Why is the play button on my title screen not starting the game? - unity3d

I managed to open the demo game that I need to see/play, however, it looks like the title screen isn't loading correctly. Clicking on the "Play" button should allow the user to start the game, but when I try clicking on it, nothing happens.
I'm not sure why this is happening because I downloaded the exact same files as the ones that were used in the demo and I also tried deleting/redownloading the files a couple of times. I also double checked the console messages and there aren't any errors/warnings for any scripts. I'll attach a screenshot of what I see and the link to the game files themselves if anyone wants to try it on their end.
Also, if this helps, I'm using Unity version 2018.3.2f1.
Here is a link to the project if you want to try it out yourself (I'd post the code, but I don't want to put a giant block of code up without a clear direction; however, I believe the main menu content is in the "Manager.cs" file): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ekXt948b612dmyT1AZReUOuzh2XbnSDG/view?usp=sharing
This is what the game looks like if it helps:

After reading through the code in the other scripts, I realized that the error was coming from the specific region that was being used as a "hitbox" on the screen for the play button. And because I was setting my aspect ratio differently than what the developer used, the positioning of the "hitbox" did not line up correctly on my screen. So instead, I had to change the aspect ratio to fixed resolution and specific canvas sizes (width and length).


How do I create a test app to create many screenshots in UE4?

I'd like to create a test application for my Unreal Engine based game to create screenshots. I'd like to place many (possibly thousands) of cameras throughout the maps and then have my test application enumerate them all and take a screen capture at each camera location.
I came across Taking Screenshots, but wanted to first check to see if this isn't already built into UE4 in the editor, or some tool. I'm also aware of the Screenshot Comparison Tool, but that doesn't seem to be what I need because I don't really want to use UE4 to do the image matching, but instead just want a directory full of images that I can do with what I want.
Any suggestions?
This is not directly what you want to do but I found this article very interesting: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/capturing-stereoscopic-360-screenshots-videos-movies-unreal-engine-4?sessionInvalidated=true
It explains how people at Ninja Theory Ltd proceeded to produce their 360 video trailer which is, in the end, producing two 360 screenshots per frame.
So what they did was having everything exported in a folder (as a sequence of images) and then did what they wanted with it. (In this case put them all together with ffmpeg to make a video)
They used a plugin, I do not know if it can be tweaked not to make 360 captures but the built-in "take screenshot" from UE4 could work for you.
More specifically to what you need, you could probably store all positions/transform in an array, loop over it when you want to make the screenshot. Each step, you place your Camera at the specific position, make sure it is the current active camera to change the "view" and take a screenshot.
Taking screenshots and setting parameters such as export folder, resolution etc. ... can be called via console commands and console commands can be executed from code or blueprint using the "execute console command" node (there is an example in the article).
I hope it helps.
I think the best bet you have is rendering camera to a texture.
this way you can have multiple inactive camera then iterate through them, activate them, capture their screen view and going to the next one.
for basic tutorial have a look at

Allow content to display outside of LogicalDisplay Rect AOSP/LineageOS

I'm working on adding second screen functionality to AOSP for the LG V20.
So far, I've managed to set up the offsets so normal content doesn't overflow into the second screen area, and I've added the second screen window type (SIGNBOARD). The offsets are managed in LogicalDisplay.
For a lot of this, I've been following how LG originally did it (in Android 7.0, so things are slightly different on 7.1). The problem I have now is that nothing displays in the second screen area: I see some stuff LG did involving SurfaceControl, but that doesn't seem to be the actual solution, and I'm worried it might be in the native code.
I've tried Googling, but this doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, at least nowhere I could find.
So the question becomes: How can I force content to display outside of the bounds of the LogicalDisplay area?
These are the changes I've made so far: https://github.com/zacharee/android_frameworks_base/commit/cec4839c8cb1396810ce65d7ad9cae094f363ac4

Screen record in unity3d

How to do screen record in unity?
I want to record my screen(gameplay) during my running game.
That should be play/stop , replay , save that recording on locally from device, open/load from my device (which is already we recorded).
In my game one camera which can capture native camera, and one 3d model.
I wish to record that both and use my functionality whenever i want.
Thank you in advance.
This is hard to implement, but not impossible. Because every frame or interval you need to capture screen shot of your camera view and store it in the list. You need good, (Smaller interval but not much. Because when it becomes smaller, needs more memory) interval value. If your interval is big raplay can be seen laggy.
While you play game your ram becomes full and os will terminate the app. So you need to fully cover memory optimization. Another solution is assets in Unity Asset store.
EZ Replay Manager can be used. (Keep in mind: I haven't tried it yet.)
Check out this open-source project: https://github.com/getsocial-im/getsocial-capture.
By default our project records Main Camera's rendered content. C# examples are in the repo.
You can record in 2 modes:
Continuous mode - capture last X frames.
Manual mode - capture frames on your own when needed. For example, record a timelapse of the level.
Once the recording is done, you can generate GIF, get raw bytes and do whatever you want. E.g. let your users share that GIF with friends.
Here's the recording of a game session from the test app. The recorded GIF shows up in the end:
Disclaimer: I worked at GetSocial at the time of writing.
well i know a guy who post a similar project on github. link :- https://github.com/thanh-nguyen-kim/Unity_Android_Screen_Recorder
but there is a limitation and that is this code is only works on android devices(android means only android not even on ios).
but this is very powerful recorder and it is capture whatever appear on screen(so basically it is a screen recorder made with unity) and also it will capture your microphone output.give it a try.
and if you find any other solution then please also tell me. because it will very helpful for me.because i want to record video with in-game audio and also save it into gallery
Unity now has a screen recording tool builtin. It's called Recorder and doesn't require any coding.
In Unity, go to the Window menu, then click on Package Manager
By default, Packages might be set to "In Project". Select "Unity
Registry" instead
Type "Recorder" in the search box
Select the Recorder and click Install in the lower right corner of the window
That's about all you need to get everything set up and hopefully the
options make sense. The main thing to be aware of that setting
"Recording Mode" to "Single" will take a single screenshot (with
NOTE: This is a copy of my answer from a Unity screenshots question

google glass camera parameter settings

I'm working on an app that includes a custom camera application on Glass. I want to be able to hard-set different camera parameters, but I'm having difficulty figuring out which ones I actually have access to.
I tried calling parameters.flatten() and got a whole bunch of options that I thought I would be able to use, but when I tried testing them, nothing happened. (For example, when I tried setting the color effect to sepia, the result was still in normal color). Is there any documentation or code I can look at that will tell me which parameter options I actually have?
There are a few open issues on our issue tracker about camera parameters that do not behave as expected:
Issue 302: GDK: Camera effects not registered or take affect
Issue 303: GDK: Request: Additional camera focus modes (with auto focus)
Issue 304: GDK: Camera scene mode does not register or take affect
You may want to follow those so that you can be updated as the GDK evolves.

Using CSS with background image/login

Currently I'm trying to edit a login screen for a web based application. As of now, I have the login prompt (user & password) at a particular place on page so that it corresponds with the background image. Right now this image is set to 1024x768.
What I was wondering, is there a way to have the background automatically scale depending on users own resolution while have the login appear at the correct location? I'm not sure if this is possible but thought someone might have some advice.
I've made a jsFiddle solution that can come in handy:
Click here to see background-resizing at work
It works with jQuery, and I've commented most code so you can understand how it works. You compare the aspect ratio of the image and the browserwindow, look at the difference and then resize the width or height, based on how the aspect ratio's are comparing. The css is also worth a look.
I tested it in Firefox and IE(7/8), but jsFiddle resizing is a bit buggy in IE.
Good luck!
I've made an updated jsFiddle here.
In this scenario, the message box (in your case the loginbox) is positioned absolute with percentual offset to the top and right. I also gave it percentual width/height, although that might not be neccesary/wanted. But you can tweak this to see how the box behaves with different window sizes.