I can't get the right result for multiple-boolean operation - boolean

I'm very new to programming and I'm currently learning Python 3.X.
I'm keeping everything I learn separated in files while trying to make it neat and interactive.
So I created a file only about boolean variables and its operations, and I wrote the following exercise:
# Variables
sad = bool(input("Are you sad? "))
hungry = bool(input("Are you hungry? "))
tired = bool(input("Are you tired? "))
# Process
print("\nYou are sad, and hungry, and tired: ", sad and hungry and tired)
print("You are tired or hungry, but happy: ", (sad or hungry) and not sad)
print("You're not tired, or you're hungry or happy: ", not tired or hungry or not sad)
# Input:
sad = True
hungry = False
tired = False
# Output:
You are sad, and hungry, and tired: True .......**should be False**
You are tired or hungry, but happy: False
You're not tired, or you're hungry,
I tried to put parenthesis between each pair of variables, but I'm getting the same output. What's happening? Am I not supposed to do this bool chain?


Walk through all tree nodes?

I'm using py-tree-sitter and this code to walk the entire node tree in sequence (code is from this github issue: https://github.com/tree-sitter/py-tree-sitter/issues/33#issuecomment-864557166):
def traverse_tree(tree: Tree):
cursor = tree.walk()
reached_root = False
while reached_root == False:
yield cursor.node
if cursor.goto_first_child():
if cursor.goto_next_sibling():
retracing = True
while retracing:
if not cursor.goto_parent():
retracing = False
reached_root = True
if cursor.goto_next_sibling():
retracing = False
for node in traverse_tree:
I'm using this code for syntax highlighting and this method does not give empty tokens like whitespace and newline which are not part of another AST token.
Is this the correct way to get all the nodes in the tree?
Another solution is to use recursion. For example, since tree-sitter does not support query syntax for missing nodes yet, one possible solution to still get them:
missing_nodes = []
def traverse_tree(node: Node):
for n in node.children:
if n.is_missing: missing_nodes.append(n)

How to use Optional in Netlogo Extensions

I want to create a netlogo primitive that may receive a boolean or may not. Therefore I want make possible to the user that he uses the primitive of these two ways:
ask Walkers [
ask Walkers [
qlearningextension:learning true
I tried to do that with OptionalType, but I could not make it. Is it possible to do what I want? If so, how can I do it?
So OptionalType unfortunately only works with CommandBlockType. For a good example of how that works, check out the sample-scala extension (maybe that's where you saw a reference to it in the first pace). OptionalType will not work with BooleanType.
There is a secondary option, that's a little hacky. You can use RepeatableType along with setting defaultOption and minimumOption in your syntax (so NetLogo knows that 0 arguments is okay/expected). Scala code example:
object RepeatableTypeTest extends api.Command {
override def getSyntax =
right = List(BooleanType | RepeatableType),
defaultOption = Some(0),
minimumOption = Some(0)
def perform(args: Array[api.Argument], context: api.Context) {
if (args.length > 0) {
val ref = args(0).getBoolean
} else {
println("No argument given!")
Then you just have to wrap calls with the boolean argument in parenthesis, so NetLogo knows you're not starting a new command (it expects the defaultOption without the parens):
to test
(sample-scala:rep-bool true)
(sample-scala:rep-bool false)
(sample-scala:rep-bool false true false true false)
The problem with this, as you can see in the example, is if your users want to they can provide extra useless booleans: (sample-scala:rep-bool false true false false true false false). If your code ignores them they won't have an effect, but they could be confusing or weird to extension users.

In Swift, how bad it is to declare variable in loops

I don't know all Swift mechanics, and how it handles variables.
I always preferred to declare variables before entering a for or while loop, not matter the language, rather than declaring them inside the loop over and over.
But is it that bad to re-declare variables ? Would it affect performance with a very large iteration ? How does specifically Swift handle this behavior ?
example :
while i < 100 {
let a = someFunc()
i += 1
let a: MyObj
while i < 100 {
a = someFunc()
i += 1
This would not impact performance, and version 1 is highly preferred. Even if it would impact performance, you would need to demonstrate that on your precise code before you would consider any other option but version 1. There are no universal performance answers when dealing with an optimizing compiler. Doing anything unusual "for performance" that you have not deeply explored with your code runs a high likelihood of making things worse. The normal cases are the most optimized cases.
(I know I'm overstating this. There are definitely ways to look at code and say "that's going to be horribly inefficient." And there are some quirky parts of Swift where things that look ok are in fact bad, most notably using + to combine strings, or using pre-Swift4 reduce to create an array. But in the cases that those matter, you're going to discover it really quickly because they're really bad when they matter.)
But we don't have to guess about any of this. We can just ask the compiler.
// inside.swift
import Foundation
func runme() {
var i = 0
while i < 100 {
let a = Int.random(in: 0...10)
i += 1
// outside.swift
import Foundation
func runme() {
var i = 0
var a: Int
while i < 100 {
a = Int.random(in: 0...10)
i += 1
First, note that I put these in a function. That's important. Putting them at the top level makes a a global in one case, and globals have special handling, including thread-safe initialization, which makes the "outside" case look more expensive and complicated than it would be in more normal usage. (It is very, very hard to correctly test micro-optimizations in such a way that you can draw general "this is faster" conclusions. There are so many factors.)
Second notice the print. We need to make sure to use a in a side-effecty way, or else the optimizer might remove it entirely. print is pretty good, even though it's quite complicated. You can also use the result to modify a global, but the compiler could definitely optimize that much more aggressively and might eliminate things we wanted to see. (You really really have to test this stuff on the actual case you care about.)
Now we can see what Swift is going to do with each of these using swiftc -O -emit-sil. That -O is critical. So many people try to do performance testing without turning on the optimizer, and those results are beyond meaningless.
So what's the SIL look like? (Swift Intermediate Language. This is the first big step towards turning your program into machine code. If two things generate the same SIL, they're going to generate the same machine code.)
The SIL is a little long (8000 lines), so I'm going to trim it a bit. My comments in <>. This is going to get a little tedious, because exploring this stuff is very nitpicky. If you want to skip it, the TL-DR is: there's no difference between these two pieces of code. Not "a small difference that won't matter." Literally (except for a hint to the debugger), no difference.
// runme()
sil hidden #$S4main5runmeyyF : $#convention(thin) () -> () {
... <define a bunch of variables and function calls> ...
<compute the random number and put it in %29>
// %19 // user: %49
bb1(%19 : $Builtin.Int64): // Preds: bb5 bb0
%20 = alloc_stack $SystemRandomNumberGenerator // users: %23, %30, %21
store %2 to %20 : $*SystemRandomNumberGenerator // id: %21
br bb2 // id: %22
bb2: // Preds: bb3 bb1
%23 = apply %6<SystemRandomNumberGenerator>(%20, %5) : $#convention(method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : RandomNumberGenerator> (#inout τ_0_0, #thin UInt.Type) -> UInt // user: %24
%24 = struct_extract %23 : $UInt, #UInt._value // users: %28, %25
%25 = builtin "cmp_ult_Int64"(%24 : $Builtin.Int64, %4 : $Builtin.Int64) : $Builtin.Int1 // user: %26
cond_br %25, bb3, bb4 // id: %26
bb3: // Preds: bb2
br bb2 // id: %27
bb4: // Preds: bb2
%28 = builtin "urem_Int64"(%24 : $Builtin.Int64, %3 : $Builtin.Int64) : $Builtin.Int64 // user: %29
%29 = struct $Int (%28 : $Builtin.Int64) // users: %42, %31
dealloc_stack %20 : $*SystemRandomNumberGenerator // id: %30
< *** Note that %29 is called "a" *** >
debug_value %29 : $Int, let, name "a" // id: %31
... < The print call. This is a lot more code than you think it is...> ...
< Add one to i and check for overflow >
%49 = builtin "sadd_with_overflow_Int64"(%19 : $Builtin.Int64, %8 : $Builtin.Int64, %13 : $Builtin.Int1) : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1) // users: %51, %50
%50 = tuple_extract %49 : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1), 0 // users: %55, %53
%51 = tuple_extract %49 : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1), 1 // user: %52
cond_fail %51 : $Builtin.Int1 // id: %52
< Loop if i < 100 >
%53 = builtin "cmp_slt_Int64"(%50 : $Builtin.Int64, %1 : $Builtin.Int64) : $Builtin.Int1 // user: %54
cond_br %53, bb5, bb6 // id: %54
bb5: // Preds: bb4
br bb1(%50 : $Builtin.Int64) // id: %55
bb6: // Preds: bb4
%56 = tuple () // user: %57
return %56 : $() // id: %57
} // end sil function '$S4main5runmeyyF'
The "outside" code is almost identical. What's different? Note where the *** in the code above marking the call to debug_value? That's missing in "outside" because a is defined as a function variable rather than a block variable.
Know what's missing in both of these? An alloc_stack call for "a". It's an integer; it can fit in a register. It's up to the lower level compiler whether it's stored in a register or the stack. The optimizer sees that "a" doesn't escape this region of the code, so it includes a hint for the debugger, but it doesn't actually bother to demand storage for it, not even on the stack. It can just take the return register of Random and move it to the parameter register for print. It's up to LLVM and its optimizer to decide all this.
The lesson from all this is that it literally doesn't matter for performance. In obscure cases where it might matter (such as when a is a global), version 1 would be more efficient, which I assume is the opposite of what you were expecting.
Swift handles this like most languages handle it. Local variables are declared on the stack, and popped off the stack when you exit the scope where they are defined. Pushing to and popping off of the stack is a very low-cost operation.
The LLVM compiler that Swift uses uses quite advanced code optimization, especially in release mode. In your trivial example the variables you're using the variables might well be optimized away anyway, since they aren't actually used for anything.
To summarize, there is no meaningful performance difference between the 2, and the first approach of putting the variable inside the loop is cleaner, as stated by rmaddy in his comment. Defining variables in the narrowest scope possible is a good policy. It shows your intent for the variable, and avoids unintended consequences.

In coffeescript, what's the difference between "is not" and "!="?

I've got this line of code:
console.log "source = #{#source.alignment} unit = #{unit.alignment}: " + (#source.alignment is not unit.alignment)
This is printing this out to the console:
source = good unit = bad: false
Why is it printing "false"? Shouldn't it be printing "true"? Logically, good "is not" bad.
console.log "source = #{#source.alignment} unit = #{unit.alignment}: " + (#source.alignment != unit.alignment)
source = good unit = bad: true
as expected.
What's the difference? When should I use is not?
It's an operator precedence issue:
a is not b => a is (not b)
That means that this compiles to the next js:
a === !b
In your case, b is unit.alignment, and as that var exists and its value is not falsy, !unit.alignment returns false
To solve your problem, check out isnt operator in Coffeescript docs

Sed and awk application

I've read a little about sed and awk, and understand that both are text manipulators.
I plan to use one of these to edit groups of files (code in some programming language, js, python etc.) to make similar changes to large sets of files.
Primarily editing function definitions (parameters passed) and variable names for now, but the more I can do the better.
I'd like to know if someone's attempted something similar, and those who have, are there any obvious pitfalls that one should look out for? And which of sed and awk would be preferable/more suitable for such an application. (Or maybe something entirely else? )
//Some code here
var variableOne = new ObjectType;
array[1] = "Some String";
instanceObj = new Something.something;
//Some code here
var PartOfSomething.variableOne = new ObjectType;
sArray[1] = "Some String";
var instanceObj = new Something.something
Here's a GNU awk (for "gensub()" function) script that will transform your sample input file into your desired output file:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ sym = "[[:alnum:]_]+" }
$0 = gensub("^(" sym ")[(](" sym ")[)](.*)","\\1(ParameterOne)\\3","")
$0 = gensub("^(var )(" sym ")(.*)","\\1PartOfSomething.\\2\\3","")
$0 = gensub("^a(rray.*)","sA\\1","")
$0 = gensub("^(" sym " =.*)","var \\1","")
$ cat file
//Some code here
var variableOne = new ObjectType;
array[1] = "Some String";
instanceObj = new Something.something;
$ gawk -f tst.awk file
//Some code here
var PartOfSomething.variableOne = new ObjectType;
sArray[1] = "Some String";
var instanceObj = new Something.something;
BUT think about how your real input could vary from that - you could have more/less/different spacing between symbols. You could have assignments starting on one line and finishing on the next. You could have comments that contain similar-looking lines to the code that you don't want changed. You could have multiple statements on one line. etc., etc.
You can address every issue one at a time but it could take you a lot longer than just updating your files and chances are you still will not be able to get it completely right.
If your code is EXCEEDINGLY well structured and RIGOROUSLY follows a specific, highly restrictive coding format then you might be able to do what you want with a scripting language but your best bets are either:
change the files by hand if there's less than, say, 10,000 of them or
get a hold of a parser (e.g. the compiler) for the language your files are written in and modify that to spit out your updated code.
As soon as it starts to get slightly more complicated you will switch to a script language anyway. So why not start with python in the first place?
Walking directories:
walking along and processing files in directory in python
Replacing text in a file:
replacing text in a file with Python
Python regex howto:
I also recommend to install Eclipse + PyDev as this will make debugging a lot easier.
Here is an example of a simple automatic replacer
import os;
import sys;
import re;
import itertools;
folder = r"C:\Workspaces\Test\";
skip_extensions = ['.gif', '.png', '.jpg', '.mp4', ''];
substitutions = [("Test.Alpha.", "test.alpha."),
("Test.Beta.", "test.beta."),
("Test.Gamma.", "test.gamma.")];
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
for name in files:
(base, ext) = os.path.splitext(name);
file_path = os.path.join(root, name);
if ext in skip_extensions:
print "skipping", file_path;
print "processing", file_path;
with open(file_path) as f:
s = f.read();
before = [[s[found.start()-5:found.end()+5] for found in re.finditer(old, s)] for old, new in substitutions];
for old, new in substitutions:
s = s.replace(old, new);
after = [[s[found.start()-5:found.end()+5] for found in re.finditer(new, s)] for old, new in substitutions];
for b, a in zip(itertools.chain(*before), itertools.chain(*after)):
print b, "-->", a;
with open(file_path, "w") as f: