How to avoid external calls to change the thread of the stream - rx-java2

I'm facing an issue when using a third party library that spawns a new thread and return values using that new thread. It changes the thread of the whole chain downstream.
The code would be something like this, it calls a use case and subscribes on a specific scheduler:
.subscribe(value -> print("value emitted: " + value))
and inside the use case there will be many operations, including a call to a third party library:
Completable.defer(() -> {
print("Operations on the chain before calling third party lib");
return Completable.complete();
.flatMap((Function<String, ObservableSource<String>>) s -> {
print("Operations on the chain after calling third party lib");
return Observable.just(s);
Current output
The logs would look like this, notice how the thread changes:
[Thread: RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] Operations on the chain before calling third party lib
[Thread: ThirdPartyLibThread] Operations on the chain after calling third party lib
[Thread: ThirdPartyLibThread] value emitted: third party value new thread
Expected output
I would like the stream to keep operating on the thread that it was originally subscribed on.
Expected answers
I know that I can fix it adding .observeOn( after calling the third party lib. But I don't want to hardcode the scheduler inside the UseCase class.
I want the user of the class to choose which scheduler they want it subscribed on, without side effects of changing threads in the middle. I could request the scheduler as parameter to the UseCase class, but I'm looking for different alternatives.
Extra code
This is how the third party lib is called, using the example given in the javadocs:
private static Observable<String> callThirdPartyLib() {
ThirdPartyLib thirdPartyLib = new ThirdPartyLib();
return Observable.create((ObservableOnSubscribe<String>) emitter -> thirdPartyLib.getData(emitter::onNext))
//.observeOn( // <-- this fixes it
This is to simulate a third party lib that call the callback on a different thread - this code can't be changed:
private static class ThirdPartyLib {
void getData(Callback callback) {
new Thread(() -> callback.onDataReceived("third party value new thread"), "ThirdPartyLibThread").start();
interface Callback {
void onDataReceived(String data);


How to create a multicast observable that activates on subscribe?

I want to fuse the inputs of several Android sensors and expose the output as an observable (or at least something that can be subscribed to) that supports multiple simultaneous observers. What's the idiomatic way to approach this? Is there a class in the standard library that would make a good starting point?
I was thinking of wrapping a PublishSubject in an object with delegates for one or more subscribe methods that test hasObservers to activate the sensors, and wrap the returned Disposable in a proxy that tests hasObservers to deactivate them. Something like this, although this already has some obvious problems:
public class SensorSubject<T> {
private final PublishSubject<T> mSubject = PublishSubject.create();
public Disposable subscribe(final Consumer<? super T> consumer) {
final Disposable d = mSubject.subscribe(consumer);
if(mSubject.hasObservers()) {
// activate sensors
return new Disposable() {
public void dispose() {
// possible race conditions!
if(!isDisposed()) {
if(!mSubject.hasObservers()) {
// deactivate sensors
public boolean isDisposed() {
return d.isDisposed();
The idiomatic way to do that in RxJava would be to use hot observable.
Cold observables do some action when someone subscribes to them and emit all items to that subscriber. So it's 1 to 1 relation.
Hot observable do some action and emits items independently on individual subscription. So if you subscribe too late, you might not get some values that were emitted earlier. This is 1 to many relation, aka multicast - which is what you want.
Usual way to do it is Flowable.publish() which makes Flowable multicast, but requires calling connect() method to start emitting values.
In your case you can also call refCount() which adds your desired functionality - it subscribes to source Flowable when there is at least one subscription and unsubscribes when everyone unsubsribed.
Because publish().refCount() is pretty popular combination, there is a shortcut for them - share(). And as far as I understand this is exactly what you want.
Edit by asker: This code incorporates this answer and David Karnok's comment in the form of a Dagger 2 provider method. SimpleMatrix is from EJML. This seems to be doing what I asked for.
public Observable<SimpleMatrix> magnetometer(final SensorManager sensorManager) {
final PublishSubject<SimpleMatrix> ps = PublishSubject.create();
final Sensor sensor = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD);
final SensorEventListener listener = new SensorEventAdapter() {
public void onSensorChanged(final SensorEvent event) {
ps.onNext(new SimpleMatrix(1, 3, true, event.values));
return ps.doOnSubscribe(s -> {
sensorManager.registerListener(listener, sensor, SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);
}).doOnDispose(() -> {

Does a FlowableOperator inherently supports backpressure?

I've implemented an FlowableOperator as described in the RxJava2 wiki ( except that I perform some testing in the onNext() operation something like that:
public final class MyOperator implements FlowableOperator<Integer, Integer> {
static final class Op implements FlowableSubscriber<Integer>, Subscription {
public void onNext(Integer v) {
if (v % 2 == 0) {
child.onNext(v * v);
This operator is part of a chain where I have a Flowable created with a backpressure drop. In essence, it looks almost like this:
Flowable.<Integer>create(emitter -> myAction(), DROP)
.filter(v -> v > 2)
.lift(new MyOperator())
.subscribe(n -> doSomething(n));
I've met the following issue:
backpressure occurs, so doSomething(n) cannot handle the upcoming upstream
items are dropped due to the Backpressure strategy chosen
but doSomething(n) never receives back new item after the drop has been performed and while doSomething(n) was ready to deal with new items
Reading back the excellent blog post of David Karnok, it's seems that I need to add a request(1) in the onNext() method. But that was with RxJava1...
So, my question is: is this fix enough in RxJava2 to deal with my backpressure issue? Or do my operator have to implement all the stuff about Atomics, drain stuff described in to properly handle my backpressure issue?
Note: I've added the request(1) and it seems to work. But I can't figure out whether it's enough or whether my operator needs the tricky stuff of queue-drain and atomics.
Thanks in advance!
Does a FlowableOperator inherently supports backpressure?
FlowableOperator is an interface that is called for a given downstream Subscriber and should return a new Subscriber that wraps the downstream and modulates the Reactive Streams events passing in one or both directions. Backpressure support is the responsibility of the Subscriber implementation, not this particular functional interface. It could have been Function<Subscriber, Subscriber> but a separate named interface was deemed more usable and less prone to overload conflicts.
need to add a request(1) in the onNext() [...]
But I can't figure out whether it's enough or whether my operator needs the tricky stuff of queue-drain and atomics.
Yes, you have to do that in RxJava 2 as well. Since RxJava 2's Subscriber is not a class, it doesn't have v1's convenience request method. You have to save the Subscription in onSubscribe and call upstream.request(1) on the appropriate path in onNext. For your case, it should be quite enough.
I've updated the wiki with a new section explaining this case explicitly:
final class FilterOddSubscriber implements FlowableSubscriber<Integer>, Subscription {
final Subscriber<? super Integer> downstream;
Subscription upstream;
// ...
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
if (upstream != null) {
} else {
upstream = s; // <-------------------------
public void onNext(Integer item) {
if (item % 2 != 0) {
} else {
upstream.request(1); // <-------------------------
public void request(long n) {
// the rest omitted for brevity
Yes you have to do the tricky stuff...
I would avoid writing operators, except if you are very sure what you are doing? Nearly everything can be achieved with the default operators...
Writing operators, source-like (fromEmitter) or intermediate-like
(flatMap) has always been a hard task to do in RxJava. There are many
rules to obey, many cases to consider but at the same time, many
(legal) shortcuts to take to build a well performing code. Now writing
an operator specifically for 2.x is 10 times harder than for 1.x. If
you want to exploit all the advanced, 4th generation features, that's
even 2-3 times harder on top (so 30 times harder in total).
There is the tricky stuff explained:

rxjava2 - how to pass in a consumer as parameter

i am using the following rxjava dependencies in android:
compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.1.0'
compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.0.1'
and i am trying to create a method that will take in a observer as a paramter. I am having some issues i think its because this is rxjava2 so things are updated and im a little confused.
Let me show you what i want to accomplish:
private Subscription subscription = Scriptions.empty(); //this isn't working. how to set a empty observer IN RXJAVA2?
protected abstract Observable buildUseCaseObservable(); //RETROFIT WILL BUILD THE OBSERVABLE FOR ME SOMEWHERE ELSE
public void execute(Consumer UseCaseSubscriber){
this.subscription = this.buildUseCaseObservable()
.subscribe(UseCaseSubscriber); //THIS LINE IS NOT WORKING , ERROR IS IN THE PHOTO
public void unsubscribe(){
Basically i am trying to create a method that will accept a observer/consumer as parameter and use that to update the UI after retrofit is done (being the observable).
ok i changed it to disposables. now i'd like to store the disposable that i get back but its not working.
protected abstract Observable buildUseCaseObservable();
public void execute(Observer UseCaseSubscriber){
this.subscription = this.buildUseCaseObservable()
public void unsubscribe(){
i am getting the following warning:
The reason i want to store the whole thing in a subscription (or whatever else you recommend) is so i can unsubscribe to it whenever i want.
but from the docs:
Because Reactive-Streams base interface, org.reactivestreams.Publisher defines the subscribe() method as void, Flowable.subscribe(Subscriber) no longer returns any Subscription (or Disposable). The other base reactive types also follow this signature with their respective subscriber types.
so how to save disposable so we can unsubscribe then ?
Subscription has been 'renamed' to Disposable with 2.x version. You can read the rxJava wiki explanation on this change here.
so how to save disposable so we can unsubscribe then ? Flowable.subscribe(Subscriber) doesn't return disposable, but Observable.subscribe(Subscriber) does. If you don't need back-pressure, just cast your Flowable to Observable with .toObservable().

Is there a C# System.Reactive version of RxJava's doOnSubscribe?

In RxJava I tend to use Observable.doOnSubscribe to log when an observable is subscribed (to know when some work to create\fetch data is happening) to and found it useful to catch mistakes on when certain heavy work is invoked.
The Do() operator does seem to provide doOnNext(), doOnError(), doOnCompleted() RxJava functionality however uniess I'm missing it, it doesn't seem to provide functionality similar to doOnSubscribe().
I could add logging to the create\fetch data code however often this could be an Observable sourced via a 3rd party library and thus not as convenient vs having an operator such as RxJava's doOnSubscribe() it seems.
Am I missing the C# version of doOnSubscribe() or is there an alternative that would solve my needs?
Just use Observable.Defer():
var someObservable = ...;
var newObservable = Observable.Defer(() =>
return someObservable;
You can make your own extension if you wish:
public static IObservable<T> DoOnSubscribe(this IObservable<T> source, Action action)
return Observable.Defer(() =>
return source;

Understanding RxJava: Differences between Runnable callback

I'm trying to understand RxJava and I'm sure this question is a nonsense... I have this code using RxJava:
public Observable<T> getData(int id) {
if (dataAlreadyLoaded()) {
return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<T>(){
T data = getDataFromMemory(id);
return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<T>(){
public void call(Subscriber<? super String> subscriber) {
T data = getDataFromRemoteService(id);
And, for instance, I could use it this way:
Action1<String> action = new Action<String>() {
public void call(String s) {
//Do something with s
and this another with callback that implements Runnable:
public void getData(int id, MyClassRunnable callback) {
if (dataAlreadyLoaded()) {
T data = getDataFromMemory(id);
} else {
T data = getDataFromRemoteService(id);
And I would use it this way:
getData(3, new MyClassRunnable()); //Do something in run method
Which are the differences? Why is the first one better?
The question is not about the framework itself but the paradigm. I'm trying to understand the use cases of reactive.
I appreciate any help. Thanks.
First of all, your RxJava version is much more complex than it needs to be. Here's a much simpler version:
public Observable<T> getData(int id) {
return Observable.fromCallable(() ->
dataAlreadyLoaded() ? getDataFromMemory(id) : getDataFromRemoteService(id)
Regardless, the problem you present is so trivial that there is no discernible difference between the two solutions. It's like asking which one is better for assigning integer values - var = var + 1 or var++. In this particular case they are identical, but when using assignment there are many more possibilities (adding values other than one, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, taking into account other variables, etc).
So what is it you can do with reactive? I like the summary on reactivex's website:
Easily create event streams or data streams. For a single piece of data this isn't so important, but when you have a stream of data the paradigm makes a lot more sense.
Compose and transform streams with query-like operators. In your above example there are no operators and a single stream. Operators let you transform data in handy ways, and combining multiple callbacks is much harder than combining multiple Observables.
Subscribe to any observable stream to perform side effects. You're only listening to a single event. Reactive is well-suited for listening to multiple events. It's also great for things like error handling - you can create a long sequence of events, but any errors are forwarded to the eventual subscriber.
Let's look at a more concrete with an example that has more intrigue: validating an email and password. You've got two text fields and a button. You want the button to become enabled once there is a email (let's say .*#.*) and password (of at least 8 characters) entered.
I've got two Observables that represent whatever the user has currently entered into the text fields:
Observable<String> email = /* you figure this out */;
Observable<String> password = /* and this, too */;
For validating each input, I can map the input String to true or false.
Observable<Boolean> validEmail = -> str.matches(".*#.*"));
Observable<Boolean> validPw = -> str.length() >= 8);
Then I can combine them to determine if I should enable the button or not:
Observable.combineLatest(validEmail, validPw, (b1, b2) -> b1 && b2)
.subscribe(enableButton -> /* enable button based on bool */);
Now, every time the user types something new into either text field, the button's state gets updated. I've setup the logic so that the button just reacts to the state of the text fields.
This simple example doesn't show it all, but it shows how things get a lot more interesting after you get past a simple subscription. Obviously, you can do this without the reactive paradigm, but it's simpler with reactive operators.