My date-time picker of Bootstrap-4 is not working on Internet Explorer? Is there any Date-Time picker which will work on Bootstrap 4.0? - datepicker

Date-Time picker of Bootstrap-4 not working on Internet Explorer.
How can I do so?
I have used Bootstrap-4 for entire project.

We had exactly the same issue. We used flatpickr instead. It works in all browsers, including IE 11.


Zepto Datepicker Library

I've decided to ditch jQuery and go with Zepto for a mobile application that I am making with PhoneGap.
The problem is that most of the date pickers available rely on jQuery (Including the one I was using before).
Does anybody know any good date pickers that work with zepto. The only requirement is that it looks OK.
I have successfully implemented but the UI is awful and I haven't found any documentation on how to change it from using dropdowns to a standard calendar view.
I have also used the following date picker but it seems limited in that it completely takes over the input you're using and I'm not sure how to get the input to display the date once it's been selected.
Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks.
This one appears to be working with zepto only :)
(or at least the demo includes zepto only ;) ... (with the DateFormat library, but it's optional))

TinyMCE 4 Issues on IE 11

I have recently updated some admin systems on websites to use TinyMCE 4, using the JS version.
I have just discovered a bug that only occurs in IE11, which is the following:
When a Textarea loads it contains the posted html data, but then after the split second it takes for TinyMCE to trigger, all the content within the Textarea is hidden - and TinyMCE is just empty.
It seems to work on all other browsers, including other versions of Internet Explorer. Has anyone else had this issue and know of a solution?
We've fixed this bug since then. Updating to the latest version should fix this.

Kendo Ui DatePicker Cannot Select Date in IE

Has anyone had problems with Kendo DatePicker in IE9 Compatibility Mode? I am not able to select a date from the calendar except for the current date at the bottom. I found this post, jQuery UI datepicker IE problem, but it did not offer any clues to the problem. This post,, also addresses the issue, but the issue still remains. I am currently running Kendo UI Web 2013.1.319 Open Source. Per usual everything is working exactly as expected in Firefox, Chrome, and other modern browsers. Thank you for any help offered.

Plone 4.2: DatePicker Widget with YY/MM/DD instead of DD/MM/YY

In my Plone 4.2 site the DatePicker (e.g. when adding a new "event") displays as YEAR MONTH DAY
However, I do have a German Website, where it should be the other way around. That is:
DAY MONTH YEAR. How can I change this?
PS German is already selected as default language from Plone's language control panel.
PPS I don't know if this is related in any way, but since this might be a localisation issue, I'd rather tell: I use raptus.multilanguageplone
edit: added correct image link | say, that this happens when adding/editing a new event
I can't see the image you added because the URL is expired. so I'm going to assume you mean for the add/edit form of an Archetype (In Plone 4.2 the default types are all Archetypes).
There seems to be no easy fix such as a site-wide setting in the control panel, but you can change the ordering in the template. This however means you'll have to change the raw HTML.
To do this, you'll have to go to the Zope Management Interface (reached via the Site Setup page "Plone/##overview-controlpanel").
Then click on the "portal_skins tool" and then "plone_templates". Then click on "calendar_macros" and then click the "Customize" button.
Now you can change the ordering in the raw HTML/TAL.

Smart GWT - button problem with chrome

i've a problem with smart-GWT and google Chrome. I don't see the IButton and the ButtonItem as well as Internet Explorer or Forefox 4.
This problem happen when i use an HTML code created with Dreamweaver, that use Table.
Can you help me?
I would suggest not using the Table element. CSS with divs are easier to use in the long run.
Having said that, I have found some funny behaviour using the SmartGWT IButton and IE 9.0, I have to render the page in compatibility mode or else the button doesn't work. It works fine in Chrome, but SmartGWT 2.4 was released in Dec 2010, so maybe an update is due out soon that will address this.