Could I replace RabbitMQ with native kubernetes messaging queue - kubernetes

I didn't find could we replace rabbitMQ/activeMQ/SQS with native kubernetes messaging queue?
or they are totally different in terms of features?

It is a totally different mechanism.
Kubernetes internal queues is not a real "queues" you can use in external applications, they are a part of internal messaging system and manage only objects which are parts of Kubernetes.
Moreover, Kubernetes doesn't provide any message queue as a service for external apps (except a situation when your app actually service one of K8s objects).
If you are not sure which service is better for your app - try to check
That is a list of almost all available MQ engines with some highlights.

If you are referring to the Parallel Processing Using a Work Queue approach, you can technically use any queuing system, because the main logic is in the code used to get the items from the queue, Kubernetes is used only to control the parallelism.
If the idea is to use the queue algorithm used internally by kubernetes. it is not exposed as a a service for external applications, you would have to copy the code and implement in you application.


GKE and Task Queues

I am working on a cloud service platform that consists of getting tasks from users, executing them, and giving back the results.
Is there a way to have a "task queue", where tasks can be inserted via a REST API, and extracted automatically by the Google Kubernetes Engine cluster by guaranteeing an automatic scaling?
Long description
Users can send tasks in parallel, and each task is time consuming and need to be performed on a GPU. So, setting up an auto-scaling GPU cluster is what I thought of.
More in particular, in my idea, users could send tasks/data through a REST API, the REST API provides in filling a task queue, and the task queue itself will feed tasks to workers on the GPU auto-scaling cluster. Of course, there are other details (authentication, database, storage, etc.) that have to be addressed but are not the point of my question.
For reasons I don't specify here, the project is already started on the Google Cloud Platform, so switching to AWS or other providers is not an option.
For what I understood, things seem a bit different from standard Docker-only clusters in AWS, that is, we have to use the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to setup the auto-scaling cluster, even for "simple" GPU-enabled Docker containers.
By looking at the not-so-exhaustive documentation, I know that queues are used, but what I don't know is whether feeding of tasks to the cluster is automatically handled. Also, the so-called "Task Queue" service has been deprecated.
Thank you!
First I thought Cloud Tasks queues may be the answer to your troubles, but more this post seems to promote Cloud Pub/Sub as a better alternative.
After a quick chat with batch developers, the current solution (before the batch service become public) is to adopt a third-party queue system like Slurm.

Service Fabric - Reliable services pub/sub or broadcast events

I could not found any broadcast or pub/sub pattern between Reliable Services in any documentation. Did I miss anything?
My use case is , we need to notify custom event to all the SF stateful service replica in cluster if there any state change in any primary replica.
I am aware of Reliable state manager events which triggers when any change in Reliable collections.
Is there any other broadcast , pub/sub events to communicate between services replicas of the cluster ?
Did you see this oss project and package? It allows pub/sub messaging between services.
Why reinvent the wheel?
Service Fabric does not contains a brokered messaging engine because:
There are lot's of options already in the market available for this.
Would make your system tight coupled with service fabric runtime.
Why not just use Service Bus Pub\Sub Topics?
If the concern is latency, why not run RabitMQ, ActiveMQ or any other messaging system as a guest executable service or maybe inside a container.
If you had this feature on SF, you would have to write your services dependent on this feature, once you start adding external dependencies, you gonna face an integration challenge to forward these events to systems outside your cluster, having to create a service listening to these events just to forward it to another queue\topic.
It will just add extra work, complexity and maintenance to your solution.

How do micro services in Cloud Foundry communicate?

I'm a newbie in Cloud Foundry. In following the reference application provided by Predix (,1473,1600), the application consisted of several modules and each module is implemented as micro service.
My question is, how do these micro services talk to each other? I understand they must be using some sort of REST calls but the problem is:
service registry: Say I have services A, B, C. How do these components 'discover' the REST URLs of other components? As the component URL is only known after the service is pushed to cloud foundry.
How does cloud foundry controls the components dependency during service startup and service shutdown? Say A cannot start until B is started. B needs to be shutdown if A is shutdown.
The ref-app 'application' consists of several 'apps' and Predix 'services'. An app is bound to the service via an entry in the manifest.yml. Thus, it gets the service endpoint and other important configuration information via this binding. When an app is bound to a service, the 'cf env ' command returns the needed info.
There might still be some Service endpoint info in a property file, but that's something that will be refactored out over time.
The individual apps of the ref-app application are put in separate microservices, since they get used as components of other applications. Hence, the microservices approach. If there were startup dependencies across apps, the CI/CD pipeline that pushes the apps to the cloud would need to manage these dependencies. The dependencies in ref-app are simply the obvious ones, read-on.
While it's true that coupling of microservices is not in the design. There are some obvious reasons this might happen. Language and function. If you have a "back-end" microservice written in Java used by a "front-end" UI microservice written in Javascript on NodeJS then these are pushed as two separate apps. Theoretically the UI won't work too well without the back-end, but there is a plan to actually make that happen with some canned JSON. Still there is some logical coupling there.
The nice things you get from microservices is that they might need to scale differently and cloud foundry makes that quite easy with the 'cf scale' command. They might be used by multiple other microservices, hence creating new scale requirements. So, thinking about what needs to scale and also the release cycle of the functionality helps in deciding what comprises a microservice.
As for ordering, for example, the Google Maps api might be required by your application so it could be said that it should be launched first and your application second. But in reality, your application should take in to account that the maps api might be down. Your goal should be that your app behaves well when a dependent microservice is not available.
The 'apps' of the 'application' know about each due to their name and the URL that the cloud gives it. There are actually many copies of the reference app running in various clouds and spaces. They are prefaced with things like Dev or QA or Integration, etc. Could we get the Dev front end talking to the QA back-end microservice, sure, it's just a URL.
In addition to the aforementioned, etcd (which I haven't tried yet), you can also create a CUPS service 'definition'. This is also a set of key/value pairs. Which you can tie to the Space (dev/qa/stage/prod) and bind them via the manifest. This way you get the props from the environment.
If micro-services do need to talk to each other, generally its via REST as you have noticed.However microservice purists may be against such dependencies. That apart, service discovery is enabled by publishing available endpoints on to a service registry - etcd in case of CloudFoundry. Once endpoint is registered, various instances of a given service can register themselves to the registry using a POST operation. Client will need to know only about the published end point and not the individual service instance's end point. This is self-registration. Client will either communicate to a load balancer such as ELB, which looks up service registry or client should be aware of the service registry.
For (2), there should not be such a hard dependency between micro-services as per micro-service definition, if one is designing such a coupled set of services that indicates some imminent issues such as orchestrating and synchronizing. If such dependencies do emerge, you will have rely on service registries, health-checks and circuit-breakers for fall-back.

Distributed Actors in Akka

I'm fairly new to Akka and new to distributed programming in general. Using Akka's Mist component, I've created supervised actors to handle HTTP requests asynchronously. Everything is currently running on one physical machine with local actors. What I don't understand is how to build a truly fault-tolerant system with more than one box. As stated in the Akka docs:
Also, you (usually) need to know if one box is down and/or the service you are talking to on the other box is down. Here actor supervision/linking is a critical tool for not only monitoring the health of remote services, but to actually manage the service, do something about the problem if the actor or node is down. Such as restarting actors on the same node or on another node.
How do I do this? I'm looking for an example or pointers on how to begin making my application distributed. Other services in our group use Apache gateways in front of multiple Tomcat instances, so the event of a Tomcat server going down is transparent to the user. I'm deploying my service to the Akka microkernel and need to achieve a similar level of high availability across more than one physical box.
I'm using Akka 1.1.3.
Remote supervision works only with client-managed remote actors for the Akka 1.x series.
Akka 2.0 that is currently under development will support transparent clustering, cluster-wide supervision and cluster-wide lifecycle monitoring.
You might consider putting an HTTP load balancer in front of Akka Microkernel instances running Mist, this would match what your group does with 'Apache gateways'.
Another approach would be to expose remote actors on a number of instances and then use Akka's LoadBalancer or Actor Pool to send messages around, see here
The second approach is a bit of a pain if you have a dynamic pool of machines, because the pool of devices wants to be specified programatically. Akka 2.0 addresses this with cluster support that is setup in the akka.conf file.
As far as the release date of 2.0, for what its worth 1.2 was just recently released on 2011-Sept-19.

Horizontal scaling of node.js server instances on a single machine

Running a web server on node.js is a simple thing to do (as seen by its excellent examples and documentation) but I wonder how you can fully use the CPU resources of a dedicated server?
Since node.js is single-threaded the only way to take advantage of multiple processors is via multiple processes. Of course, only one process can bind to a port so it seems there would have to be a master/worker pattern wherein the master forks children, binds to the incoming port, and delegates incoming connections (and the actual processing work) to the children. (Perhaps via a hungry-consumer pattern?)
Is this the best way to scale a web server running node.js? If so, are there libraries to simplify the master/worker pattern? If not, what patterns or deployment setups are recommended to best use the entire resources of a dedicated machine?
(Is this a better question for ServerFault?)
Multi-node is a library that provides the master/worker pattern.
If the server processes don't need to be able to talk to each other, and you aren't using Socket.IO, a simple option would be to just start one process/core, bind to local ports, and use something like nginx or HAProxy to load balance between them.
If you're using express, I'd use tj's Cluster:
It provides 'transparent' cpu based load balancing, which is nice because you can use your existing express app, and it scales it across cores relatively painlessly.