Error while deploying the SAPUI5 application inside the ABAP repository - deployment

I have a UI5 application.
When I am trying to deploy it in my ABAP repository it shows the following errors:
(SAPUI5 ABAP Repository) Updating of file in MIME Repository failed:
How can I solve it?
For it seems when users with different default languages work on the same project it happen. For example I have set my browser on English and my colleagues on German. Any idea or same experiences is appreciated.

as described in this topic
Each file in the layered repository has a master language. The master language is the same as the logon language of the user who has created the file (for example, a variant). If the file is changed later on, you can only change the file in that specific language.
So, if the application was deployed in english version of chrome, then you can deploy only from english chrome version


Entreprise-Application deployed succesfully but it is not running

I am trying to develop my first web-application based on java-EE. This application should be deployed on WildFly application server. For That purpose, I made my inspiration from
I made some modifications on my Code.
I am developing this application using IntelliJ-Community. The Application was successfully deployed.
whenever I try to access the application using the following URL localhost:8080/startweb, I get the http status code 404. The code can be found unter this link
Since I using Intellij Community edition, I am forced to deploy the application then set the breakpoint in the Controller of the application. The application seems to be succesfully deployed, but I am not jumping to the first breakpoint.
any Idea how I can solve this problem ?
Your webapp layout is wrong. Please refer to the standard Maven directories layout.
You need to move webapp directory to src/main. Then update pom.xml file reference to web.xml, then move META-INF from resources into webapp then fix your syntax errors in index.xhtml (the same h namespace is associated with 2 different URLs), then fix/implement your database, then add faces servlet in web.xml, add faces-config.xml, then your web app should be available at http://localhost:8080/startweb/.
Once you resolve all the problems and the controller code finally executes, you will be able to debug it from the IDE using Remote debug configuration.
If you are new to all of this, I'd suggest starting with something more simple, like a single JSP page and a single Java servlet.
Post the new questions if you have issues describing what you did to solve the problem and what exactly didn't work. The current question is too broad and your sample project has too many issues to cover in the single answer.

Why is my Google Cloud Platform for Eclipse resulting in Error Not Found?

I upgraded Eclipse and moved to Google Cloud Platform for Eclipse for my existing Standard App Engine project. I also moved to Java 8.
Now, when I deploy my app, the size shown in the console is only 7.1mb vs. 220mb prior to the upgrade. And when I try to go to the app after deployment I get an Error: Not Found message.
Is there something in the setup for my new configuration that would be causing this?
Your question is indeed somewhat broad; you'll need to provide all necessary detail. A correspondingly general information page might help here, though, namely Eclipse "How-to Guides".
Have you adapted and re-written your app for Java 8? If so, in which way? Have you edited your app.yaml configuration file accordingly?
Cloud Tools for Eclipse writes out the app-to-be-deployed to a directory in your workspace called <workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/<timestamp>/staging-work/exploded-war, where <timestamp> is the time of the last two deploys. Look at the exploded-war directory and see what files are missing. You may then get a better sense of what needs to be remediated.

How to preview my site in AEM 6.0?

I just started to get my head around AEM 6.0 . Installed an app with 'mvn clean install -Pauto-dev-deploy'. I can see the app in CRXDE and the packages are visible in the packagemanager. It does not however show up in the touchUI. Is it possible to run a preview of this site and how to do it?
In Adobe Experience Manager your application (app) and your content are to different things. Your application contains templates and components with which you build your content.
Deploying your app therefore means that you don't necessarily will have content. Without having a look at your source it is hard to see how and where you can create content. Usually your apps templates and components only work in certain content paths. This is usually defined in /etc/designs/<your-project-name>
If you are running AEM 6.2 I suggest that you have a look at the new We Retail demo application and demo content. The source of which can be found on Github:

Two different Web IDEs on HANA Cloud Platform

I was following the blog post SAP Web IDE - Enablement and noticed that I have been using a different Web IDE on HCP(HANA Cloud Platform). Can someone explain the two different Web IDEs.
One is accessed via tha HANA Instances page as seen below:
and as you can see this is an old version and looks significantly different:
and there is the other one (accessed via subscriptions menu) which is the up-to-date version and has many other capabilities:
So are these two IDEs different in terms of purpose?
As far as I understand, the second IDE(the new one) is used for local development and the application developed there can be deployed to HANA later on (the first one does not have any options related to deployment but it provides direct development on HANA) . Also there are other things that confuses me:
Can the second IDE connect to a HANA instance directly? We have xsjslib files that connects to the HANA DB and fetches data. ..or is the second editor is only for developing HTML5 applications without HANA connection?
Also in the this document it states that "If an HTML5 application requires connectivity to one or more back-end systems, destinations must be created or assigned". Can someone elaborate on this?
Thanks in advance.
I found the answer with a parallel post on SCN Network:
The bottom line is that(quoting the answer from the link)
These are 2 different things, Web IDE and HANA Web Dev Workbench:
first is for SAPUI5/Fiori development/extension, second - HANA related
So WebIDE is suitable for UI5 development meanwhile HANA Dev Workbench is for developing backend services.

How to deploy web application onto Google App Engine

This may be a vague question but I have been unable to find any help/tutorials specific to my situation and am stuck.
I have built a website using Eclipse (Dynamic Web Project.) I then deployed this application using Tomcat and can see it by going to localhost, however, I am struggling on how to actually deploy it to the cloud.
I am trying to use Google App Engine but am open to other (free) alternatives for deploying my web application.
With Google App Engine, I registered for an account, made a new project, connected it to my github repository and confirmed the correct code is listed.
However, when navigating to (mine is I get a 404 error.
I have attempted various deployments and even made an entirely new Google Web Application Project in Eclipse for testing which worked but weirdly deployed to and is the test files which I do not know how to correctly modify.
Is there any way to upload/deploy my existing web application to Google App Engine (as a .war or otherwise)?
I am new to web development and apologize for any unclear specifications. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: I have also tried (in Eclipse) right clicking the project and choosing "Deploy to App Engine" under Google however it states "mapp-website is not an App Engine project".
Edit2: I had a stupid mistake, I confused my Project ID (mapp-development) and app id (mapp-develop). I am able to successfully make a new Google web project and deploy it to
Sorry for the trouble!
Here are three ways to deploy:
Make an App Engine project in Eclipse
Deploy via Git
Deploy via GitHub
It seems like you tried #1 with a project named 1-dot-mapp-develop. If you select deploy from Eclipse, a dialog box will pop up with a link to "App Engine Project Settings" where you can change the project name (to mapp-development and version).