$rtrim: {
input: {
$reduce: {
input: "$salesOrder.purchaseItems",
initialValue: "",
in: {
$concat: [
$toString: {
$divide: [
chars: "\n"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"caseNumber": "2020921008981",
"itemPriceList": "80\n100",
"salesOrder": {
"purchaseItems": [
"itemRefId": "5b55ac7f0550de00210a3b24",
"soldPrice": 800
"itemRefId": "5b55ac7f0550de00210a3b25",
"soldPrice": 1000
"startTime": ISODate("2016-05-18T16:00:00Z")
Plaground Test Link

Aggregate and project with multiples conditions

I have a collection myCollection with array of members :
name : String,
members: [{status : Number, memberId : {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'members'}]
and i have this data
"_id" : ObjectId("5e83791eb49ab07a48e0282b")
"members" : [
"status" : 1,
"_id" : ObjectId("5e83791eb49ab07a48e0282c"),
"memberId" : ObjectId("5e7dbf5b257e6b18a62f2da9")
"status" : 2,
"_id" : ObjectId("5e837944b49ab07a48e0282d"),
"memberId" : ObjectId("5e7de2dbe027f43adf678db8")
I want to check by aggregate query if member 5e7dbf5b257e6b18a62f2da9 exists with status 1 but it didn't return true
{$match: {_id: ObjectId("5e83791eb49ab07a48e0282b")}},
$project: {
isMember: {
$cond: [
{ $and: [ {$in: [ObjectId("5e7dbf5b257e6b18a62f2da9"), '$members.memberId']}, {$eq: ['$members.status', 1]} ] },
// if
true, // then
false // else
Thank you for your responses.
If you want to get just true/false you can shortcut like this:
{ $match: { _id: ObjectId("5e83791eb49ab07a48e0282b") } },
$project: {
isMember: {
$map: {
input: "$members",
in: {
$and: [
{ $eq: [ObjectId("5e7dbf5b257e6b18a62f2da9"), '$$this.memberId'] },
{ $eq: [1, '$$this.status'] }
{ $set: { isMember: { $anyElementTrue: "$isMember" } } }
A different style would be this:
{ $match: { _id: ObjectId("5e83791eb49ab07a48e0282b") } },
$project: {
isMember: {
$map: {
input: "$members",
in: {
$eq: [
{ memberId: ("5e7dbf5b257e6b18a62f2da9"), status: 1 },
{ memberId: "$$this.memberId", status: "$$this.status" }
{ $set: { isMember: { $anyElementTrue: "$isMember" } } }

Count Both Outer and Inner embedded array in a single query

_id: ObjectId("5dbdacc28cffef0b94580dbd"),
"comments" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5dbdacc78cffef0b94580dbf"),
"replies" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5dbdacd78cffef0b94580dc0")
How to count the number of element in comments and sum with number of relies
My approach is do 2 query like this:
1. total elements of replies
{$match: {_id:ObjectId("5dbdacc28cffef0b94580dbd")}},
{ $unwind: "$comments",},
{$project:{total:{$size:"$comments.replies"} , _id: 0} }
2. count total elements of comments
{$match: {_id:ObjectId("5dbdacc28cffef0b94580dbd")}},
{$project:{total:{$size:"$comments.replies"} , _id: 0} }
Then sum up both, do we have any better solution to write the query like return the sum of of total element comments + replies
You can use $reduce and $concatArrays to "merge" an inner "array of arrays" into a single list and measure the $size of that. Then simply $add the two results together:
{ "$match": { _id:ObjectId("5dbdacc28cffef0b94580dbd") } },
{ "$addFields": {
"totalBoth": {
"$add": [
{ "$size": "$comments" },
{ "$size": {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$comments.replies",
"initialValue": [],
"in": {
"$concatArrays": [ "$$value", "$$this" ]
Noting that an "array of arrays" is the effect of an expression like $comments.replies, so hence the operation to make these into a single array where you can measure all elements.
Try using the $unwind to flatten the list you get from the $project before using $count.
This is another way of getting the result.
Input documents:
{ "_id" : 1, "array1" : [ { "array2" : [ { id: "This is a test!"}, { id: "test1" } ] }, { "array2" : [ { id: "This is 2222!"}, { id: "test 222" }, { id: "222222" } ] } ] }
{ "_id" : 2, "array1" : [ { "array2" : [ { id: "aaaa" }, { id: "bbbb" } ] } ] }
The query:
db.arrsizes2.aggregate( [
{ $facet: {
array1Sizes: [
{ $project: { array1Size: { $size: "$array1" } } }
array2Sizes: [
{ $unwind: "$array1" },
{ $project: { array2Size: { $size: "$array1.array2" } } },
} },
{ $project: { result: { $concatArrays: [ "$array1Sizes", "$array2Sizes" ] } } },
{ $unwind: "$result" },
{ $group: { _id: "$result._id", total1: { $sum: "$result.array1Size" }, total2: { $sum: "$result.array2Size" } } },
{ $addFields: { total: { $add: [ "$total1", "$total2" ] } } },
] )
The output:
{ "_id" : 2, "total1" : 1, "total2" : 2, "total" : 3 }
{ "_id" : 1, "total1" : 2, "total2" : 5, "total" : 7 }

Mongodb aggregation - count arrays with elements having integer value greater than

I need to write a MongoDB aggregation pipeline to count the objects having arrays containing two type of values:
This is my dataset:
{ values: [ 1, 2, 3] },
{ values: [12, 1, 3] },
{ values: [1, 21, 3] },
{ values: [1, 2, 29] },
{ values: [22, 9, 2] }
This would be the expected output
has10s: 4,
has20s: 3
Mongo's $in (aggregation) seems to be the tool for the job, except I can't get it to work.
This is my (non working) pipeline:
$project: {
"has10s" : {
"$in": [ { "$gte" : [10, "$$CURRENT"]}, "$values"]}
"has20s" : {
"$in": [ { "$gte" : [20, "$$CURRENT"]}, "$values"]}
{ $group: { ... sum ... } }
The output of $in seems to be always true. Can anyone help?
You can try something like this:
$project: {
_id: 0,
has10: {
$size: {
$filter: {
input: "$values",
as: "item",
cond: { $gte: [ "$$item", 10 ] }
has20: {
$size: {
$filter: {
input: "$values",
as: "item",
cond: { $gte: [ "$$item", 20 ] }
$group: {
_id: 1,
has10: { $sum: "$has10" },
has20: { $sum: "$has20" }
Using $project with $filter to get the actual elements and then via $size to get the array length.
See it working here

Compare 2 count aggregations

I have a collection in MongoDB that looks something like the following:
{ "_id" : 1, "type" : "start", userid: "101", placementid: 1 }
{ "_id" : 2, "type" : "start", userid: "101", placementid: 2 }
{ "_id" : 3, "type" : "start", userid: "101", placementid: 3 }
{ "_id" : 4, "type" : "end", userid: "101", placementid: 1 }
{ "_id" : 5, "type" : "end", userid: "101", placementid: 2 }
and I want to group results by userid then placementid and then count the types of "start" and "end", but only when the two counts are different. In this particular example I would want to get placementid: 3 because when grouped and counted this is the only case where the counts don't match.
I've written a query that gets the 2 counts and the grouping but I can't do the filtering when counts don't match. This is my query:
$project: {
userid: 1,
placementid: 1,
isStart: {
$cond: [ { $eq: ["$type", "start"] }, 1, 0]
isEnd: {
$cond: [ { $eq: ["$type", "end"] }, 1, 0]
$group: {
_id: { userid:"$userid", placementid:"$placementid" },
countStart:{ $sum: "$isStart" },
countEnd: { $sum: "$isEnd" }
$match: {
countStart: {$ne: "$countEnd"}
It seems like I'm using the match aggregation incorrectly because I'm seeing results where countStart and countEnd are the same.
{ "_id" : {"userid" : "101", "placementid" : "1"}, "countStart" : 1.0, "countEnd" : 1.0 }
{ "_id" : {"userid" : "101", "placementid" : "2"}, "countStart" : 1.0, "countEnd" : 1.0 }
{ "_id" : {"userid" : "101", "placementid" : "3"}, "countStart" : 1.0, "countEnd" : 0 }
Can anybody point into the right direction please?
To compare two fields inside $match stage you need $expr which is available in MongoDB 3.6:
$project: {
userid: 1,
placementid: 1,
isStart: {
$cond: [ { $eq: ["$type", "start"] }, 1, 0]
isEnd: {
$cond: [ { $eq: ["$type", "end"] }, 1, 0]
$group: {
_id: { userid:"$userid", placementid:"$placementid" },
countStart:{ $sum: "$isStart" },
countEnd: { $sum: "$isEnd" }
$match: {
$expr: { $ne: [ "$countStart", "$countEnd" ] }
If you're using older version of MongoDB you can use $redact:
$project: {
userid: 1,
placementid: 1,
isStart: {
$cond: [ { $eq: ["$type", "start"] }, 1, 0]
isEnd: {
$cond: [ { $eq: ["$type", "end"] }, 1, 0]
$group: {
_id: { userid:"$userid", placementid:"$placementid" },
countStart:{ $sum: "$isStart" },
countEnd: { $sum: "$isEnd" }
$redact: {
$cond: { if: { $ne: [ "$countStart", "$countEnd" ] }, then: "$$KEEP", else: "$$PRUNE" }
You run do the following pipeline to get this - no need to use $expr or $redact or anything special really:
$group: {
_id: {
"userid": "$userid",
"placementid": "$placementid"
"sum": {
$sum: {
$cond: {
if: { $eq: [ "$type", "start" ] },
then: 1, // +1 for start
else: -1 // -1 for anything else
}, {
$match: {
"sum": { $ne: 0 } // only return the non matching-up ones