Can you the coccon gem without a direct nested association? - cocoon-gem

I have to convert my form to not using nested association. In other words, instead of
<%= link_to_add_association f, :contacts, class: 'btn btn-primary', partial: 'projects/contact_fields', data: {
association_insertion_node: '.contact_fields', association_insertion_method: :append
} do %>
<i class="fas fa-plus"></i>
<% end %>
<%= f.fields_for :contacts do |contact| %>
<%= render 'projects/contact_fields', f: contact %>
<% end %>
I would like to be able to just pass in a string to be used as the container (similar to how you can with field_for).
<%= link_to_add_association 'contacts[]', 'projects/contact_fields', class: 'btn btn-primary', partial: 'projects/contact_fields', data: {
association_insertion_node: '.contact_fields', association_insertion_method: :append
} do %>
<i class="fas fa-plus"></i>
<% end %>
<% #contacts.each_with_index do |contact, index| %>
<%= fields_for "contacts[#{index}]", contact do |c| %>
<%= render 'projects/contact_fields', f: c %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Cocoon is currently unable to edit/manage a collection. Cocoon is just helping the form-behaviour for nested-children functionality in rails, so there is no simple solution to edit an array or collection. On the other hand, this is in general pretty simple to implement without cocoon.
Very high level, do something like:
#contacts.each do |contact|
= render `contacts/edit`, contact: contact
= render `contacts/new`
so render the edit form for each existing contact, and render an empty new form. You will have to edit your controller functionality a little, because you will always re-render the complete collection/index page (with all existing contacts in the collection?).
So you can just render multiple forms on one page. Using turbolinks this will render fast and feel actually completely the same. You could use xhr to update only specific parts of the page, but to get started that is not even needed.

So I ended up following drifting ruby and using code from the cocoon gem to implement something myself. I hope others can benefit from it. Thank you nathanvda for the cocoon gem which helped me with the code below, really wish I could have used it:
add this to your app/helpers/application_helper.rb
def link_to_add_row(*args, &block)
if block_given?
link_to_add_row(capture(&block), *args)
name, association, new_object, partial, html_options = *args
html_options ||= {}
html_options[:class] = [html_options[:class], "custom_add_fields"].compact.join(' ')
fields = fields_for("#{association}[#{id}]", new_object, child_index: id) do |builder|
render( partial, f: builder)
fields = CGI.escapeHTML(fields).html_safe
link_to(name, '#', class: html_options[:class], data: {id: id, fields: fields})
add to your app/assets/application.js
$(document).on('click', '.custom_remove_fields', function(event) {
return event.preventDefault();
$(document).on('click', '.custom_add_fields', function(event) {
var regexp, time;
time = new Date().getTime();
regexp = new RegExp($(this).data('id'), 'g');
$('.contact_fields').append($(this).data('fields').replace(regexp, time));
return event.preventDefault();
In your template you can use the following to render a partial for the collection:
<%= link_to_add_row('contacts',, 'contact_fields', class: 'btn btn-primary') do %>
<i class="fas fa-plus"></i>
<% end %>
This is how I render the partial with the collections in my template:
<tbody class="contact_fields">
<% #contacts.each_with_index do |contact, index| %>
<%= fields_for "contacts[#{index}]", contact do |c| %>
<%= render 'contact_fields', f: c %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
This is what my contact_fields.html.erb partial looks like.
<tr class="nested-fields">
<%= f.text_field :fullname, class: 'form-control invoke-contacts-search contact-fullname' %>
<%= f.text_field :email, class: 'form-control invoke-contacts-search contact-email' %>
<%= f.text_field :phone, class: 'form-control contact-phone' %>
<%= f.text_field :department, class: 'form-control contact-department' %>
<%= f.text_field :manager, class: 'form-control contact-manager' %>
<%= f.hidden_field :id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :_destroy %>
<%= link_to '#', class: 'btn btn-danger custom_remove_fields' do %>
<i class="fas fa-trash-alt"></i>
<% end %>


Standard Rails form + Cocoon gem: undefined method `new_record?' for nil:NilClass error

I'm following this tutorial and the author is using Slim. Since I more familiar with standard Rails form, I try to change the slim markup to normal form like so:
<%= render 'form' %>
<%= form_for(#user) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= fields_for :user_photos do |photo| %>
<%= render "user_photo_fields", f: photo %>
<span class="links">
<%= link_to_add_association "add photo", f, :user_photos %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
<div class="nested-fields">
<div class="field">
<%= f.file_field :photo %>
<%= link_to_remove_association "remove", f %>
And, this is my models:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_photos
validates_presence_of :name
accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_photos, allow_destroy: true
class UserPhoto < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
mount_uploader :photo, PhotoUploader
And lastly, strong params inside the users_controller.rb. I didn't touch the rest methods inside the controller because I'm using rails g scaffold user name:string generator.
def user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:name, user_photos_attributes: [:id, :photo, :_destroy])
I get this error:
undefined method `new_record?' for nil:NilClass
What am I missing here?
I believe it's just a simple typo - your fields_for :user_photos should be f.fields_for :user_photos (so that it's properly connected to the parent form).
please try with this.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_photos
validates_presence_of :name
accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_photos, allow_destroy: true
can you try to fix this by removing the f
<div class="nested-fields">
<div class="field">
<%= file_field :photo %>
<%= link_to_remove_association "remove" %>

How to DRY two slightly different forms?

I know about partial in rails, but it seems that I can only re-use exactly the same form with partial.
What if I have two forms that differ only in one field? For example, in my classroom app, I have one form for a peer-grader and one form for a teacher-grader.
The teacher's form is as follows. The peer-grader form is exactly the same, minus the grade field. How do I DRY this?
<%= form_for #doc,
url: student_homework_document_path(student_id: #doc.submitter_id,
html: { multipart: true } do |f| %>
<%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>
<%= f.label :grade %>
<%= f.number_field :grade %>
<%= f.label :graded_file %>
<%= f.file_field :graded_file %>
<%= f.label :graded_file_source_code %>
<%= f.file_field :graded_file_source_code %>
<%= f.submit "Submit grading", class: "btn btn-large" %>
<% end %>
I would have thought you had one controller called teachers and one called peers or something. You could keep the form the same but add a variable to the peer-grader method such as #peer_grader = true. Then in your form add:
<% if #peer_grader = true %>
<%= f.label :grade %>
<%= f.number_field :grade %>
<% end %>
You would also need to set another variable called #url in both controllers set to the correct path and then update the form to:
<%= form_for #doc, url: #url, html: { multipart: true } do |f| %>

how to set selected value in <%= f.select_tag %> dropdown list, how?

i have a long list dropdown menu including all currencies, i want the last selected value to be the default selected value in the list.
i am using Rails 4.0.0 and ruby 2.0.0
i am not using a model, i am just using a controller. i have put the dropdown list options inside a helper.
<div class="calculator">
<%= form_for :convertor, :url => {:controller => "converter", :action => "show" } do |f| %>
<%= f.label :from_currency %>
<%= :from_currency, options_for_select(currencies, :selected => params[:from_currency]) %>
<%= f.text_field :amount, :placeholder => "Amount", id: "textfield" %>
<%= #amount %>
<%= f.label :to_currency %>
<%= :to_currency, options_for_select(currencies, :selected => params[:to_currency].to_i ) %>
<%= #result %>
<%= f.submit "Calculate", class: "btn btn-large btn-primary", id: "submitButton" %>
<% end %>
the list options are loaded from a helper *<%= :to_currency, options_for_select(currencies, :selected => params[:to_currency].to_i ) %>* with name currencies
the dropdown list, in a helper
def currencies
['United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED)', 'AED'],
['Netherlands Antillean Guilder (ANG)', 'ANG'],
['Argentine Peso (ARS)', 'ARS'],
['Australian Dollar (A$)', 'AUD'],
['Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)', 'BDT'],
['Bulgarian Lev (BGN)', 'BGN'],
['Bahraini Dinar (BHD)', 'BHD'],
what am i doing wrong here?
A couple of things:
options_for_select takes two arguments: the list of options and the value that you want selected.
You're passing through the value as a hash: :selected => params...
The parameter name is wrong.
In your controller, you're saying that the parameter is called this:
But in your view, you have params[:from_currency].
Therefore, the solution to this is to do this:
<%= :from_currency, options_for_select(currencies, params[:convertor][:from_currency]) %>
This code works for me.
in application helper
module ApplicationHelper
def opts_for_select_cur
opts_for_select = [
['United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED)', 'AED'],
['Netherlands Antillean Guilder (ANG)', 'ANG'],
['Argentine Peso (ARS)', 'ARS'],
['Australian Dollar (A$)', 'AUD'],
['Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)', 'BDT'],
['Bulgarian Lev (BGN)', 'BGN'],
['Bahraini Dinar (BHD)', 'BHD'],
return opts_for_select
and in view
<script type="text/javascript">
var inputText = $('#st :selected').val();
$("a").attr("href", "?value="+inputText );
var inputText = $('#st :selected').val();
$("a").attr("href", "?value="+inputText );
<%= :text, options_for_select(opts_for_select_cur, params[:value]), {}, { id: "st" } %>
<%= link_to "refresh",nil, id: "aa" %>
the result is a select box with selected value.
this can help
<%= f.label :from_currency %>
<% if #from_cur.present? %>
<%= :from_currency, options_for_select(currencies, #from_cur) %>
<% else %>
<%= :from_currency, options_for_select(currencies), :required => true %>
<% end %>
<%= f.text_field :amount, :placeholder => "Amount", :required => true, id: "textfield" %>
<%= f.label :to_currency %>
<% if #from_cur.present? %>
<%= :to_currency, options_for_select(currencies, #to_cur), :required => true %>
<% else %>
<%= :to_currency, options_for_select(currencies), :required => true %>
<% end %>
i appreciate.

Rails 3 Edit Multiple Records in a Single Form

I've been stuck on this problem for a couple of days now.
I've have some success with Railscasts Episode #198, but that one is for Rails 2. There have been some changes in Rails 3 that make it so the code provided in Episode #198 won't work.
The problem lies within the edit_individual.html.erb:
Original Code (provided by Ryan # Railscasts):
<% form_tag update_individual_products_path, :method => :put do %>
<% for product in #products %>
<% fields_for "products[]", product do |f| %>
<h2><%=h %></h2>
<%= render "fields", :f => f %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<p><%= submit_tag "Submit" %></p>
<% end %>
Modified Code (simply changed fields_for to form_for):
<% form_tag update_individual_products_path, :method => :put do %>
<% for product in #products %>
<% form_for "products[]", product do |f| %>
<h2><%=h %></h2>
<%= render "fields", :f => f %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<p><%= submit_tag "Submit" %></p>
<% end %>
In the new code, each record is placed within a form of their own, all inside one single form (which is the one I only want).
My question is, how can I get the code provided by Railscasts Episode #198 to work in Rails 3?
Here is a link to the Railscast I mentioned:
Thank You,
I found the solution. Just need to modify the following line in the code provided by Ryan # Railscasts:
<% fields_for "products[]", product do |f| %>
and change it to:
<%= fields_for "products[]", product do |f| %>
Notice, that the <% has been modified to <%=.
final solution:
<% form_tag update_individual_products_path :method => :put do %>
<% for product in #products %>
<%= fields_for "products[]", product do |f| %>
<h2><%= h %></h2>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<p><%= submit_tag "Submit" %></p>
<% end %>
I was wondering if anyone could explain this solution to me. From what I understand you should only need a <% in front of the fields_for.
The change in Rails 3 from <% fields_for to <%= fields_for is because it was confusing that form_for, form_tag, etc... were using <% form... %> even though they they were outputting html code.
With Rails 3, since they output html code, they use <%=.
Please note that your first line is deprecated:
<% form_tag update_individual_products_path, :method => :put do %>
should be
<%= form_tag update_individual_products_path, :method => :put do %>
Same for all form tags.

Rails 3 form_for helper not submitting action correctly

I have this form:
<% #page_title = "Delete Technician: #{}" %>
<%= link_to("<< Back to List", {:action => 'list', :id =>}, :class => 'back-link') %>
<div class="technician delete">
<h2>Delete Technician</h2>
<%= form_for(:technician, :url => {:action => 'destroy', :id =>}) do |f| %>
<p>Are you sure you want to permanently delete this technician?</p>
<p class="reference-name"><%= %></p>
<div class="form-buttons">
<%= submit_tag("Delete Technician") %>
<% end %>
when I click on the submit button this is the url that I get:
instead of
am I not using the form_for helper correctly or is it a configuration somewhere?
You're making this more complicated than it needs to be. There is no reason for a form when a link or a button would do. Why not just this
<p>Are you sure you want to permanently delete this technician</p>
<div> <%= link_to "Delete", technician_path(#technician), :method => :delete %> </div>
That's it.