Using a jenkins pipeline to build github pull requests - github

This seems to be one of the more important, but less understood and documented features of GH and Jenkins, which seems to defeat the purpose of CI entirely ...
I'm trying to setup a simple, "kick off a build when a pull request is opened" Job in Jenkins. I've scanned though dozens of posts, some several years old, but have yet to find a solution that actually works, start-to-finish. I'm using GH 2.15.4 and Jenkins 2.89.3 with the GH Pull Request Builder plug-in. I've tried setting up a pipeline job, and a freestyle project, following various "how to" posts and docs. Nothing works as expected. Not even close. I've managed to get some functionality working, but not without a lot of trial-and-error experimenting, which doesn't leave me with a warm-fuzzy in using it. Webhooks are equally worthless in accomplishing what is needed, as nothing seems to fire off a job in Jenkins, regardless of how it is configured.
For starters, are there any references or docs that explain what the following status checks are that are automatically created by Jenkins:
Apparently there is no way to delete or edit these ... they just "appear" courtesy of Jenkins. I've seen some discussions, but some explanations contradict one another, so they may just be outdated, inaccurate, etc. I want to know "what does what" so I know which should be 'required' as part of the PR status check.
Any pointers would be appreciated!

I agree, this problem is tricky because Jenkins and its plugins have changed so much throughout the years. Let me tell you how I accomplished what you're asking for. I will post all of my version numbers (mostly up to date).
Jenkins Version: 2.176.1 (java -jar /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war --version)
github 1.29.4
github-api 1.9
github-branch-source 2.5.3
github-pullrequest 0.2.5
pipeline-github-lib 1.0
Also, I use the Blue Ocean interface, which might affect things (who knows)
blueocean 1.17.0
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.17.0
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.17.0
Github Webhooks
First off, set up webhooks for your system. This is a good guide for Github Webhooks
Go to your Github repository and click on the Settings tab. Then select 'Webhooks' in the left menu:
The URL of my Jenkins setup is So, in the 'Payload URL' box, I put
I left the settings as "application/json" and "send me everything" and "active"
The Webhooks area has a handy 'Recent Deliveries' section which can show you if your webhooks are making it to Jenkins. At first, I had the wrong URL so mine has red Xs next to them. Now, they're all green checkmarks.
Github Access Token
Many guides suggest that you provide Jenkins with a personal access token to communicate with your repo. To do that, go to your account avatar in the top right and select Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal access tokens->Generate Token
Put whatever you want for the description. Under 'select scopes', if you just want it to work, select every checkbox in the list.
I selected:
Click save and you'll be shown your secret key. Copy this somewhere safe (we'll use it soon).
Configuring Jenkins
Now for the hard part. Try and install all of the plugins I've listed above.
Go to Jenkins-Manage Jenkins->Configure System
Locate the Github section and click Add Github Server
Name: Github
Api URL:
Manage Hooks: true
Under credentials, click "Add." You'll be brought to a menu. Select "Secret Text"
Scope: Global
Secret: paste your access token from earlier
ID: (I left this blank)
Description: DorianGithubCreds
Hit save. Then, select DorianGithubCreds from the credentials list.
To test, hit "Test Connection." Mine returns 'Credentials verified for user dnrahamim', rate limit: 4998
Now go down to Github Pull Request Builder
GitHub Server API URL:
Jenkins URL override: (blank)
Shared Secret: (blank)
Credentials: DorianGithubCreds
Auto-manage webhooks: true
Everything else is blank
Configure Job
Go to the job that should be building your repo
Select 'Configure' in the left menu
Under Projects->Github Organization
Credentials: DorianGithubCreds
Owner: Dorian
Discover branches
Strategy: Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
Discover pull requests from origin
Strategy: Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover pull requests from forks
Strategy: Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Trust: From users with Admin or Write permission
Project Recognizers
Pipeline Jenkinsfile
Path: Jenkinsfile (my Jenkinsfile is in the project root)
Build Strategies: (intentionally blank)
Now, when I do a pull request, or whenever I post a change to a pull request, Jenkins run a fresh build for that branch.
The Pull Request itself in Github also lists its "Status Checks" at the bottom. When the build is pending, the status check is yellow. If it succeeds it gets a green checkmark. If it fails, it gets a red X.
I initially had a problem because I had an old Jenkins box which was also configured to manage Github webhooks and build pull requests. Its builds were failing so its notifications were the ones getting through to my pull request. I fixed that problem by preventing that old Jenkins box from building my newest branches. Once the old Jenkins box stopped building, the notifications from the new Jenkins box made it through to Github.
Wrapping up
That's it! That's everything I intentionally configured. Please try out my configuration and see if it works for you. Let me know if I left anything out.
The hard part with configuring Jenkins with Github is that, although there are many guides, the suggestions often conflict with each other and very many are out of date (sometimes even official documentation is out of date).
Nonetheless, here are some Resources:
This is a good guide for Github Webhooks
Github's Whitepaper on CI with Jenkins (It doesn't explain much in detail but it gives a good overview)
Github pull request builder plugin
Semi-official SO post for showing build status on Github repo

GitHub has "add webhook" feature which is accessible in the repository settings --> Webhooks section. This has 4 inputs
1. Payload URl - Enter the Jenkins url
2. Content Type - application/json
3. Secret - this is optional if you want to configure secret
4. Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? - select the option "Let me select individual events"
Bunch of checkbox options are visible, check "Pull requests" option. This option will send a request to Jenkins when Pull request is opened
Next step is create a job in Jenkins which will listen to GitHub events and kick off the build


Deploy changes from GitHub to Salesforce

How can I add a custom button on which I could click on in order to deploy changes from the Master branch to a related DEV Org?
What have you tried? Have you seen ?
You can steal sample actions from SF official repo at
You'll need to provide the secret login URL to your target org, there are blog posts how to generate it and store in GitHub variable, for example or
Last but not least - to have action available for manual run (not just automated) read up about "workflow_dispatch"

Show Travis-CI build status on Github Pull Request Page

How do you configure Github's pull request review page to show Travis-CI build status?
I remember Github automatically showing build status for some of my repos configured to build using Travis-CI, but Github has stopped doing this. Whether the build passed or succeeded, Github would show the status near the "Merge pull request" button. Now I have to manually search for the pull request in Travis-CI.
Has this feature been discontinued by Github, or is there some new manual configuration needed to re-implement this?
This discussion thread explained the issue.
The solution was to:
revoke access to Travis-CI in Github
logout of Travis-CI
log back in to Travis-CI.
Travis-CI then automatically asked for Github credentials, and afterwards Github again shows Travis-CI build status in a check.
The legacy integration has been disabled and you need to perform the migration to the GitHub app integration. See the instructions here:
Note that if you are not the owner on the repo, you will need to request adding Travis access to the appropriate person.

Jenkins github plugin returns error 400 "Hook should contain event type"

At my company we have a Github Enterprise instance keeping all of our source in line, and Jenkins servers to do continuous integration. I'm using the Jenkins github plugin on Jenkins, and installing a service on Github to call MYJENKINS/github-webhook.
I would see the POSTs arriving from github on the jenkins server, but nothing would happen. The access log reports a 400 error being returned to github.
To find out what was being returned, I put tcpdump on the port. I now see that Jenkins is returning "Error 400 Hook should contain event type". It returns that for all repository events.
I can probably capture the github POST payload with tcpdump, but haven't done that yet.
My only guess at the moment is that our Github Enterprise installation is an earlier version than what is expected by the Jenkins github plug-in.
Update: As an experiment, on Github, I changed the call from a Service ("Jenkins github plugin") to a Webhook, but using the same URL MY_JENKINS/github-webhook/. THAT succeeds, is parsed successfully by the github plugin, and triggers the jobs that are watching a project/branch.
Github Enterprise should have webhook functionality built-in, so I'm a little unsure what you mean when you say you're installing a service on Github.
You can set up new webhooks by going to the following tab: >> Settings >> Webhooks & services
Here is a screenshot:
The other place to check is the settings in Jenkins, to make sure that it is set up to work with Github.
Jenkins >> Manage Jenkins >> Configure System >> Find: GitHub Plugin Configuration
In here, you need to provide your credentials for Github as well as the Github api url:
(You might be able to leave the 'Custom Github API URL' unchecked, but I haven't had good success with that.)
Here is a screenshot:
The 'Credentials' would be an access token from Github.
Github >> Personal settings >> Personal access tokens
It's been a while since I've done setup like this, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about anything.

Show current state of Jenkins build on GitHub repo

Is there a way to show the Jenkins build status on my project's GitHub
I use Jenkins to run continuous integration builds. After each commit it ensures that everything compiles, as well as executes unit and integration tests, before finally producing documentation and release bundles.
There's still a risk of inadvertently committing something that breaks the build. It would be good for users visiting the GitHub project page to know the current master is in that state.
Ok, here's how you can set up Jenkins to set GitHub build statuses. This assumes you've already got Jenkins with the GitHub plugin configured to do builds on every push.
Go to GitHub, log in, go to Settings, Developer Settings, Personal access tokens and click on Generate new token.
Check repo:status (I'm not sure this is necessary, but I did it, and it worked for me).
Generate the token, copy it.
Make sure the GitHub user you're going to use is a repository collaborator (for private repos) or is a member of a team with push and pull access (for organization repos) to the repositories you want to build.
Go to your Jenkins server, log in.
Manage Jenkins → Configure System
Under GitHub Web Hook select Let Jenkins auto-manage hook URLs, then specify your GitHub username and the OAuth token you got in step 3.
Verify that it works with the Test Credential button. Save the settings.
Find the Jenkins job and add Set build status on GitHub commit to the post-build steps
That's it. Now do a test build and go to GitHub repository to see if it worked. Click on Branches in the main repository page to see build statuses.
You should see green checkmarks:
In the meanwhile the UI of Jenkins and GitHub has changed a bit and it took me a while to figure out how to configure Jenkins now correctly. The explanation here is based on Jenkins version 2.121.1.
I also assume that you have already configured your Jenkins Job be triggered by a webhook or by polling.
Those are the steps that I have taken to get it working:
Configure Github: Create Personal Access Token with OAuth Scope repo:status
Configure Jenkins: Configure System and add the OAuth Secret as a GitHub Server - use Secret Text as an authentication method to put the OAuth Secret in there.
Configure your Jenkins Job: Add Set GitHub commit status as Post-build action. Set the Status Result to One of the default messages and statuses.
Check your result on GitHub: Check if you get the build status and build execution duration on your GitHub commit.
Configure Github
Configure Jenkins
Configure Jenkins Job
You will now see the status for your commits and branches:
What I did is quite simple:
Install the Hudson Post Task Plugin
Create a Personal Access Token here :
Add a Post Task Plugin that always put success
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: token OAUTH TOKEN"$(git rev-parse HEAD) -d "{
\"state\": \"success\",
\"target_url\": \"${BUILD_URL}\",
\"description\": \"The build has succeeded!\"
Add a Post Task Plugin that will put failure if "marked build as failure"
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: token OAUTH TOKEN"$(git rev-parse HEAD) -d "{
\"state\": \"failure\",
\"target_url\": \"${BUILD_URL}\",
\"description\": \"The build has failed!\"
You can also add a call to pending at the beginning of tests
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: token OAUTH TOKEN"$(git rev-parse HEAD) -d "{
\"state\": \"pending\",
\"target_url\": \"${BUILD_URL}\",
\"description\": \"The build is pending!\"
This plugin should work:
You should be able to embed badges like this into your file:
The Commit Status API allows you to see the "Repo Statuses API".
And since April 26th 2013, you now can see the build status on your GitHub repo branch page:
That means it is another way, by visiting the GitHub project page, to see those statuses instead of having only Jenkins.
Starting April 30th, 2013, the API endpoint for commit statuses has been extended to allow branch and tag names, as well as commit SHAs.
There's also the plugin Embeddable Build Status that will give you a badge URL that you can post in your file, and it looks like this:
If you have the GitHub plugin installed on your Jenkins, you can do it in the Post build actions like this:
Add the below line in your file and change both URLs according to your Jenkins project.
[![Build Status](https://jenkins../..project/lastBuild/buildStatus)](https://jenkins../..project/lastBuild/)
In regards with setting up Jenkins and GitHub's protected branch. I'm using Jenkins 2.6, and these are the steps I did to make it work:
On your repository's GitHub webpage:
Navigate to Settings > Branches.
Under Protect branches, click on
the Choose a branch drown down menu and select the branch you want
to set as a Protected branch.
Enable the options as needed.
On the Jenkins Server:
(Make sure you have the Git and GitHub Plugin installed)
Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System.
Under GitHub, set the API URL to Though this is the default value.
Select your generated token for the Credentials. If you haven't generated a token yet, click on Advanced... then on Additional actions, you can convert your login and password to token and use it as your credential.
Also, make sure the GitHub account that your Jenkins is using is a collaborator for the repository. I've set it with write permission level.
Hope this helps.
I followed the directions from Alex and it worked.
But, for GitHub Enterprise you need to modify the API URL when adding the server to Jenkins.
For example, if your company is, your URL would be
I'm no longer using this approach, please use one of the other answers.
Update: what I ended up doing, for our specific case: (above answers were great - thanks!)
Because our build server is not on the internet, we have a script to publish the build status to the gh-pages branch in github.
Start of build stamps failing
End of build stamps success
Project runs after main project to publish results -> build-status, API docs, test reports and test coverage.
GitHub caches images, so we created .htaccess file, that instructs a short cache timeout for the build-status image.
Put this in the directory with the build-status image:
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 2 minutes"
Here's the build script. The target that publishes to gh-pages is ''
With less than 400 lines of config, we have:
Compile checks
unit & integration tests
Test Reports
Code Coverage Reports
API Docs
Publishing to Github
. . and this script can be run in or outside of Jenkins, so that:
Developers can run this script before commit, reducing the chance of a broken build that impacts others.
A failure is easy to reproduce locally.
The Results:
Project main page has the build status, updated after each build, along with latest API Docs, test results and test coverage.
Jently updates your GitHub commit status (as described by vonc), but unfortunately they have yet to implement the Repo Status API.
For pipeline projects, you can use the post section like so:
void setBuildStatus(String message, String state) {
$class: "GitHubCommitStatusSetter",
reposSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredRepositorySource", url: ""],
contextSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource", context: "ci/jenkins/build-status"],
errorHandlers: [[$class: "ChangingBuildStatusErrorHandler", result: "UNSTABLE"]],
statusResultSource: [ $class: "ConditionalStatusResultSource", results: [[$class: "AnyBuildResult", message: message, state: state]] ]
pipeline {
agent any
triggers {
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
post {
success {
setBuildStatus("Build succeeded", "SUCCESS");
failure {
setBuildStatus("Build failed", "FAILURE");
Just change "" to meet your GitHub repository.
Reference: How to set GitHub commit status with Jenkinsfile NOT using a pull request builder
I am adding to this answer, and also to this one. They have answered the question, but they didn't give us a proper intuition about the problem
So, here are my intuitions:
We need to add status to our GitHub commit. This status is based upon the results of our Jenkins build.
To do this, we need to give Jenkins access to the GitHub API, not to the repo. We do this through OAuth, and we can create the token going to the GitHub settings → Developer settings → Personal access tokens. Then for a public GitHub repository just check repo:status, and for a private repository, check the whole repository section
After creating your access token you need to add it to your Jenkins server:
Copy and paste the access token to the GitHub plugin section settings, under your Jenkins configurations
Create a GitHub server. It defaults to And add the access token as a secret text credentials.
The last step is to add a post build settings when you create your pipeline.
Here is a section of a YouTube video in which he goes over the above steps.
Read about OAuth

GitHub Organization Repo + Jenkins (GitHub Plugin) integration

I have an organization on GitHub with private repositories. I also have Jenkins set up running on port 8080 on a server, with the GitHub plugin installed. I've created an account on GitHub for my jenkins user, which resides in the owners group.
I'm trying to trigger a job on jenkins when a change is pushed to my development branch (or master branch, neither seem to be working).
When I look at the GitHub Hook Logs in Jenkins, it says that Polling has not run yet. When I go to "Manage Jenkins", the GitHub plugin says my account is Verified when I test it.
Any insight on how to configure this? I have multiple repositories I'd like to work with, so deploy keys don't seem like the solution to me.
As Craig Ringer mentions in his answer, you can select Grant READ permissions for /github-webhook in "Configure Jenkins" under the GitHub plugin settings, allowing the webhook to be called without authentication.
Another update: Webhooks are now (Dec. 2014) available for organization: see WebHooks API for orgs.
Note: the issue 4 of the hudson-github-plugin was about:
Last GitHub Push
Polling has not run yet.
And the conclusion was:
Nevermind, the only missing piece was a permission checkbox for the github user which ain't documented anywhere on the internet.
So is this a permission issue regarding your Jenkins users?
The article "Set up Jenkins-CI on Ubuntu for painless Rails3 app CI testing" includes the following process:
To restrict the CI system and give access to your Team members to use or see the build logs, first you’ve to create an account.
Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System,
Check the Enable Security checkbox
Under Security Realm, choose Jenkins's own user database
Check the Allow users to sign up checkbox
Under Authorization, choose Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy
Add first user with the name admin and another with GitHub (Note: the username for Admin access has to be admin) For GitHub named user, just choose the Overall Read only permission. We’ll use this user later with the GitHub hook.
Note: The admin and GitHub user that we’ve added in the above step does not create the User. Then you’ve to create a real user with that same name. Ya, I know, its a bit weird with Jenkins UI.
Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Users > Create User. Create both admin and GitHub users.
Hooking with the Github web-hooks
Now to run the build automagically when new commit or branch gets pushed onto Github, we have to setup the repository.
Got to the hooks page for your repository. e.g.<username>/<project_name>/admin/hooks
Under AVAILABLE SERVICE HOOKS > Post-Receive URLs, add
The github:github is the user that we’d created earlier.
Then we have to verify Jenkins with Github. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System and under GitHub Web Hook, add your Github username and password and click the Test Credential button to authorize once with Github.
It looks like the accepted answer is no longer necessary with the current version of the GitHub plugin. You can instead check Grant READ permissions for /github-webhook in "Configure Jenkins" under the GitHub plugin settings, allowing the webhook to be called without authentication.
As explained in the help on this option that's quite safe, and frankly no worse than having a user named "github" with password "github" anyway.
There are two ways to achieve automatic builds on Jenkins. What you choose depends on whether GitHub can call the Jenkins server URL you provide. This may not be the case if you are running Jenkins behind a firewall.
If GitHub can reach that URL you can set up the service hook on your repo there.
If not you can set up Jenkins to poll periodically.
You may set up both, but one solution is enough to get it working. I would always go for the first if feasible as it saves resources CPU and traffic wise.
Either way you need the GitHub plugin for Jenkins.
Hope that helps a bit.