Customizing the UI of Chronograf - chronograf

I am trying to use Chronograf in my project. I would like to change the UI of the Chronograf to suit the project.
I couldn't find any documents related to this. Can we customize the Chronograf UI to suit the requirement? If so, how can we do it?

I did some similar work. I had to make sure the Chronograf UI was limited to the explore and dashboard tabs. Plus, I had to add user management so that users where limited to specific measurements and dashboards.
Chronograf is open source. You can clone it from
The back-end is written in Go.
The UI is written in React.js (using
You can find the UI code in the sub folder /ui:
To build it, you will need Node.js and yarn.
If you only want to work on the UI, you can can edit parcel.js and change the location of http://localhost:8888 to the location of your current Chronograf instance.
Then run yarn start from the /ui folder and go to http://localhost:8080
If you make changes to the UI code, http://localhost:8080 will automaticlly refresh to reflect your changes.
If you are ready with development, follow the instructions to build Chronograf from source in their Readme:


How do i create a custom devcontainer?

i have been using devcontainers for a while, and i want to extend some of them.
For instance, i want to install all the linting tools etc for various languages, and use a more personalised container as a starting point (compared to the Microsoft hosted ones).
I also like to host the containers on my own dockerhub, so i do not need to build all this stuff every time. There could also be the use case of using devcontainers for something other than the standard libraries.
I know i can just manually change the docker image reference, but i also like to integrate my changes into the plugin, so i can have my own repository show up as well, to get a native feeling.
I could not find any information on creating my own dev containers, only on extending existing ones. Is any of this i mention officially supported?
Edit: To sum all this up in one question; Can i add devcontainers from my own repo, without merging them into ?
If you are using VSCode as the text editor you can install the remote extension pack which allows you to add a template for a devcontainer to your project.
If you aren't using VSCode you can use the templated version as the basis for your own. I created a template repository with the files needed for Python project which you can refer to as well

How to develop Case Manager widget in local envrionment?

Thank you for viewing my question.
We are using IBM Case Manager(ICM) 5.2. There are new change from users. I am the BA/developer.
To modify the existing Case Manager Plugin and custom widgets, I have to do the following tasks:
Change the ICM widget JS and HTML codes, on my local environment with Eclipse.
Replace the JS and HTML from the (custom) widget package, send the updated package to application server.
On the server, use the Case Manager configuration tool to deploy the package.
Login Case Builder and deploy the solution. Test the code and revert back for testing.
My questions are:
(1). I don't know how to run these codes on my local environment without deployment into ICM. Is it a must to install a Case Manager in my local envrionment?
(2). Is there an easy way to test and debug Custom Widgets JS & HTML codes from my local environment?
In order to be completely run and configure widgets locally, you'll need a complete installation of ICM. This is due to the fact that you'll heavily rely on both Content Navigator as Case Manager resources. You might be able to test a thing or two by requiring remote resources, but in the end you'll need to integrate your widget on a running installation to be able to actually use it in the page designer.
By far your easiest option is to locally build your widget, then remotely deploy and remote debug.
Assuming you know how to deploy your widget (use the Config mgr, or the icmadmin desktop), then by far the easiest way to debug the front-end, is using the "developer tools" that come with most browsers (IE/FireFox/Chrome). Simply hit the F12 button, locate your .js file and place a breakpoint. Consult your browser's help/google on how to use the tools.
Debugging the java part of your widget can best be achieved by creating a remote debug session in eclipse to your application-server. In eclipse go to "Debug Configurations", then add a new "Remote Java Application", choose your "Widget Project" and fill in the remote ip/(debugging)port of your application-server. Press Debug and you're set! Place breakpoints and invoke your java :)
Additionally see this blogpost with additional tips for debugging + screenshots: Debugging your ICN plugins (or ICM widgets).

How to use Jenkins Build Keeper Plugin

I would like to use the Jenkins 'Build Keeper Plugin' but I don't know how. The plugin site doesn't describe how to use it. Plugin Site
On this page I found the extension points which I would like to use, e.g. the org.jenkins_ci.plugins.build_keeper.KeepFirstFailedPolicy
But in the configuration part of my project, I can't find any place to configure it to use that policy. So where do I have to add it?
Jenkins version is 1.544
Have you tried to open Job configuration page and look for settings ?
For example it is another plugin but it is very similar : Build Discard plugin, may be you will use it for your purposes:
Build discard old build settings
You can configure it in the job under the section Build Environment.
For screenshots see also
If used from within a pipeline, it is enough to write
That is unfortunately not an interface to the plugin, just a jobs setting, but can solve it when You want to keep all builds, or decide within the build if to keep it.

How can I use activiti:formProperty in alfresco activiti?

I want to design and deploy an activiti workflow to alfresco.
To prepare form for this workflow one way is to define a form and use its formKey.
But by this way I should change share-workflow-form-config.xml and restart the tomcat, and deploy model and bpmn file.
I need a way which has one deployment without restarting tomcat.
I found a way in activiti using activit:formProperty, but it seems does not work in alfresco.
Am I correct? This is not in alfresco?
If alfresco has it how can I use it?
In other words, as I deployed one of activiti-explorer examples in alfresco workflow console, there was not any of those fields displayed in deployed workflow start event form.
After clicking on "Start Workflow" an error displayed
org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowException: 03110260 Failed to start workflow activiti$vacationRequest:1:2352.
You can do it via workflow console.
Check out this
Hi to my knowledge it's not possible to do this with the current setup. Because what you're missing is that you're running the workflow within Alfresco Share. And every screen is rendered by Alfresco's own form engine.
To achieve what you want can be done by running Activi seperately and using Activit's own UI.
Coming back to your post, I quote: "But by this way I should change share-workflow-form-config.xml and restart the tomcat, and deploy model and bpmn file."
You can speed things up:
Define your model first and once it's finished and tested, restart Alfresco
Changes made to share-workflow-form-config.xml or any other form XML can be done during runtime. You just need to reload the share webscripts & form --> alfresco/service/index?reset=on or reset=all through a post method (get might work, haven't tried it). I'm using Will Abson's build ANT script which does that. Check-out one of the google project add-ons and you will find it there
You don't need to restart Alfresco when deploying workflows! There is an activiti-workflowconsole you can upload in runtime your new bpmn20.xml file or create a *.bar package and upload that one
The advantage of using an Alfresco-Model is that you can re-use workflow screens by using the same model & form config in multiple steps. E.g. I use the review and approve task & form config a lot, because it's a general task.

How do you deploy a website and database project using TFS 2010?

I've been trying to figure this out and so far haven't found a simple solution. Is it really that hard to deploy a database project (and a web site) using TFS 2010 as part of the build process?
I've found one example that involved lots of complicated checks and editing the workflow (which is a giant workflow btw).
I've even purchased the book "professional application lifecycle management with VS 2010", but apparently professionals don't deploy their applications since it isn't even mentioned in the book.
I know I'm retarded when it comes to TFS, but it seems like there should be any easy way to do this. Is there?
I can't speak for the database portion, but I just went through this on the web portion, the magic part is not very well documented component, namely the MSBuild Parameters.
In your build definition:
Process on the Left
Required > Items to Build > Configurations to Build
Edit, add a new one, for this example
Configuration: Dev (I cover how to create a configuration below)
Platform: Any CPU
Advanced > MSBuild Process
Use the following arguments (at least for me, your publish method may vary).
MsBuild Params:
You need to install the MS Deploy Remote Agent Service on the destination web server, MSDeploy needs to be on the Build/Deployer server as well, but this should be the case by default.
The account you use in the params above needs admin access, at least to IIS...I'm not sure what the minimum permission requirements are.
You configure which WebSite/Virtual Directory the site goes to in the Web project you're deploying. Personally I have a build configuration for each environment, this makes the builds very easy to handle and organize. For example we have Release, Debug and Dev (there are more but for this example that's it). Only the Web project has a Dev configuration.
To do this, right click the solution, Configuration Manager..., On the web project click the configuration drop down, click New.... Give it a name, "Dev" for this example, copy settings from debug or release, whatever matches closest to what your deployment server environment should be. Make sure "Create new solution configurations" is checked, it is by default. After creating this, change the configuration dropdown on the solution to the new Dev one, and Any CPU...make sure your projects are all correct, I had some flipping to x86 and x64 randomly, not sure of the exact cause of that).
In your web project, right click, properties. On the left, click Package/Publish Web (you'll also want to mess with the other Package/Publish SQL tab, but I can't speak to that). In the options on the right click Create deployment package as a zip file. The default location is fine, the next textbox I didn't find documented anywhere. The format is this: WebSite/Virtual Directory, so if you have a site called "BuildSite" in IIS with no virtual directory (app == site root), you would have BuildSite only in this box. If it was in a virtual directory, you might have Default Web Site/BuildVirtualDirectory.
After you set all that, make sure to check-in the solution and web project so the build server has the configuration changes you made, then kick off a build :)
If you have more questions, I recommend you watch this video by Vishal Joshi, specifically around 22 and 59 minutes in, he covers the database portion as well...but I have no actual experience trying it since we're on top of a non MSSQL database.