Run Background Timer Swift - swift

I solved the problem.
var backgroundUpdateTask: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier = 0
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
return true
func applicationWillResignActive(application: UIApplication) {
self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIApplication.sharedApplication().beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler({
func endBackgroundUpdateTask() {
self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
func applicationWillEnterForeground(application: UIApplication) {
Timer doesn't work until it's activated. I want to do the timer update process even when the application is in the background. I update the current time with the tick function and when the timer is synchronized with the power on / off timer, I do the turn on or off. I want timer and the update process to work in the background.
override func viewDidLoad()
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector:#selector(self.tick) , userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
#objc func tick() {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"
labelTimer.text = formatter.string(from: Date())
#objc func zaman(){
if timertext.text == String? (labelTimer.text!) {
#objc func zamanlayıcıfunc()
if labelcheckbox.text == ("aç"){
if labelcheckbox.text == ("kapat"){
#objc func zaman1(){
if timertext2.text == String? (labelTimer.text!) {
#objc func zamanlayıcıfunc1()
if labelcheckbox2.text == ("saatinde kapat"){
#objc func updateState(){
let ref = Database.database().reference()

Your application will not continue processing in the background. If all applications could do that the phone battery would easily and quickly be drained.
The OS will provide you with some limited background execution time, but if you use up too many resources it will be further limited. You can read more about it in Apple's documentation.
What you may need to do is keep track of when the app went into the background and foreground, using UIApplication.didEnterBackgroundNotification and UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification, to see how much time has passed.


About the callback of SKStoreReviewController.requestReview()

If the review popup initiated from a view controller shows up, there isn't a way to switch the window focus back to the view controller when the popup is dismissed due to lack of callback function of SKStoreReviewController.requestReview().
I would like to make a call to becomeFirstResponder() when the review popup is dismissed. Any idea?
Is there a way to extend the SKStoreReviewController and add a callback somehow?
Warning this will probably break at some point.
Step 1: add this code to your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
let windowClass: AnyClass = UIWindow.self
let originalSelector: Selector = #selector(setter: UIWindow.windowLevel)
let swizzledSelector: Selector = #selector(UIWindow.setWindowLevel_startMonitor(_:))
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(windowClass, originalSelector)
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(windowClass, swizzledSelector)
let didAddMethod = class_addMethod(windowClass, originalSelector, method_getImplementation(swizzledMethod!), method_getTypeEncoding(swizzledMethod!))
if didAddMethod {
class_replaceMethod(windowClass, swizzledSelector, method_getImplementation(originalMethod!), method_getTypeEncoding(originalMethod!))
} else {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod!, swizzledMethod!)
return true
Step 2: add this class
class MonitorObject: NSObject {
weak var owner: UIWindow?
init(_ owner: UIWindow?) {
self.owner = owner UIWindow.didBecomeVisibleNotification, object: self)
deinit { UIWindow.didBecomeHiddenNotification, object: self)
Step 3: Add this UIWindow extension
private var monitorObjectKey = "monitorKey"
private var partialDescForStoreReviewWindow = "SKStore"
extension UIWindow {
// MARK: - Method Swizzling
#objc func setWindowLevel_startMonitor(_ level: Int) {
if description.contains(partialDescForStoreReviewWindow) {
let monObj = MonitorObject(self)
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &monitorObjectKey, monObj, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
Step 4: add this to ViewDidLoad of your controller where you want this
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(windowDidBecomeHiddenNotification(_:)), name: UIWindow.didBecomeHiddenNotification, object: nil)
Step 5: add the callback for the notification and check that the associated object is a match
#objc func windowDidBecomeHiddenNotification(_ notification: Notification?) {
if notification?.object is MonitorObject {
Now when a review dialog is closed the notification is triggered and 'print("hello") will be called.
Sometimes iOS app is losing the responder chain, like in the above example of showing StoreKit prompt. What we can do is to detect such events in UIApplication.sendAction and reactivate the first responder chain via becomeFirstResponder. UIKit will reestablish the first responder chain and we can resend the same event.
class MyApplication: UIApplication {
func reactivateResponderChainWhenFirstResponderEventWasNotHandled() {
override func sendAction(_ action: Selector, to target: Any?, from sender: Any?, for event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
let wasHandled = super.sendAction(action, to: target, from: sender, for: event)
if wasHandled == false, target == nil {
return super.sendAction(action, to: target, from: sender, for: event)
return wasHandled
This works for me on iOS 13 and does not require any private API access.

Schedule background task per hour swift 4

I've searching and trying for too long how can I solve my problem.
I have orders and I need to check for their updates on my backend C# per hour. Even on background state or foreground.
I have tried:
var timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 5.0, repeats: true) {
timer in
self.updatePedidos(timer: timer)
func updatePedidos() {
print("background started")
let strdata = Functions.getMostRecentDtPedido()
func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {
Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.4, target: self, selector: #selector(self.updatePedidos), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
#objc func updatePedidos() {
print("background started")
let strdata = Functions.getMostRecentDtPedido()
func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {
UIApplication.shared.setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval( 5 )
func application(_ application: UIApplication, performFetchWithCompletionHandler completionHandler:
#escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
print("background started")
let strdata = Functions.getMostRecentDtPedido()
if let newData = fetchUpdates() {
addDataToFeed(newData: newData)
And last that I cant put a timer:
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(updatePedidos), name:UIApplication.didEnterBackgroundNotification, object: nil)
#objc func updatePedidos() {
print("background started")
let strdata = Functions.getMostRecentDtPedido()
All of them doesn't print "background started" on background state, just on foreground. I added on info.plist:
You can try it using silent push notification. Every hour send 1 silent push notification and wake up the application in background mode and execute your task for some time.
You can read more detail for background task execution in below article:
Is there a way to wakeup suspended app in iOS without user or server intervention

background run timer swift

I want the timer to run even when I close the application. I want it to work in the background counter. the timer goes back one second when I run it.(counter) How can I do that?
class TimerViewController: UIViewController {
var selectedDay: String?
var seconds =
var timer = Timer()
#IBAction func start(_ sender: AnyObject) {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(TimerViewController.counter), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
sliderOutlet.isHidden = true
startOutlet.isHidden = true
#objc func counter() {
seconds -= 1
favoriteDayTextField.text = String(seconds) + " Seconds"
var bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier(rawValue: seconds)
bgTask = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler: {
if (seconds == 0) {
if self.button.isOn {
} else {
I am not clear what you want to achieve. Suppose you want to update the label after the timer has started each 1 second. Then one approach will be:-
Start the timer in view did load if the duration is remaining.
Register for applicationWillTerminate
In application will terminate save the passed duration and terminated time to calculate remaining time in next launch.
var remainingDuration: TimeInterval!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let remainingDurationFromLastLaunch = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "duration") as? TimeInterval ?? 0
let lastTerminatedTime = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "lastTerminatedDate") as? Date ?? Date()
if Date().timeInterval(since: lastTerminatedTime) > remainingDurationFromLastLaunch {
remainingDuration = remainingDurationFromLastLaunch - Date().timeInterval(since: lastTerminatedTime)
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(TimerViewController.counter), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(TimerViewController.applicationWillTerminate), name: NSNotification.Name.UIApplicationWillTerminate, object: nil)
} else { //Duration is passed....Do whatever you want
#objc func counter() {
remainingDuration -= 1
if remainingDuration == 0 { //Duration is passed....Do whatever you want
timer = nil
} else {
favoriteDayTextField.text = String(remainingDuration) + " Seconds"
#objc func applicationWillTerminate() {
if timer != nil {
backgroundTask = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask { [weak self] in
UserDefaults.standard.set(remainingDuration, forKey: "duration")
UserDefaults.standard.set(Date(), forKey: "lastTerminatedDate")
func endBackgroundTask() {
backgroundTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
The only way for your iOS application to perform some action even while it is in the background is to use Background Modes .
However you cannot perform anything and everything while your
application is in background
There are certain limitations to the type of tasks that you can perform . I have attached a really good article for your reference
Background Modes Tutorial
However, I am not sure if you can initiate and continue a timer sort of functionality while your application is in background
Though, keep in mind , once your application is closed (i.e. by double tapping the home button and swiping the application window up to close it completely) , not even Background modes work at that point because the user does not want to run your app anymore, even in the background

How to stop backgroundUpdateTask?

Here is code which I execute in background when user close the app, but it is weird behavior , after endBackgroundUpdateTask() method is executed , DispatchQueue still doesn't stops...
I steel continuos get notification.
What am I doing wrong?
you can try to take this snipped of code and try for yourself, it is really weird
var backgroundUpdateTask: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier!
func beginBackgroundUpdateTask() {
self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler: {
func endBackgroundUpdateTask() {
self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
func doBackgroundTask() {
print("Strart") {
// Do something with the result.
let timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 10, target: self, selector: #selector(AppDelegate.displayAlert), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
RunLoop.current.add(timer, forMode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode)
// End the background task.
func displayAlert() {
let note = UILocalNotification()
note.alertBody = "As a test I'm hoping this will run in the background every X number of seconds..."
note.soundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName
func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {
var backgroundUpdateTask: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier!
var timerr: Timer?
func beginBackgroundUpdateTask() {
self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler: {
func endBackgroundUpdateTask() {
self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
timerr = nil
func doBackgroundTask() {
print("Strart") {
// Do something with the result.
self.timerr = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 10, target: self, selector: #selector(TestViewController.displayAlert), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
RunLoop.current.add(self.timerr!, forMode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode)
// End the background task.
func displayAlert() {
let note = UILocalNotification()
note.alertBody = "As a test I'm hoping this will run in the background every X number of seconds..."
note.soundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName
Really issue was with Timer, I was needed put this line
func endBackgroundUpdateTask() {
self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
But anyway it is little bit weird , because I thought if I was stopping backgroundUpdate() all tasks inside had to invalidate and purge automatically, but no.
Thanks #matt

Trying to implement beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler and UILocalNotification

I have the following code in my AppDelegate for when my application enters the background:
var backgroundUpdateTask: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier!
func beginBackgroundUpdateTask() {
self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIApplication.sharedApplication().beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler({
func endBackgroundUpdateTask() {
self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
func doBackgroundTask() {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), {
// Do something with the result.
var timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(5, target: self, selector: "displayAlert", userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().addTimer(timer, forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
// End the background task.
func displayAlert() {
let note = UILocalNotification()
note.alertBody = "As a test I'm hoping this will run in the background every X number of seconds..."
note.soundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName
func applicationDidEnterBackground(application: UIApplication) {
I'm hoping that it executes a UILocalNotification() every X number of seconds specified in the NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval() however it only executes once.
I'm still trying to get my head around how background tasks work. Is there something I'm missing?
In the code sample, the timer you create will only fire once as you have set the "repeats" value to false in the initialiser.