Is all ReLu doing changing all negative values to 0? - neural-network

I have just spent an hour reading a paper on Rectified Linear Units (ReLu). I find it very difficult to unpack the maths involved.
Is it basically just saying that, after you do convulution and pooling, you change any negative values to 0?
Is that it ?

You are almost right. However, for input values that are greater than zero, it becomes a usual linear function. Hence, the function is:
f(x) = 0, when x < 0;
= x, otherwise
f(x) = max(0, x)


Sampling according to difference in function value

I have 20 values x1,...x20. Each value is between 0 and 1, for example 0.22,0.23,0.25,...
x = rand(20,1);
x = sort(x);
Now I would like to choose one data point but not uniform at random. The data point with the lowest value should have the highest probability and the other values should have a probability proportional to the difference in function value to the lowest value.
For example, if the lowest function value is 0.22, a data point with a function value of 0.23 has a difference to the best value of 0.23 - 0.22 = 0.01 and should therefore have a probability similar to the 0.22 value. But a value of 0.3 has a difference of 0.3 - 0.22 = 0.08 and should therefore have a much smaller probability.
How can this be done?
I would leave this as a comment, but I unfortunately don't have the rep yet.
This looks interesting, and I have a few questions for you. (I will edit this answer to be an answer later.)
The data point with the lowest value should have the highest probability and the other values should have a probability proportional to the difference in function value to the lowest value.
Lets take an array of 20 items, and subtract the lowest number from the entire array. This leaves us with our smallest value (which you want to be the most probable) as 0. We need to define a function now, that goes over all of the points and integrates to 1.
I've done the following:
x = rand(20, 1);
x = sort(x);
xx = x - x(1);
I suppose at this point we can invert our answers so the lowest point is 1.
Px = 1 - xx; %For probabilities
TotalP = sum(Px);
Now we have everything we need, I think... So lets see what we can make.
P = Px/TotalP; %This will be our probability.
SanityCheck = sum(P); %Make sure that it sums up to 1.
Looks like that works, so lets make our cumulative sum array, and get an element.
PI = cumsum(P); %This will be the integral form of the probability function.
test = rand; %Create a test number so we can place it in the integral function
index = find(PI > test, 1); %This will return the first entry that is greater than our test value...
result = x(index); %And here's our value
I hope this is along what you were looking for. If not, please comment and I'll get back to you. :)
[edited to incorporate comments]

determine the frequency of a number if a simulation

I have the following function:
I have to generate 2000 random numbers from this function and then make a histogram.
then I have to determine how many of them is greater that 2 with P(X>2).
this is my function:
%function [ output_args ] = Weibullverdeling( X )
%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
for i=1:2000
% x= rand*1000;
Y(i) = 3*(log(x))^(6/5);
and it gives me the following image:
how can I possibly make it to tell me how many values Do i Have more than 2?
Very simple:
>> Y_greater_than_2 = Y(Y>2);
>> size(Y_greater_than_2)
ans =
1 1998
So that's 1998 values out of 2000 that are greater than 2.
If you want to find the values between two other values, say between 1 and 4, you need to do something like:
>> Y_between = Y(Y>=1 & Y<=4);
>> size(Y_between)
ans =
1 2
This is what I think:
for i=1:2000
Y(i) = 3*(log(x))^(6/5);
U is a uniform random variable from which you can get the X. So you need to use rand function in MATLAB.
After which you implement:
You can implement the code directly (here k is your root, n is number of data points, y is the highest number of distribution, x is smallest number of distribution and lambda the lambda in your equation):
Lets split it and explain it detailed:
You want the k-th root of a number:
you want the natural logarithmic of a number:
you want to multiply sth.:
you want to get lets say 1000 random numbers between x and y:
you want to combine all of that:
x= lower_bound;
y= upper_bound;
n= No_Of_data;
lambda=wavelength; %my guess
k= No_of_the_root;
So you just have to insert your x,y,n,lambda and k
and then check
bigger_2 = X(X>2);
which would return only the values bigger than 2 and if you want the number of elements bigger than 2
I'm going to go with the assumption that what you've presented is supposed to be a random variate generation algorithm based on inversion, and that you want real-valued (not complex) solutions so you've omitted a negative sign on the logarithm. If those assumptions are correct, there's no need to simulate to get your answer.
Under the stated assumptions, your formula is the inverse of the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF). It's complementary because smaller values of U give larger values of X, and vice-versa. Solve the (corrected) formula for U. Using the values from your Matlab implementation:
X = 3 * (-log(U))^(6/5)
X / 3 = (-log(U))^(6/5)
-log(U) = (X / 3)^(5/6)
U = exp(-((X / 3)^(5/6)))
Since this is the CCDF, plugging in a value for X gives the probability (or proportion) of outcomes greater than X. Solving for X=2 yields 0.49, i.e., 49% of your outcomes should be greater than 2.
Make suitable adjustments if lambda is inside the radical, but the algebra leading to solution is similar. Unless I messed up my arithmetic, the proportion would then be 55.22%.
If you still are required to simulate this, knowing the analytical answer should help you confirm the correctness of your simulation.

NaN produced from division of values put a Vector

Below is some MATLAB code which is inside a loop that increments position every cycle. However after this code has run, the values in the vector F1 are all NaN. I print A to the screen and it outputs the expected values.
% 500 Hz Bands
total_energy = sum(F(1:(F_L*8)));
A = (sum(F(1:F_L))) /total_energy %% correct value printed to screen
F1(position) = (sum(F(1:F_L))) /total_energy;
Any help is appreciated
Assuming that F_L = position * interval, I suggest you use something like:
cumulative_energy_distribution = cumsum(abs(F).^2);
positions = 1:q;
F1 = cumulative_energy_distribution(positions * interval) ./ cumulative_energy_distribution(positions * 8 * interval);
sum-of-squares, which is the energy density (and also seen in Parseval's theorem) is monotonically increasing, so you don't need to worry about the energy going back down to zero.
In MATLAB, if you divide zero by zero, you get a NaN. Therefore, its always better to add an infinitesimal number to the denominator such that its addition doesn't change the final result, but it avoids division by zero. You can choose any small value as that infinitesimal number (such as 10^-10) but MATLAB already has a variable called eps.
eps(n) gives a distance to the next-largest number (whose precision is same as n) which could be represented in MATLAB. For example, if n=1, next double-precision number you could get to from 1 is 1+eps(1)=1+2.2204e-16. If n=10^10, then the next number is 10^10+1.9073e-06. eps is same as eps(1)=2.2204e-16. Adding eps doesn't change the output and avoids the situation of 0/0.

Using find on non-integer MATLAB array values

I've got a huge array of values, all or which are much smaller than 1, so using a round up/down function is useless. Is there anyway I can use/make the 'find' function on these non-integer values?
FWIW all the values are in acceding sequential order in the array.
Much appreciated!
The syntax you're using isn't correct.
returns k non-zero values, which is why k must be an integer. You want
%# ______________<-- logical index: ones where condition is true, else zeros
%# the single-argument of find returns all non-zero elements, which happens
%# at the locations of your value of interest.
Note that this needs to be an exact representation of the floating point number, otherwise it will fail. If you need tolerance, try the following example:
tol = 1e-9; %# or some other value
val = 9.5021e-007;
When I want to find real numbers in some range of tolerance, I usually round them all to that level of toleranace and then do my finding, sorting, whatever.
If x is my real numbers, I do something like
xr = 0.01 * round(x/0.01);
then xr are all multiples of .01, i.e., rounded to the nearest .01. I can then do
t = find(xr=9.22)
and then x(t) will be every value of x between 9.2144444444449 and 9.225.
It sounds from your comments what you want is
`[b,m,n] = unique(x,'first');
then b will be a sorted version of the elements in x with no repeats, and
x = b(n);
So if there are 4 '1's in n, it means the value b(1) shows up in x 4 times, and its locations in x are at find(n==1).

Comparing two matrices in Matlab

I have two matrices x and y, both are results from different algorithms/routines that are supposed to calculate the same result. While I know that the isequal() would check if x and y are the same matrix, the entries in those matrices would not be exactly the same (i.e. some entries may be with 5% off in worst case scenario). In this scenario, what would be the best method of comparing them to see if they are close enough to be considered the same result? Thanks in advance for the advices.
Try this:
tf = abs((A-B)./B)<0.05
This will return a logical matrix which will be true for each element if the relative difference between A and B with respect to B is less than 5 percent.
If you want to ask if all of these are true (they all satisfy the above condition):
Modifying Edric's solution:
absTol = 1e-3; % You choose this value to be what you want!
relTol = 0.05; % This one too!
absError = x(:)-y(:);
relError = absError./x(:);
relError(~isfinite(relError)) = 0; % Sets Inf and NaN to 0
same = all( (abs(absError) < absTol) & (abs(relError) < relTol) );
The variable same will be false if either the absolute or the relative error of any element is larger than whatever tolerances you choose. Also, if any elements of x happen to be exactly 0, then some of the elements of relError could end up being either infinite or not-a-number, so I used the ISFINITE function to ignore those values by setting them to 0.
I wouldn't suggest using IMAGESC to compare plots, since 1) the data is scaled when it is displayed, 2) the colormap for the display has a discrete number of color values (which I think is 256 by default, hence lots of rounding), and 3) subtle variations in color may not be all that apparent from visual comparison of two plots.
I would consider doing something like this with an absolute tolerance as well as a relative tolerance:
function same = tol( x, y )
absTol = 1e-3;
relTol = 0.05;
errVec = abs( x(:) - y(:) );
same = all( (errVec < absTol) | (errVec./x(:) < relTol) );
When you have very small value pairs in x and y, the result would return 0 although the values are ignorable themselves. So, an addition to the accepted solution
relError(x < absTol) = 0;
might be used to discard very small errors. Thus, the relative error is not considered for these values.
For matrices x and y containing floating point values, you may check if array elements are within a given tolerance of one another.
Sample code:
tol = 0.05;
result = abs(x - y) <= tol;
make use of 'isequal(a,b) where a and b are two matrices, if 1 it is true