How to Properly Put together a Function in Powershell - powershell

I have done a ton of research on how to push this EXE to a remote PC using PSSession and all lines of code work when executed line by line. But i have had a hard time putting this into a function that makes sense and will execute all lines of code and successfully install the software with one push of a button. Not sure whats happening. It will install the exe locally when i tried to do put all lines of code in a function and run it. Can you please help instruct what i am doing wrong? Sorry i am a newbie at Powershell.
$dc1 = New-PSSession -ComputerName DC1
Copy-Item C:\TPAdmin\Greenshot-INSTALLER- -Destination C:\TPAdmin -ToSession $dc1
Enter-PSSession -Session $dc1
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {C:\TPAdmin\Greenshot-INSTALLER- /VERYSILENT /LOG="C:\SOFTWAREINSTALL.LOG"
Remove-Pssession $dc1

Enter-PSSession is for interactive use only, so not suitable for use in a function.[1]
Instead of using Enter-PSSession, pass the session you've created with New-Session to the Invoke-Command command's -Session parameter, which will run the command in the context of that (remote) session.
# Define your function...
function Invoke-InstallerRemotely {
param([string] $ComputerName)
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName
Copy-Item C:\TPAdmin\Greenshot-INSTALLER- -Destination C:\TPAdmin -ToSession $session
# Do NOT use Enter-PSSession.
# Pass your session to Invoke-Command with -Session
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {C:\TPAdmin\Greenshot-INSTALLER- /VERYSILENT /LOG="C:\SOFTWAREINSTALL.LOG"
Remove-PSSession $session
# ... then invoke it.
# Note that functions must be defined *before* they're called.
Invoke-InstallerRemotely -ComputerName DC1
[1] Using it in a function means that an interactive session on the target computer is entered, which you must exit interactively (by typing and submitting exit or Exit-PSSession) before the remaining statements in the function are executed, again locally.

As for …
Sorry i am a newbie at Powershell.
… that's all fine, as we all had to start from somewhere. However... a couple of things here:
Please be sure to format your posts, to encourage folks to want to
help. People frown on no doing that. Having to copy, paste and
reformat your post is well, extra unnecessary work. ;-}. We've al been there.
We have no idea how you are getting up to speed on PowerShell, but
use the freely available resources to limit/avoid all the
misconceptions, frustrations, errors, potential bad habits, etc.,
that you are going to encounter. Live on watching the videos on:
Microsoft Virtual Academy
MSDN Channel9
Microsoft Learn
as well as the reference
and eBook resources.
Back to your use case. You do not say what is happening. So, you leave us to guess. Which is not really potentially helpful to you.
Nonetheless, you should just need to do this... in PowerShell v5x as it's require to use the -ToSession argument.
$DC1 = New-PSSession -ComputerName 'DC1'
Copy-Item -ToSession $DC1 -Path 'C:\TPAdmin\Greenshot-INSTALLER-' -Destination 'C:\TPAdmin'
Invoke-Command -Session $DC1 -ScriptBlock {C:\TPAdmin\Greenshot-INSTALLER- /VERYSILENT /LOG="C:\SOFTWAREINSTALL.LOG"}
Remove-PSSession -Session $DC1
I am not sure why you are doing that Enter-PSSsssion in the New-PSSession command as it is not needed. It's for standalone interactive sessions.
Explicit PSRemoting = Enter=PSSEssion
Implicit PSREmoting = New-PSSEssion
If all else fails for you on the copy via the session, then just use the normal UNC way to copy from source to destination.
Copy-Item -Path 'C:\temp\Results.csv' -Destination "\\$($DC1.Computername)\c$\temp"
See also:
Copy To or From a PowerShell Session


How to interact with remote machine outside of a session?

I'd like to install software on some of my domain computers silently. Since these software packages don't come in the form of an MSI, I thought I'll try to do it using Powershell.
In a first step, I set up Powershell remoting. The following command works:
PS $ Test-WSMan -ComputerName rmtComputer
wsmid :
ProtocolVersion :
ProductVendor : Microsoft Corporation
ProductVersion : OS: 0.0.0 SP: 0.0 Stack: 3.0
The software packages to be installed are on network shares. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem possible to start these install files directly. As Kevin Marquette explains in his article on Powershell, this is due to some double hop credential problem. The solution is to first copy the setup file from the share to a local folder, then start the setup.
In the same article, he shows 2 ways of doing that. The first way looks as follows:
Copy-Item -Path $file -Destination "\\$computername\c$\windows\temp\installer.exe"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computerName -ScriptBlock {
c:\windows\temp\installer.exe /silent
Neither of these 2 commands works for me. Running the copy-item command returns The network path was not found. I can confirm that both the computer as well as the user have read access to the respective share.
Running the invoke-command command doesn't return any errors but nothing happens on the computer in question.
Marquette goes on to describe another way of doing the same, using a Remote Session:
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computerName
Copy-Item -Path $file -ToSession $session -Destination 'c:\windows\temp\installer.exe'
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
c:\windows\temp\installer.exe /silent
Remove-PSSession $session
This, on the other hand, works perfectly. Any hint you can give me as to why this works but the other way doesn't?

Passing variables to Invoke-Command, inside inlineScript, inside workflow

I'm trying to create a script that connects to various servers, should attach a PSDrive and copy over files. The problem resides in that I an unable to pass the variable into the Invoke-Command script-block.
workflow kopijobb {
param ([string[]]$serverList, $creds, $basePath)
foreach -parallel ($server in $serverList){
# Use the sequence keyword, to ensure everything inside of it runs in order on each computer.
sequence {
#Use the inlinescript keyword to allow PowerShell workflow to run regular PowerShell cmdlets
$path = $using:basePath
Write-Host "Starting $using:server using $path"
#Create session for New-PSSession
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $using:server -Credential $using:creds
# Copy Java and recreate symlink
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
# Make a PSDrive, since directly copying from UNC-path doesn't work due to credential-issues
New-PSDrive -Name N -PSProvider FileSystem -root $using:path -Credential $using:creds | out-null
I pass the network path to $basePath, and I'm able to read it inside the inlineScript block (where I have tried storing it in a new variable to test), but once I try accessing it in the New-PSDrive command, the variable is suddenly empty/unreachable, and the mounting of the drive fails with the error Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Root' because it is null.
I'm at a loss to why this fails, so I'm turning to the collective wisdom here instead.
If feels embarrassing to answer my own question, especially on the same day, but I bumped into a PowerShell guru at work and he took one glance at the script and saw the problem:
I had to add -Args to the Invoke-Command
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
#Make a PSDrive, since directly copying from UNC-path doesn't work due to credential-issues
New-PSDrive -Name N -PSProvider FileSystem -root $path -Credential $login | out-null
} -Args $using:server,$using:creds,$using:basePath,$using:...
This does of course mean that I had to import all the needed arguments from the top level into the workflow, and then into the Invoke-Command.

PowerShell failing to copy from UNC path

I'm working on a script to copy a folder from a UNC path to a local server. I'm remotely running my script through an interactive session and utilizing Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock like so:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName MyServer -ScriptBlock $Script
This is the script to do the copying:
$script {
try {
New-PSDrive -Name MyDrive -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\uncpathserver\e$\SourceCode\ -Credential Contoso\me
Copy-Item -Path \\uncpathserver\e$\SourceCode\* -Destination E:\Inetpub\Target -Recurse -Force
catch {
Write-Host "Failed to copy!"
It is failing and throwing my catch block every time. I can't seem to figure out what I am missing to get this to work - it seems so simple and I hope I'm not missing something blatantly obvious.
I was able to get it to work by now just running the script from my local PC instead of from a server. I'm calling the file copy out of $script block now as well. This is what the new code looks like:
$MyServers= #("server-01", "server-02")
foreach ($server in $MyServers)
$TargetSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $server -Credential
Copy-Item -ToSession $TargetSession -Path C:\Source\TheCode\ -
Destination "E:\InetPub\wherethecodegoes" -Recurse -Force
Everything else I'm doing inside my $script block (which has been omitted here for troubleshooting sake) is working A-OK. I do have to enter my credentials for each server, but due to the small nature of servers I'm working with, that isn't a deal breaker.
Sounds like a 'kerberos double hop' problem.
Avoid the problem. From your system, setup two PSdrives. Then copy \\uncpathserver\e$\SourceCode\ to \\RemoteIISserver\E$\Inetpub\Target\
From your system (System A), you are remotely executing a script (on System B) that will copy a remote folder (from System C).
It should work, but it doesn't. This is because when you (specifically, your account) from System A, remotely connects to System B, then asks System C for something, 'System C' doesn't trust you.
A quick google of the problem will show a myriad of ways around this issue, however;
Not all methods are secure (example: CredSSP)
Not all methods will work on your version of Windows (which is...?)
Not all methods will work with PowerShell
One secure method that does work with PowerShell leverages delegation.
This can be a bit daunting to setup, and I suggest you read-up on this thoroughly.
## Module 'ActiveDirectory' from RSAT-AD-PowerShell Windows feature required.
$ServerB = Get-ADComputer -Identity ServerB
$ServerC = Get-ADComputer -Identity ServerC
Delegate 'Server B' to access 'Server C';
# Set the resource-based Kerberos constrained delegation
Set-ADComputer -Identity $ServerC -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount $ServerB
# Confirm AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity.Access is correct (indirectly).
Get-ADComputer -Identity $ServerC -Properties PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount
Wait about 15 minutes for 'Server B' to sync-up (or just reboot it).
You can force this with the following (Note: $Cred should contain your credentials);
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ServerB.Name -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
klist purge -li 0x3e7
Run a test-hop;
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ServerB.Name -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
Test-Path \\$($using:ServerC.Name)\C$
Get-Process lsass -ComputerName $($using:ServerC.Name)
Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 3 -ComputerName $($using:ServerC.Name)
The downside is you have to setup every remote remote-target (every 'Server C') this way. But the upside is that it's secure.

PowerShell remote session and Start-Job issue

I am trying to run following script with job but the code in the block only executes 1st command and exits. Job is displayed completed on my computer
$computers = get-adcomputer -filter * | where { ($_.DNSHostName -match 'server')}
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer.DNSHostName
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
Stop-Service W3SVC -Force
Remove-Item "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root" -Force -Recurse
Start-Service W3SVC
} -asjob -jobname IIS_Maintenance
Remove-PSSession -Session $session
If I comment out -asjob -jobname IIS_Maintenance job runs fine but it's synchronous. It takes several seconds to stop IIS but I am not sure why job is not waiting on that.
Creating the session induces a lot of delay. Why did you chose to use the -Session instead of directly using -ComputerName ?
I think using the -ComputerName way will be more efficient to run with Start-Job. Either way, Since you are invoking the jobs on remote machines, your workstation would have no clue on the progress of the jobs.
If you want to track the progress of the jobs, you shouldn't be using Invoke-Command at all.
OK I figured it out... the point of confusion was:
1) I didn't know I can send block of code without Session and yes session implementation is slow
2) I also didn't know I send invoke-command to several computers are once without foreach. Thank you for that Ansgar Wiechers!

Powershell script using another user account

I'm not very good with powershell (to be honest, I'm bad !) but I need to do a script which download pictures and store them in a specific shared folder. I can download the pictures easily, but the folder where I need to store them is protected and there's is only one user (created specifically) who has access on it.
So my question is : how can I configure my script to use this user credentials ? I searched on the net, but I can't understand. As I said, I'm not a powershell user, and I use OS X at home, so I'm not even good with Windows rights and permissions. So a clear and easy answer would be really appreciated !
Thank's !
Use the Invoke-Command command with the -Credential and -ScriptBlock parameters to launch a PowerShell ScriptBlock as a different account. I believe that you will also need to enable PSRemoting in order for Invoke-Command command to work, even on the local system.
$Credential = Get-Credential;
$ScriptBlock = { Copy-Item -Path c:\test\test.txt -Destination c:\test2\test.txt; };
Invoke-Command -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock;
A more complicated solution would be to use the Start-Process cmdlet with the -Credential parameter, to kick off an external executable under an alternate credential. If you just want to kick off PowerShell code though, you're better off using Invoke-Command.
$Credential = Get-Credential;
$Executable = 'c:\path\to\file.exe';
Start-Process -FilePath $Executable -Credential $Credential -Wait -NoNewWindow;