How do I know if a software is 64bit or 32bit (x64 or x32) - netbeans

I wanted to install J2ME and configure it with Netbeans. I followed two different tutorials word by word but somehow mine would give me many errors. After so much searching I realized that the JDK, Netbeans and J2ME must all be of the same level ie. all to be of x32 or all to be of x64. Now, how do I know what level is each of them at?
How do I know if NetBeans is x32 or x64, as well as JDK and J2ME?
I am using JDK 1.8, Netbeans 8.2, J2ME 3.4

For Java, you can do java -version, and it'll tell you what version you have.
I did a quick look around for the other two but couldn't find anything immediately. However, if you search something like "check bit version for Netbeans/J2ME" then you might get it.
Another way to figure out would be based on your OS. Depending on how new/old it is, it might require certain bit version. You probably installed the correct one (or you should uninstall and re-install the correct one based on their respective installation guide), so you should know what bit version when you first installed.

For Netbeans and J2ME just open them, then open the Task Manager. On the list of Apps, the version of the software is shown as shown below.
About JDK, Open your C Drive and look for the installation folder of your JDK. If it is installed in the Program File folder then it is x64, if it is in the Program File(x86) then it is x32.


javah.exe not included in Windows JDK 8?

I'm trying to learn JNI on Windows 7 64-bit, but JDK 8 does not include javah.exe. I tried both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The Oracle documentation shows that javah is part of JDK 8 and doesn't make any platform distinction. Is there a separate download for JNI?
Also, the tutorials that I could find on JNI on Windows are pretty old - is there a newer way to do JNI in Windows, or does anyone have any suggestions for current Windows JNI Tutorials? NetBeans is my preferred IDE, but I'm not exclusive.
Hej Kevin, there is no seperate download needed for JNI and javah.exe is included in your JDK, search for it in %JAVA_HOME%/bin (if you don't have set this environment variable, look into C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin or the version you have). Make sure you have downloaded the JDK, not JRE. And, the best JNI tutorial to start with is indeed that one, at least for me it was.

eclipse is not installing at all

I've installed jdk-8u65-windows-i586.exe and downloaded the latest version of Eclipse IDE.
When I double click on the eclipse-inst-win31.exe absolutely nothing happens.
MY OS is Windows Vista.
How can I resolve this problem?
Make sure you have a working java sdk in java_home variable - type java - version in cmd prompt
If you don't, reinstall java sdk and eclipse it should start.
Instead of using the Eclipse installer (which is still a rather new part of the Eclipse downloads), just take one of the complete distributions (scroll down below the installer on the download page).
While the installer first needs to download additional pieces from the Internet, those distributions are ready to start developing.

Move Plugins between different Eclipse versions

I need to install several plugins to an eclipse that is running on a remote 64bit Linux machine.
I tried copying the neccesary plugins to the plugins and feature folder on the remote machine but it did not seem to work.
The approach I wanted to try out now was setting up a new Eclipse installation with all plugins and replacing the whole eclipse folder.
But as I am doing this I realized that I have to use a 32 bit Linux and Eclipse. Is it possible to install 32bit Eclipse and just move the plugins and features to the remote machine?
Do I need to consider other things?
Can you recommend any other approach that would help me?
The problem is that I cannot just start eclipse on the remote machine. I can access it via ssh but not run eclipse and install plugins via the wizards.
I also have no 64bit linux to prepare a complete eclipse that I can simply copy.
So what I meant is that I have to prepare either an eclipse installation or maybe just plugin folder and move that from my 32bit architecture to the 64bit one.
I can download the current eclipse folder but I cannot run it. When I try to start it with ubuntu nothing happens. I believe it is because its a 64bit version and I got 32 bit architecture.
Don't do this. Not only are there are a number of plugins with native-compiled fragments (different for 32-bit vs 64-bit), but in recent versions, Eclipse will not even register features and plugins that are simply dropped in. You should install plugins explicitly unless you are moving the entire installation between machines with compatible architectures.
You can't run a 64bit binary on a 32bit system without some kind of virtualization software that does a complete CPU emulation. VMWare, VirtualPC, etc... don't do this. They virtualize the system, but not the CPU.
The other way around: a 32bit binary on a 64bit cpu, is generally possible, if the OS (and processor) supports such things.
I think this is feasible.
The architecture should not be the problem. Unless the plugins contain DLLs or .so libraries invoked through JNI but there are very few examples (swt is one example but there are very few of them).
As a matter of fact, the reason why you have OS/arch/GUI specific versions of eclipse is not the java code but the native launcher (eclipse.exe on windows and SWT), all the rest can go bck and forth from one machine to the other, regardless of the arch, the os or the wondows manager.
However, dropping jars in the plugin directory of eclipse is not the recommended way of installing plugins any more (since 3.3 ?). It might work but there is no guarantee.
To install the missing plugins you should download them from eclipse itself (help => install new software...). If you tell us the specific plugins you have problem with, we might be able to help you more precisely.
The best way to go forward is to list all the plugins on the source machine (either from eclipse (help => about) and look at names having specific hints at arch/os/gui. All these cannot be copied over. All the rest should be safe.
As I said, beware of swt. Subclipse has a JNI dependent configuration if you decide to use JavaHL. And there are also "false" plugins such as xmlSpy etc who are noting more than JNI adapters but these are not mainstream.

Cross-Platform Single-Instance IDE Setup

I like to carry software around with me on a USB flash drive. I also like to work in both Windows and Linux. Finally, I like to develop software using powerful tools.
Bringing these three things together, I want to be able to carry an IDE around with me. My favorite choice is Eclipse.
So, I tried to get an Eclipse install working on a thumb drive. Not surprisingly, it's just fine if I pack in a JDK. But Eclipse without plugins just doesn't do it for me. After installing my plugins of choice, I had a hefty 300ish MBs of data.
Then I realized that I'd only installed for Linux. And that I was going to have to duplicate everything to get a Windows install. That's not good.
I've searched the web. I found a guide on creating .link files which looks like a hack from the early 80s. I found documentation on the new Eclipse p2 provisioning which I couldn't even understand. I checked Pulse, and they don't support Helios yet.
I remember in old Eclipse days you could just install a plugin to an alternate directory, and share that dir across different Eclipse installs. Today, I couldn't manage to find anything of the sort.
I did manage to get Netbeans up and working properly in a cross-platform manner in around 30 minutes. But I prefer Eclipse.
Could anyone give me a hand? What I'm looking for is:
One install of the platform-independent portions of the Eclipse internals
One install of each plugin I desire
The ability to run this unified Eclipse from both Linux and Windows
I know I'll need a JVM for each platform. I know I'll also need an SWT lib and launcher for each OS. That's fine.
You need to have separate Eclipse installations for each platform and a shared plugins directory for both installations. There are many questions on the subject on StackOverflow. For example, see this comprehensive answer.
Start with the standard Eclipse packages. Complete your shared dropins setup. Once you are up and running, you get probably move plugins from each standard installation to the shared dropins directory to save space (for example, JDT).

Configuring Blackberry Eclipse plugin for 4.70 or 5.0 components

I am looking for help in configuring the Blackberry development environment. In fact, it is quite a frustrating process. The blackberry site is pretty useless. Between links that have been moved, details that are assumed and documents that are out of date it is proving very difficult to get anywhere with blackberry development.
Pheww, now that my rant is done. Here is my problem:
I have finally got the JDE for Eclipse working (that is a story in itself). However, my blackberry workspace is only giving me the option of targeting the 4.5 JDE components. How do I update it to use the 4.7 components?
It would be preferable to have step-by-step instructions but I would appreciate any help that can be provided.
Here are the details:
I have Java jdk1.6.0_14
Eclipse version 3.4.1
I have installed the Blackberry JDE 4.7
I have installed the Blackberry JDE Component Package 4.7
I have installed the Blackberry Smartphone simulators 4.7
Totally agreed - it's not at all obvious what to do. I've never had luck using their update site, so I just download and install the component packs manually:
Download the "Eclipse Software Update for the BlackBerry JDE v4.7 Component Pack" from the BlackBerry developer zone (it's a zip file)
From Eclipse open the Help menu and choose Software Updates
Click on the Available Software tab
Click Add Site
Choose Archive and select your zip file
Make sure everything under the JDE 4.7 tree is checked
Click Install and continue through the wizard
You are a life saver!!!!!!!!!!! This worked perfectly. I understand the frustration. If this. If this doesn't work I would recommend deleteing the entire directory and reinstalling eclipse.
You should already have JDK installed:
This is what I downloaded for 64bit windows:jdk-6u16-windows-x64.exe get one that matches your OS. Should be jdk version 6.
I installed this version: Should work for windows x86 and 64bit:
Other versions shouldn't work. has to be 3.4 but not 3.5 (gallileo) and it has to be for java.
Then I installed the plugin. Then I followed the instructions above and it worked. does not work with the 64-bit JDK.
You have to use eclipse-SDK-3.4.1-win32-x86_64 with the 64-bit JDK. Once you use these two things together and install the Eclipse Plugin, the installation works fine, but I always get "Cannot find RIMIDEWin32Util.dll. This is a required component of the IDE." and then "Cannot find RIMUsbJni.dll. Without this dll the IDE cannot connect to USB enabled handhelds. Add RIMUsbJni to java.library.path". Both of the supposedly missing files are located in my workspace path under .metadata.plugins\net.rim.eide.bootstrapper\installDlls. I have placed those two files pretty much everywhere I could think of, even c:\windows\system32, and it still claims to not be able to find these files.
Now for the fix....
You can use with the 32-bit JDK. Make sure you add the JDK\bin to your %PATH% environment variable. You can then install the Blackberry JDK Plugin and Component Pack and everything will work!
Note: In order to "Configure Blackberry Workspace" from the Blackberry menu, you must first create a Blackberry project. Found this out the hard way.