Specify shebang on project using Perl Module::Build - perl

I'm packaging clusterssh to openSUSE and need to change default shebang from #!/usr/bin/env perl to #!/usr/bin/perl. clusterssh uses Module::Build.
I'll probably use the patch (as Debian package do), but I wonder easy usage for fix_shebang_line(#files) in RPM packaging.

It's already called during the building process.
Basically, uninstalled scripts should use #!/usr/bin/perl or #!perl, and the installation process should rewrite that to the point to the perl used to run the installer. That way, a script installed by /usr/bin/perl will use /usr/bin/perl, and a script installed using /home/ikegami/usr/perlbrew/perls/5.26.2t/bin/perl will use /home/ikegami/usr/perlbrew/perls/5.26.2t/bin/perl.
(This applies to both the Module::Build installer and the ExtUtils::MakeMaker installer.)
Note that the documentation for fix_shebang_line says it doesn't touch a shebang line of #!/usr/bin/env perl (because it's not recognized as invocation of perl), so simply patching the scripts to use #!/usr/bin/perl instead of #!/usr/bin/env perl does the trick.
With that change, the install-ready staging directory (blib) produced by ./Build will contain the edited files.
$ perl -e'CORE::say $^X'
$ for fn in ccon crsh csftp cssh ctel; do printf '%-6s ' "$fn:"; head -n 1 "bin_PL/$fn"; done
ccon: #!/usr/bin/perl
crsh: #!/usr/bin/perl
csftp: #!/usr/bin/perl
cssh: #!/usr/bin/perl
ctel: #!/usr/bin/perl
$ perl Build.PL
Could not get valid metadata. Error is: ERROR: Missing required field 'dist_abstract' for metafile
Could not create MYMETA files
Creating new 'Build' script for 'App-ClusterSSH' version 'v4.13.203'
$ ./Build
Building App-ClusterSSH
Using perl binary: /home/ikegami/usr/perlbrew/perls/5.26.2t/bin/perl
Using perl version v5.26.2
Generating: /home/ikegami/tmp/clusterssh/bin_PL/cssh
Generating: /home/ikegami/tmp/clusterssh/bin_PL/csftp
Generating: /home/ikegami/tmp/clusterssh/bin_PL/ccon
Generating: /home/ikegami/tmp/clusterssh/bin_PL/crsh
Generating: /home/ikegami/tmp/clusterssh/bin_PL/ctel
Generating: /home/ikegami/tmp/clusterssh/bin_PL/clusterssh_bash_completion.dist
$ for fn in ccon crsh csftp cssh ctel; do printf '%-6s ' "$fn:"; head -n 1 "blib/script/$fn"; done
ccon: #!/home/ikegami/usr/perlbrew/perls/5.26.2t/bin/perl
crsh: #!/home/ikegami/usr/perlbrew/perls/5.26.2t/bin/perl
csftp: #!/home/ikegami/usr/perlbrew/perls/5.26.2t/bin/perl
cssh: #!/home/ikegami/usr/perlbrew/perls/5.26.2t/bin/perl
ctel: #!/home/ikegami/usr/perlbrew/perls/5.26.2t/bin/perl
I didn't bother running ./Build install, whose main task is to copy the files from the staging directory into their final locations. Besides, that part will need to be replaced by your package manager anyway (assuming you're simply placing the contents of the blib directory into your package).
If you somehow need to do it yourself, you could use the following:
find bin -type f \
-exec perl -i -pe'
s/^#!\S*perl\S*/#!$^X/ if $. == 1;
close ARGV if eof;
' {} +
Use the perl you wish the scripts to use.
GNU tools assumed; adjust as necessary.
close ARGV if eof; resets the line number ($.) for each file.
eof is different than eof(), and only the former will work here.
The line breaks are optional and may be removed.


How to localize perl package (tar.gz)

Let's say I have myscript.tar.gz package generated by h2xs -AX myscript containing bin/myScript.pl and lib/MyPackage/MyModule.pm. Makefile.PL and MANIFEST manualy edited so I'm able to install the package and run myScript.pl.
use strict;
use warnings;
use MyPackage::MyModule;
my $generator = MyPackage::MyModule->new();
my $value = $generator->getValue();
#And the message to be translated/localized
print "Obtained value was $value";
How do I localize my package?
I read this: How can I add internationalization to my Perl script? and alike, but it's sort of outdated. I also tried example from libintrl-perl, but I'm not wise from it and couldn't make it work.
Thanks to #Håkon:
Solution: Dist:Zilla - instead of h2xs approach.
In case of using Debian these packages are neccessary: libdist-zilla-perl libdist-zilla-localetextdomain-perl libdist-zilla-plugin-localemsgfmt-perl
First start with dzil init
$ dzil setup
Next create a new package:
$ dzil new myscript
then basically follow Dist::Zilla::LocaleTextDomain and
use this in a script/module to be translated:
use Locale::TextDomain "myscript";
#and format strings like this:
print __ "Obtaining value...";
print __x("Obtained value was {value}", value => $value);
add this to dist.ini:
textdomain = myscript
scan for messages/strings to be translated:
$ dzil msg-scan
initialize language translation files:
$ dzil msg-init en us ...
translate *.po files in po/ directory
possibly test:
$ dzil msg-compile po/en.po
$ LANGUAGE=en perl -Ilib -CAS -I. bin/myScript.pl
and remove language test dir after
$ rm LocaleData/ -r
now just create package:
$dzil release
and enjoy the beautiful .tar.gz package.
During the release process Dist::Zilla offers to upload the module to PAUSE, but defaults to not to upload (still figuring out how to prevent the offer).
It's actually more convenient - no MANIFEST to include files just throw them to lib/ and bin/- It's magic! :)
I hope someone else will find this usefull too.

use perlbrew with dist zilla test

I am using the Dist::Zilla module to release and test my module. I am also using Perlbrew. When I run a script using perlbrew that includes my module, the script runs fine:
use strict;
use My::Module;
However, whenever I run dzil test, on a test that just tries to include my module:
#!perl -T
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Test::More;
plan tests => 1;
use_ok( 'My::Module' ) || print "Bail out!\n";
diag( "Testing My::Module $My::Module::VERSION, Perl $], $^X" );
It fails with this error saying that it can't find the module Mouse (which my module includes):
Error: Can't locate Mouse.pm in #INC (you may need to install the Mouse module) (#INC contains:
/Library/Perl/5.18/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.18
/System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.18) at
/Users/user/github/My/Module/.build/HoKOnIQGYr/blib/lib/My/Module.pm line 4.
It says that it cannot find Mouse.pm, which I know is located at
I see that for some reason that directory is not located in #INC, which is interesting because if I run this command to print out all the directories in #INC:
perl -e 'print "$_\n" for #INC'
I get:
So when I run perl on the command line then the darwin-2level directory is present in #INC, but whenever I run dzil test it is not. This might not have much to do with Dist::Zilla, since I think Dist::Zilla just creates Makefile.PL and runs make test for you. Could this be because for testing an older version of perl is being required? Like so:
use 5.006;
But even so, some Perlbrew directories are present in #INC during the test such as
Does anyone know how I can make it so I can use the Mouse installation in my perl directory instead of installing a systemwide one? I had a previous error with another module that couldn't be found when I ran dzil test, and that module was in the same directory as Mouse. I was able to fix the issue by installing the module systemwide instead of locally in my home perl5 directory, but I'd prefer to use the Mouse installed by Perlbrew and not mess with my system perl if possible. I am using Perlbrew version 0.73.
You're trying to install it using the wrong perl since you're using dzil installed by a different perl than the one you want to use.
Furthermore, you shouldn't see any of the following in your perlbrewed perl's #INC:
/opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/ (You perlbrewed perl isn't even threaded!!!)
Let's clean up your environment.
Unset env vars PERL5LIB, PERLLIB, PERL5OPT, PERL_MM_OPT and PERL_MB_OPT. Permanently. Get rid of them in your login scripts, then unset them from the current shell or log back in. (Make a note of what they were as a backup.)
Clear cpan's configuration item makepl_arg. From within cpan,
o conf makepl_arg # Just to see its current value as a backup.
o conf makepl_arg ''
o conf commit
In particular, we want to remove anything that indicates an installation path, including INSTALL_BASE, PREFIX and LIB.
Clear cpan's configuration item mbuildpl_arg. From within cpan,
o conf mbuildpl_arg # Just to see its current value as a backup.
o conf mbuildpl_arg ''
o conf commit
In particular, we want to remove anything that indicates an installation path, including --install_base, --prefix and --lib.
Since you're there, do the following from within cpan:
o conf build_dir_reuse 0
o conf commit
This will restore the setting to its default, which will save you headaches if it was changed.
Install the dependencies.
cpan Dist::Zilla Mouse
At this point, executing which dzil should give
If so, you should be good to go.
If not, do hash -r and try which dzil again. (This shouldn't be needed, but just to be sure.)
If still not, provide the output of the following commands:
echo "$PATH"
which cpan
head -n 3 "$( which cpan )"
echo 'o conf' | cpan | grep arg
which dzil
head -n 3 "$( which dzil )"
perl -V # Uppercase "V"

Can't locate SOAP/Lite.pm in #INC

I am trying to build LDV project by following this instructions, and i know nothing about perl.
i am getting the following error while running the test
ldv-task: NORMAL: Calling LDV-core.
Can't locate SOAP/Lite.pm in #INC (#INC contains: /home/acsia/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.10.0/lib/5.10.0/x86_64-linux /home/acsia/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.10.0/lib/5.10.0 /home/acsia/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.10.0/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/x86_64-linux /home/acsia/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.10.0/lib/site_perl/5.10.0 .) at /home/acsia/Desktop/LDV/consol-tools/ldv-core/ldv-core line 7.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/acsia/Desktop/LDV/consol-tools/ldv-core/ldv-core line 7.
output of
perlbrew use
Currently using perl-5.22.0
output of
locate SOAP/Lite.pm
output of
which perl
and the LDV-core file is starting like this by default
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $instrumnet = 'ldv-core';
use FindBin;
# To prevent meaningless module warnings use this instead of use.
BEGIN { $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub{}; require SOAP::Lite; SOAP::Lite->import(); $SIG{__WARN__}='DEFAULT'; }
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use XML::Twig;
use IO::Socket::INET;
#use File::MimeInfo;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
etc,... etc....
Thanks for your time...
If LDV-Core isn't yours, you should install SOAP::Lite using your system's package manager. If it's yours, read on.
perlbrew plays with your PATH so that executing perl will execute the desired perl.
But your script explicitly uses /usr/bin/perl, so which perl is currently selected using perlbrew switch or perlbrew use is irrelevant.
Stop overriding the default install location, and stop looking where you shouldn't.
unset PERL5LIB
echo -ne 'o conf makepl_arg ""\no conf commit\n' | cpan
echo -ne 'o conf mbuildpl_arg ""\no conf commit\n' | cpan
The first four lines only have a temporary effect. You should stop setting those variables in your login script to make the change permanent.
Install SOAP::Lite in the desired Perl.
perlbrew use perl-5.22.0 # Or perl-5.10.0 or whatever
cpan SOAP::Lite
Fix your script's shebang.
perl -i~ -pe'
next if $. != 1;
$_ = "#!$^X\n$_";
' LDV-core
PS — You don't need use FindBin;.
perlbrew perl is a way to install many perl versions in same machine. It is like virtenv in python. Perlbrew allow you to switch between various versions of perl and run perl programs against those versions.
system perl means the default version of perl which mostly come with linux distros. perlbrew changes that version against which program needs to run and your program will start running against different version.
If you are making something which does not require a lot of perl versions it is always better to use one version of perl and run programs against them.
Also if you are using linux distros and do not want to get into cpan and how to install perl modules, best is to search for corresponding libraries against that module and install them. For example in your case i search this way
aptitude search soap | grep perl
This give me two libraries on my ubuntu machine of which one is against this module. Installing them is easy and you can focus on your work rather than on how to install cpan modules.

Where are perl modules located in archlinux

Im trying to find perl modules, such as strict and warnings, but i cant find them... btw im actually using archlinux, i tried using
but it throws nothing.
If the module has POD documentation embedded (which most do), the following will display its location:
perldoc -l Some::Module (Lowercase "L" for "location")
Otherwise, you can use
perl -E'use Some::Module; say $INC{"Some/Module.pm"};'
You might be interested in identifying all the locations in which your Perl searches for modules. If so, look at the contents of #INC. You can use
perl -V (Uppercase "V")
perl -E'say for #INC;'
You may also be interested in Devel::Modlist. The following will lists the path to all the modules used (directly or indirectly) by a script or module:
perl -d:Modlist=path some_script.pl
perl -d:Modlist=path -e'use Some::Module;'
Without =path, it returns the versions of all the modules.
To find an individual module:
perldoc -l warnings
All modules are under #INC directories:
perl -V
See also: Find installed Perl modules matching a regular expression
The %INC hash holds the on-disk locations of loaded modules, keyed by the package name. You can step through the keys of %INC and print out the associated value. For example:
$ perl -MData::Dump -e 'print "$_: $INC{$_}\n" foreach keys %INC'
(I loaded Data::Dump so that at least one module would be pulled in for sure. You don't have to load that specific module yourself.)
Also, the #INC array holds the include paths that perl searches for modules in, so you can always do:
$ perl -E 'say foreach #INC'
To find all the default include paths.
Since you are using a Linux distribution, the native package manager is the most suitable tool. In this case, it's highly recommend to use pacman for such a task:
pacman -Ql perl | egrep '(strict|warnings).pm'

How can I find out where a Perl module is installed?

How do get the path of a installed Perl module by name,
e.g. Time::HiRes?
I want this just because I have to run my perl script on different nodes of a SGE Grid Engine system. Sometimes, even run as other username.
I can use CPAN.pm to install packages for myself, but it is not so easy to install for other users without chmod 666 on folders.
perl -MTime::HiRes -e 'print $INC{"Time/HiRes.pm"}' or perldoc -l Time::HiRes
Mostly I use perldoc to get a location:
$ perldoc -l Module
You can also get module details with the cpan tool that comes with Perl:
$ cpan -D Time::HiRes
High resolution time, sleep, and alarm
Installed: 1.9711
CPAN: 1.9719 Not up to date
Andrew Main (Zefram) (ZEFRAM)
It even works on modules that you haven't installed:
$ cpan -D Win32::Process
Interface to Win32 Process functions
CPAN: 0.14 Not up to date
Jan Dubois (JDB)
I think maybe I need an XML option like svn.
Note: This solution proposes use of a (self-authored) utility that you must download. While it offers what I believe to be helpful features, installing a third-party solution first is not an option for everyone.
I've created whichpm, a cross-platform CLI (Linux, macOS, Window) that locates installed Perl modules by module (package) name, and optionally reports information about them, including detection of accidental duplicates.
# Locate the Data::Dumper module.
$ whichpm Data::Dumper
# Locate the Data::Dumper module, and also print
# version information and core-module status.
$ whichpm -v Data::Dumper
Data::Dumper 2.145 core>=5.005 /usr/lib/perl/5.18/Data/Dumper.pm
# Locate the Data::Dumper module and open it in your system's default text
# editor.
$ whichpm -e Data::Dumper
# Look for accidental duplicates of the Foo::Bar module.
# Normally, only 1 path should be returned.
$ whichpm -a Foo::Bar
# Print the paths of all installed modules.
$ whichpm -a
Prerequisites: Linux, macOS, or Windows, with Perl v5.4.50 or higher installed.
Installation from the npm registry
With Node.js or io.js installed, install the package as follows:
[sudo] npm install whichpm -g
Manual installation (macOS and Linux)
Download the CLI as whichpm.
Make it executable with chmod +x whichpm.
Move it or symlink it to a folder in your $PATH, such as /usr/local/bin (OSX) or /usr/bin (Linux).
If need to find which modules are actually used by your script you can use perl debuggers M command:
[ivan#server ~]$ perl -d your_script.pl
Debugged program terminated. Use q to quit or R to restart,
use o inhibit_exit to avoid stopping after program termination,
h q, h R or h o to get additional info.
'AutoLoader.pm' => '5.60 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/AutoLoader.pm'
'Carp.pm' => '1.04 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/Carp.pm'
This will help in case when you have modules with same names but in different folder.
I just find another one:
echo 'print map { sprintf( "%20s : %s\n", $_, $INC{$_} ) } sort keys %INC; print "\n'$1' version : $'$1'::VERSION\n\n"' | perl "-M$1"
the script just print out everything in %INC when you run perl -MSTH::STH
$ whichpm CGI
CGI.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/CGI.pm
CGI/Util.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/CGI/Util.pm
Carp.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/Carp.pm
Exporter.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/Exporter.pm
constant.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/constant.pm
overload.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/overload.pm
strict.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/strict.pm
vars.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/vars.pm
warnings.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/warnings.pm warnings/register.pm : /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/warnings/register.pm
CGI version : 3.05
I like to use the V module.
Just install it from CPAN or by installing the package libv-perl on Debian or Ubuntu.
Then use it like this:
$ perl -MV=DBI
/Users/michiel/.plenv/versions/5.24.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.24.0/darwin-2level/DBI.pm: 1.636
Other output example:
$ perl -MV=Time::HiRes
/usr/lib/perl/5.18/Time/HiRes.pm: 1.9725
It seems like the simplest way is perldoc -l Time::HiRes.
If that isn't available for some reason, here's a pragmatic solution:
Step 1: Instantiate the module in your script...
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use Time::HiRes();
new Time::HiRes();
Step 2: Execute the script with the Perl graphical debugger...
export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:~/perl ## tell perl where to look for "Devel"/"ptkdb.pm"
perl -d:ptkdb (yourscript.pl)
Step 3: Step in to the new call.
The full pathname of the module will be displayed on the title-bar of the debugger window.
Another approach that might be useful would be to search all of the folders in $PERL5LIB.
Perldoc -l works for me
perldoc -l "File::Find"
To expand on #Ivan's answer that allows this to be run without installing additional software the following will use Perl's debugger to find a specific module (or modules):
perl -de 'use <Module Name>;'
For Example:
perl -de 'use DBD::Oracle;'
Loading DB routines from perl5db.pl version 1.37
Editor support available.
Enter h or 'h h' for help, or 'man perldebug' for more help.
113: $ENV{PERL_BADFREE} = 0;
DB<1> q
In OSX you can use:
perl -e 'print join("\n",#INC)'
The result should be the location of your lib.
Then add this code in your Perl code:
use lib '/your/folder/location/to/lib';