Choice of Neural Network and Activation Function - neural-network

I am very new to the field of Neural Network. Apologies, if this question is very amateurish.
I am looking to build a neural network model to predict whether a particular image that I am about to post on a social media platform will get a certain engagement rate.
I have around 120 images with historical data about the engagement rate. The following information is available:
Images of size 501 px x 501 px
Type of image (Exterior photoshoot/Interior photoshoot)
Day of posting the image (Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday)
Time of posting the image (18:33, 10:13, 19:36 etc)
No. of people who have seen the post (15659, 35754, 25312 etc)
Engagement rate (5.22%, 3.12%, 2.63% etc)
I would like the model to predict if a certain image when posted on a particular day and time will give an engagement rate of 3% or more.
As you may have noticed, the input data is images, text (signifying what type or day), time and numbers.
Could you please help me understand how to build a neural network for this problem?
P.S: I am very new to this field. It would be great if you can give a detailed direction how I should proceed to solve this problem.

A neural network has three kinds of neuronal layers:
Input layer. It stores the inputs this network will receive. The number of neurons must equal the number of inputs you have;
Hidden layer. It uses the inputs that come from the previous layer and it does the necessary calculations so as to obtain a result, which passes to the output layer. More complex problems may require more than one hidden layer. As far as I know, there is not an algorithm to determine the number of neurons in this layer, so I think you determine this number based on trial and error and previous experience;
Output layer. It gets the results from the hidden layer and gives it to the user for his personal use. The number of neurons from the output layer equals the number of outputs you have.
According to what you write here, your training database has 6 inputs and one output (the engagement rate). This means that your artificial neural network (ANN) will have 6 neurons on the input layer and one neuron on the output layer.
I not sure if you can pass images as inputs to a neural network. Also, because in theory there are an infinite types of images, I think you should categorize them a bit, each category receiving a number. An example of categorization would be:
Images with dogs are in category 1;
Images with hospitals are in category 2, etc.
So, your inputs will look like this:
Image category (dogs=1, hospitals=2, etc.);
Type of image (Exterior photoshoot=1, interior photoshoot=2);
Posting day (Sunday=1, Monday=2, etc.);
Time of posting the image;
Number of people who have seen the post;
Engagement rate.
The number of hidden layers and the number of each neuron from each hidden layer depends on your problem's complexity. Having 120 pictures, I think one hidden layer and 10 neurons on this layer is enough.
The ANN will have one hidden layer (the engagement rate).
Once the database containing the information about the 120 pictures is created (known as training database) is created, the next step is to train the ANN using the database. However, there is some discussion here.
Training an ANN means computing some parameters of the hidden neurons by using an optimization algorithm so as the sum of squared errors is minimum. The training process has some degree of randomness to it. To minimize the effect of the randomness factor and to get as precise estimations as possible, your training database must have:
Consistent data;
Many records;
I don't know how consistent your data are, but from my experience, a small training database with consistent data beats a huge database with non-consistent ones.
Judging by the problem, I think you should use the default activation function provided by the software you use for ANN handling.
Once you have trained your database, it is time to see how efficient this training was. The software which you use for ANN should provide you with tools to estimate this, tools which should be documented. If training is satisfactory for you, you may begin using it. If it is not, you may either re-train the ANN or use a larger database.


improve learning of neural network

Can someone help me what to do with a classification, if I get a training and validation error shown in the picture to improve my neural network? I tried to stop the training earlier, so that the validation error is smaller, but it's still too high. I get a validation accuracy of 62.45%, but thats too low. The dataset are images that show objects somewhere in the image (not centered). If I use the same network with the same number of images, but where the shown objects are always centered to the principal point, it works much better with a validation accuracy of 95%,
One can look for following things while implementing the Neural net:
Dataset Issues:
i) Check if the input data you are feeding the network makes sense and is there too much noise in the data.
ii) Try passing random input and see if the error performance persist. If it does, then it's time to make changes in your net.
iii) Check if the input data has appropriate labels.
iv) If the input data is not shuffled and is passed in a specific order of label, leads to negative impact on the learning. So, shuffling of data and label together is necessary.
v) Reduce the batch size and make sure batch don't contain the same label.
vi) Too much data augmentation is not good as it has a regularizing effect and when combined with other forms of regularization (weight L2, dropout, etc.) can cause the net to underfit.
vii) Data must be pre-processed as per the requirement of the data. For example, if you are training the network for face classification then the image face without or very any background should be passed to the network for learning.
Implementation Issues:
i) Check your loss function, weight initialization, and gradient checking to make sure the backpropagation works in an appropriate manner.
ii) Visualize the biases, activation, and weights for each layer with help of visualization library like Tensorboard.
iii) Try using dynamic learning rate concept, where the learning rate changes with a designed set of epochs.
iv) Increase the network size by adding more layer or more neurons, as it might not be enough to capture the features of its mark.

Convolution Neural Network for image detection/classification

So here is there setup, I have a set of images (labeled train and test) and I want to train a conv net that tells me whether or not a specific object is within this image.
To do this, I followed the tensorflow tutorial on MNIST, and I train a simple conv net reduced to the area of interest (the object) which are training on image of size 128x128. The architecture is as follows : successively 3 layers consisting of 2 conv layers and 1 max pool down-sampling layers, and one fully connected softmax layers (with two class 0 and 1 whether the object is present or not)
I impleted it using tensorflow, and this works quite well, but since I have enough computing power I was wondering how I could improve the complexity of the classification:
- adding more layers ?
- adding more channel at each layer ? (currently 32,64,128 and 1024 for the fully connected)
- anything else ?
But the most important part is that now I want to detect this same object on larger images (roughle 600x600 whereas the size of the object should be around 100x100).
I was wondering how I could use the previously training "small" network used for small images, in order to pretrained a larger network on the large images ? One option could be to classify the image using a slicing window of size 128x128 and scan the whole image but I would like to try if possible to train a whole network on it.
Any suggestion on how to proceed ? Or an article / ressource tackling this kind of problem ? (I am really new to deep learning so sorry if this is stupid question...)
Thanks !
I suggest that you continue reading on the field overall. Your search keys include CNN, image classification, neural net, AlexNet, GoogleNet, and ResNet. This will return many articles, on-line classes and lectures, and other materials to help you learn about classification with neural nets.
Don't just add layers or filters: the complexity of the topology (net design) must be fitted to the task; a net that's too complex will over-fit the training data. The one you've been using is probably LeNet; the three I cite above are for the ImageNet image classification contest.
Since you are working on images, I would suggest you to use a pretrained image classification network (like VGG, Alexnet etc.)and fine tune this network with your 128x128 image data. In my experience until we have very large data set fine tuned network will give more accuracy and also save training time. After building a good image classifier on your data set you can use any popular algorithm to generate region of proposal from the image. Now take all regions of proposal and pass them to classification network one by one and check weather this network is classifying given region of proposal as positive or negative. If it classifying as positively then most probably your object is present in that region. Otherwise it's not. If there are a lot of region of proposal in which object is present according to classifier then you can use non maximal suppression algorithms to reduce number of positive proposals.

How is the number of hidden and output neurons calculated for a neural network?

I'm very new to neural networks but I am trying to create one for optical character recognition. I have 100 images of every number from 0-9 in the size of 24x14. The number of inputs for the neural network are 336 but I don't know how to get the number of hidden neurons and output neurons.
How do I calculate it?
While for the output neurons the number should be equal to the number of classes you want to discriminate, for the hidden layer, the size is not so straight forward to set and it is mainly dependent on the trade-off between complexity of the model and generalization capabilities (see
The answers to this question can help:
training feedforward neural network for OCR
The number of output neurons is simply your number of classes (unless you only have 2 classes and are not using the one-hot representation, in which case you can make do with just 2 output neuron).
The number of hidden layers, and subsequently number of hidden neurons is not as straightforward as you might think as a beginner. Every problem will have a different configuration that will work for it. You have to try multiple things out. Just keep this in mind though:
The more layers you add, the more complex your calculations become and hence, the slower your network will train.
One of the best and easiest practices is to keep the number of hidden neurons fixed in each layer.
Keep in mind what hidden neurons in each layer mean. The input layer is your starting features and each subsequent hidden layer is what you do with those features.
Think about your problem and the features you are using. If you are dealing with images, you might want a large number of neurons in your first hidden layer to break apart your features into smaller units.
Usually you results would not vary much when you increase the number of neurons to a certain extent. And you'll get used to this as you practice more. Just keep in mind the trade-offs you are making
Good luck :)

How to use created "net" neural network object for prediction?

I used ntstool to create NAR (nonlinear Autoregressive) net object, by training on a 1x1247 input vector. (daily stock price for 6 years)
I have finished all the steps and saved the resulting net object to workspace.
Now I am clueless on how to use this object to predict the y(t) for example t = 2000, (I trained the model for t = 1:1247)
In some other threads, people recommended to use sim(net, t) function - however this will give me the same result for any value of t. (same with net(t) function)
I am not familiar with the specific neural net commands, but I think you are approaching this problem in the wrong way. Typically you want to model the evolution in time. You do this by specifying a certain window, say 3 months.
What you are training now is a single input vector, which has no information about evolution in time. The reason you always get the same prediction is because you only used a single point for training (even though it is 1247 dimensional, it is still 1 point).
You probably want to make input vectors of this nature (for simplicity, assume you are working with months):
[month1 month2; month2 month 3; month3 month4]
This example contains 2 training points with the evolution of 3 months. Note that they overlap.
Use the Network
After the network is trained and validated, the network object can be used to calculate the network response to any input. For example, if you want to find the network response to the fifth input vector in the building data set, you can use the following
a = net(houseInputs(:,5))
a =
If you try this command, your output might be different, depending on the state of your random number generator when the network was initialized. Below, the network object is called to calculate the outputs for a concurrent set of all the input vectors in the housing data set. This is the batch mode form of simulation, in which all the input vectors are placed in one matrix. This is much more efficient than presenting the vectors one at a time.
a = net(houseInputs);
Each time a neural network is trained, can result in a different solution due to different initial weight and bias values and different divisions of data into training, validation, and test sets. As a result, different neural networks trained on the same problem can give different outputs for the same input. To ensure that a neural network of good accuracy has been found, retrain several times.
There are several other techniques for improving upon initial solutions if higher accuracy is desired. For more information, see Improve Neural Network Generalization and Avoid Overfitting.
strong text

Matlab neural network testing

I have created a neural network and the performance is good. By using nprtool, we are allow to test the network with an input data and target data. Here is my question, what is the purpose of testing a neural network with target data provided? Isn't it testing should not hav e target data so that we can know how well can the trained neural network perform without target data is given? Hope someone will respond to this, thanks =)
I'm not familiar with nprtool, but I suspect it would give the input data to your neural network, and then compare your NN's output data with the target data (and compute some kind of success rate based on that).
So your NN will never see the target data, it's just used to measure the performance.
It's like the "teacher's edition" of the exercise books in school. The student (i.e. the NN) doesn't have the solutions, but her/his answers will be compared against them by the teacher (i.e. nprtool). (Okay, the teacher probably/hopefully knows the subject, but you get the idea.)
The "target" data t is the desired y of y=net(x) used as example to train the network.
What nprtool do is to divide the training set into three groups: the training set, the validation set and the test set.
The first one is used to actually update the network.
The second one is used to determine the performances of the net (note: this set is NOT used in any way to update the network): as the NN "learns" the error (as difference between the t and net(x)) over the validation set decreases. The trend will eventually stop or even reverse: this phenomena is called "overfitting", which means the NN is now chasing the training set, "memorizing" it at the cost of the ability to generalize (meaning: to perform well with unseen data). So the purpose of this validation set is to determine when to stop the training before the NN starts overfitting. This should answer your question.
Finally third set is for external testing, to leave you a set of data untouched by the training procedure.
Even though the total data set [training, validation and testing] are inputs to the training algorithm, the testing data is in no way used to design (i.e., train and validate) the net
total = design + test
design = train + validate
The training data is used to estimate weights and biases
The validation data is used to monitor the design performance on nontraining data. REGARDLESS OF THE PERFORMANCE ON TRAINING DATA, if validation performance degrades continuously for 6 (default) epochs, training is terminated (VALIDATION STOPPING).
This mitigates the dreaded phenomenon of OVERTRAINING AN OVERFIT NET where performance on nontraining data degrades even if the training set performance is improving.
An overfit net has more unknown weights and biases than training equations, thereby allowing an infinite number of solutions. A simple example of overfitting with two unknowns but only one equation:
KNOWN: a, b, c
FIND: unique x1 and x2
USING: a * x1 + b * x2 = c
Hope this helps.