How To set default UTF-8 in Http Test Script Recorder In Jmeter? - encoding

I'm using Jmeter and I record http requsets with "Http Test Script Recorder".
How can I set default UTF-8 encoding for the content encoding?
When I record, for the first time, encoding has been a problem, but content encoding for the next time, is ok.

Add a HTTP REQUEST DEFAULT to the test plan and set Content encoding to UTF-8 Then start recording the website
If it didn't help (That's because the website you are recording is sending a request which is not UTF-8 encoded, If you can change the source code of website do it first, else try these steps), You can use USER DEFINED VARIABLES in the test plan:
Click Add
In Name define a variable name i.e: sur_name
Then in value write the name you want i.e: صادقی
In any HttpRequest with parameter named sur_name you should write #sur_name as value
Note that you should do the steps after monitoring.


Encoding a GPX file such that it's accepted by the /matchroute endpoint of the Here API

I am trying to call the resource /matchroute via a GET request.
However, I can't figure out how to encode the GPX file so that the resource accepts my request: I always receive HTTP error 400 as a response from the Here server.
As exemplary data I used the following file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gpx version="1.0"
<trkpt lat="51.10177" lon="0.39349"/>
<trkpt lat="51.10181" lon="0.39335"/>
<trkpt lat="51.10255" lon="0.39366"/>
<trkpt lat="51.10398" lon="0.39466"/>
<trkpt lat="51.10501" lon="0.39533"/>
that I got from the this example.
I encoded this file using MATLAB's function which yielded the following base64-encoded string:
However, as stated before, the HERE server consistently responds with HTTP-error 400 to my request{app_id}&app_code={app_code}&routemode=car&file=...
where "..." equals the above mentioned base64-encoded string.
Question: Could anyone please provide a code sample showing how to encode the above mentioned GPX file correctly (ideally in MATLAB language) so that the /matchroute resource is able to respond?
If I use the base64 string
from this example the GET request works. However, I couldn't figure out how to reproduce this encoding myself so that I am able to encode my own data accordingly.
Link to the Here API definition:
Looking at the two base64 strings I can tell you the fundamental difference between them - the first one (which doesn't work) is unescaped whereas the second one (which works) is.
You can convert between the two formats manually using various online tools like this one. The escaped version of the non-working base64 string, in case you want to test it, is:
I'm not an expert on this, but as I understand, you need to URL-encode strings only when you want to paste them as-is into the web path of your browser (read about "URL Params"). If you construct your HTTP requests the right way™ (by this I mean specify the headers of the request and the key-value pairs correctly), you shouldn't have to worry about URL-encoding at all, since the tool that you're using (in this case, MATLAB) should take care of the conversion for you.
Unfortunately, I cannot test this theory, as I have no access to the discussed API - but I am fairly certain that this would solve your problem.
I had the exact same problem.
The documentation seems to be incomplete. You can check here for additional information. Several ways I solved this:
Use filetype='CSV' or filtetype='GPX' in parameter. It says the filetype is guessed if passed, that is actually not true. After passing an XML file the API told me my file didn't look like a 'CSV'
Compression is OPTIONAL, I suggest to avoid it completely I could not find a suitable compression either. It works fine with plain base64 encoding.
I suggest to actually use CSV because the XML actually returns parsing errors.
In python
r = requests.get('{APP_ID}&app_code={APP_CODE}&routemode=car&file={file}&filetype={filetype}'.format(

How do I prevent mule from encoding the query-param?

In a HTTP request, I am adding a token as a query-param.
It seems that mule is encoding the value.
- If I add the parameter, mule will encode it in the way it is wrong.
- If I add already encoded parameter, mule will double encode it and therefore won't be usable anymore.
So the question is: Is there a way or a workaround to prevent mule from encoding the URL query-param?
Example of the parameter: {AES}ZEoksxIg484magPtWwNUUQ==;iT0kI2HsqGkh%2Bdc2baW2B4dNR2vouKkWQsDTdbMP8us=
My colleague found a workaround for this, so I'm sharing it here.
Apparently, you can set a variable before the HTTP request and add the manually encoded value. Let's call it ourTokenVariable In my example above that would be %7BAES%7DZEoksxIg484magPtWwNUUQ%3D%3D%3BiT0kI2HsqGkh%252Bdc2baW2B4dNR2vouKkWQsDTdbMP8us%3D
After that, you can use this newly created variable directly in the url path. For example: /example/someapi?someToken=[#flowvars.ourTokenVariable]
This way you don't need to use uri-param or query-param anymore (where mule is double encoding the value). The value will be taken 'as is'.

Can I fake uploaded image filesize?

I'm building a simple image file upload form. Programmatically, I'm using the Laravel 5 framework. Through the Input facade (through Illuminate), I can resolve the file object, which in itself is an UploadedFile (through Symfony).
The UploadedFile's API ref page (Symfony docs) says that
public integer | null getClientSize()
Returns the file size. It is extracted from the request from which the
file has been uploaded. It should not be considered as a safe
value. Return Value integer|null The file size
What will be these cases where the uploaded filesize is wrongly reported?
Are there known exploits using this?
How can the admin ensure this is detected (and hence logged as a trespass attempt)?
That method is using the "Content-Length" header, which can easily be forged. You'll want to use the easy construct $_FILES['myfile']['size']. As an answer to another question has already stated: Can $_FILES[...]['size'] be forged?
This value checks the actual size of the file, and is not modified by the provided headers.
If you'd like to check for people misbehaving, you can simply compare the content-length header to your $_FILES['myfile']['size'] value.

How is a mojolicious session token created?

Are mojolicious session tokens created in a "standard" way (in a generic sense), or is this up to the individual application? If it is the former, then what is the format?
What I saw so far is a base64 encoded JSON fragment (which by itself is syntactically incomplete), followed by "---", followed by a random looking 40-digit hex-string.
I'm especially interested in the random looking token. Is it randomly generated, or is it the encoding/encryption of something?
Mojolicious session have base64 string (in the begin, first part) and sign (in the end, second part) which separated by "---".
Sign is main part of session which prevent from changes.
So, make a test:
Add to session some value. Make request which get this value in the session.
Get session and transform first part of them (make base64_decode and change value then make base64_encode and put it before "--" in cookies).
Make query to server with new cookie/session. Your new data must be invalid in session.
So, sign it is IMPORTANT part of session.
Read source code to learn more about it
Read this to know how to set secret key for sign cookies

httprequest encoding mismatch

I'm using a Google Gears Worker to submt a POST httprequest (using var request = google.gears.factory.create('beta.httprequest'); )
with a parameter containing the string
but the Django HttpRequest is receiving it as "bford $#&!?# å¾³å\u008a\u009bå\u009fºå½¦"
How do I specify to one or the other of the parties in the transaction to leave it untranslated?
Check the HttpRequest.encoding and the DEFAULT_CHARSET settings. Judging by the encoded value, this should be UTF-8 (which is indeed usually the right thing).
You can get the ‘untranslated’ (with %s still in) value by looking at the input stream (for POST) or environ QUERY_STRING (for GET) and decoding it manually, but it would be better to fix Django's incorrect string-to-unicode decoding really.
As I understand it, Django 1.0 should default to using UTF-8, so I'm not sure why it's not in your case.