Status code for "resource will never be available in this case" - rest

I have a REST API dealing with invoices. Now each invoice has a special "fee list" after it gets financed. Although not all are meant to be financed. I have an endpoint which provides information about this fee list for each invoice. So if an invoice has been financed, it returns 200, if invoice has not yet been financed (so the resource is not yet available but will be) I return 202 but what if invoice is not meant to be financed (resource is unavailable and never will be, in this case)?
I thought of using:
2xx - could not find any code that would match the situation
3xx - disagree with "client must take additional action to complete the request"
4xx - disagree with "situations in which the error seems to have been caused by the client"
5xx - disagree with "the server failed to fulfil a request"
Any ideas? Thanks!

I have an endpoint which provides information about this fee list for each invoice. So if an invoice has been financed, it returns 200, if invoice has not yet been financed (so the resource is not yet available but will be) I return 202 but what if invoice is not meant to be financed (resource is unavailable and never will be, in this case)?
An important thing to understand in REST, is that the metadata (status codes, headers) are describing resources (documents), not domain entities.
Sometimes, this idea is expressed "your resource model is not your domain model".
Your domain specific client is supposed to be looking at the payloads of the responses; the metadata describes the domain agnostic concerns of the hypermedia resource itself, so that generic components (browsers, caches, proxies, spiders) can contribute.
Another way of expressing the same idea: what we're really doing is sending messages back and forth. The message for the domain specific client belongs in the payload; so that's where you would communicate to the client what's going on with the invoice. The metadata is used to describe things like "how long should this particular message be cached?"
If I were designing your API, most of the responses would use 200 OK as the status code; with the occasional 404 Not Found when it appears that there may be a spelling mistake in the target URI.
(I probably wouldn't use 202 Accepted as you have described it, as the semantics mean something different -- 202 is much closer to "I understood your request, but its going to take me some time to get the document ready")

First of all, it's important to highlight that status codes are meant to indicate the result of the server's attempt to understand and satisfy the client request.
So, if resource is unavailable means that such resource doesn't exist (hence no representation can be found for such resource), then 404 is a quite reasonable choice:
The 404 (Not Found) status code indicates that the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
From your question, I can understand that not meant to be financed doesn't mean that a representation doesn't exist for such resource. So, if the resource exists (and there's a representation for it), then a 200 seems to be just fine:
The 200 (OK) status code indicates that the request has succeeded.

According to :
The 404 (Not Found) status code indicates that the origin server did
not find a current representation for the target resource or is not
willing to disclose that one exists. A 404 status code does not
indicate whether this lack of representation is temporary or
permanent; the 410 (Gone) status code is preferred over 404 if the
origin server knows [...] that
the condition is likely to be permanent.
And also:
The 410 (Gone) status code indicates that access to the target resource is no longer available at the origin server and that this condition is likely to be permanent.
So, if you have a resource that is something like /invoice/123/feelist and that resource will never be available, then the closest you can get is 410 because 404 has no indication as to whether the condition is permanent or not.


Correct HTTP Status Code for requests that has something wrong with the process but not an exception

The scenario is the client will request to delete an item in the table but the item is deleted already, not physically deleted so not a "NOT FOUND". Probably a 200 but it has not done the delete. Something like in between the 200 and a 500.
A return for a request for something to be done but it was not done successfully(so not a 200) but there is no exception(not a 500).
Status codes belong to the transfer documents over a network domain; you want to be thinking of them in terms of general purpose document transfer semantics, not anything specific to your implementation.
One of the interesting characteristics of unsafe idempotent methods is that they are, in a sense, declarative -- "make the resource be like this". If the resource is already in the desired state, you can return a success response to indicate that.
This is made explicit in RFC 7232, discussing the implications of If-Match headers:
An origin server MUST NOT perform the requested method if a received If-Match condition evaluates to false; instead, the origin server MUST respond with either a) the 412 (Precondition Failed) status code or b) one of the 2xx (Successful) status codes if the origin server has verified that a state change is being requested and the final state is already reflected in the current state of the target resource (i.e., the change requested by the user agent has already succeeded, but the user agent might not be aware of it, perhaps because the prior response was lost or a compatible change was made by some other user agent).
Fundamentally, HTTP doesn't constrain what servers do (implementation), but only what the messages mean (semantics). In the case of a No-Op, returning a message with a success code has perfectly satisfactory meaning, and in particular induces (in a standards compliant client) exactly the sorts of responses that we want.
Success codes can also be appropriate when an unsafe request changes a resource, but not in the expected way. Again, the server has authority over its own implementation, what we're largely interested in is what information is communicated to the client.
As an example, I submit a reimbursement request. What I expect is that my request goes to the "approved" state, but it might instead transition to "under review" if some business rule has kicked in. I still expect to receive a 2xx status code back, even though the server didn't do "what I wanted", because the message has been received and acted upon, and my previously cached copy of the resource involved is no longer valid.
If you are doing a request on a resource that doesn't exist, you can still just use 404 Not Found. Whether something is 'physically deleted' or not is irrelevant to the client.
If you know for a fact that it's deleted before and it's never coming back, 410 Gone is also appropriate

Correct HTTP response code for Delete API if resource is in use and cannot be deleted

I am working on a API which requests deletion of a resource. If the resource is in use i.e. has a reference with some other type of resource then it's not allowed to delete it. Also its highly unlikely that the resources in use will ever be freed up and would be eligible for deletion in future. What should be the response code of DELETE API in such scenarios ?
If disallowing deletion of a resource under certain circumstances is a business rule that the client should be aware of, an appropriate return code would be 400 (Bad request).
If the client can resolve the issue through action, by e.g. deleting the referencing resource first, another more specific code might be 409 (Conflict).
In either case the server should provide an explanation to the client as per
According to RFC-7231 (6.5.5) the 405 (Method Not Allowed) response code is cacheable and therefore might not be suitable for an endpoint where the chances of a subsequent request returning a different response code is merely 'highly unlikely' rather than impossible (according to the systems rules).
the 500 class of codes would not be appropriate becuase these indicate that deletion of the resource should be possible (according to the systems rules), but that the server was incapable of doing it for some reason. see RFC-7231 (6.6)
mark the resource as deleted on the server side (e.g. flag) and return 202 Accepted - The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not be eventually acted upon, and may be disallowed when processing occurs.
If it blocks further actions on the client i'd suggest 500 - internal error

Is a 404 http code appropriate when a successful REST query gives 0 results?

We had a bit of a heated debate at work this week regarding the proper use of HTTP error code 404. I feel that it is being used inappropriately in this situation, and they insist that "this is how it is everywhere".
Here's the scenario:
We have a REST API endpoint with a static URI like "" that accepts a json body during a POST operation to see if a server exists within the database. There is 1 server allowed per query.
The way it is designed, if the server exists, it returns http code 200 with the body of the message being the details of the server within the database. If it doesn't exist, then they return a 404 code with the message "server x is not found in database y".
I feel that this is incorrect because according to the standards from W3C 4xx codes are for client-related issues, and 404 is specifically if the server can not server up that specific URI. Further, this is not really an error, we would not only expect the occasional negative/empty response as part of the normal business, but that is expected to be the state on the majority of the calls.
Their response to this is that according to sources such as AWS REST Standards and ServiceNow REST Standards that 404 is appropriate because the query didn't find the server, therefore it couldn't find the resource (To which I feel that they are misinterpreting the term "resource").
So, who is correct here? Or is this more of a gray area than I think it is?
The relevant part of the specification here is Client Error 4xx.
Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition.
User agents SHOULD display any included representation to the user.
In other words, the status code is meta data that indicates to general-purpose components that the payload of the response is an explanation of the error, and not a representation of the resource.
If what you are actually doing is returning a representation of the resource which is at this moment an empty list, then you should be using a Successful code, not a Client Error code.
For example, if we have a resource that lists women who have been sworn into the office of President of the United States, the expression of that resource, as of 2019-09-25, would be an empty list. So a standard HTTP response would look like
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
On the other hand, this response says something completely different
404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
What this says is that there was no current representation of the requested resource, and the representation of the explanation of the problem is an empty list, so please show an empty list to the user so that they know what to do.
This is a neverending debate with no useful outcome. See for example How to design RESTful search/filtering?, Do web applications use HTTP as a transport layer, or do they count as an integral part of the HTTP server? (disclaimer: my question), and thousands of other questions on the Stack Exchange network and thousands of blogs like "which status code to pick for REST scenario XYZ".
The fact that you're using POST for a request with GET semantics, means you're already not properly applying REST. POST is used to create resources, not to find existing resources. If you have a "servers" resource collection, then you're dealing with "server" resources.
If you want to have a "find-server" endpoint, and you want to use POST to "create" a "find-server resource result", which you can then issue a GET request to to obtain your search results, you're a masochist who tries to shoehorn an application into a design philosophy that doesn't fit the problem domain.
So just be pragmatic. Does the endpoint exist? Yes, so 404 is not applicable. Return a 200 (the resource exists, the request is correct) with an body indicating no results were found, or a 204 ("no content") without a body.

Cannot Delete Last Contact - What Http Status Code?

I'm currently building a Web API and have a specific scenario that I cannot determine which HTTP Status Code would be most appropriate to return.
The Scenario
I have a "client" resource which owns a collection of contact resources.
The invariant is that a client must always have at least one contact. Therefore, if a request is made to delete a contact and this contact is the last remaining contact for the given client, I need to return an appropriate HTTP response indicating that the request cannot be fulfilled as you "Cannot Delete the last contact".
My feeling is this should fall under the category of "4xx Client Error's"
I've considered the following Status Codes:
400 Bad Request - I've ruled this out as it's specifically regarding malformed request's in which the server is unable to understand.
405 Method Not Allowed - at first this seems suitable, but I think 405 indicates that this method should never be allowed, however the above scenario is only transient. Thoughts?
409 Conflict - I've been leaning towards this, however the common example given for this code is generally a concurrency exception/edit conflict.
Does anyone have any guidance as to how I should respond in this scenario?
The key is to look at the expectations on the client and caches when a particular status code is used.
Here's some chunks of RFC2616 that are useful to look at:
10.4.1. 400 Bad Request
The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
This indicates that the request itself is completely wrong - either syntactically or by the protocol. Your specific case is really an application protocol error so this may indeed be appropriate.
10.4.6. 405 Method Not Allowed
The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI. The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource.
This is a transient status code. If the DELETE refers specifically to the contact resources itself (e.g., DELETE /contacts/D9DF5176-EEE4-4C70-8DA7-BA57B82027A8) then this is probably the most appropriate status code. However, if the DELETE is on a different resource or a resource with a query (e.g., DELETE /contacts?index=12), then I would not return a 405. Then again, I usually steer clear of using DELETE with anything resembling a query.
10.4.10. 409 Conflict
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. The response body SHOULD include enough information for the user to recognize the source of the conflict. Ideally, the response entity would include enough information for the user or user agent to fix the problem; however, that might not be possible and is not required.
This seems like the most appropriate status at first look. I would probably prefer a 400 in your case. A 409 would clearly indicate that there is a conflict with the resource but there really isn't anything that the requestor can do that could change the outcome short of completely altering the resource (i.e., add a contact first). Most of the 409 responses were optimistic concurrency failures such as trying to modify a resource that was modified since it was retrieved. For example, look at the concurrency failures returned by AtomServer built over Apache Adbera.
So with all of that. I would probably use something like 400 Cannot Delete Last Contact as the response line. Remember that you are allowed to change the phrase associated with the status code. This is a really good time to do such a thing.

HTTP response code for POST when resource already exists

I'm building a server that allows clients to store objects. Those objects are fully constructed at client side, complete with object IDs that are permanent for the whole lifetime of the object.
I have defined the API so that clients can create or modify objects using PUT:
PUT /objects/{id} HTTP/1.1
{json representation of the object}
The {id} is the object ID, so it is part of the Request-URI.
Now, I'm also considering allowing clients to create the object using POST:
POST /objects/ HTTP/1.1
{json representation of the object, including ID}
Since POST is meant as "append" operation, I'm not sure what to do in case the object is already there. Should I treat the request as modification request or should I return some error code (which)?
My feeling is 409 Conflict is the most appropriate, however, seldom seen in the wild of course:
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. The response body SHOULD include enough information for the user to recognize the source of the conflict. Ideally, the response entity would include enough information for the user or user agent to fix the problem; however, that might not be possible and is not required.
Conflicts are most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. For example, if versioning were being used and the entity being PUT included changes to a resource which conflict with those made by an earlier (third-party) request, the server might use the 409 response to indicate that it can't complete the request. In this case, the response entity would likely contain a list of the differences between the two versions in a format defined by the response Content-Type.
According to RFC 7231, a 303 See Other MAY be used If the result of processing a POST would be equivalent to a
representation of an existing resource.
It's all about context, and also who is responsible for handling duplicates of requests (server or client or both)
If server just point the duplicate, look at 4xx:
400 Bad Request - when the server will not process a request because it's obvious client fault
409 Conflict - if the server will not process a request, but the reason for that is not the client's fault
For implicit handling of duplicates, look at 2XX:
200 OK
201 Created
if the server is expected to return something, look at 3XX:
302 Found
303 See Other
when the server is able to point the existing resource, it implies a redirection.
If the above is not enough, it's always a good practice to prepare some error message in the body of the response.
Personally I go with the WebDAV extension 422 Unprocessable Entity.
According to RFC 4918
The 422 Unprocessable Entity status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415 Unsupported Media Type status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 Bad Request status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions.
Late to the game maybe but I stumbled upon this semantics issue while trying to make a REST API.
To expand a little on Wrikken's answer, I think you could use either 409 Conflict or 403 Forbidden depending on the situation - in short, use a 403 error when the user can do absolutely nothing to resolve the conflict and complete the request (e.g. they can't send a DELETE request to explicitly remove the resource), or use 409 if something could possibly be done.
10.4.4 403 Forbidden
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If
the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public
why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason
for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make
this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not
Found) can be used instead.
Nowadays, someone says "403" and a permissions or authentication issue comes to mind, but the spec says that it's basically the server telling the client that it's not going to do it, don't ask it again, and here's why the client shouldn't.
As for PUT vs. POST... POST should be used to create a new instance of a resource when the user has no means to or shouldn't create an identifier for the resource. PUT is used when the resource's identity is known.
9.6 PUT
The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is
reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a
POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed
entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to
some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations. In
contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with
the request -- the user agent knows what URI is intended and the
server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource.
If the server desires that the request be applied to a different URI,
it MUST send a 301 (Moved Permanently) response; the user agent MAY
then make its own decision regarding whether or not to redirect the
I would go with 422 Unprocessable Entity, which is used when a request is invalid but the issue is not in syntax or authentication.
As an argument against other answers, to use any non-4xx error code would imply it's not a client error, and it obviously is. To use a non-4xx error code to represent a client error just makes no sense at all.
It seems that 409 Conflict is the most common answer here, but, according to the spec, that implies that the resource already exists and the new data you are applying to it is incompatible with its current state. If you are sending a POST request, with, for example, a username that is already taken, it's not actually conflicting with the target resource, as the target resource (the resource you're trying to create) has not yet been posted. It's an error specifically for version control, when there is a conflict between the version of the resource stored and the version of the resource requested. It's very useful for that purpose, for example when the client has cached an old version of the resource and sends a request based on that incorrect version which would no longer be conditionally valid. "In this case, the response representation would likely contain information useful for merging the differences based on the revision history." The request to create another user with that username is just unprocessable, having nothing to do with any version conflict.
For the record, 422 is also the status code GitHub uses when you try to create a repository by a name already in use.
After having read this and several other, years-long, discussions on status code usage, the main conclusion I came to is that the specifications have to be read carefully, focusing on the terms being used, their definition, relationship, and the surrounding context.
What often happens instead, as can be seen from different answers, is that parts of the specifications are ripped of their context and interpreted in isolation, based on feelings and assumptions.
This is going to be a pretty long answer, the short summary of which is that HTTP 409 is the most appropriate status code to report the failure of an "add new resource" operation, in case a resource with the same identifier already exists. What follows is the explanation why, based solely on what's stated in the authoritative source - RFC 7231.
So why is 409 Conflict the most appropriate status code in a situation described in the OP's question?
RFC 7231 describes 409 Conflict status code as follows:
The 409 (Conflict) status code indicates that the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource.
The key components here are the target resource and its state.
Target resource
The resource is defined by the RFC 7231 as follows:
The target of an HTTP request is called a "resource". HTTP does not limit the nature of a resource; it merely defines an interface that might be used to interact with resources. Each resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), as described in Section 2.7 of [RFC7230].
So, when using a HTTP interface, we always operate on the resources identified by URIs, by applying HTTP methods to them.
When our intention is to add a new resource, based on the OP's examples, we can:
use PUT with the resource /objects/{id};
use POST with the resource /objects.
/objects/{id} is out of interest, because there can be no conflict when using a PUT method:
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be created or replaced with the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request message payload.
If the resource with the same identifier already exists, it will be replaced by PUT.
So we'll focus on the /objects resource and POST.
RFC 7231 says about the POST:
The POST method requests that the target resource process the representation enclosed in the request according to the resource's own specific semantics. For example, POST is used for the following functions (among others): ... 3) Creating a new resource that has yet to be identified by the origin server; and 4) Appending data to a resource's existing representation(s).
Contrary to how the OP understands POST method:
Since POST is meant as "append" operation...
Appending data to a resource's existing representation is just one of the possible POST "functions". Moreover, what the OP actually does in the provided examples, is not directly appending data to the /objects representation, but creating a new independent resource /objects/{id}, which then becomes part of the /objects representation. But that's not important.
What's important is the notion of the resource representation, and it brings us to...
Resource state
RFC 7231 explains:
Considering that a resource could be anything, and that the uniform interface provided by HTTP is similar to a window through which one can observe and act upon such a thing only through the communication of messages to some independent actor on the other side, an abstraction is needed to represent ("take the place of") the current or desired state of that thing in our communications. That abstraction is called a representation [REST].
For the purposes of HTTP, a "representation" is information that is intended to reflect a past, current, or desired state of a given resource, in a format that can be readily communicated via the protocol, and that consists of a set of representation metadata and a potentially unbounded stream of representation data.
That's not all, the specification continues to describe representation parts - metadata and data, but we can summarize that a resource representation, that consists of metadata (headers) and data (payload), reflects the state of the resource.
Now we have both parts needed to understand the usage of the 409 Conflict status code.
409 Conflict
Let's reiterate:
The 409 (Conflict) status code indicates that the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource.
So how does it fit?
We POST to /objects => our target resource is /objects.
OP does not describe the /objects resource, but the example looks like a common scenario where /objects is a resource collection, containing all individual "object" resources. That is, the state of the /objects resource includes the knowledge about all existing /object/{id} resources.
When the /objects resource processes a POST request it has to a) create a new /object/{id} resource from the data passed in the request payload; b) modify its own state by adding the data about the newly created resource.
When a resource to be created has a duplicate identifier, that is a resource with the same /object/{id} URI already exists, the /objects resource will fail to process the POST request, because its state already includes the duplicate /object/{id} URI in it.
This is exactly the conflict with the current state of the target resource, mentioned in the 409 Conflict status code description.
In your case you can use 409 Conflict
And if you want to check another HTTPs status codes from below list
1×× Informational
100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
102 Processing
2×× Success
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
207 Multi-Status
208 Already Reported
226 IM Used
3×× Redirection
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy
307 Temporary Redirect
308 Permanent Redirect
4×× Client Error
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Payload Too Large
414 Request-URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
417 Expectation Failed
418 I’m a teapot
421 Misdirected Request
422 Unprocessable Entity
423 Locked
424 Failed Dependency
426 Upgrade Required
428 Precondition Required
429 Too Many Requests
431 Request Header Fields Too Large
444 Connection Closed Without Response
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
499 Client Closed Request
5×× Server Error
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported
506 Variant Also Negotiates
507 Insufficient Storage
508 Loop Detected
510 Not Extended
511 Network Authentication Required
599 Network Connect Timeout Error
I don't think you should do this.
The POST is, as you know, to modify the collection and it's used to CREATE a new item. So, if you send the id (I think it's not a good idea), you should modify the collection, i.e., modify the item, but it's confusing.
Use it to add an item, without id. It's the best practice.
If you want to capture an UNIQUE constraint (not the id) you can response 409, as you can do in PUT requests. But not the ID.
"302 Found" sounds logical for me. And the RFC 2616 says that it CAN be answered for other requests than GET and HEAD (and this surely includes POST)
But it still keeps the visitor going to this URL to get this "Found" resource, by the RFC. To make it to go directly to the real "Found" URL one should be using "303 See Other", which makes sense, but forces another call to GET its following URL. On the good side, this GET is cacheable.
I think that I would use "303 See Other". I dont know if I can respond with the "thing" found in the body, but I would like to do so to save one roundtrip to the server.
UPDATE: After re-reading the RFC, I still think that an inexistent "4XX+303 Found" code should be the correct. However, the "409 Conflict" is the best existing answer code (as pointed by #Wrikken), maybe including a Location header pointing to the existing resource.
I think for REST, you just have to make a decision on the behavior for that particular system in which case, I think the "right" answer would be one of a couple answers given here. If you want the request to stop and behave as if the client made a mistake that it needs to fix before continuing, then use 409. If the conflict really isn't that important and want to keep the request going, then respond by redirecting the client to the entity that was found. I think proper REST APIs should be redirecting (or at least providing the location header) to the GET endpoint for that resource following a POST anyway, so this behavior would give a consistent experience.
It's also worth noting that you should consider a PUT since you're providing the ID. Then the behavior is simple: "I don't care what's there right now, put this thing there." Meaning, if nothing is there, it'll be created; if something is there it'll be replaced. I think a POST is more appropriate when the server manages that ID. Separating the two concepts basically tells you how to deal with it (i.e. PUT is idempotent so it should always work so long as the payload validates, POST always creates, so if there is a collision of IDs, then a 409 would describe that conflict).
Another potential treatment is using PATCH after all. A PATCH is defined as something that changes the internal state and is not restricted to appending.
PATCH would solve the problem by allowing you to update already existing items. See: RFC 5789: PATCH
What about 208 - ? Is that a option?
In my opinion, if the only thing is a repeat resource no error should be raised. After all, there is no error neither on the client or server sides.
Stumbled upon this question while checking for correct code for duplicate record.
Pardon my ignorance but I don't understand why everyone is ignoring the code "300" which clearly says "multiple choice" or "Ambiguous"
In my opinion this would be the perfect code for building a non standard or a particular system for your own use. I could be wrong as well!
More likely it is 400 Bad Request
[**6.5.1. 400 Bad Request**][1]
The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or
will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be
a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request
message framing, or deceptive request routing).
As the request contains duplicate value(value that already exists), it can be perceived as a client error. Need to change the request before the next try.
By considering these facts we can conclude as HTTP STATUS 400 Bad Request.
Since you mentioned that the object create request using post contains the ID of the object, you should make it an idempotent request. Just return the exact same response as a successful create request. Idempotent request makes APIs simpler, eg. now client doesn't have to worry about 2 different cases (success, failure). or client can safely retry the request, in case something goes wrong in connectivity/ server temporarily down.
Error 402, payment required
I.E. this resource already exists but if you give me enough money I'll delete the current one and give it to you :D
...but looking at mozilla's definition of status codes at
as a more serious answer that no one has provided here, what about 451: unavailable for legal reasons. You cannot "legally(by terms and conditions put in place by yourself)" give multiple people access to the same account information
422 is also a good option which is Unprocessable Entity
The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. since it is a perfectly valid request but due to it being semantically equal to another entry, it cannot be followed.
This is a user side fault and belongs to 4xx group. This is the right answer